WeatherHawk SM-28 User Manual [en, de, es, fr, it]

SM-28 SKYMASTER Manual V 4.05

English Français Español Deutsch Italiano
815 W 1800 N (435) 750-1840 Logan, UT 84321 USA
815 W 1800 N (435) 750-1840 Logan, UT 84321 USA
SM-28 SKYMASTER Manual V 4.05 - English

Getting Star ted

Your Skymaster package contains one 400-Hr Lithium CR2032 battery, a lanyard, and voltage input numbers for humidi ty cali bration. It is very important that you keep the calibration numbers for future calibration needs. Each instrument has unique voltage input numbers. To install the lanyar d, feed one end through the hole at the bottom of the handle an d tie it to the other end. Open case and click into fully opened position or, if using a tripod, click to the 90­degree position. Your Skymaster’s sensors are extremely sensitive. Hold the Skymaster at the bottom of the handle, away from your face and body, to avoid getting false readings. It is
also important that you do not touch the sensors.
Operating Modes:
Turn the unit on using the ON/OFF butto n on the left. Use the MODE button o n the right to scroll to the desired function. To turn off the unit, press and hold the ON/OFF button for 3 seconds, until the display is blank, then release.
Changing the Units of Measure:
With the Skymaster on, change the units of measure by selecting the mode you wish to change (i.e. Wind speed). Next, press and hold the ON/OFF button and, w hile ho ldi ng, press the MODE button to change the units of measure.
Bar Graph:
Units of Measure:
General Indicators


Wind Speed
Using the bar graph: The bar graph represents a 16­hour history of the barometric pressure. The column labeled “0” indicates the current pressure. Each horizontal bar represents +/-2 mb/hpa as indicated by the pressure value indicator. (Please note that the bar
graph will not be displayed unti l barometric history has accumulated, as the Skymaster only records bar ometric pressure while the unit is on.)
Low Battery Indic ator:
Indicates the battery is running dry.
Data Screen:
Indicates the value of data being collected by the Skymaster.
The Skymaster measures wind speed in six different units of measure: Knots, Beaufort, Feet Per Minute, Miles Per Hour, Meters Per Second, and Kilometers Per Hour. To switch between units of measure please see the Units of Measure section for instructions.
Current Wind speed:
In current wind speed mode, only the unit of measure will be shown.
Maximum Wind speed:
Displays maximum speed recor ded since the unit was turned on.
Average Wind speed:
Displays a running average over ten seconds.
Displays the effect that air tem perature comb ined with wind speed has on human skin.
General Relative Humidity:
Unit of Measure:

Relative Humidity

Barometric Pressure

General Temper ature:
Displays the t emperature in Fa hrenheit or Celsius.
Heat Index:
Displays the measur e of how hu mid ity ac ts alo ng w it h high temperatures to reduce the body's ability to cool itself. In most cases, the heat index will be lower than the temperature.
Dew point:
Displays the t emperature at which air becomes saturated with moisture (the temperature at which fog will form).
Displays the cu r rent relative humidity. Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor measured in the air, divided by the potential amount of vapor that the air can hold – at that temperature. The relative humidity comes factory calibrated. However, the Skymaster can be calibrated manually for more demanding field requirements. To calibrate the relative humidity, see the Humidity Calibration section.
The Skymaster can display barometric pressure in inches of mercury (inHg) or in millibars / hectopascals (hpa mb).
Barometer Indicator:
BAR - Indicates the unit is barometer mode.
Pressure History Bar Graph:
Displays barometric pressure history for the p a st 16 hours. Note: The unit must be on for 16 hours before the complete graph is displayed. For more information, please see section titled Bar Graph.


