R O A D A N D T R A F F I C I N F O R M A T I O N – R T I
Road type Colour
Primary road
Dark grey
Ordinary road
Light grey
Local road
Text and symbols on screen
Event at next guidance point
Distance to next guidance point
Name of next road/street
Facility (Restaurant)
Planned route final destination
Symbol for destination/final destination
Calculated arrival time at final destination
Planned route waypoint
Calculated remaining distance to destination
Maximum permitted speed - at car's current position (17) [Not in cars with RSI.]
Traffic information
Section covered by traffic information
Current road/street name - at car's current position (17)
Next guidance point
Planned route
The car's current position
Stored location
Completed planned route
Planned route start
Map scale
Volvo's navigation system is a traffic infor­mation and road navigation system devel-
oped by Volvo. The system guides you to a destination and gives information along the route. It informs of situations that can affect the drive, such as accidents, road works and shows alterna­tive routes.
It is possible to create an itinerary, search for facilities along the route, store special places etc. The system displays the car's exact position and in event of a wrong turning always corrects to guide you to the destination.
You will see just how intuitive it is to use. Try it out. In order to get along with the system we rec­ommend that you familiarise yourself with the information in this manual.
By facilitating accessibility and shortening driving distances, Volvo's navigation system contributes to a better environment.
License agreement NAVTEQ DATABASE
For information for the end user - see page 78.
Table of contents
01 Quick Guide
Quick start................................................... 8
02 Get to know your navigation
Manual...................................................... 12
Before starting.......................................... 14
Overview................................................... 16
Controls.................................................... 19
Voice recognition...................................... 22
Keyboard................................................... 25
DVD disc, screen...................................... 27
Maps, road types and compass............... 30
Menus....................................................... 32
Menu tree in three levels........................... 34
03 Planning your trip
Specify a destination................................ 40
Itinerary..................................................... 47
Current position........................................ 50
Settings..................................................... 51
Simulation................................................. 60
Table of contents
04 Traffic information
General...................................................... 64
Reading information.................................. 66
Handling traffic problems.......................... 68
05 Symbols on the map
Facilities.................................................... 72
06 Questions and answers
Frequently asked questions...................... 76
EULA - License agreement....................... 78
Copyright.................................................. 80
Table of contents
07 Alphabetical Index
Alphabetical Index.................................... 82
Table of contents
Quick start................................................................................................. 8
01 Quick Guide
Quick start
Activating the system
The car's electrical system must first be acti­vated:
1. Press the remote control key into the igni­tion switch and activate key position I (see the owner's manual for the car).
2. If the navigation system does not start within a few seconds - press the centre console's NAV button.
When the navigation system is started the display screen shows a text which must be confirmed:
Press the OK button.
For more information, see page 14.
Volvo's GPS navigator can be operated in several ways:
With the steering wheel's right-hand key­pad
With the controls in the centre console
With a remote control
With voice recognition.
For a functional description, see page 19.
Main commands
The steering wheel keypad is used in the fol­lowing two examples to give guidance to an Address or Facility.
Scroll/select in the menus with the Thumbwheel (1).
Activate selections with a brief press on the Thumbwheel (abbreviated in the fol­lowing example with "+ OK".
Go back in menus and/or undo using
EXIT (2).
Centre console controls
If the centre console keypad is used instead of the steering wheel keypad then the follow­ing applies:
Keypad in steering wheel
Centre con­sole
Turn the Thumbwheel Turn TUNE
Press the Thumbwheel Press OK
Press EXIT Press EXIT
Guidance to a street address
Step Display
screen/ menu
1 If the display
screen does not show a map image, proceed as follows:
Press the centre console button NAV.
2 Map Press NAV to dis-
play the "Short­cuts" menu.
3 Shortcuts
menu, see page 32.
Select Set
+ OK.
Set destina­tion
Select Address + OK.
01 Quick Guide
Quick start
Step Display
screen/ menu
Address: Select City: +
6 Daisy wheel -
see page 25.
Turn the Thumb- wheel to select characters and enter it by click­ing OK - a list of options emerges on the display screen.
7 Daisy wheel Select the appro-
priate district from the list + OK.
