Waves Audio InPhase LT, InPhase User Guide


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction....................................................................................................3
1.1 Welcome..................................................................................................................3
1.2 Product Overview....................................................................................................3
1.3 Concepts and Terminology......................................................................................4
1.4 Components............................................................................................................4
Chapter 2 – Quick Start Guide..........................................................................................5
hapter 3 – Interface and Controls...................................................................................6
3.1 Interface...................................................................................................................6
3.2 Controls...................................................................................................................7
hapter 4 – The WaveSystem........................................................................................11
4.1 The WaveSystem Toolbar.....................................................................................11
4.2 Preset Handling.....................................................................................................11
4.3 Interface Controls..................................................................................................14
4.4 Waves Preferences (Pro Tools only).....................................................................16
Appendix – Routing and Usage Examples......................................................................17
Waves InPhase
User Guide

Chapter 1 – Introduction

1.1 Welcome

Thank you for choosing Waves. In order to get the most out of your Waves processor, please take the time to read through this manual.
In conjunction, we also suggest you become familiar with www.wavesupport.net you will find an extensive Answer Base, the latest Tech Specs, detailed Installation guides, new Software Updates, and current information on Authorization and Registration.
By signing up at www.wavesupport.net your registered products, reminders when updates are available, and information on your authorization status.
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. There

1.2 Product Overview

InPhase is an innovative, easy-to-use plugin that corrects phasing issues between tracks.
Phasing can occur throughout the production process:
In recording, when multiple signals are combined: Like individual drum mics and
overheads; guitar amps and DIs; and sources recorded with more than one microphone.
In mixing, when phasing issues that weren’t addressed during recording need to
be corrected.
In mastering, when the final stereo mix has phasing problems.
To help you restore phase coherence, InPhase features high resolution dual waveform displays; phase shift filters with adjustable frequency and Q; and an intuitive correlation meter which shows you just how much your tracks are in—or out of phase. You can move your waveforms manually or using the delay control, and even align them in
Waves InPhase
User Guide
relation to a sidechain input. InPhase includes components, plus InPhase LT, a simplified version that gives you easy access to creative phase manipulation.
Phasing can cause drops in volume and wreak havoc on your frequency response and stereo image; InPhase gives you the power to get your tracks back on track.
mono, stereo, and dedicated live

1.3 Concepts and Terminology

Phasing is a phenomenon which occurs when two or more signals are summed together. For this reason, when discussing phasing issues, we are always referring to the relationship between two or more signals.
InPhase uses allpass filters to correct phasing issues between tracks. An allpass filter is a signal processing filter that affects only the phase, not the amplitude of the frequency-response of a signal.. A 1st order allpass filter is defined by the frequency at which the phase shift is exactly 90°; a 2nd order filter is defined by the frequency at which the phase shift is 180° and by the rate of phase change, hence its Q factor.

1.4 Components

WaveShell technology enables us to split Waves processors into smaller plugins, which we call components. Having a choice of components for a particular processor gives you the flexibility to choose the configuration best suited to your material. InPhase includes the following components:
o InPhase Mono o InPhase Stereo o InPhase LT Mono o InPhase LT Stereo o InPhase Live Mono o InPhase Live Stereo o InPhase Live LT Mono o InPhase Live LT Stereo
Please note: All components have 20 ms latency, excluding Live components, which have no latency.
Waves InPhase
User Guide

Chapter 2 – Quick Start Guide

There are three basic ways to work with InPhase:
1. Using InPhase to correct the phase relation between two mono tracks.
2. Using InPhase to correct the phase relation between the left and right channels
of a stereo track.
3. Using InPhase to align a stereo track to a sidechain reference.
Detailed examples for each of the above scenarios are provided in the Appendix section of this manual. We recommend that you read through them in order to gain a basic understanding of the InPhase workflow. Video demonstrations of these examples are also available at www.waves.com
Additionally, the InPhase LT components may be used for creative phase manipulation.
Waves InPhase
User Guide

Chapter 3 – Interface and Controls

3.1 Interface

Waves InPhase
User Guide

3.2 Controls

1. Processing Sections
InPhase has two processing sections: In Stereo components, they are called Alpha and Beta; in Mono components, Alpha and SC.
2. Process Controls
In Stereo components, the Alpha and Beta Process controls let us choose what to process. When CH1 is selected in the Alpha section, it will force CH2 to the Beta section. This setup is recommended for stereo tracks or dual mono tracks such as bass amp and bass DI.
In Stereo components, when CH1/2 is selected in the Alpha section, the sidechain input is forced to the Beta section. This setup is recommended when processing signals in relation to a signal routed to the plugin via sidechain.
In Mono components, the audio is forced to the Alpha section and the sidechain input is forced to the Beta section. This setup is recommended when processing signals in relation to a signal routed to the plugin via sidechain.
Please note: In Logic and ProTools HD (TDM Mixer), sidechain functionality is not supported due to delay compensation and timing issues.
3. Activity LED shows when there is input signal activity.
4. Gain controls the level of the signal going into the processing section.
5. Phase Invert flips the phase by 180 degrees.
6. Phase Shift Curve Window displays the phase shift curve across the frequency
line, and updates in real time as parameters change.
Waves InPhase
User Guide
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