Westermo MRD-3x0 User Manual

Web configuration
reference guide
Westermo Teleindustri AB • 2008
3G Cellular Modem / Router
Web configuration reference guide
2 6623-3201
Table of Contents
1   Basic Configuration ...................... 4
1.1   Configure the 3G Wireless interface .. 4
1.1.1  Network Configuration .......................... 5
1.1.2  Setting the SIM card PIN ........................ 5
1.1.3  Adding a Network 
Connection Profile ...................................6
1.1.4  Enable the Wireless Connection .......... 9
1.1.5  Checking the Status of the 
Connection ..............................................10
1.2   Configure the LAN interface and 
DHCP Server .......................................... 12
1.2.1  Setting the IP Address ...........................12
1.2.2  Enabling DHCP ....................................... 12
1.3   Configure clients to use the 
MRD-3xx ..................................................14
2   System Administration .............. 15
2.1   Administration ........................................15
2.2   System Information ................................17
2.3   Configuration Backup & Restore .......18
2.4   Firmware Upgrade ................................. 20
2.5   SNMP ........................................................22
2.6   GPIO .........................................................23
3   Wireless Interface Configuration 24
3.1   Network Configuration ........................25
3.1.1  Wireless Operating Mode ...................26
3.1.2  Operating Frequency Band .................. 27
3.1.3  Setting the SIM card PIN ...................... 27
3.2   Packet Mode Configuration ................. 29
3.2.1  Adding a Network Connection 
Profile ........................................................29
3.2.2  Deleting a Profile....................................32
3.2.3  Editing a Profile .......................................33
3.2.4  Enable the Wireless Connection ........ 34
3.2.5  Checking the Status of the 
Connection ..............................................35
3.3   Connection Management .....................39
3.3.1  Connection Establishment ................... 40
3.3.2  Connection Maintenance .....................42
3.3.3  Remote Poll Setup .................................43
3.3.4  Miscellaneous Options ..........................44
3.3.5  Connect on Demand ............................45
3.4   Circuit Switched Data (CSD) Mode..45
3.4.1  CSD Single Port......................................46
3.4.2  CSD Multiplexed .................................... 47
3.5   SMS Triggers ............................................50
3.5.1  Trigger configuration ............................. 50
3.5.2  Access Control .......................................52 Example: Default policy accept.........53 Example: Default policy to Drop .....54
4   Network ...................................... 56
4.1   LAN Interface .........................................56
4.1.1  Changing the IP Settings of the 
LAN Interface .........................................56
4.1.2  Disabling the LAN Interface ................ 58
4.2   DHCP Server Configuration ...............59
4.3   Configuring clients to use the 
MRD-3xx ..................................................60
4.4   Domain Name System (DNS) ............61
4.4.1  DNS Proxy ..............................................61
4.4.2  Manual DNS Configuration .................62
4.4.3  Dynamic DNS Client Configuration.. 62
5   Firewall ........................................ 64
5.1   Firewall Setup ..........................................64
5.1.1  Network Address and 
Port Translation (NAPT) ......................65
5.1.2   Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) ......... 65
5.1.3  Connection tracking options...............66
5.2   Access Control .......................................67
5.2.1  Accessing unit services from the 
wireless port or VPN tunnels .............68
5.3   DoS Filters ............................................... 69
5.3.1  Enabling the Denial of Service filters 70
5.4   Custom Filters ........................................71
5.4.1  Description ..............................................71
5.4.2  New Custom Filter Options ...............72
5.4.3  Adding a new custom filter .................75
5.4.4  Editing a Custom Filter ......................... 79
5.4.5  Deleting a Custom Filter...................... 81
5.5   Port Forwarding .....................................83
5.5.1  Port Forward Options ..........................84
5.5.2  Adding a new port forward .................86
5.5.3  Editing a port forward .......................... 89
5.5.4  Deleting a port forward .......................91
5.6   Custom NAT ...........................................93
5.6.1  Description ..............................................93
5.6.2  Custom NAT Options ..........................94
5.6.3  Adding a new custom NAT .................97
5.6.4  Editing a Custom NAT .......................100
5.6.5  Deleting a Custom NAT ....................102
6   Virtual Private Network (VPN) 104
6.1   Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN. ......105
6.1.1  SSL VPN Configuration .......................106
6.1.2  Connecting to a VPN Server .............110