Navigation menu
Select Set single
destination +
9 Map Guidance starts -
follow the instruc­tions.
The navigation system calculates the route, travel time and distance to the selected desti-
nation. The system provides guidance and instructions on junctions etc.
If there is a deviation from the planned route outline during the journey then the system automatically calculates a new route outline.
Guidance to a facility (POI)
Step Display
screen/ menu
1 If the display
screen does not show a map image, proceed as fol­lows:
Press the centre console button NAV.
2 Map Press NAV to
bring up a menu.
3 Shortcuts
menu, see page 32.
Select Set Point
Of Interest +
Set destina­tion
Select Point of
interest (POI) +
Point of inter­est (POI)
Select e.g. Near
the car + OK.
Step Display
screen/ menu
Latest 5 POI types
Select e.g. All
types + OK.
All POI types Select e.g. Air-
port + OK.
Results list
Select the desired option from the list + OK.
Navigation menu
Select Set sin-
gle destination
+ OK.
10 Map Guidance starts
- follow the instructions.
Manual.................................................................................................... 12
Before starting........................................................................................ 14
Overview................................................................................................. 16
Controls................................................................................................... 19
Voice recognition.................................................................................... 22
Keyboard................................................................................................. 25
DVD disc, screen.................................................................................... 27
Maps, road types and compass............................................................. 30
Menus..................................................................................................... 32
Menu tree in three levels......................................................................... 34
02 Get to know your navigation system
Heading level 1
Heading level 2
The content under this heading is part of Heading level 1.
Heading level 3
The content under this heading is part of Heading level 2.
Heading level 4
The content under this heading is part of Heading level 3.
General information on the manual
There is a quick guide for the user who wants to get started right away - see page 8.
For a more in-depth description of the opera­tion and options as well as the selection of settings to the destination, the recommenda­tion is to read the manual in combination with practical use.
Menu options/Search paths
All options that can be selected on the dis­play screen are marked in this manual with slightly larger and grey-shaded text, e.g.
Search paths in the menu tree are stated as e.g.:
Set destination Address City:
English text
The manual's images are common to all mar­kets and languages so where they contain text it is mainly in English.
In order to facilitate the user's understanding of the images and their menu options with search paths connected to the manual's text, the English word for the image is in brackets immediately after the intended text/phrase in the language of the manual:
Set destination Address
(Set destination > Address)
Special text
Texts marked with NOTE provide advice or tips to facilitate use of e.g. features and functions.
There is information in the manual that is added as a footnote at the bottom of the page or in direct association with a table. This
Not in English manuals - but shown here as an example.
02 Get to know your navigation system
information is a supplement to the text to which it refers via the footnote number/letter.
All types of options/accessories are marked with an asterisk (*).
In addition to standard equipment, this man­ual also describes options (factory fitted equipment) and certain accessories (retrofit­ted extra equipment).
The equipment described in this owner's manual is not available in all cars - they have different equipment depending on adapta­tions for the needs of different markets and national or local laws and regulations.
In the event of uncertainty over what is stand­ard or an option/accessory - contact a Volvo dealer.
Changes in the manual
The specifications, design features and illus­trations in this owner's manual are not bind­ing.
We reserve the right to make modifications without prior notice.
© Volvo Car Corporation
02 Get to know your navigation system
Before starting
The Volvo navigation system uses reference system WGS84, which gives longitude and latitude positions.
The car's navigation system can be used without a destination being selected.
Map position
Upon start-up, the navigation system shows an on-screen text message, which must be confirmed by pressing the OK/MENU button. The text is as follows:
This system provides route information to help you reach your destination. Due to road conditions, some recommendations may not be accurate. Obey all traffic laws and drive based on your own good judgement. Always concentrate on your driving by keeping your eyes and mind on the road.
Then a map of the current geographic area is shown where the car is symbolised by a blue triangle.
The system is supplied with default settings, but starts with the settings last used.
There is a function that resets all settings to default settings simultaneously, see page 58.
1. Push the remote control key into the igni­tion switch.
2. The screen activates automatically in the key position I (see the car's manual).
3. Press the centre console's button NAV if the navigation system does not start automatically.
4. Press OK when the "Start up" text appears on-screen, see previous section "Map mode".
The system may need a few seconds in order to detect the position and movement of the car.
