Wavetek MS1300, MS1200 Operation Manual

Wavetek CATV Division
5808 Churchman Bypass Indianapolis, IN 46203-6109 (800)851-1198 (317)788-5960 Fax: (317)782-4607 E-Mail: catvsupport@wavetek.com Internet: http://www.wavetek.com
3/96 Manual Part No. 6510-00-0283
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Wavetek warrants that all Products manufactured or procured by Wavetek conform to Wavetek’s published specifications and are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery to the original Buyer, when used under normal operating conditions and within the service conditions for which they were designed. This warranty is not transferrable and does not apply to used or demonstration products.
The obligation of Wavetek arising from a Warranty claim shall be limited to repairing, or at its option, replacing without charge, any assembly or component (except batteries) which in Wavetek’s sole opinion proves to be defective within the scope of the Warranty. In the event Wavetek is not able to modify, repair or replace nonconforming defective parts or components to a condition as warranted within a reasonable time after receipt thereof, Buyers shall receive credit in the amount of the original invoiced price of the product.
Wavetek must be notified in writing of the defect or nonconformity within the Warranty period and the affected Product returned to Wavetek’s factory, designated Service Provider, or Authorized Service Center within thirty (30) days after discovery of such defect or nonconformity. Buyer shall prepay shipping charges and insurance for Products returned to Wavetek or its designated Service Provider for warranty service. Wavetek or its designated Service Provider shall pay costs for return of Products to Buyer.
Wavetek shall have no responsibility for any defect or damage caused by improper storage, improper installation, unauthorized modification, misuse, neglect, inadequate maintenance, accident or for any Product which has been repaired or altered by anyone other than Wavetek or its authorized representative or not in accordance with instructions furnished by Wavetek.
The Warranty described above is Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy and no other warranty, whether written or oral, expressed or implied by statute or course of dealing shall apply. Wavetek specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. No statement, representation, agreement, or understanding, oral or written, made by an agent, distributor, or employee of Wavetek, which is not contained in the foregoing Warranty will be binding upon Wavetek, unless made in writing and executed by an authorized representative of Wavetek. Under no circumstances shall Wavetek be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, expenses, or losses, including loss of profits, based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.
Extended Warranty Programs
Extended warranties and service contracts are available for new and currently owned equipment for an additional cost. Contact the Customer Service Department (800 851-
1198) for details pertaining to extended warranties and service contracts.
Return Authorization Procedure
The customer MUST obtain a RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER from the Customer Service Department (800 851-1198) prior to returning any equipment for warranty or non-warranty repair. Wavetek accepts no liability for any instrument or subassembly returned to the factory without this number. Any correspondence regarding
returned instruments or subassemblies should be referenced to that number.
Introducing microStealth ................................................................ 7
Introduction................................................................................ 7
Measurement Logging .............................................................. 8
Auto Tests .................................................................................. 8
Multiple Channel Plans ............................................................ 10
Getting Acquinted with the Keypad ....................................... 10
Getting Acquinted with the Screen ......................................... 12
The Navigator............................................................................ 15
Configuring microStealth.......................................................... 16
Global Configuration ................................................................. 17
Measurements Configuration ................................................... 20
Channel Plan Configuration ..................................................... 23
Using microStealth ........................................................................... 31
Introduction................................................................................ 31
Installation.................................................................................. 31
Selecting Channel Packages ............................................. 32
Selecting the Test Point .................................................... 32
Installation Results Summary ........................................... 33
The Channel List ............................................................... 34
The Pass/Fail Indicator ..................................................... 34
Channel Measurement ...................................................... 35
Printing an Installation Report ......................................... 36
Storing Installation Results ............................................... 36
Level........................................................................................... 36
Adjusting the Reference Level ......................................... 37
Tuning by Channel ............................................................ 37
Tuning by Frequency ........................................................ 37
Measurement Hold ............................................................ 38
Printing the Screen ............................................................ 38
Warning Indicators ............................................................. 39
Full Scan..................................................................................... 39
Moving the Marker ............................................................ 40
Adjusting the Reference Level ......................................... 40
Adjusting the Scale ............................................................ 40
Zooming In and Out .......................................................... 41
Checking Limits ................................................................. 41
Checking Limits on an Individual Channel .................... 42
Measurement Hold ............................................................ 43
Printing the Screen ............................................................ 43
Storing a Scan File ............................................................. 43
Warning Indicators ............................................................. 44
Tilt .............................................................................................. 44
Moving the Marker ............................................................ 45
Selecting the Low and High Carriers ............................... 45
Adjusting the Reference Level ......................................... 45
Adjusting the Scale ............................................................ 45
Measurement Hold ............................................................ 46
