WeatherHawk WM-350 User Manual

WindMate® 350 Weather Monitor
Wind Impeller
Wind Vane



Tripod Fitting
User Manual (Version 11/09)
You now own a sophisticated, precise, and comprehensive weather monitor. Please study the manual to understand all of the unit’s features and to maximize its benefits.

Getting Started

Open your WindMate shown on the right. If using a tripod, open it to a 90
angle as shown ab ove to access the tripod fitt ing a t the b ott om of the unit.
Press and hold Mode Key to turn on. Press and hold Mode for 3-4 secs. to turn off. You can turn off the unit in any function. If the unit is idle f or 5 m inutes, it will auto shut down to preserve battery life. ►Your unit can be customized to: deactivate auto shut do wn or any other functions you do not need, choose memory settings or adjust display contrast. See Customizing your
to 180° as

Operating the WindMate® 350

When the unit is turned on for the first time, the default mode is Time. Each time the unit is reactivated, it returns to the last function used. Press the Mode Key to move to other functions. For Backlight, press SET/EL.

Mode Sequence

Wind Speed
Compass (reads vertically)
Wind Chill
Wet Bulb
Dew point
Comfort Index
Delta Temperature
Density Altitude

Choosing Measurement Units

Pressing and holding the Set/EL Key at any mode, (except time, compass and humidity), chooses your preferred measurement unit. Press the View Key to select, then pres s Set/EL to save and exit Units Setting. Below is the sequence of measurement units for each mode.

Wind Speed

Temp. / Wind Chill/ Wet Bulb/ Dew Point/ Comfort Index/ Delta T
Barometer mbar---->inHg Altitude / Density Altitude ft---->m
Bar Graph Display
For best results with any bar graph display, set the low and high limits of the instrument reflect the range of actual conditions the unit will
experience. In all modes except Time and Compass, press and hold the Set/EL key until the current unit of measure is flashing. Press the Mode key to see the “Low Limit” of measure the instrument will graph. Press the View key to increase the value of the “Low Limit.” Holding down the View key will cause the increase to take place much faster. If you go past the value you desire, continue to increase the value until it scrolls around back to the number you need. When you have reached the value you need, press the Mode key and you will then be able to set the “High Limit” that the instrument will graph in exactly the same way. When you have reached the value you need, press the Mode key again and screen will go back to the current unit of measure flashing. Press the Set/EL key to save and exit. Changing the “Low Limit” and “High Limit” values of the W M-350 only changes the representation of the history graph. It does not change any of the previously recorded data or have any impact on the data yet to be recorded.
History and Min/Max Feature
All modes, except Time and Compass, have a Min-Max and a Histor y display option. Your unit is preset for 1-hr increments and 48-hr bar graph. (See Customizing your WindMate to change the storage interval.) To change the display option from the normal view press the View Key. The diagram below will s how you the sequence.
The current view shown in the History is the recorded data of the prev ious hour. To view the recorded data histor y previous 2 hours, 3 hours and etc. press the Set/EL Key. The recorded data will be displayed in nu mer ical format and at the same time will be indicated in the graph.
The Time mode will display the following information: com plete date, weekday and 12-24 HR format option.
To set the time, press and hold the Set/EL Key for 3 sec. To adjus t the c urr ent s e tti ng, pr ess th e
View Key. To go to the next option, press the Mode Key. To exit and save the setting, press the Set/EL Key.

Wind Speed

In the wind speed mode, you can take real t ime wind speed measurements. Press View to display Max-Avg, press View again to display bar graph history. Press Set/EL to view each increment. Press Mode to go to next function.
When taking wind measurements by hand, be sure to keep the unit at an arm ’s length f rom t he body with the display facing to wards you, so the wind enters the impeller through the rear. Use the wind vane to orient the meter so you are on the wind’s axis. This will give you the most accurate measurement.
To get precise re adings on a given vector, use our optional wind tunnel with the unit mounted on a tripod.
CAUTION: The WindMate
is very accurate at
low and m id-range air speeds. Consistent uses at very high speeds, such as from a car, will damage the impeller’s bearing and reduce accuracy. See below for impeller replacement.

Compass (hold, read, set vert icall y)

The compass feature can compute the cross and head wind. Align the unit to the course direction, press and hold the View Key to m ark the course direction. Then point the unit direct ly into the wind to mark wind direction, press and
the View key. The unit will display cross
wind. Press View to display head wind. The head wind may indicate a minus(-) or plus(+). Minus will indicate the wind is coming from the back. Plus will indicate wind coming from the front. Press Mode to return to compass.

Compass Calibration for Declination & Deviation

Compass Declination
Declination/Variation is the difference between magnetic N and true N. Depending on where you ar e on the eart h, the angle of declination will be different— in some locations, the geographic and magnetic poles are aligne d so declination is minimal, but from other spots, the angle between the two poles is l arge. To adjust your compass, get declination information from a GPS or Declination .
Go to compass mode and hold Set/EL Key till display shows HOLD TO SET. Use the View Key to choose E or W. Then press Mode and degrees will blink. Use View to change the degrees. Press Set/El to lock in values.
Compass Deviation (only necessary if the compass is near ferrous metals)
In compass mode press and hold Set/EL until you see HOLD TO SET. You will see the declination setting. Press Mode twice. Screen will say Calibrate Compass? YES. Press Mode. (If you do not need to calibrate, press View for NO. Press Set/EL.) Hold the unit and turn around slowly twice, 15 sec per each ¼ turn. When calibration is complete, you will see 11 dots at the top of the sc reen. Press Set/EL and
the display shows “END.” If the display shows “ERR” redo the calibration.
Using Temperature/Windchill Humidity/WetBulb/Dewpoint/Del taT** Density Altitude***
Choose the function you wish. Press View to display Min/Max. Press View to display his tory bar graph. Press Set/EL to view each increment. Press View to return to normal function or press Mode to go to the next.
**DeltaT is the difference between wet & dry bulb temperature, used in agricult ur al spr a ying.
***Density Altitude is pressure altitude adjusted for air temp and humidity, used for aircraft, formulating race car f uel mix, & very long-range shooting.

Comfort Index ®Comfort Index™ is t he effect of temp, wind speed, relative humidity & sun intensity on the human body. You can adjust the formula based on sun intensity. The solar factor has range from 0 to 3.0. Full sun = 3.0. Heavy clouds = 0. The unit is preset for 1.5, medium sun intensity.
To change, press and ho ld the Set/EL Key and press the Mode Key again to go into solar factor. Press View to select the desired value, then press the Set/EL Key to confirm and exit the setting mode.

Barometer and Altimeter

Understanding Barometric Pressure

High or low air pressure caused by weather, and air pressure caused by elevation affect the barometer’s reading. No matter what the weather is doing, air pressure decreases with height. Actual or STATION pressure is the true