The navigation system is shut down when the remote control key is removed from the igni­tion switch.
The Navigator cannot be switched off man­ually, but always works in the background after the "Start up" sequence. If the naviga­tion system is not to be switched on:
Press EXIT at the "Start up" sequence, see section "Map mode".
The navigation system is also available when the engine is switched off. When the battery level gets too low the system switches off.
Demo (simulated guidance)
To see how the system works, guidance to an indicated destination can be simulated on­screen - see page 60.
02 Get to know your navigation system
Before starting
02 Get to know your navigation system
NOTE: The picture is schematic - some details may vary depending on car model and market.
02 Get to know your navigation system
Antenna for GPS
The antenna is integrated into the roof antenna.
Voice recognition
Some procedures in the Navigation system can also be voice controlled. The microphone (2a) is fitted in the ceiling and the activation button (2b) is located on the right-hand key­pad on the steering wheel. For more informa­tion, see page 22.
Main unit
The main unit is fitted in and behind the cen­tre console and includes the following func­tions:
Calculating the position of the car
Calculating the route to the specified des­tination
Handling traffic information
Voice guidance
DVD player
Receiver for GPS and traffic information (TMC1) is integrated into the main unit.
The car's speed sensor and a gyro calculate the current position and the direction of travel of the car using signals from the GPS satellite system.
The advantage of this concept is that the Navigation system registers and calculates the route outline even if the GPS signal is temporarily lost, e.g. when driving through a tunnel.
Traffic information
TMC1 is a standardised coding system for traffic information. The receiver automatically searches for the correct frequency. Reception takes place via the FM antenna.
TMC is not available in all areas/countries. The system's coverage area is under con­stant construction and updating may sometimes be necessary.
For information about updating map data and software, see page 27.
The screen displays maps and provides detailed information on route type, distance, menus etc. For information screen care, see page 28.
Keypad, centre console
As an alternative to the steering wheel key­pad, the centre console's numerical keypad can be used in combination with buttons OK/ MENU, TUNE and EXIT to scroll between dif­ferent menu options, confirm options or go back in menus, see page 19.
Volume control and IR receiver
Use the audio unit's volume control during ongoing voice messages to adjust the vol­ume, see page 31. The volume can also be adjusted in the menu system.
Point the remote control towards the centre console during use - its IR receiver is located there.
Traffic Message Channel
02 Get to know your navigation system
Keypad, steering wheel
A keypad is located on the right-hand side of the steering wheel. Use it to scroll between different menu options, to confirm selections or to move back in menus, see page 19.
Navigation system audio uses the front loud­speakers.
02 Get to know your navigation system
* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.
General information about controls
The navigation system is operated by con­trols on the centre console, the steering wheel keypad or using a remote control*. The three different control unit keypads have common functions but differ in appearance and operation. The design may also vary depending on market.
The system can also be controlled by voice recognition using specific commands - see page 22.
Centre console
Centre console keypad.
NAV activates the GPS navigator on the display screen. With GPS activated, a quick menu opens/closes, see page 32.
Numerical keys enter information for address and name search, and scroll on the map, see pages 25 and 32.
Press OK/MENU once to confirm or acti­vate a selection. Described in this manual with the "OK button" or "+ OK".
Turning TUNE scrolls between different menu options or zooms when the map image is shown. Described in this manual with the "TUNE knob".
Press EXIT once to go back in the menu structure or undo a selection.
Steering wheel
The steering wheel's keypad is available in several versions depending on market and selection of audio system.
Steering wheel right-hand keypad.
Turn the thumbwheel to scroll between different menu options or zoom when the map image is shown.
Press the thumbwheel to confirm/acti­vate a selection.
EXIT goes back in the menu structure or undoes a selection.
02 Get to know your navigation system
Voice recognition
See page 22.
Remote control
The remote control can be used to control/ operate several different functions in the car ­only the related navigation system is descri­bed here.
Point the remote control at the centre console during use.
Remote control keypad.
NAV activates the GPS navigator on the display screen. With GPS activated, a quick menu opens/closes, see page 32
EXIT goes back in the menu structure or undoes a selection.
