WEG CFW-11 Anybus-CC User Manual

User’s Manual
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Anybus-CC User’s Manual
Series: CFW-11
Document Number: 0899.5750 / 06
Publication Date: 09/2013
Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.clrwtr.com - Email: info@clrwtr.com
CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................... 3
ABOUT THE MANUAL ....................................................................................................... 6
ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................... 6
NUMERICAL REPRESENTATION ............................................................................................................... 6
1 INTRODUCTION TO THE FIELDBUS .......................................................................... 7
2 ACCESSORY KITS ....................................................................................................... 8
2.1 DEVICENET ........................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.1 DEVICENET-05 Accessory ........................................................................................................ 8
Connector Pin Function ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Power Supply ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Indications ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.2 Installation of the DeviceNet network ..................................................................................... 9
Communication Rate ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Address in the DeviceNet network .................................................................................................................... 10
Termination resistors .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Cables .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Installation recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.3 Configuration of the Communication .................................................................................... 11
2.1.4 Access to Parameters – Acyclic messages .......................................................................... 11
2.2 PROFIBUS ........................................................................................................................................ 12
2.2.1 PROFIBUS-05 Accessory ........................................................................................................ 12
Connector Pin Function ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Indications ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.2 Installation of the Profibus network ....................................................................................... 13
Communication Rate .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Address ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Termination resistors .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Cables .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Connectors .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Installation recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.3 Configuration of the Module ................................................................................................... 14
2.2.4 Access of the Parameter – Acyclic Messages ...................................................................... 15
2.3 ETHERNET/IP .................................................................................................................................. 15
2.3.1 ETHERNETIP-05 and ETHERNET-2P-05 Accessory ............................................................ 15
Connector ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Indications ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.2 Installation of the Ethernet network ...................................................................................... 16
Communication Rate .......................................................................................................................................... 16
MAC Address ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Address in the Ethernet network ....................................................................................................................... 16
Cables .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Installation recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 16
2.3.3 Configuration of the Ethernet Interface................................................................................. 17
HMS Anybus IPconfig ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Web Browser ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.4 Configuration of the Communication .................................................................................... 19
2.3.5 Access to Parameters – Acyclic messages .......................................................................... 19
2.4 MODBUS TCP .................................................................................................................................. 20
2.4.1 MODBUSTCP-05 Accessory ................................................................................................... 20
Connector ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
Indications ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4.2 Installation of the Ethernet Network ...................................................................................... 20
2.4.3 Configuration of the Ethernet Interface................................................................................. 21
2.4.4 Configuration of the Communication .................................................................................... 21
2.4.5 Addressing of the data ............................................................................................................ 22
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2.5 PROFINET ........................................................................................................................................ 22
2.5.1 PROFINETIO-05 Accessory .................................................................................................... 22
Connector ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
Indications ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.5.2 Installation of the Ethernet Network ...................................................................................... 24
2.5.3 Configuration of the Ethernet Interface................................................................................. 24
2.5.4 Configuration of the Communication .................................................................................... 24
2.5.5 Access to Parameters – Acyclic messages .......................................................................... 24
2.6 RS232................................................................................................................................................ 25
2.6.1 RS232-05 Accessory ................................................................................................................ 25
Connector Pin Function ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Indications ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
Connection with the Network ............................................................................................................................ 25
2.7 RS485................................................................................................................................................ 25
2.7.1 RS485-05 Accessory ................................................................................................................ 25
Connector Pin Function ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Indications ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
Connection with the Network ............................................................................................................................ 26