6.2   Internet Protocol Security 
(IPsec) VPN ............................................115
6.2.1  General IPsec Configuration .............115
6.2.2  Adding an IPsec Tunnel .......................118
6.2.3  IPsec Configuration Example.............130
6.3   PPTP and L2TP .....................................138
6.3.1  Point-to-Point-Tunneling-Protocol ...138
6.3.2  Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol ......................139
6.3.3  PPTP and L2TP Configuration ..........140
6.3.4  Add a PPTP or L2TP Tunnel ..............141
6.3.5  PPTP Configuration Example ............143
6.4   Multiple VPN Tunnels ...........................147
6.5   Certificate Management .....................148
6.5.1  Add a Certificate ..................................149
6.5.2  Checking the Certificate Details ......151
6.5.3  Adding Further Certificates...............152
6.5.4  Deleting a Certificate ..........................154
7.2.2  Packet framer settings ........................160
7.3   Raw TCP Client/Server .......................162
7.3.1  Description ............................................162
7.3.2  Selecting the port function ................162
7.3.3  Configuring the port function ...........163
7.4   Raw UDP ...............................................166
7.4.1  Description ............................................166
7.4.2  Selecting the port function ................166
7.4.3  Configuring the port function ...........167
7.5   Unit Emulator .......................................169
7.5.1  Description ............................................169
7.5.2  Selecting the port function ................169
7.5.3  Configuring the port function ...........170
7.6   DNP3 IP-Serial Gateway ....................174
7.6.1  Description ............................................174
7.6.2  Selecting the port function ................175
7.6.3  Configuring the port function ...........176
7.7   Modbus IP-Serial Gateway .................180
7.7.1  Description ............................................180
7.7.2  Selecting the port function ................180
7.7.3  Configuring the port function ...........181
7.8   Telnet (RFC 2217) Server ..................183
7.8.1  Description ............................................183
7.8.2  Selecting the port function ................184
7.8.3  Configuring the port function ...........185
7.9   Phone Book ...........................................187
7.9.1  Description ............................................187
7.9.2  Phone Book Options ..........................188
7.9.3  Adding a new phone book entry .....189
7.9.4  Editing a phone book entry ...............192
7.9.5  Deleting a phone book entry ............193
8  AT Command set ..................... 195
7   Serial Server ............................. 156
7.1   Selecting a port function ....................156
7.2   Common configuration options .......158
7.2.1  Serial port settings ...............................158
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1 Basic Configuration
The three sections below detail the steps needed to config­ure the MRD-3xx for basic packet mode functionality. For  details on configuring the unit for Circuit Switched mode  and for more advanced configuration refer to the Advanced  Configuration section.
1.1 Configure the 3G Wireless interface
To access the configuration page for the 3G Wireless inter­face, click on Wireless. The Basic Wireless configuration page  will be displayed as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Wireless Interface Basic configuration.
1.1.1 Network Configuration
The Network Configuration section contains the settings for  the operational mode and the frequency band of the unit, the  default settings will usually be adequate to connect the unit to  a packet based network.
1.1.2 Setting the SIM card PIN
The SIM card may have a PIN associated with it and may  require the PIN to be entered before the unit can access the  SIM. To set the SIM PIN click Setup. A dialog box as shown in 
Figure 2 will be displayed.
Figure 2: SIM PIN control dialog.
Set the field marked Enter when requested to Yes and enter the  PIN in the New PIN and Confirm PIN entry boxes. Then click  the Set button to save the PIN.
Click "Set" to complete
Figure 3: SIM PIN control dialog.
Set to "Yes"
Enter PIN in both text boxes
6 6623-3201
1.1.3 Adding a Network Connection Profile
To access the wireless packet mode settings click on the  Packet mode tab. The screen shown in Figure 4 will be displayed.  The page shows the connection configuration details and is  divided into two sections. The first section shows the current  connection state and the selected profile and the second sec­tion lists the available profiles. A connection profile groups  together the settings required to connect to a provider's  network. The unit allows multiple profiles to be configured to  allow quick changes to the network connection settings. For  most applications only one profile is required.
Figure 4: Wireless Interface Packet mode settings
The 3G network provider will provide the items listed below  which should be entered into the appropriate fields in the Add new profile section as shown in Figure 5.
