Using MDMX Presets .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Using MDMX Fuzz Presets ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Getting Started from Scratch ................................................................................................................................. 8
Interface and Controls .................................................................................................................... 9
Gain Section .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Using MDMX Screamer Presets ............................................................................................................................ 16
Getting Started from Scratch ............................................................................................................................... 17
Interface and Controls .................................................................................................................. 18
Using MDMX Overdrive Presets ........................................................................................................................... 22
Starting from Scratch ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Interface and Controls .................................................................................................................. 25
Waves Modern Distortion Modules (MDMX) is a toolkit that includes three separate plugins: Screamer, Overdrive,
and Fuzz. It’s designed for musicians, engineers, and producers who need top-notch distortion and overdrive effects
for instruments or mix busses. These three plugins run the gamut of distortion effects, from subtle to scorch ing.
•MDMX Fuzz is the most a ggres si ve MDMX plugin. It can track the distortion signa l in octaves, apply d yn amics
and octaves ahead of the distortion p rocessor , and color the distort ed signa l. Bottom line : a big, in-your-face
distortion effect that lets you go as far as you want.
•MDMX O verdrive is similar to MDMX Fuzz, but with less coloring. Like Fuzz, it can do a number on an
instrument, but Overdrive is genera lly a bit gentle.
•MDMX Screamer is a straight-ahead overdrive generator. It generates subtle to strong overdrive, while
holding on to the so und of t he ins trumen t or trac k .
Each of these thr ee plugins is described in its own section of this user guide.
MDMX stereo components give you the choice of distorting the entire stereo signal, or the center or sides. This
provides great control when fitting an instrument into a mix and it lets you chan ge the way a sound relat es with the
space around it.
There are other W a ves plugins that use distortion as a creative tool or to weave a sound into a mix:
•Berzerk is a wide-open distort ion to o l that let s you bu i ld ef fect s from s cratch . It com b ines di sto rtion,
dynamics, feedbac k, a nd disto rtio n cha rac ter cont ro l wit h a ran dom gene ra tor. I t’s made for engineers,
producers, and sound des igners.
• To bring a “too clean” track to life, add a bit of prec ise disto rtion with the Abbey Road Saturator plugin. The
effect might go unnoticed, but the instrument or trac k will have more spa rkle and will sit better in the mix.
Saturator is not shy; when called upon, it can also add real attitude to an instrument.
MDMX Distortion Modules / User Guide
Using MDMX Presets
Each MDMX plugin comes with an assortment of factory presets. In many cases, you’ll find just the right effect by
loading a preset. Sometimes you’ll load a preset as a starting point and then make adjustments to achieve what
you’re after. Starting with a preset has two advantages:
•It’s fast. We’ve already done most of the work needed to produce a specific sound. Begin with a preset
whose name sound s l ike wh at you ’re l oo king fo r an d t weak a f e w con tro ls. Th at m igh t be al l you need .
•It’s a good way to learn. Load a few presets and see ho w th e cont rols a re set f o r each one . Pa y atte ntio n to
how the different settings influence the sound. Do this a few times a nd you ’ll un de rstand what the cont rol s do
and how the sections work togethe r.
Each module has a section in this user guide called “Using P resets .” It shows you how we address some common
distortion and overdrive issues using that tool. You can, of c ou rse, de si gn a n eff ect from scratch, withou t us ing a
Once you like the sound you’ve creat ed, you can save the settings as a preset. This is important if you want to use
the preset in other sessions or else where in the cur rent session . Go to the Save menu in the WaveSystem Toolbar
at the top of the interface and select one of the save opt ions. Refe r to the WaveSystem User Guide for more
MDMX Distortion Modules / User Guide
Stereo Component
MDMX: Fuzz
Waves MDMX Fuzz is a distortion tool with an attitude. It can provide a huge amount of distortion with a surprising
amount of contro l. Its distortion shaper, synthesized octaves effects, dynamics and EQ sections, and M/S processing
let you take distortion as far as you like without completely losing touch with the soul of the ins trument.
In general, signal flow is: Input->Dynamics->Gain->EQ->Output. The Dynam ics s ect ion l oop s ba ck to the Ga in
There are two MDMX Fuzz components: mon o a nd ste reo.
The mono and ste reo components
are the same, except for the numb e r
of channels. Note that the mono
component does not have a Stereo
Mode select. Both components use
very little CPU, even when upsampling.