3 PROGRAMMING ........................................................................................................ 27
3.1 SYMBOLS FOR THE PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION ...................................................................... 27
P0105 – 1ST/2ND RAMP SELECTION .......................................................................................................... 27
P0220 – LOCAL/REMOTE SELECTION SOURCE .................................................................................... 27
P0221 – SPEED REFERENCE SELECTION – LOCAL SITUATION ......................................................... 27
P0222 – SPEED REFERENCE SELECTION – REMOTE SITUATION ...................................................... 27
P0223 – FORWARD/REVERSE SELECTION – LOCAL SITUATION ........................................................ 27
P0224 – RUN/STOP SELECTION – LOCAL SITUATION .......................................................................... 27
P0225 – JOG SELECTION – LOCAL SITUATION ..................................................................................... 27
P0226 – FORWARD/REVERSE SELECTION – REMOTE SITUATION .................................................... 27
P0227 – RUN/STOP SELECTION – REMOTE SITUATION ...................................................................... 27
P0228 – JOG SELECTION – REMOTE SITUATION .................................................................................. 27
P0313 – COMMUNICATION ERROR ACTION .......................................................................................... 27
P0680 – STATUS WORD ............................................................................................................................ 28
P0681 – MOTOR SPEED IN 13 BITS ......................................................................................................... 29
P0686 – ANYBUS-CC CONTROL WORD .................................................................................................. 30
P0687 – ANYBUS-CC SPEED REFERENCE ............................................................................................. 31
P0695 – DIGITAL OUTPUT SETTING ........................................................................................................ 31
P0696 – VALUE 1 FOR ANALOG OUTPUTS ............................................................................................. 32
P0697 – VALUE 2 FOR ANALOG OUTPUTS ............................................................................................. 32
P0698 – VALUE 3 FOR ANALOG OUTPUTS ............................................................................................. 32
P0699 – VALUE 4 FOR ANALOG OUTPUTS ............................................................................................. 32
P0723 – ANYBUS IDENTIFICATION ......................................................................................................... 33
P0724 – ANYBUS COMMUNICATION STATUS ...................................................................................... 33
P0725 – ANYBUS ADDRESS .................................................................................................................... 34
P0726 – ANYBUS COMMUNICATION RATE ........................................................................................... 34
P0727 – ANYBUS I/O WORDS .................................................................................................................. 35
P0728 – ANYBUS READING #3 ................................................................................................................. 36
P0729 – ANYBUS READING #4 ................................................................................................................. 36
P0730 – ANYBUS READING #5 ................................................................................................................. 36
P0731 – ANYBUS READING #6 ................................................................................................................. 36
P0732 – ANYBUS READING #7 ................................................................................................................. 36
P0733 – ANYBUS READING #8 ................................................................................................................. 36
P0734 – ANYBUS WRITING #3 .................................................................................................................. 37
P0735 – ANYBUS WRITING #4 .................................................................................................................. 37
P0736 – ANYBUS WRITING #5 .................................................................................................................. 37
P0737 – ANYBUS WRITING #6 .................................................................................................................. 37
P0738 – ANYBUS WRITING #7 .................................................................................................................. 37
P0739 – ANYBUS WRITING #8 .................................................................................................................. 37
P0799 – I/O UPDATE DELAY ..................................................................................................................... 37
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A129/F229 – ANYBUS-CC MODULE OFFLINE ........................................................................................ 39
A130/F230 – ANYBUS-CC MODULE ACCESS ERROR ........................................................................... 39
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This manual provides the necessary information for the operation of the CFW-11 frequency inverter using the Anybus-CC modules. This manual must be used together with the CFW-11 user manual.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Controller Area Network
Common Industrial Protocol
Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection
Decentralized Periphery
Fieldbus Message Specification
Human Machine Interface
Internet Protocol
Medium Access Control
Module Status
Network Status
Open DeviceNet Vendor Association
Operation Mode
Profibus International
Programmable Logic Controller
Transmission Control Protocol
User Datagram Protocol
Decimal numbers are represented by means of digits without suffix. Hexadecimal numbers are represented with the letter ‘h’ after the number. Binary numbers are represented with the letter ‘b’ after the number.
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The Fieldbus is a digital communication system used in the industry to interconnect automation primary elements, such as PLC’s, drives, valves, sensors, actuators, etc., as illustrated in the figure below.
Figure 1.1: Illustration of a Fieldbus network
Nowadays, there is a great variety of protocols in the market, each one with its advantages and disadvantages. It is up to the user/project designer to evaluate what the necessary requirements for the application are, and choose among the available options.
rdless of the choice, the main advantages of the industrial networks are:
Significant reduction in cable and installation costs; Reduction in the
More reliability and efficiency; Addition, removal and replacement of equipment with the network under load (supply); Integration of several suppliers (standardization); Effective process monitoring; Configuration of devices via the network.
means of the Anybus-CC communication modules, the CFW-11 supports protocols widely spread in the industry, like DeviceNet, Profibus DP-V1, EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP and PROFINET IO. Besides this, by means of passive modules, RS232 and RS485/422 interfaces are also available.
wing, the characteristics for Anybus-CC modules available for the frequency inverter CFW-11 are
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Frequency inverter CFW-11 features as accessory the Anybus-CC communication modules. Anybus-CC modules are divided into two types: active and passive.