APN (Access Point Name)• Dial string• Authentication (None / PAP / CHAP)• Username• Password•
Note: In order to set a password click the check-box marked  New. The password can now be entered in the text field.  The password is visible as it is being typed so that it can be  checked for errors prior to being set. Once set the password  will no longer be visible.
Note: The provider may not supply a username and password  if network authentication is not required. In this case set the  Authentication to None, leave the username blank and do not  set a password. 
Enter APN
Enter dial string
Set Authentication
Enter username
Enter password
Click "Update"  to save profile
Figure 5: Adding a new profile.
8 6623-3201
Once the data has been entered click the Update button  to add the profile. The screen will now change to show the  added profile as shown in Figure 6. As this is the only profile  entered it will be automatically selected as the current profile  and the profile entry will be shaded green to indicate that it is  the selected profile.
Figure 6: Profile added and selected.
1.1.4 Enable the Wireless Connection
To complete the configuration of the wireless connection, set  the Connection state to Always connect and click the Update  button to save the changes. Once the changes have been set,  the MRD-3xx will initiate a 3G connection. Connection will  normally take up to 30 seconds. Figure 7 shows the completed  wireless configuration.
Figure 7: Completed wireless configuration.
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1.1.5 Checking the Status of the Connection
To check the status of the connection select Status from the  top level menu and then select Wireless from the second level  menu. The Wireless status page will be displayed which will  look similar to that shown in Figure 8. The status of the con­nection will change as the unit connects to the network, first  it will report Checking then Connecting and finally Connected. To  see the value changing the page will need to reload.
Figure 8: Wireless Status page.
Note: If the status is reported as Error then check that the  profile settings have been entered correctly as shown in  Section 3.2.1 Once connected the Status Alarms page should have no faults  listed as shown in Figure 9
Figure 9: Status alarm page.
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1.2 Configure the LAN interface and DHCP Server
To access the configuration page for the LAN interface and  DHCP Server, select Network from the top level menu and 
LAN from the sub menu. The LAN interface screen similar to  Figure 10 will be shown.
Figure 10: LAN interface configuration.
1.2.1 Setting the IP Address
If it is desired to change the IP address of the LAN port, fol­low the steps below:
Enter the new IP address and netmask in the • Interface Configuration table. Click • Update to set the changes. Once the changes  have been set, the IP address of the MRD-3xx Unit  will change. Enter the new address in the browser  on the PC. It will be necessary to login again, follow­ing the procedure described in the previous section.
1.2.2 Enabling DHCP
The DHCP server allows clients on the local network to  be automatically allocated IP addresses from the MRD-310.  The unit will also provide the clients with network settings  like their default route and DNS servers. By default the  DHCP server is disabled but if enabled it will be configured 
to serve IP addresses in the range through, and the Default and Maximum lease times have  been set to 1440 minutes. So if these values are consistent  with the network that the MRD-310 is connected to, then the  DHCP can be enabled by setting the Enabled field to Yes and  clicking the Update button.  If the standard settings are not applicable for the connected  network, then refer to Figure 11 and follow the steps below,  to configure the DHCP server:
Figure 11: DHCP configuration.
Set to "Yes" to  enable DHCP server
Set the DHCP  IP address range
Set the DHCP  lease times
Click "Update"  to save changes
Choose a group of available IP addresses on the • local network. For example, if the IP address  of the MRD-3xx is with a net­mask of, a group chosen could be to This will provide 31  addresses for clients. Under the DHCP Server Configuration table, •
Set the o Enabled option to Yes. Enter the first address of the group in the o Start Address box. Enter the last address of the group in the o End Address box. Enter a lease time for the o Default Lease time. Enter a lease time for the o Maximum Lease
Click • Update to set the changes.
14 6623-3201
1.3 Configure clients to use the MRD-3xx
The MRD-3xx will act as a gateway for connections destined  over the wireless interface. The default configuration will pro­vide Network Address Translation and firewalling to protect  clients on the local network.
To configure clients to use the MRD-3xx as their gateway:
If the clients have a DHCP address allocated by the • MRD-3xx, they will have learned the necessary set­tings. No further configuration is needed. If clients have static IP addresses, set their default • route and DNS server to the IP address of the  MRD-3xx. 
2 System Administration
The System Administration functions are accessed by selecting  the System tab of the main menu.
