Thank you for placing your trust in our company by
purchasing the Weller WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002. This
product meets or exceeds the requirements established by Weller for superior performance, versatility
and quality.
22.. CCaauuttiioonnss!! // WWaarrnniinnggss!
Please read these Operating Instructions and the
attached Safety Information carefully prior to initial
operation. Failure to observe the safety warnings may
result in accident, injury, or risk to health.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for damage resulting from misuse or unauthorized alterations of the
Warning: This product when used for soldering and
similar applications, produces chemicals known to the
State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or
other reproductive harm.
SSaaffeettyy IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn:
● Always place the soldering iron in its original
● Remove all inflammable objects from the proximity of the hot soldering tool.
● Use suitable protective clothing to prevent the risk
of burns associated with molten solder.
● Never leave a hot soldering iron unattended.
● Never work on electrically live circuits or com-
● Always wear eye protection when working with
soldering and desoldering applications.
The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station
WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC
Declaration of Conformity in accordance with the basic
safety requirements of Directives 89/336/EEC and
33.. DDeessccrriippttiioon
33..11 CCoonnttrrooll UUnniit
The WD Series microprocessor-controlled soldering
stations were developed for industrial electronic production, including repair and laboratory applications.
Digital electronic controls, a precision sensor and heat
transfer technology in the soldering tool provides precise temperature control of the soldering tip.
Fast and precise sensor sampling in the closed loop
control provides tip temperature accuracy and maximum temperature control under load. The soldering
tools are recognized automatically by the WD1 and the
appropriate control parameters are set.
A Factory Control Check function, an Offset value input
option, programmable temperature decrease (Setback )
along with Standby and Lock functions enhance the
functionallity of this unit.
The desired temperature can be set in the range
150 °F – 850 °F (50 °C – 450 °C). “Set” and “Read”
(actual tip temperature) values are displayed digitally.
Three Radio Buttons (4) (5) (6) are used for selection of
fixed/preset temperatures. The Heater Control
Indicator flashes (“
~” symbol in the display) when
the “Set” temperature is reached.
33..22 TTooooll SSttaannd
When not in use, the soldering iron should always be
placed in the Tool Stand.
The Tool Holder (11) for the soldering iron has four different settings, (30-80°) and can be moved to an operator’s preferred position without the use of tools. Areas
have been provided on the rear (12) of the Tool Stand
for placing the soldering tip when not in use. The base
of the Tool Stand contains a sponge (13) for cleaning
the soldering tips. (Note: LT tips require tip retainer for
storage in Tool Stand.)
33..33.. SSoollddeerriinngg IIrroonns
WWPP8800 (( WWDD11000022 )) :
The WP80 Soldering iron is characterized by fast heatup and precise control of the soldering tip. Due to its
slim design, 80W heater output and short reach (tip to
grip), this tool can be used for a variety of applications,
from extremely fine soldering tasks to those requiring
high temperatures.
WWMMPP (( WWDD11000011 )) :
The WMP Micro Soldering Iron’s very fast heat-up time
and short reach (tip to grip), makes it ideal for precision SMT electronics. The short distance between the
grip and soldering tip makes precise handling of the
65W soldering iron possible while performing very fine
soldering tasks.
WWTTAA5500 (( OOppttiioonnaall )) :
The WTA50 Desoldering Tweezers were designed
specifically for desoldering SMT components. Two
heating elements (2 x 25W),
each with its o
wn temper
ature sensor, maintain the same temperature on both
tweezer tips.