Western Digital Scorpio Black WD1200BEKT, Scorpio Black WD2500BEKT, Scorpio Black WD1200BJKT, Scorpio WD2500BJKT, Scorpio Black WD3200BEKT Specifications

WD Scorpio®Black
2.5-inch SATA Hard Drives
Desktop-class Performance
Low Power Consumption
Ultra-cool and Quiet
WD Scorpio Black
• Desktop-class performance – With 7200 RPM spin speed, 16 MB cache, and capacities up to 320 GB, these drives enable you to have the best of both worlds: the capacity and performance of a desktop PC with the convenience and portability of a notebook.
• Massive capacity – WD’s 320 GB 2.5-inch drives offer huge capacity for space-hungry operating systems like Windows Vista
plus plenty of room left over for photos, music, and video.
• Low power consumption – With technologies like IntelliSeek
, which calculates optimum seek speeds to lower power consumption and SecurePark
, which reduces power by parking the heads during low power idle mode, this drive delivers 5400 RPM­equivalent power consumption in a 7200 RPM drive.
Desktop-class Performance for Notebook Computers.
Ideal for portable digital devices of all kinds, including notebook computers, external storage, and digital media players.
WD Scorpio Black 2.5-inch SATA Hard Drives
Key Specifications
Interface: SATA Form Factor: 2.5-inch Spin Speed: 7200 RPM Cache: 16 MB Limited Warranty: 5-year
80 GB – 320 GB
Western Digital, WD, the WD logo, Put Your Life On It, and WD Scorpio are registered trademarks in the U.S. and other countries; Black, Blue, FIT Lab, SecurePark, IntelliSeek, ShockGuard, and WhisperDrive are trademarks of Western Digital Technologies, Inc. Other marks may be mentioned herein that belong to other companies. Pictures shown may vary from actual product. Not all products may be available in all regions of the world. All product and packaging specifications subject to change without notice. © 2008 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
One gigabyte (GB) = one billion bytes. Total accessible capacity varies depending on operating environment.
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Capacities and Models
Featuring WD’s Exclusive Intelligent Drive Technology
• Quiet – In a notebook drive, silence is golden. WD’s exclusive WhisperDrive
combines state-of-the-art seeking algorithms to yield
one of the quietest 2.5-inch hard drives on the market.
• Reliable and rugged – WD’s ShockGuard
technology protects the drive mechanics and platter surfaces from shocks during shipping and handling and in daily operation.
WD’s SecurePark parks the recording heads off the disk surface during spin up, spin down and when the drive is off. This ensures the recording head never touches the disk surface resulting in improved long-term reliability due to less head wear and improved shock tolerance.
• Free-fall sensor – As an added layer of protection, if the drive (or the system it’s in) is dropped while in use, WD’s free-fall sensor detects that the drive is falling and, in less than 200 milliseconds, parks the head to help prevent damage and data loss. (Available on WDxxxxBJKT models only)
• Compatible – We perform tests on hundreds of systems and a multitude of platforms in our FIT Lab
and Mobile Compatibility Lab to give WD
customers confidence that our drives will work in their systems.
WD Scorpio Black
320 GB WD3200BEKT, WD3200BJKT
250 GB WD2500BEKT, WD2500BJKT
160 GB WD1600BEKT, WD1600BJKT
120 GB WD1200BEKT, WD1200BJKT
WDxxxxBJKT models ship with WD’s free-fall sensor for an added layer of protection.
WD Scorpio Black is part of WD's complete lineup of mobile hard drives.