Walther FSP-01 Assembly Instructions Manual

Rev. 1.0
Assembly Instructions - FSP-01 Fine-Spray Pistol with Handgrip
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Walther Systemtechnik GmbH – D 76726 Germersheim phone: +49 (0)7274-7022-0 fax: +49 (0)7274-7022-91 http://www.walther-2000.de – info@walther-2000.de
Fig.: FSP-01 HD with regulating screw
Fig.: FSP-01 KLS and HVLP
Please read the Assembly Instructions carefully before first using the incomplete device and strictly adhere to the instructions!
The incomplete device may only be worked with and worked on by persons who are familiar with the assembly instructions and the current regulations for industrial safety and accident prevention.
Assembly Instructions
FSP-01 FINE-SPRAY Pistol with Handgrip
Article Number: F01-….
Keep a translated version of the “Original Assembly Instructions at the incomplete device!
The instructions have to be available anytime!
Rev. 1.0
Assembly Instructions - FSP-01 Fine-Spray Pistol with Handgrip
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Walther Systemtechnik GmbH – D 76726 Germersheim phone: +49 (0)7274-7022-0 fax: +49 (0)7274-7022-91 http://www.walther-2000.de – info@walther-2000.de
EC DECLARATION OF INCORPORATION ....................................................................................................................... 3
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 TARGET GROUP OF THE ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................ 4
1.2 LIST OF SIGNS AND SYMBOLS ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2 SAFETY............................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 DANGERS FROM TO RESIDUAL ENERGY ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 WARRANTY AND LIABILITY ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 CORRECT USE ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 INCORRECT USE ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.6 QUALIFICATION OF PERSONNEL .................................................................................................................................... 5
3 TRANSPORT ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 PACKAGING .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 TASKS BEFORE TRANSPORT .......................................................................................................................................... 6
4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 FUNCTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 TECHNICAL DATA ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
5 INITIAL START-UP ............................................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
6 OPERATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. 7
6.2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 7
7 TAKING OUT OF SERVICE ................................................................................................................................... 9
7.1 SHORT INTERRUPTION ................................................................................................................................................ 9
7.2 LONG-TERM INTERRUPTION ......................................................................................................................................... 9
7.3 FINAL SHUTDOWN OF DEVICE ...................................................................................................................................... 9
8 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR .............................................................................................................................. 9
8.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. 9
8.2 CLEANING .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
8.3 REPLACING THE NOZZLE SET ...................................................................................................................................... 10
8.4 REPLACING THE NEEDLE-VALVE UNIT .......................................................................................................................... 10
8.5 SPARE PARTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
8.6 CUSTOMER SERVICE / SUPPORT .................................................................................................................................. 11
9 TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................................................ 11
9.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................... 11
9.2 CASES OF FAILURE .................................................................................................................................................... 11
9.3 SPRAY IMAGE/ TYPE OF DEFECT ................................................................................................................................. 12
10 APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
10.1 SPARE PARTS DRAWING FOR FSP-01 (KLS AND HVLP).............................................................................................. 13
10.1.1 Spare Parts List for FSP-01 (KLS and HVLP) ........................................................................................... 14
10.1.2 Needles, Nozzles and Air Caps for FSP-01 (KLS) .................................................................................... 15
10.1.3 Needles, Nozzles and Air Caps for FSP-01 (HVLP) ................................................................................. 16
10.2 SPARE PARTS DRAWING FOR FSP-01 HD WITH REGULATING SCREW ............................................................................ 17
10.2.1 Spare Parts List for FSP-01 HD with Regulating screw .......................................................................... 18
10.2.2 Needles, Nozzles and Air Caps for FSP-01 HD with Regulating Screw .................................................. 19
Rev. 1.0
Assembly Instructions - FSP-01 Fine-Spray Pistol with Handgrip
Page 3 of 19
Walther Systemtechnik GmbH – D 76726 Germersheim phone: +49 (0)7274-7022-0 fax: +49 (0)7274-7022-91 http://www.walther-2000.de – info@walther-2000.de
EC Declaration of Incorporation
in accordance with EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EU, dated 17 May 2006, Appendix II B
We herewith confirm that the below mentioned incomplete device meets the basic requirements for safety and health as stated in EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EU for its design and construction as well as for the configuration released by us on the market. This machine component will not be operated before it has been determined that the incomplete system where the machine component will be installed also meets the requirements of the Directive (2006/42/EG).
Walther Systemtechnik GmbH Hockenheimer Straße 3 D- 76726 Germersheim
FSP-01 Fine-Spray Pistol, article-No. F01-
We also declare the conformity with other, product-relevant directives/guidelines:
Mach. Direct. 2006/42/EU App. I, Clause: 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.1.6, 1.3.2, 1.3.3,
1.3.4, 1.5.8, 1.5.9
Applied harmonized standards, in particular:
DIN EN ISO 12100 Safety of Machinery – General Design Principles –
Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction (ISO 12100:2010)
In addition, we also confirm that the special documentation according to Appendix VII Part B has been prepared.
The manufacturer, respectively his authorized representative obligates himself to submit this documentation to the market surveillance authorities, if requested.
This EC Declaration of Incorporation becomes invalid if the incomplete device will be altered or changed without consent of Walther Systemtechnik GmbH.
