User Guide:
IntelliZone2 ● 24V MasterStat System
For Use with Typical Non-Communicating 24VAC Heat Pump Controls
IntelliZone2 ● 24V MasterStat
IntelliZone2 ● 24V MasterStat Thermostat
User Information
This thermostat is a wall mounted, low-voltage thermostat
which maintains room temperature by controlling the operation
of a heating and air conditioning system. Batteries are not
required; temperature and mode settings are preserved with
the power off.
via a 4-wire Modbus protocol and will only operate with the
IntelliZone2 ● 24V System.
This communicating thermostat communicates
Adjusting Temperature
(Temporary Override in Programmable models)
Press the blue up or down arrow to increase or decrease the
cooling temperature set point. Press the red up or down arrow
to increase or decrease the heating temperature set point.
Depending on the selected mode one or both sets of the
up/down arrows will be selectable.
If a programmed schedule is active, the cancel button in
the lower left hand corner of the screen will show up when
temperature or mode selections are made. Select the button to
cancel any changes that were made.
Press the Menu button.
Thermostat Operation
Time Date Zone Displayed
Heating Set
Set Point
Error Code
NOTE: Outdoor temperature is only displayed if an outdoor
sensor is installed.
To select a MODE, press the screen button MODE, and then
press the desired operating mode.
AUTO (heat and cool as needed)
Room Humidity
Mode &
Comp SPD
Fan Operation
Fan Operation
The thermostat can operate the fan in three ways:
AUTO (on only during heating and cooling
operation) (DEFAULT)
CONTINUOUS (always on)
INTERMITTENT (cycles fan)
From the Home screen or Menu Screen, press the Fan button.
Select the operation you desire as described above by pressing
the up and down arrows ▲▼.
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Intermittent Fan
Temperature conditions can vary widely between the thermostat
location and the extremities of the space the thermostat serves.
This air stratification problem can be especially pronounced
during mild outdoor conditions when long periods elapse
between space conditioning demands from the thermostat. This
intermittent fan operation can also improve the performance of
air cleaning or special filtration systems that locate the cleaning
or filtration media at the return air side of the fan. If the FAN
hasn’t been on for an hour, the fan will start cycling based on the
times that the user enters in the set up of Intermittent Fan.
To turn intermittent fan on select FAN on main screen and then
INTERMITTENT, then press OFF next to ON TIME. Press the
up and down arrows ▲▼ on the right hand side to adjust the
fan on time, this is the amount of time you want the fan to be
energized. Default is OFF. Ranges are OFF, or 5-20 minutes in
5 minute increments. Press the box to the right of OFF TIME
this is the time the fan will be off. Press the up and down arrows
▲▼ on the right hand side to adjust the fan off time. Ranges
are 5-40 in 5 minute increments. Fan ON and OFF cycles will
continue until the fan has been energized by a call for heating or
Programming Your Thermostat
Preset Programming
Preset options will step you through the programming. Simply
select the temperatures and then view the completed program.
Programming a Day or a Series Of Days
After selecting the programming screen, you have the option
of programming everyday, weekdays, weekends, or individual
days. Once you’ve selected a certain day to program, a screen
appears that allows you to set the time, heat setting, cool
setting, and fan operation for each event.
The zones can be selected by touching the upper right screen
text noting the zone. In this way you can cycle through all
the active zones to view and change their configurations. If
intermittent fan operation is desired in more than one zone then
all zones should use the same ON/OFF times otherwise the last
zone that was set will be followed for all zones.
Humidity - not applicable
This screen shows the status of the IntelliZone2 ● 24V system
on one screen. Displayed information includes zone size,
priority, normalized zone size, zone temperature set points, zone
temp, heating or cooling call, and damper open or close.
1. From the Program menu, select program ON.
2. Select the number of events each day, 2 or 4.
3. You can program each day differently, or every day the
same or the weekdays or weekends the same.
4. Select Zone in upper right hand corner to change zones.
Steps 2 and 3 will need to be completed for each zone.
From the ‘Zone’ screen, press next. This screen shows the
information the IntelliZone2 ● 24V system is sending to the heat
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