Printing the Screen ............................................................ 46
Storing a Tilt File............................................................... 46
Scan ............................................................................................. 46
Moving the Marker ............................................................ 47
Adjusting the Reference Level ......................................... 47
Adjusting the Scale ............................................................ 47
Checking Limits ................................................................. 47
Measurement Hold ............................................................ 48
Printing the Screen ............................................................ 48
Storing a Scan File ............................................................. 49
Auto Test.................................................................................... 49
Configuring an Auto Test .................................................. 49
Performing an Auto Test ................................................... 52
Canceling an Auto Test ..................................................... 53
View ............................................................................................ 53
The File Directory ............................................................. 54
Viewing Installation Files.................................................. 55
Viewing Scan Files ............................................................. 56
Viewing Auto Test Files.................................................... 57
Reference........................................................................................... 61
Using the Reference Section .................................................... 61
Help ............................................................................................ 61
Information................................................................................. 62
Technical Support ..................................................................... 63
Appendix A: Specifications....................................................... 65
Appendix B: Power Management and Battery ....................... 67
Battery Pack Location and Installation ............................ 67
Charging the Battery Pack ................................................ 67
Battery Tips ........................................................................ 67
Appendix C: Interface Port ...................................................... 69
Connector ............................................................................ 69
Cable Specifications ........................................................... 70
Introducing microSTEALTH
The MS1300 Signal Level Meter is a high performance instrument designed for cable television technicians. The durable, water resistant MS1300 makes innovative use of a graphics LCD to simplify operation. The LCD backlight makes measurements easier in crawl spaces and behind TVs. The display is easy to see in bright sunlight.
A scan mode allows you to see the levels of all carriers in a spectral display. You can also view level measurements at a single fre­quency or for a specific channel. When tuned to a channel, the display indicates the levels of the video and audio carriers, and the difference between the carrier levels.
When performing an installation, you can press the Installation Check key to quickly verify that all channels are within limits that you have defined. You can use this feature to determine whether or not a subscriber connection meets FCC or other government requirements.
A special channel plan building mode automatically determines which channels are active on your cable system. Once you have defined a channel plan, you can copy it to any MicroStealth unit having a built-in serial port. You can also create channel plans using StealthWare, the Windows™ based data management package for Stealth products.
For documentation purposes, you can print any measurement screen to a serial printer (Wavetek P-Stealth Printer). Following an installation check, you can print an installation report that can be filed with the work order. You can also print a report that lists all configuration settings including the channel plan.
The MS1300 tunes from 45 to 550 MHz with an option to extend the range to 5 to 890 MHz.
With the MS1300, you can store installation checks that you have performed throughout the day. You can also store scan and tilt measurements. Each file is time and date stamped and can be recalled later for viewing on the LCD screen.
When viewing a file, you can adjust the screen settings the same as when you are viewing a “live” measurement. Using the built-in serial port, you can print files and even upload them to StealthWare for further analysis and archiving.
Automated tests are easy with the MS1300 and provide a conve­nient way of acquiring proof-of-performance compliance data. Tests can be executed immediately or scheduled over a period of time. To conserve battery life, MicroStealth shuts itself off between scheduled intervals. When configuring an Auto Test, you can record information about the location at which the test is being performed. Files can be created for commonly tested locations so you need only enter the information once.
Auto Tests results are time, date, and temperature stamped and can be viewed on the LCD screen. Limits are applied to the measurement data with out-of-tolerance conditions concisely indicated. You can print a test report for each interval or a compre­hensive 24 hour report that summarizes data collected from up to four intervals. Auto Test result files can be uploaded to StealthWare.
The MS1300 stores channel plans that you have built and edited. This is convenient if you use your MicroStealth for more than one plant. You can quickly select the correct channel plan for the plant at which you are working.
The keypad consists of the following:
• three Soft keys
• a Power key
• four Mode Selection keys
• an Enter key
• eleven Alphanumeric keys
• a Shift key
There are three horizontally oriented soft keys located below the display. The function of each soft key changes depending on the particular operation being performed and is represented by an icon immediately above the key.
Turns your microStealth on and off.
Easily check the channels that you have installed and verify that they are within limits.
Measure the signal level at a specific channel or fre­quency.
View a spectrum graph of all carrier levels in your channel plan.
Instantly "travel" to any mode using the NAVIGATOR.
Press this key to terminate your entry or selection.
You use the alphanumeric keys to enter data while operating your microStealth. Notice that these keys have a numeral and up to three alphabetic characters labeled on them. You can only access the characters when alphanumeric entry is allowed. In the alpha­numeric entry mode, you sequence through each character and the numeral by repeatedly pressing the key. You can also access a set of special characters that do not appear on the keypad by using the up and down arrows. Once the desired character is displayed, move the cursor to the next position using the right arrow. Be sure to terminate your entry by pressing the key.
Some keys perform more than one function. The secondary function of a key is represented by an icon printed next to it. Notice that the icons are color coded with the SHIFT key. You access the secondary function by first pressing the SHIFT key and then the icon representing the desired function.