Authorized representative for Technical Documentation:
Stefan Hirl, Hockenheimer Straße 3, D- 76726 Germersheim
Germersheim, 30 October 2015
(place, date) (Stefan Hirl, management)
Rev. 1.0
Assembly Instructions - FSP-01 Fine-Spray Pistol with Handgrip
Page 4 of 19
Walther Systemtechnik GmbH – D 76726 Germersheim phone: +49 (0)7274-7022-0 fax: +49 (0)7274-7022-91 http://www.walther-2000.de – info@walther-2000.de
Describes a potentially dangerous situation. Death, grievous bodily harm or severe material damage WILL occur if the respective measures of precaution have not been taken
Describes a potentially dangerous situation. Death, grievous bodily harm or severe material damage MAY occur if the respective measures of precaution have not been taken
Describes a potentially dangerous situation. Slight injuries CAN occur if the respective measures of precaution have not been taken. This signal word is also used to describe possible property damages.
Indicates tips for usage and other particularly useful information.
No dangerous situation.
1 Introduction
1.1 Target Group of the Assembly Instructions
Operating personal Maintenance personal
1.2 List of Signs and Symbols
The assembly instructions warn users of operations which may put their health at risk. The warnings are indicated by combinations of text and symbols as follows:
2 Safety
2.1 General Information
The construction of this device is according to the latest technology and is absolutely reliable. The individual components as well as the complete device are continuously checked by our quality management.
2.2 Dangers from to Residual Energy
Please instruct the operating personnel on the respective measures to be taken against the occurance of mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electric / electronic residual energies.
2.3 Warranty and Liability
According to the conditions laid down by the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Walther Systemtech­nik GmbH has a guarantee of 12 months under normal European operating conditions on its own parts (spare parts are excluded); or according to the conditions of the manufacturer. This guarantee can only be granted by Walther Systemtechnik GmbH, if:
the user has thorough knowledge of the content of the assembly instructions;  the user follows the instructions and notes contained in the assembly instructions;  the user does not rebuild or make changes on parts of the device without prior consent of WST Sys-
temtechnik GmbH.
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Assembly Instructions - FSP-01 Fine-Spray Pistol with Handgrip
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Walther Systemtechnik GmbH – D 76726 Germersheim phone: +49 (0)7274-7022-0 fax: +49 (0)7274-7022-91 http://www.walther-2000.de – info@walther-2000.de
Do not use any solvents, cleaning liquids or coating materials containing 1,1,1 Tri­chloromethane or Methylene Chloride i.e. agents of the group of chlorinated hydrocar­bons. These chemicals may react with aluminum, anodized or zinced parts. The chem­ical reaction may be explosive.
Personnel Task
Instructed Personnel
Personnel with Technical Qualification
Packaging, Transport
Troubleshooting, general
Troubleshooting mechanical
Troubleshooting electrical
Setting up
Taking out of service, Storage
2.4 Correct Use
The FSP-01 FINE-SPRAY spraying pistol is designed and constructed for finest application of thin materials, e.g. release agents, colors or other fluids of low viscosity at room temperature. It is not suitable for spraying aggressive fluids such as acids, alkaline solutions, cleaning agents, chemicals, etc. In case of doubt, please contact the manufacturer.
2.5 Incorrect Use
Operating the device with insufficient knowledge about the operation, maintenance and care of the
Making changes, extensions or alterations on the device that may hamper its safety without the prior
consent of Walther Systemtechnik GmbH.
Operating the device with defective safety installations or not properly attached or malfunctioning
safety devices.
Using unsuitable materials.  Handling the device while energized.
2.6 Qualification of Personnel
Only trained and instructed personnel may conduct work on the equipment. The responsibilities of the personnel for assembly work, operation, repair work or maintenance work must be clearly assigned to individuals!
Persons in training may work with the equipment only under supervision of an experienced person.
Rev. 1.0
Assembly Instructions - FSP-01 Fine-Spray Pistol with Handgrip
Page 6 of 19
Walther Systemtechnik GmbH – D 76726 Germersheim phone: +49 (0)7274-7022-0 fax: +49 (0)7274-7022-91 http://www.walther-2000.de – info@walther-2000.de
Use of other media can result in malfunctions, property damage, or destruction of the machine.
3 Transport
3.1 Packaging
The type of packaging depends on the individual mode of shipping. If not separately contracted, the packaging is in accordance with the rules and regulations of Walther Systemtechnik GmbH. This rule is in accordance with the Federal Association for Packaging HPE.
3.2 Tasks before Transport
The following has to be done before transport:
Disconnect all power lines.
The actual transport of the incomplete device and its individual parts requires special care in order to prevent damages from external forceful impact or careless on- and off-loading. Depending on the mode of transportation, suitable transport and load securing has to be selected. The incomplete device will be aligned
and leveled by appropriate fastening elements.
4 Functional Description
4.1 Function
The FSP-01 Fine-Spray Pistol is designed and constructed for finest application of thin materials, e.g. re­lease agents, colours or other fluids of low viscosity up to 50 bar material pressure. Depending on the air cap used, this valve sprays in flat- or round-spray. Depending on the viscosity of the fluid, the application can be adjusted individually via nozzle dimension, atomizing air pressure and material pressure. The supply of at­omizing air and material takes place via two hoses.
The FSP-01 Fine-Spray Pistol has been thoroughly tested before leaving the factory. No more adjustment is necessary prior to setting up spray operation. If fluid output, however, requires to be regulated individually, apply needle regulator (24.1) for quantity of fluid flow. To spray with a spray gun definite volume of atomising air and a definite pressure of materials is needed. The needle will be opened by activating the trigger and the material flows out of from the nozzle. The air pressure atomises the material and forms it to a jet. The needle function is: Opening by trigger and closing by spring force.
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