Active Module:
it has all the required hardware and software to perform the communication. The following
active modules are available for CFW-11:
DeviceNet Profibus DP-V1 EtherNet/IP Modbus TCP PROFINET IO
Passive Module
: these passive devices work only as physical layer, not performing any processing over the
data flow. CFW-11 features the following interfaces:
RS232 RS485/422
For the passive modules, communication is performed through the serial interface of the product. Therefore, the manual of serial communication Modbus RTU User’s Manual
must be referred to in
order to obtain information about how to configure and operate the product using this interface.
2.1.1 DEVICENET-05 Accessory
WEG part number: 11008158. Composed by the Anybus ABCC-DEV communication module,
mounting instructions and a “torx” screw driver for fixing the module.
ODVA certified interface. It allows the programming of the Frequency inverter via network
configuration software.
Connector Pin Function The DeviceNet communication module presents a male
connector with the following pin assignment:
Table 2.1: DeviceNet plug-in connector pin assignment
Pin Name Function
Power supply negative pole
CAN_L signal
Cable shield
CAN_H signal
Power supply positive pole
Power Supply The power supply of the network must be able to supply enough current to power up the equipment and
interfaces connected to the network. The data for individual consumption and input voltage for the DEVICENET­05 accessory are presented in table 2.2.
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Table 2.2: Characteristics of power supply for the interface
Power Supply (VDC)
Current (mA)
Indications DeviceNet defines two LEDs for state indication: one for the communication module (MS) and another for the
network (NS).
The MS LED indicates the conditions of the module itself. That is, whether it is able to work or not. The table below shows the possible states:
Table 2.3: State of the DeviceNet module
LED Status Description Comments
Off Without power supply -
Green Module operating and in normal conditions -
Red Module in error Reinitializing the equipment is required.
Flashing green/red Equipment performing self-diagnosis It occurs during initialization.
The NS LED provides information about the status of the DeviceNet network. The table below presents the description of those states.
Table 2.4: Status of the DeviceNet network
LED Status Description Comments
Without power supply or not online
Equipment is not connected to a DeviceNet network with other equipment at the same communication rate.
, connected
Master has allocated a set of I/O type connection with the slave. In this
stage data exchange by means of I/O type connections does effectively
Flashing green
, not connected
Slave has successfully completed the Mac ID verification procedure. This means that the configured communication is correct (or was detected
correctly in the case of use of autobaud) and that there are no other nodes
in the network with the same address. However, in this stage, there is not a set of I/O type connections established.
Flashing red
One or more I/O type connections have expired
The I/O data exchange has been interrupted.
Red Serious fault in the link
It indicates that the slave cannot enter the network because of addressing
problems or due to the occurrence of
bus off
. Verify if the address is being
used by another device
, if the chosen communication rate is correct or if
there are installation problems.
Flashing green/red
Equipment performing self­diagnosis
It occurs during initialization.
2.1.2 Installation of the DeviceNet network
For the connection of the frequency inverter using the DeviceNet interface, the following points must be observed:
Communication Rate Equipment with Anybus-CC interface in general allow to configure the desired communication rate, which may
vary from 125 Kbit/s to 500 Kbit/s. A communication rate (baud rate) that can be used by a device also depends on the length of the cable used in the installation. It worth to mention that, in order to allow the disconnection of the element from the network without damaging the bus, it is interesting to put active terminations, which are elements that only play the role of the termination. Thus, any equipment in the network can be disconnected from the bus without damaging the termination. The table 2.5 shows the relation between the communication rates and the maximum lengths of the cable which can be used in the installation, according to the recommendation of ODVA.
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Table 2.5: Communication rates supported and cable length
Length of the
500 Kbit/s
100 m
250 Kbit/s
250 m
125 Kbit/s
500 m
All the equipment of the network must be set to use the same communication rate.
Address in the DeviceNet network Every device in the Anybus-CC network must have an address, or MAC ID, between 0 and 63. This address
must be different for each device.
Termination resistors The use of termination resistors at the ends of the CAN bus is essential to prevent reflection in the line, which
may damage the signal transmitted and cause errors in the communication. Termination resistors of 121 Ω /
0.25 W must be connected between the signals CAN_H and CAN_L at the ends of the main bus.
Figure 2.1: Example of installation of the termination resistor
Cables A shielded cable must be used with two pairs of wires, as specified in the DeviceNet protocol.
Installation recommendations In order to interconnect the network nodes, it is recommended the connection of the equipment directly from
the main line, without the use of derivations. If you use derivations, the limits of length for derivation defined by the DeviceNet specification must be observed. During the installation of the cables, you must avoid passing them close to power cables, since that can cause errors during the transmission due to electromagnetic interference.