Configure your microStealth for your own specific needs.
Let microStealth automatically set the reference level for you.
Hold the measurement. The measurement is retained even if the cable is disconnected from the input.
Clear-out your entry and start over again.
Quickly turn the backlight on when it is too dark to see the display.
Enter positive and negative values (when allowed).
View a description of each icon found in the current soft key menu.
Print a measurement screen, installation report, auto test report, or configuration report to a serial printer.
Store an Installation, Scan, or Tilt screen for later viewing, printing or uploading to StealthWare.
There are certain elements of the screen that will become familiar to you as you use your microStealth.
The Title Bar
Notice the title bar at the very top of the screen. It presents the title and icon for the current mode you are using.
Title Bar Indicators
You may see indicators appear above the title bar from time to time. This is what they represent:
This indicator appears in the top right-hand corner of the screen when you press the SHIFT key. This means
that microStealth interprets the next key that you press to be a secondary function.
This indicator is displayed to warn you that the battery is low. When you see this, recharge the battery or change to a
fresh one as soon as possible.
This indicates that the RF synthesizer has become unlocked. If this condition persists, the unit may need
The Status Bar
Look for the status bar in the lower portion of the screen. It displays the current date and time. A bar meter indicates the charge remaining in your MicroStealth’s battery. When the battery meter reads low, you should switch to a freshly charged battery soon.
When viewing an Installation or Scan file, the status bar shows the date and time that the file was stored instead of the current date and time.
Soft Key Icons
There are three soft keys located immediately below the display. The function of a soft key is represented by the icon directly above it.
If the soft key function is not currently available, the icon appears "grayed" or "dimmed".
Lists present several items for viewing and/or selecting. Notice that the currently chosen item is highlighted. You can scroll through the list using the up and down arrows.
A list can be either "active" or "inactive". You can tell by looking at the border. If the border is solid, the list is active and any keys that you press are directed toward it. If the border is dim, the list is inactive and is not affected by key presses. Usually you can make a list become active by pressing the key.
When there are more items in the list than can be displayed at one time, a scroll bar appears along the right-hand edge of the list. You can use this to get an idea of where you are. When you have reached the first or last item, an arrow appears inside the scroll box pointing to the direction you can go.
The Edit Box
The edit box appears in the lower portion of the screen when it is necessary to enter values into your microStealth.
An edit box can be either “active” or “inactive”. You can tell by looking at the border. If the border is solid, the edit box is active and any keys that you press are directed toward it. If the border is dim, the edit box is inactive and is not be affected by key presses. Usually, you can make the edit box become active by pressing the
key. Be sure to press the again when you have finished
making you entry.
You can easily travel to any mode using the NAVIGATOR. To access the NAVIGATOR, press the key.
An icon appears on the screen for each available mode. Use the up, down, left, and right arrows to highlight the icon that represents the mode you want to use. Notice that the name of the mode appears on the lower portion of the screen beneath the status bar. To get a description of the highlighted mode, press the SHIFT + key. To travel to the mode you have highlighted, press any one of the soft keys or the key.
You can also use the numeric keys, 1 through 9 to highlight the desired icon in the NAVIGATOR screen. Each key corresponds to an icon in the 3 by 3 matrix.
Before using your microStealth, you may want to configure it for your specific needs. The CONFIGURE mode allows you to select global and measurement related preferences and to build and edit a channel plan that matches your cable plant.
To configure your microStealth, press the SHIFT + keys or choose the icon from the NAVIGATOR. The following screen appears:
Configuration settings are divided into three categories; GLOBAL, MEASUREMENTS, and CHANNEL PLAN. Use the up and down arrows to highlight the category you want and then press the
You can also use the left-hand and right-hand soft keys to scroll through the CONFIGURE categories and then press the middle soft key to select the highlighted category.
In most configuration screens, you can print a comprehensive configuration report by pressing the SHIFT + keys. A bar graph appears indicating the status of the printout. The report lists all of the configurable settings including the active channel plan.
Global Configuration
You can personalize your microStealth by entering your name here. Your name will then appear on report printouts.
Adjusts the contrast level of the LCD for optimum viewing.
Sets the amount of inactive time allowed before your microStealth turns off automatically. This feature is useful for conserving battery life by preventing the microStealth from being left on accidentally when it is not in use. You can set the time-out period to 1, 3, or 5 minutes. There is also an "always on" setting that defeats the automatic shutoff feature if desired.
You can manually turn off your microStealth at any time by pressing the button.
Sets the amount of inactive time allowed before the backlight turns off automatically. The backlight consumes significant power. This feature conserves battery life by minimizing the amount of time that the backlight is on. You can set the time-out period to; 5 or 10 seconds. There is an always off setting for when the backlight is not needed at all. There is also an always on setting that defeats the backlight time-out feature.
