Waves Audio L1 Ultramaximizer User Guide

L1 Ultramaximizer
User Guide
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Waves L1+UltraMaximizer
User Guide
Welcome......................................................................................................................................... 3!
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3!
L1 Components ................................................................................................................................................................. 5!
Interface Options ............................................................................................................................................................... 6!
Chapter 2 Using the L1+UltraMaximizer ....................................................................................... 8!
Using the Peak Limiter ...................................................................................................................................................... 8!
Using the IDR Section ..................................................................................................................................................... 10!
Dither ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11!
Noise-Shaping ................................................................................................................................................................. 14!
Chapter 3 L1 Controls and Values .............................................................................................. 16!
Peak Limiter Section ....................................................................................................................................................... 16!
IDR Section ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18!
Quantize ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18!
Dither ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19!
Shaping ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19!
Domain .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20!
Chapter 4 Additional Useful Material ........................................................................................... 21!
L1’s Position in the Signal Flow ...................................................................................................................................... 21!
The Process of IDR Mastering ........................................................................................................................................ 21!
Suggested Mastering Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 25!
IDR Factory Presets ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26!
Essentials of Digital Audio ............................................................................................................................................... 27!
About Maximum Level ................................................................................................................................................................... 27!
About maximum resolution ............................................................................................................................................................ 27!
Dithering and noise shaping .......................................................................................................................................................... 28!
Digital Clipping .............................................................................................................................................................................. 28!
Peak-Normalized Signals .............................................................................................................................................................. 29!
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Chapter 1 Introduction
About L1+UltraMaximizer
The Waves L1-Ultramaximizer is a sophisticated audio-processing toolkit that combines an advanced peak limiter, a level
maximizer, and a high-performance re-quantizer that’s based on Michael Gerzon’s IDR (Increased Digital Resolution)
noise-shaped re-dithering process.1 UltraMaximizer maximizes both the level of the digital signal and the resolution of the
final file, working on “both ends” of the digital word output.
IDR™ techno lo g y was designed by Michael Gerzon, in collaboration with Waves. Gerzon was a Gold-Medal AES fellow and a
world authority in psychoacoustics. He invented the SoundField microphone, and was the major contributor to Ambisonics™. The design of IDR is a result of his long-term researches, dating ba c k to 1982, with man y o f th e other leading experts in digital resolution enhancement tec h nologies.
The L1 offers superb re-quantization for all bit depths, including 24-bit, 20-bit, 16-bit, 12-bit, and 8-bit outputs. Its look-
ahead peak limiter enables the mastering engineer to increase sound file resolution and production master levels with
precise control and dithering options.
The Waves IDR™ process brings more choices, greater control, and unmatched compatibility to the mastering
environment, whether for high-resolution CD or low-resolution multimedia. The limiter section of the L1-UltraMaximizer is
capable of a very fast, overshoot-free response. Because a typical music signal contains many high-intensity, short-
duration peaks, simple normalization of the file may result in a low average signal level. The L1-UltraMaximizer can
significantly increase the average signal level of an audio file without introducing audible side effects.
UltraMaximizer is designed for mastering, digital editing, multimedia, and any application that requires limiting and/or re-
quantization of the digital signal with the highest quality. In order to ensure the maximum possible resolution of a
processed signal, it is very highly recommended that the L1 is placed at the end of the processing chain. Failure to
observe this will not prevent L1 from working, but you should be aware that the absolute brickwall limiting AND the
benefits of IDR re-quantization will be compromised and will need re-limiting to maintain the original level.
What’s New
This 25th Anniversary edition of L1+UltraMaximizer gives you the same quality sound and flexibility that has set the
standard for years. To that we’ve added a few new features.
A none quantization switch in the IDR section. This turns the quantization process on or off.
A new Domain setting, True Peak, that eliminates inter-sample clipping.
Automatic Release Control (ARC), that automatically adjusts release time to suit program material.
L1 Components
On most host applications and platforms, you can select just the audio processing you need and use only the power
necessary to do the job. There are two L1 components:
L1 limiter: mono or stereo wideband limiter without IDR.
L1 Limiter mono component
L1 Limiter stereo component
L1+UltraMaximizer (stereo only): the "full" mastering plug-in with limiter and all IDR options.
Interface Options
The 25th Anniversary L1 edition provides a new, modern, easy-to-use interface. Its look and functionality are in keeping
with other current Waves plugins. We like this new look, but if you prefer you may continue to work with the classic
interface. To switch between these two L1 views, click on the Modern/Legacy button on the WaveSystem Toolbar.
L1+UltraMaximer stereo component Switch between interface views
L1+UltraMaximizer Modern interface
Both interfaces offer the same sound quality and workflow.
L1+ Legacy interface
Chapter 2 Using the L1+UltraMaximizer
L1+UltraMaximizer addresses both level and resolution. As peak limiter, the L1 component is used to increase level. It
does not quantize, so it can be placed anywhere in the processing chain. But the L1+UltraMaximizer component
quantizes the signal, so it’s particularly important that it is the last process in the path. Depending on which quantization,
dither, shaping, and domain choices were made, subsequent processing can cause unwanted artifacts.
Using the Peak Limiter
The Peak Limiter section of the L1 limiter and the L1+UltraMaximizer is the same, except that the L1+ has input faders.
Follow these steps to learn the basics of using the L1 Peak Limiter section:
1. Pass audio through the L1 and listen to its output. Set the threshold of the limiter by lowering the Threshold fader.
Leave the Out Ceiling setting at its maximum value of 0.0 dB. When using the L1+UltraMaximizer component, you
can set the input level using the Input fader. When using the L1, adjust input level in the host DAW.
2. When the input signal passes above threshold, gain reduction is indicated on the meter on the right side. Set the
threshold to about 4 dB to 6 dB lower than the peaks in the input meters. You will see 4 dB to 6 dB gain reduction
on the gain reduction meter.
3. As you reduce the threshold, the output level goes up. Leave the Out Ceiling setting at the maximum value of 0.0
dB. This is your maximum peak output.
4. Notice that you have significantly increased the output level. If your threshold is at -12 dB, then you have pushed
the signal up 12 dB (we don’t recommend this!). With moderate gain reduction, the maximum level of a sound file
can be significantly increased with minimal audible effect.
5. Only the signal above the threshold is limited; all signal below the threshold has a constant gain change that is
controlled by the difference between the Threshold and the Out Ceiling. It is this function of the L1 that allows you
to maximize the level with the amount of headroom desired.
6. Adjust the Release time to suit the application. For most sources, leave the Release time set to 1.0 ms. For
mastering set it to between 3 ms and 7 ms. The release time controls how fast the L1 recovers to the constant
gain level after a peak is encountered.
7. You can select Automatic Release Control, which varies the release based on current content. When Auto
Release is On, the release time is adjusted automatically within the range set by the Release setting.
Note: The L1 peak limiter section provides brickwall look-ahead limiting. This, combined with IDR output control, allows
for accurate peak control with few audible artifacts. Even though look-ahead processing and True Peak domain settings
will effectively prevent inter-sample peaks, we recommend an Output Ceiling setting of between -0.5 dBFS and -0.3
dBFS to leave some headroom for IDR processing and to prevent overshoot.
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