2.1 Administration
To access the Administration features, select • Administration from the System sub-menu, a page  similar to that shown in Figure 12 will be displayed.
Figure 12: System Administration page.
16 6623-3201
The options available are:
Set the required hostname for the MRD-3xx.• 
Check time with NTP Server
Set to Yes to synchronise the internal clock with a NTP  server.
Specify the timezone for location of the MRD-3xx.
Manually set time
Click button to set time manually.
Edit users and passwords
Click button to edit users and passwords.
Timed reboot
Specify a time in hours after which the MRD-3xx will  automatically reboot. Set to 0 to disable automatic re­boot.
Reboot unit
Click the Reboot button to immediately reboot the MRD­3xx.
2.2 System Information
The MRD-3xx System Information is accessed by selecting the  System Information tab from the System sub-menu. An example  of the System Information page is shown in Figure 13. The first  section of the page lists the Model and serial number of the  unit, plus the firmware and boot-loader version. The seconds  part of the page lists the LAN MAC address the IMEI of the  wireless module, wireless IMSI ant the wireless software ver­sion.
Figure 13: System Information page.
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2.3 Configuration Backup & Restore
The configuration of the MRD-3xx can be saved as a file to a  PC. This file can then be used to restore the configuration of  the unit at some later time or used to configure multiple units  with the same configuration. To access the configuration back­up restore options select Backup & Upgrade from the System  sub-menu.  The Backup & Upgrade page will be displayed as  shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14: Backup and Upgrade page.
To save the current configuration click on the link in the sec­tion titled Backup current configuration. A pop-up box similar to  that shown in Figure 15 will be displayed, select Save to Disk  and click OK and select a suitable location to save the file.
Figure 15: Save configuration.
To restore a configuration, click the Browse button in the sec­tion titled Restore a saved configuration select the configuration  file, which should then be shown in the text box, as shown in  Figure 16, click the Upload button to transfer the file to the  MRD-3xx. Once the upload is complete, the MRD-3xx will  need to be rebooted so the restored configuration can take  affect. The details for performing a reboot can be found in the  Administration section.
Figure 16: Restore configuration.
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2.4 Firmware Upgrade
The MRD-3xx firmware can be upgraded via the web inter­face. To access the firmware upgrade page select Backup & Upgrade from the System sub-menu, the Backup & Upgrade  page will be displayed as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17: Backup and Upgrade page.
To upgrade the MRD-3xx firmware click the Browse button in  the section titled Upgrade MRD-3xx firmware then select the  navigate to and select the upgrade file. 
Figure 18: Select firmware upgrade file.
To upload the file to the MRD-3xx click the Upload button.  The file will now be uploaded to the MRD-3xx  and, when it  is complete, information on the upgrade file will be displayed,  as shown in Figure 19. At this point the you can chose to can­cel the upgrade by clicking the Cancel Upgrade button.
Figure 19: Upload the upgrade file.
To proceed with the upgrade click the Upgrade button, the  page will change to that shown in Figure 20. The firmware  upgrade will now proceed.
Figure 20: Upload the upgrade file.
Note: The upgrade will take several minutes to complete  after which the MRD-3xx will reboot, during this time the  power to the MRD-3xx must not be removed.
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2.5 SNMP
The MRD-3xx supports SNMP for network management of  the unit. The SNMP configuration page can be accessed by  selecting the SNMP tab of the System sub-menu.
Figure 21: The SNMP configuration page.
2.6 GPIO (MRD-330 only)
The MRD-330 has two general purpose digital inputs and two  general purpose digital outputs, the options for these can be  found by selecting GPIO on the System sub-menu.
Figure 22: The General Prupose I/O configutration page.
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3 Wireless Interface Configuration
This section describes the 3G Wireless interface options of  the MRD-3xx. The MRD-3xx supports two modes of opera­tion: packet mode and Circuit Switched Data (CSD) mode. 
The Wireless menu contains the settings for the Wireless  Interface. To display the settings, click on the Wireless tab on  the top menu bar.
The subsections of the configuration are:
Configure the operation mode, select the frequency band of  operation and set the SIM PIN.
Packet mode
Configure the packet mode.
Connection Management
Advanced configuration of the network connection.
Circuit switched mode
Configure the circuit switched data mode.
Configure the Short Message Service (SMS) functionality of  the unit.
Configure the event reporting of the unit.