Unit of Measure:
The Skymaster can display altitude in feet FT or meters M
General Altitud e Mode:
The Skymaster can register altitudes between -900 to 9000 feet.
Altitude Mode Icon:
ALT - Indicates the un it is in alti tud e mod e.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The SM-28 altimeter calculates alt itude based on changing air pressure. Changes in the air pressure (caused by changes in altitude or weather patterns) will cause the altitude reading to rise or fall. Your altitude should always be calibrated right before use as an altimeter.
You should re-calibrate altitude if your ascent or descent takes more then a short period of time. This will maintain instrument accuracy, since slight changes in pressure will cause the altitude readings to cha ng e wh il e you rest at o ne location.
Remember that changing weather patterns will also affect your altitude readings. For example: If the pressure changes .50 InHg, you will experience a change of altitud e o f +/- 470 feet, if you are near sea level. Also note th at changes of altitude will change your barometric pressure reading. For acc urate relative pressure readings while climbing or descending, you will need to enter your altitude in calibration mode. Allow 15 minutes for the barometri c pressure readings to respond to the newly calibrated alti tude.
If you calibrate your altitude, you do not need to calibrate your barometer. It will calibrate itself to the relative pressure after 15 minutes. However, you may wish to calibrate your unit to a nearby reading obtained from a reliable weather source. Please remember that barom etric pressure can change over a distance of just a few miles.
Barometric Pressure:
You may calibrate your unit in mb or inHg. Be sure to select your preferred mode prior to calibration. While the unit is off, press and hold the on/off key for 2 seconds. The screen will display current pressure with a flashing “BAR” indicator on the left side. When you see the indicator flashing, release the on/off button. Press the on/off key to go up in units, press the mode key to go down in units. After calibrating barometric pressure, wait 5 seconds and the unit will automatically go into altitude calibra tion. If you do not wish to calibrate altitude, simply leave the unit on and it will return to its norm al operating mode. The changes have now been stored until you reca lib rate it.

Altitude: First obtain your local altitude.

Note: You may calibrate your altimeter in meters or feet. Be sure to select the mode prior to calibration. With th e un it off, press and hold the on/off key for 2 seconds. You will see the flashing “BAR” indicator on the left. After flashing for 5 seconds, it automatical ly moves to Altitude calibration mode and you will see the current altitude and a flashing “ALT” indicator. Press the on/off key to go up in units, press the mode key to go down in units. When you have completed the calibration, the unit will automatically return to normal operation in a few seconds. The changes have now been stored until you recalibrate it.


NOTE: The relative humidity comes factory calibrated.
Figure A Figure B First, locate the calibra t ion st ick er that was supplied with your Skymaster. It will have two
numbers displayed. You will ne ed to calibrate your unit to these numbers.
With the unit on, press and hold the o n/off button for 10 seconds. The display will turn off and then back on, displaying the number 700 (Fig. A). Enter the first voltage input number (in the above example, the number is 744) into this screen by pressing the mode button to scroll up (omitting the decimal). Note: When in humidity calibration mode, the mode button only scrolls up, not down, so it is important that you do not miss the number you are entering. When finished, press the on/off button again, you will see the number 3000 (Fig. B). Enter the second voltage input number (3056 in the example above), using the same procedure as before. To store the changes, press the on/off button. The unit will then shut off with the new values stored internally. NOTE: Each unit has unique voltage input numbers. It is crucial that you do not lose your instrument’s numbers.
Impeller Replacement: To replace the impelle r, use a sma ll scre wd riv e r to loos en the s et-s cr ew found on the back of the weather monitor. Remove the impeller by twisting the impeller assembly clockwise (if you are facing the back of the windmeter) to the “O” position marked on the rear of the meter.
To replace the battery, turn the compartment cover in a count er-clockwise direction to remove it. The battery will be visible in the battery comp artment. Insert a new CR2032 lithium battery “+” side facing you. CR2032 batteries can be purchased anywhere b atteries are sold. NOTE: Different modes have di fferent drains on the battery life. When left on in barometer mode, the battery will last 400 hours. Wind speed &humidity will drain the battery quickest
Severe Weather Al a r m: The severe weather alarm will sound if there is a dramatic change in pressure. The feature is set to go off if the air pressure changes by 6 millibars (up or down) within a 3-hour pe riod. (This is a good indication of sev er e weat her approaching.) The alarm will sound once for five seconds. If the pressure continues to change by the same amount, the alarm will continue to sound once every hour. NOTE: the storm alarm feature is disabled when th e Skymaster is in Altitude mod e. This is to prevent the alarm from sounding false alarms as your altitude changes (due to the altitude’s effect on air density).
Modos de funcionamiento:
815 W 1800 N (435) 750-1840 Logan, UT 84321 USA
V 4.05 - Español

