Since 1915, Welch Allyn has been a company
dedicated to bringing you the best in diagnostic
instrumentation for the front line health care
professional. The new Welch Allyn Electronic
Stethoscope continues this tradition.
The Welch Allyn Electronic Stethoscope based upon proprietary technology from
Meditron AS - provides superior sound
reproduction due to its sensor-based
methodology. Other electronic stethoscopes
depend upon a microphone for sound
reproduction. Unfortunately, no matter the
fidelity, microphones pick up ambient noise
in the environment transmitted through the
stethoscope diaphragm and chestpiece.
The Welch Allyn Electronic Stethoscope utilizes
a highly directional, recessed pressure sensor
which eliminates much of the ambient noise in
the environment while faithfully reproducing
body sounds in the same "color" as a traditional
Welch Allyn stethoscope. Amplification can be
varied as desired by the practitioner.
is designed for use when there is a need for
several people to listen to a patient simultaneously. By using [thedistributor), up to six
people can participate. The "Master" listener
controls the auscultation process with his or
her stethoscope. Others are co-listeners who
will hear the same sounds by connecting their
stethoscopes or headsets to [thedistributor).
Up to three groups of listeners may be linked
together with additional [thedistributor)’s as
needed for larger groups.
Recognizing the need for improved auscultation
skills, the Welch Allyn Electronic Stethoscope is
just one part of a complete teaching and
diagnostic system. When combined with
[thedistributor) - a product for sending
sounds from the stethoscope to others and [theanalyzer) - a software accessory
for recording sounds and phonocardiograms, the Welch Allyn Electronic
Stethoscope System is a powerful
addition to any hospital, clinic, or health
care professional's diagnostic toolbox.

[thedistributor) has an
automatic On and Off function.
The unit turns itself on
automatically when the master
stethoscope is on and a signal
is detected. This takes place
shortly (0.5 seconds) after the
On button of the stethoscope
is pressed. Please note that
the unit can only be turned on
from the master stethoscope.
As long as signals are being
emitted by the master
stethoscope or the PC, the unit
will remain on.
When [thedistributor) is on,
the diode will light up.
[thedistributor) will remain
on for one minute after all
signals have ceased.
The stethoscope that carries
out the active listening must
be connected to the external
cable port marked "Master".
Use one of the accompanying
cables and make sure the
plugs are properly pushed in.
When the ON/OFF button is
pressed, the audio signal
will go to [thedistributor).
The unit will then turn itself
on and the diode will light up.
The "Master" is then controlling the unfiltered auscultation
signal that is being fed into
Co-listeners link their
stethoscopes or headphones
to one of the external cable
ports marked from 1 to 5.
If you are using a Stethoscope,
use the accompanying cables
and ensure that the plugs are
properly pushed in. Users will
now experience the same
sound as the "Master".
For listeners using Headsets,
the volume and frequency
control on [thedistributor)
can be used in a similar way
to that of the stethoscope.
For listeners using
Stethoscopes and not
Headsets, it is important that
the frequency selector should
be in the middle position.

This external cable port should
be used when the user
wants to send an audio
signal to a PC for
visualisation, storage or
further processing in the
software program.
Choosing the frequency
[thedistributor) has filters
for three predetermined
frequency ranges. The filters
are controlled with a small
selector switch.
1. Pulmonary
(H: High-frequency sounds)
2. Wide listening range
3. Cardiology
(L:Low frequency sounds)
Volume control
[thedistributor) is equipped
with a variable volume control.
Turning in the direction of the
arrow reduces the volume.
Light-emitting diode
The green light-emitting
diode located in the top
cover of the unit has two
1: ON/OFF indicator.
2: Battery indicator.
The unit will turn itself on and
the diode will light up when
a signal is received from the
stethoscope. If no signal is
received, the unit will turn
itself off after one minute.
A blinking diode indicates that
the batteries are weak.
No light indicates that there is
no signal or that the batteries
are completely drained.
[thedistributor) runs on
two easily replacable highenergy TL-5902 lithium
batteries with an international
reference size of
1/2 AA, ER14252.
The batteries are estimated
to provide an effective
listening time of 200 hours.
Change batteries by pushing
the cover back. Check that
the batteries are installed
with the correct polarity.