Mono Component
MDMX Distortion Modules / User Guide
Getting Started
Using MDMX Fu zz Presets
In many cas es, you’ll find just the right Fuzz effect by loading a factory preset whose name makes sense, based on
what you want to accomplish. More oft en than not, you’ ll need to load a few presets until you find one that’s a good
match, and then ad just the co ntro ls to your liking. Save the settings as a user preset. Here are three Fu zz f acto ry
presets that help you find your way when you’re creating a distortion effect. All three use the octave up/down control
to brighten, thic ken, or increase the di sorder of a track.
Issue: You want to br ighte n o r ad d exc iteme nt to the source
Particular to Fuzz is the up and down octave generator that lets you quickly add and mix octaves to the distortion. W hen a
distortion signal is too dark, add sparkle as a part of the distort io n, rat her th an with t he EQ se ctio n, wh ich is af ter t he dist ort ion
in the signal flow. Try both, the result it quite different.
Move the m et al bu tto n in t he o cta ve pa d to c hang e t h e m i x. T he f ur th er t o t he r ig ht, th e m or e j agg e d t he eff ect.
Issue: You want to thicken the sound without makin g it too dark.
As with Octave Up, this preset is all about the Octave pad. Here, however, we want to add weight. By mixing in some of the
generated octave down signal, we can add bottom end while maintai ni ng tr an s par enc y. Mo ve t he O ct av e b utt on l ef t a nd r ig ht
to explore t he eff ect on t he low f r eq ue nc ie s. Alternatively, adjust the low shelf in the EQ section. As you increase the low
frequenc y, t he s ou nd is thicker. These are t wo very dif fer ent ef fect s.
Issue: You want to add disorder to the track without a ltogethe r losing its per sonalit y.
This preset is, in essence, a collision of the last two examples. It combines the sizzle of Octave Up with the weight of Octave
Down. The result is a bit nutty, especially if the left and right channels of the input are significantly different.
MDMX Distortion Modules / User Guide
Getting Started from Scratch
You may choose to forgo presets and build your own Fuzz effect from s cratc h. Open the p lugi n and start turning
knobs. It’s very likely that you’ll do just fine on your own, but we suggest that you first ge t to know the plugin by
following these steps.
Adjust the Input level. A LED above the input knob indicates peak level. In the stereo compone nt , the Mode
switch lets you select which part of the sound image to distort: mid, sides, or entire stereo image. If you’re
focusing the distortion effect on the mid or sides, use the small input control to adjust that le vel relati ve to the
overall input level. There’s also a low-cut filter that you can use to reduce rumb le in the input si gnal or to change
the character of t he d istortion.
Use the Gain knob to adjus t the amo unt of ge ne rated fuzz. Choos e bet ween t wo ba s ic sha pes: A or B. The
selected waveform is shown on the right. Use the rou nd control on the left to adjust the syn thesized one-octaveup and one-octave-down signals.
Control dynamics of th e signal sent t o the G a in sect ion. Choose betwee n a compressor ( Punch) or a gain rider
(Rider). Blend is the mix bet ween the inpu t signal and the processed d ynami cs signal going to the distortion
Adjust the t one of the signal from the distortio n generato r. The E Q fee d d ir ect ly to t he Ou tput sect ion.
Mix is a wet/dry balance between input and pr ocessed signa l, Output sets the outp ut of the plu gin, and
Temperature controls the overall color of the output signal. Make sure no t to clip the s ignal t hat ’s retu rn ing to
the DAW.
If you don’t like the way things are going, it’s probably better to start over than to keep fixing your fixes. Choose
“Fuzz Full Reset” in the Load m enu to return all controls to their factory reset values. Once you’re happy with the
sound, create a u ser p reset in t he WaveSystem Toolbar.
MDMX Distortion Modules / User Guide
Interface and Controls
Processing Sections
Input sets input level from the DAW.
Gain controls the character and amount of
fuzz generated. It includes a one-octave-up
and one-octave-down generator whose
signal you can combine with the disto rtion.
Dynamics (center) controls the dynamic
processing of the signa l s ent to t he Gain
EQ provides four-band equa lizatio n, post-
Gain and post-Dynamics.
Output sets the level of the return to the
host. It also let s yo u def ine the temperature
of the output sound and control the dry/wet
MDMX Distortion Modules / User Guide
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