Para empezar

El paquete de Skymaster conti ene una pila de litio CR2032, números de calibración (sobre un pequeño papel blanco incluido con el manual), y un cabo. Es muy importante que co n s erve los números de calibración con su m anual. ¡No tire el papel de calibración! La unid ad es fábrica calibrada y no necesita ser calibrada sobre recibo. Para instalar el cabo, pase un extremo a través del agujero del fondo del asa y anúdelo al otro extremo. Abra la caja, que tiene que hacer clic en la posición totalmente abierta; si utiliza un trípode, ésta tiene que hacer clic en la posición a 90 gra dos. Su Skymaster tiene sondas sensibles. Mantenga el Skymaster en la parte baj a de l asa , lejos d e su car a y cuerpo , par a ev itar l ectu ra s fa lsas.
Encienda la unidad utilizando el botón izquierdo. Utilice el botón derecho para desplazar se hasta la función deseada. Para apagar la unidad, pulse el botón on/off (apagado/encendido) manteniéndolo pulsado durante uno s tre s segu ndo s, ha sta qu e la pantalla esté en blanco ; ento nc es, su é lte lo.
Unidades de medida:
Con el Skymaster encendido, cambie las unidades de medida seleccionando el modo al que desee cambiar (es decir, velocidad del viento). Después, pulse y mantenga pulsada la tecla on/off y, mientras realiza est a acc ió n, pul se la tec la de mod o para cambiar las unidad es de medida.
Indicadores generales
Indicador de pilas bajas:
Velocidad del viento actual:
Indica que las pilas se están ag o tando .
Pantalla de datos:
Indica el valor de los datos que está recogiendo el Skymaster.
Gráfico de barras:
Uso del gráfico de barras: El gráfico de barras representa un historial de 16 horas de la presión barom étrica. La columna etiquetada co mo "0" indica la presión actual. Cada barra horizontal representa +/-2 mb/hpa, según marca el indicador de valor de presión (tenga en
cuenta que el gráfico de barras no aparecerá hasta que se haya acumulado el historial barométrico, dado que el Skymater sólo registra la presión barométrica mientr as está encendido)
Modos: Velocidad del viento
Muestra el efecto que la temperatura del aire, e n combinación con la velocidad del viento, tiene sobr e la p iel humana.
Unidades de medida : El Skymaster mide la velocidad del viento en seis unidades de medida diferentes. Nudos, grados Beaufort, pies por minuto, millas por hora, metros por segundo y kilómetros por hora.
En el modo de velocidad del viento actual sólo se mostrará la unidad de la medida.
Máxima velocidad d e l viento:
Muestra la máxima velo c idad d el vie nto re gi str ad a desde que se encendió la unidad.
Velocidad media del viento:
Muestra una media de funcionamiento durante diez segundos.
Para conmutar entre las unidades de medida, cons ult e las inst r ucc io nes en la s ecció n d e
Tempera t ura general:
de los casos, el índice de calor es menor que la
Humedad relativa general:
Indicador del barómetro:
unidades de medida.
Muestra la temperatura en grados Fahrenheit o Celsius.
Índice de calor:
Muestra la medida de cóm o act úa la hum ed ad junt o con altas temperaturas para reducir la capacidad del cuerpo para r ef rigerarse a sí mismo. En la mayoría
Punto de rocío:
Muestra la temperatura a la que el aire se satura con humedad (la temperatura a la que se formará niebla).

Humedad r e lativa

Muestra la humedad relativa actual. La humedad relativa es la cantidad d e hum e dad m edi da en e l aire. Su Skymaster tiene una calibración previa de fábrica respecto a la humedad relativa. Sin embargo, el Skymaster se puede calibrar manualmente para unos requisitos de campo más exigentes. Para calibr ar la hu m edad rel at iva, vea la sección Calibración de humedad.

Presión barométrica

Indica que la unidad está en modo de presión barométrica.
Gráfico de barras del historial de presión:
Muestra el historial de presión barométrica de las últimas 16 horas. Nota: La unidad ha de estar encendida 16 horas antes de que se muestre el gráfico de barras completo. Para obtener más información, consulte la sección titulada Gráfico de
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