You can manually turn the backlight on or off at any time by pressing the SHIFT + keys. When manually activated, the backlight remains on continuously until the unit shuts off.
You can tell when the backlight is on even in bright sunlight by looking for the backlight indicator at the left-hand edge of the Title Bar. The indicator means that the backlight is currently on and will turn off automatically. The indicator means that the back­light is on and will remain on continuously. If you see no indicator, the backlight is off.
Sets the time for the internal real-time clock. The time is set, displayed and printed in 24 hour format only (HH:MM:SS).
You can specify the format in which the date is displayed and printed. Select between the following formats:
Sets the date for the internal real-time clock. You can specify the format in which the date is set, displayed and printed (see DATE FORMAT).
Select the manufacturer of the printer that you will be using. A printer with a serial interface is required. Set your printer configu­ration as follows:
Baud Rate: same as your microStealth Date Bits: 8 Stop Bits: 1 Parity: NONE Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
The baud rate of both your microStealth and your printer must match (see BAUD RATE).
A serial to parallel converter (such as the on manufactured by Black Box Corp.) can be used for printing to a parallel printer.
For text reports, you can specify the number of lines that will be printed on each page before a form feed command is sent. Enter 0 if you do not want any form feeds to be sent.
This is the baud rate that is used when your microStealth communi­cates with another device through the serial port. Generally, you will want to use the highest rate supported. Be sure that the baud rate setting of your microStealth matches that of the device that it is connected to.
You can easily transfer the entire configuration from one microStealth unit to another. This saves you time when configuring multiple units. First, connect a cable between the two microStealth units. Select CLONE only on the unit that you want to copy the
configuration to. Press the soft key to begin the transfer.
Be sure that the baud rate setting of your microStealth matches that of the device that it is connected to (see BAUD RATE).
Performs hardware diagnostics and defaults stored preferences to factory presets. Press the key to access the diagnostics options.
Factory Default
Sets all stored preferences to factory presets. Press the key to initiate the default operation.
All stored settings are lost when you perform this operation.
Test Display
Exercises all pixels on the LCD for test purposes. Re­peated pressing of the key sequences the display between all pixels "on", all pixels "off", and the display test screen.
Measurements Configuration
Selects the units that will be used for the ambient temperature during Auto tests. You can select between; °C and °F.
Selects the units that will be used for all signal level measurements. You can select between; dBmV, dBµV and dBm.
This can be used to compensate for losses associated with probe points found on certain amplifiers. You can enter a value between
-99.9 and +99.9 dB. Probe compensation is added directly to signal level measurements. The compensation value is indicated in the upper left-hand corner of the measurement screens. There is no indication, however, if the compensation value is zero.
Important The PROBE COMPENSATION value does not affect INSTAL­LATION or CHANNEL PLAN BUILD mode. Level measurements
made while checking an installation are uncompensated.
This setting affects the increment/decrement step size when you are tuning the frequency using the left and right arrows. You can select a value between 25kHz and 100MHz in steps of 25kHz.
Select YES if you want to see the audio carriers in the full scan screen. You can achieve a faster scan by omitting the audio carriers.
Scrambled channels require more time to measure. You can achieve a faster scan by omitting scrambled channels. Select YES if you want to see scrambled channels in the full scan screen.
Your microStealth is capable of performing tests at various locations including; SUBSCRIBER DROP, GROUND BLOCK, TAP, and USER DEFINED (or CUSTOM). Each test point has its own set of limits that you can edit. Press the key to edit the test points. A list of available test points appears.
You can enable or disable each test point in the list. When a test point is disabled, you cannot use it when performing tests. Use the up or down arrow to highlight the desired test point. If the high-
lighted test point is disabled, you can enable it by pressing the soft key. A check mark appears in the left-hand column to indicate
when a test point is enabled. If the test point is already enabled, pressing the soft key disables it.
You can change the name of the USER DEFINED (CUSTOM) test point. Notice that the edit box appears when this test point is highlighted. When you press the key, the edit box becomes active and you can enter any name up to fifteen characters long. Be sure to press the key when finished to terminate your entry.
You can edit the limits for the highlighted test point by pressing the
soft key. The limits appear on the screen.
You can selectively enable or disable each individual limit. When a limit is disabled, your microStealth excludes it when checking limits. If the highlighted limit is disabled, you can enable it by
pressing the soft key. A check mark appears in the left-hand column to indicate when a limit is enabled. If the limit is already
enabled, pressing the soft key disables it.
If you disable all of the limits within a test point, the test point becomes disabled. You cannot enable a test point that has no enabled limits.
You can edit the value of the highlighted limit by pressing the key. When the edit box becomes active, enter the desired value. Be sure to press the key when finished to terminate your entry.
Press the soft key to return all limits in the test point to their factory preset values.
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