Waves Audio eMotion ST Mixer User Guide

Table of Contents
Introduction 3
About SoundGrid 3
1. eMotion St Mixer Overview 4
2. Setup Basics 5
2.1 Navigating SoundGrid Studio 7
3. Channel Layers 8
3.1. Mixer Layer Channel Strips 8
3.2 Channel Types 10
3.3 Channel Names 11
3.4 Mono and Stereo Tracks 11
3.5 Panners 12
3.6 Faders 15
4. Mixer Layer Control Modes 16
4.1 Preamp Control Mode 17
4.3 Route Control Mode 21
4.4 Sends Control Mode 24
5. StudioRack Layer 28
6. Sessions and Presets 33
7. Delay Compensation 35
8. eMotion ST Signal Flow 36
Thank you for choosing the Waves eMotion ST mixer. In order to get the most out of this product, please take some time to read this manual. We also suggest that you become familiar with the Waves support site: www.waves.com/support. There you will nd an extensive answer base, the latest tech specs, detailed installation guides, software updates, and current information about authorization and registration.
SoundGrid is a scalable network infrastructure that provides a variety of cost-eective, high-quality solutions for recording studios. It can be congured in many ways—with many hardware possibilities—to provide a very exible audio work environment. This framework is managed by the SoundGrid Studio Application, which congures the network, assigns and manages I/Os, controllers and servers, and streams audio throughout the system. Any user, anywhere on the SoundGrid network, has access to any network I/O device. Adding a SoundGrid DSP server moves processing away from the host application. This enables users to work with a large number of plugins simultaneously and to create complex, low-latency monitor mixes from numerous sources. Key to these features are the StudioRack plugin and the eMotion ST mixer.
The SoundGrid protocol is open to other developers of audio software and hardware. The list of SoundGrid-compatible tools is therefore ever-growing.


eMotion ST is a multi-purpose, high-quality mixer from Waves. With 8 mono/stereo inputs and up to 64 StudioRack channels, plus 2 FX busses, 6 mix busses, and a main stereo mix, eMotion ST enables you to create personalized mixes for each musician, alongside an altogether dierent studio mix.
The eMotion ST Mixer Layer is used to mix DAW outputs, mic and line sources, aux tracks, and more. The StudioRack Layer mixes the low-latency outputs of up to 64 StudioRack plugins, which are routed to the Main and/or Headphones mixes. In this sense, eMotion ST replaces the external mixer traditionally used to create monitor mixes for studios and headphones.
In the Mixer layer, each input and aux channel hosts up to 8 plugins. Almost every Waves plugin can be used with eMotion ST and StudioRack, so there are enormous processing possibilities in the choice of plugins and in the number of plugins you can use at the same time. eMotion ST operates within a SoundGrid network, so any available SoundGrid I/O device, whether hardware or driver-based, local or remote, can provide inputs and outputs.
Since eMotion ST works in conjunction with SoundGrid Studio and StudioRack, we recommend that you become familiar with how they work.


The eMotion ST mixer is an integral part of the SoundGrid Studio application. Because it can process a very large number of plugins simultaneously and perform low-latency monitoring, eMotion ST requires a DSP server. eMotion ST is installed using the Waves SoundGrid Studio installer. A license is required, which you can authorize through the Waves License Center.
SoundGrid Studio is an application that launches at startup and is always available.
The “SG” icon on the top Menu Bar (Mac) or System Tray (Windows) conrms that SoundGrid Studio is running.
Click on the SG icon to bring eMotion ST and SoundGrid Studio
to the front. You can also quit the SoundGrid Studio application from this menu.
You can also access eMotion ST by clicking the Mixer tab at the top of any SoundGrid Studio page.

2.1 Navigating SoundGrid Studio

SoundGrid Studio manages the resources of the SoundGrid network. All audio patched to eMotion ST passes through I/Os (hardware and software) that are congured and set by SoundGrid Studio. The server you use for DSP processing and low-latency recording is allocated by SoundGrid Studio.
The three tabs at the top of the page direct you to the three major sections:
SETUP – Use this section to nd and allocate resources, manage the network, save and load sessions, and see that things
are working the way they should. The Setup section has three tab pages:
System Inventory – Assign network assets and manage the network. By far the most visited page in the Setup section.
Settings – System parameters are set here.
Session Info – Save and store SoundGrid Studio and eMotion ST sessions and templates. View installed software versions.
Access PDF user manuals.
PATCH – Create and modify patches between the eMotion ST mixer and outside I/Os, as well as patches between devices.
MIXER – The eMotion ST mixer. The Mixer tab will not be available if a server is not assigned to the system or if an eMotion ST
license is missing.