Figure 2.2: Example of installation in DeviceNet network
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The grounding of the cable shield must be done only in one point, thus avoiding long current loops. This point is normally the network own power supply. It is recommended that the network be powered in only one point, and the power supply signal be taken to all devices by means of the cable. In case more than one power supply is required, they must have the same point as reference.
2.1.3 Configuration of the Communication
In order to configure and use the DeviceNet module, follow the steps below:
With the module installed, during the recognition stage, a warning message will be displayed on the product
HMI, and the MS and NS LEDs test routine performed. After this stage, the MS LED must turn on in green.
Observe the content of parameter P0723. Check if the module was recognized. The detection is done
automatically and does not require the user’s intervention.
Set the parameters as desired for the application:
Address: the address of the equipment is set in parameter P0725. Communication rate: the communication rate is set in parameter P0726. I/O configuration: program in P0727 the number of words to be exchanged with the network master.
This same value must be set in the DeviceNet master. For this adjustment being complete, it is necessary to program a value different from 0 (zero) in parameters P0728 to P0739 (see item 3).
Once the parameters are set, if any of the parameters described in the previous item were changed, it is
necessary to restart the equipment.
Once the equipment is set, it is necessary to configure the communication in the network master:
EDS file: register the EDS file in the network configuration tool. The EDS configuration file is supplied in a CD
together with the product. It is necessary to observe the equipment software version in order to use an EDS file which is compatible with this version.
I/O data setting: during the configuration of the network, it is necessary to define the quantity of I/O data
communicated between master and slave, as well as the transmission method of these data. The DeviceNet protocol defines different methods of dada exchange, seeing that the module supports the following methods:
communication method in which the master sends a telegram to each of the slaves of its list
scan list
). As soon as it receives the request, the slave immediately answers the request of the master.
This process is repeated until all slaves are polled, restarting the cycle.
communication method in which the master sends a telegram to the network containing 8 bytes of data. Each bit of these 8 bytes represents one slave that, if addressed, answers according to the programmed.
Change of State:
communication method in which the data exchange between master and slave only occurs when there are changes in the values monitored/controlled up to a certain time limit. When this limit is reached, the transmission and reception will take place even if changes have not occurred.
another communication method very similar to the previous one. The only difference is the production and consumption of messages. In this type of communication, every data exchange occurs at regular time intervals, no matter if they have been changed or not.
If everything is correctly configured, the NS LED of the module will be on in green. It is in this condition that cyclic data exchange effectively occurs between the slave and the master of the network.
2.1.4 Access to Parameters – Acyclic messages
Besides the I/O data (cyclic) communication, the DeviceNet protocol also defines a kind of acyclic telegram (
explicit messages
), used especially in asynchronous tasks, such as parameter setting and configuration of the
After the registration of the EDS file in the network configuration software, the user will have access to the full parameter list of the equipment, which can be accessed via
explicit messages
. Each parameter is accessed using an addressing based on class, instance and attribute. The table 2.6 shows how to address the parameters of the CFW-11.
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Table 2.6: Addressing of the parameters
Class 162 (A2h)
1 5 P0002
Class 162 (A2h)
2 5 P0003
Class 162 (A2h)
3 5 ...
Class 162 (A2h)
400 5 ...
2.2.1 PROFIBUS-05 Accessory
WEG part number: 11008107. It is composed by the Anybus ABCC-
DPV1 communication
module, mounting instructions and a “torx” screw driver for fixing the module.
Interface certified by Profibus International. It supports DP-V1 (acyclic messages).
Connector Pin Function The Profibus DP-V1 communication module has a female DB9 connector with the following pin assignment:
Table 2.7: Profibus female DB9 connector pin assignment
- - 2
- - 3
B-Line (+)
RxD/TxD positive
Request To Send
Reference (0 V) of the RS485 interface (isolated)
+5 V
+5 V for active termination (RS485 isolated power supply)
- - 8
A-Line (-)
RxD/TxD negative
Indications Profibus defines two LEDs for status indication: one for the communication module (ST) and another for the
operating mode (OP).
The ST LED indicates the conditions of the module itself. That is, whether it is able to work or not. The table 2.8 shows the possible states:
Table 2.8: Status of the Profibus DP-V1 module
LED Status Description Comments
Off Without power supply or not initialized -
Green Module initialized -
Flashing green Initialized, but in event diagnosis
It indicates that a problem was diagnosed in the module and an alarm was generated.
In error
Reinitializing the equipment is required.
The OP LED provides information about the status of the Profibus network. The table 2.9 presents a brief description of those states.
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