3.1 Network Configuration
The Wireless Network options are used to set the operat­ing mode, select the frequency band of operation and set the  SIM PIN. To display the Network page select Wireless from the  main menu, the Network page is the default page displayed, it  should appear similar to that of Figure 23.
Figure 23: Wireless Network configuration.
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3.1.1 Wireless Operating Mode
The MRD-3xx support two modes of operation, packet mode  and Circuit Switched Data (CSD) mode. In packet mode the  MRD-3xx acts as a TCP/IP unit and router, data can be routed  between the LAN ports and the Wireless port and the serial  server is used to interface the serial ports to the packet inter­face of the network. Circuit Switched Data mode is similar  to tradition dial-up unit, in this mode one serial port of the  MRD-3xx is connected to the Wireless interface, once con­nected all data coming into the Wireless port is directed to  the serial port and all data received by the serial port is trans­mitted to the Wireless interface.
To set the mode of the MRD-3xx select Wireless from the  main menu and Network from the Sub-menu then select either  Packet mode (HSDPA/GPRS) or Circuit switched mode from  the drop-down menu adjacent to Operating mode, once the  mode has been selected click the Update button the commit  the change. Figure 24 displays the MRD-3xx operating mode  options.
Figure 24: Wireless Network operating mode options.
3.1.2 Operating Frequency Band
The MRD-3xx is capable of operating on several frequencies  and using the GSM or UMTS (3G) protocols. By default the  MRD-3xx is set to operate on all bands, this means that when  powered on the MRD-3xx will start to search for available  networks, when a network is found it will check if the SIM  is valid for that network and if so attempt to connect to it.  If it cannot connect to the network it will then move to the  next network and try again. The search will start using UMTS  (3G) if the network list is exhausted without finding a valid  network the MRD-3xx will then attempt to connect using  GSM. Using the options available for the frequency band it is  possible to restrict the band and protocol search to a limited  number, this may mean a quicker connection time and it also  means that the MRD-3xx will not connect in an unexpected  mode. Frequency band selection shows the available frequency  band options.
3.1.3 Setting the SIM card PIN
The SIM card will have a PIN associated with it, if PIN check­ing is enabled on the SIM then in order for the unit to access  the SIM, the PIN will need to be set in the unit. To set the  SIM PIN click Setup a dialog box as shown in Figure 26 will be  displayed.
Click "Set" to complete
Set to "Yes"
Enter PIN in both text boxes
Figure 26: SIM PIN control dialog.
28 6623-3201
Set the field marked Enter when requested to Yes and enter the  PIN in the New PIN and Confirm PIN entry boxes.  Then click the Set button to save the PIN.
Figure 27: SIM PIN control dialog.
3.2 Packet Mode Configuration
The packet mode options are described in this section.
3.2.1 Adding a Network Connection Profile
To access the wireless packet mode settings select Wireless  from the main menu then select the Packet mode tab from the  sub-menu, the screen shown in Figure 28 will be displayed. The  page shows the connection configuration details and is divided  into two sections. The first section shows the current connec­tion state and the selected profile. The second section lists the  available profiles. To add a new profile, click Add a new profile  and a screen similar to Figure 29 will be displayed.  A connec­tion profile groups together the settings required to connect  to a provider's network, the MRD-3xx allows multiple pro­files to be configured to allow quick changes to the network  connection settings. For most applications only one profile is  required.
Figure 28: Wireless Interface Packet mode settings.
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The 3G network provider will provide the items listed below  which should be entered into the appropriate fields in the Add new profile section as shown in Figure 29.
APN (Access Point Name)• Dial string• Authentication (None / PAP / CHAP)• Username• Password•
Figure 29: Adding a new profile.
Enter APN
Enter dial string
Set Authentication
Enter username
Enter password
Click "Update"  to save profile
Note: In order to set a password click the check-box marked  New, the password can now be entered in the text field. The  password is visible as it is being typed so that it can be  checked for errors prior to being set, once set the password  will no longer be visible.
Note: The provider may not supply a username and password  if network authentication is not required, in this case set the  Authentication to None, leave the username blank and do not  set a password.
Once the data has been entered click the Update button  to add the profile. The screen will now change to show the  added profile as shown in Figure 30, as this is the only profile  entered it will be automatically selected as the current profile  and the profile entry will be shaded green to indicate that it is  the selected profile.
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