Like most digital mixers, eMotion is built in logical layers. This allows for a large number of mixer channels without forcing the user to scroll back and forth. The eMotion ST mixer has two channel layers:
A MIXER layer that includes multi-purpose input channels and auxiliaries.
A STUDIORACK layer with up to four pages of 16 channels each. Input comes directly from the StudioRack plugins.

3.1. Mixer Layer Channel Strips

The center sections of the mixer change with each mode, while the Input and Fader/Panner sections are common to all modes. Panner and Fader sections change their function and appearance in the Sends mode when the mixer is Sends on Faders.
Input Section
Name of selected channel
Preset name and menu
Fader/Paner Section
Channel name
Input source (L/R split)
Fader position indicator
Functions Common to All Channels
Selected Channel (top of page)
Channel Preset Name (top of page)
Input Channel Name Name of input channel. When the track is selected, the channel name is displayed in
Input Source (L/R split) Source of audio as reected in Patch page. Choose input source from menu.
Panners Multi-function panners.
Solo/Mute Latching. Solo clear button is located above the Main fader.
Fader Position/Peak Level Value Box When a fader is selected, the value box indicates fader position. When a fader is not
Faders Range: -144 dB to +10 dB
Meters Peak meters. Normally the value box above a fader shows the peak level. Meter
Displays name of the selected channel.
Displays name of current preset for selected channel. Menu displays presets options.
the Selected Channel window as well.
selected, the value box indicates channel peak level. Also displays panner value when panner is engaged. Click on the meter to clear peak indicator.
behavior (INP, PRE, POST) is determined in the SoundGrid Studio Settings window.
Click on the value box to clear peak hold. Meter Range: -∞ to +10 dB

3.2 Channel Types

Input channels
Ch 1 Stereo
Ch 2–8 Multi-purpose input channels.
Aux busses 8 aux channels.
Aux 1–2 Stereo FX busses. Aux 1–2 can send to Aux 3–8 for additional monitor processing.
Aux 3–8 Stereo aux busses. Typically used for headphone mixes.
1–32/64 Input channels directly from StudioRack. Designed for low-latency monitoring, not DAW
8 multi-purpose input channels (stereo/mono). Input from any available SoundGrid-compatible I/O on a SoundGrid network. Each channel accepts mic preamp, digital in, and line in, depending on I/O device. Channels can output directly to any I/O on the SoundGrid network. Each Input channel can insert up to 8 plugins.
In most templates, stereo channel 1 is from DAW stereo out, but this can be re-routed.
Each aux channel can insert up to 8 plugins. Can be sent to Main out or Direct out. Each aux channel can output directly to any I/O on the SoundGrid network.
Main out Stereo out, usually designed for control room monitor mix. All channels can buss to Main out.
playback. Bussed directly to Main output or through sends to Aux. Refer to StudioRack manual for details.

3.3 Channel Names

The name of each channel is displayed at the top of the channel strip. The selected channel name is shown in the box on the top bar. There are several Name windows where you can change the channel name. To enter a new name, double-click on the box.
Select a channel by clicking on its fader. Type the new name in the Channel Name
box or in the Selected Channel Name window.
Change the name in the Patch page (Mixer layer only).
Rename the StudioRack plugin in the StudioRack eMotion ST Monitoring section
(StudioRack layer only).

3.4 Mono and Stereo Tracks

Mixer layer channels can be stereo or mono. To change a channel from stereo to mono or from mono to stereo in the Patch page, double-click on the “M” indicator next to the
channel name. The display will change from “M” to “L” and “R.” You can then rename the two channels, which will appear independently on the eMotion ST input section.
You can also ip a track from stereo to mono in the input section of an eMotion ST channel. Mono/stereo changes made here are mirrored in the Patch page.
Mono/Stereo toggle
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