OK/MENU confirms or activates a selec­tion. Described in this manual with the "OK button" or "+ OK".
Arrow keys move the menu cursor.
Numerical keys enter data for address
and name search, and scroll on the map.
If the remote control does not work, try replacing with new AA/LR6 batteries first of all.
Store the remote control and other similar objects in one of the storage compart­ments - in the event of sudden braking or a collision such objects could cause per­sonal injury or material damage.
Additional information
02 Get to know your navigation system
Sometimes there is more information availa­ble than can fit on the menu bar - the line then ends with the character: "#".
To view the rest of the information:
Press the INFO button.
02 Get to know your navigation system
Voice recognition
General about Voice control
Voice control means that certain functions in the navigation system can be activated by the spoken word.
The Voice commands offer comfort and help the driver to avoid distraction - instead the driver can concentrate on driving and focus attention on the road and traffic situation.
The driver always holds overall responsibil­ity for driving the vehicle in a safe manner and complying with all applicable rules of the road.
The Voice control uses the common micro­phone of the hands-free system - the driver receives responses to the Voice control through the vehicle's loud speakers.
The microphone is positioned in the ceiling in front of the driver for optimal take-up of the driver's speech - it can however be disturbed by/pick up loud voices from passengers.
Keypad in steering wheel.
Button for voice control
Activating the system
A short press on the steering wheel but­ton (1) activates the voice recognition system - a voice command can be given after the tone.
Think of the following when using the voice recognition system:
For commands - Speak after the tone with a normal voice at a normal tempo
The car's doors, windows and sunroof must be closed
Avoid background noise in the passenger compartment.
If the driver is unsure of which command to use, he/she can say "
Help" - the sys-
tem then responds with several different commands which can be used in the cur­rent situation.
Voice commands can be disabled by:
not speaking
saying "
hold the steering wheel button for Voice recognition depressed for a cou­ple of seconds
press EXIT
press one of the centre console's but­tons NAV, RADIO, MEDIA, MY CAR or CAM.
Use the voice command
Entering information in the navigation system using the voice command is very simple because the screen lists the frequently occur­ring commands to be used in the relevant sit­uation.
A voice command is started as follows:
02 Get to know your navigation system
Voice recognition
1. Press the steering wheel button for Voice control - the display lists examples of possible commands.
For example, select "
Navigation" - wait
for the tone and state the word clearly and in normal conversational tone.
The screen shifts to the option "
Repeat instruction/Navigation go to address/ Itinerary" - Select and say "Itinerary".
Note that greyed out text and text in brackets is not included in the spoken command.
Greyed-out menu bars and options on the screen are temporarily not selectable.
The command can be given in several ways
The command "Navigation go to address" can be stated as:
Navigation > Go to… > Address" - Say
"Navigation", wait for the system response in the form of suitable on­screen options. Continue by saying, for example, "Go to…" and conclude with "Address".
Say the whole command in one sequence
- "
Navigation go to address".
Some good advice:
Give a command by first pressing the voice button and then speaking naturally after the tone.
To respond to the voice recognition sys­tem - speak after the tone at the end of the question.
To interrupt the voice session - press and hold the voice button or press the EXIT button.
The driver can obtain help during a dia­logue by saying "
Help" after a listening
The dialogue with the system can be speeded up - Interrupt the system's speech with a short press on the button's voice button, wait for a tone and then start talking.
The voice recognition system asks up to 3 times for an answer. If no answer is given by the driver during this time then the session is concluded.
Here are some normal commands:
Navigation go to address
Navigation go to POI
Navigation delete next waypoint
Navigation cancel guidance.
A complete list of quick commands is available in the MY CAR menu - Go to
Settings Voice settings Voice command list
Navigation commands.
Help functions and settings
In the menu system MY CAR there are pro­grams where the driver can practice the dif­ferent functions in the voice recognition sys­tem. To describe the menu system MY CAR ­see the car's normal instruction manual.
The better the driver knows the voice recog­nition system, the more comfortable the driver will be using the functions. Practicing using the integrated practice programs is therefore recommended.
The exercise programs are only accessible when the car is stationary with the parking brake applied.
Introduction to voice control
The program Voice tutorial gives the driver step by step instructions in the use of the voice recognition system and is a simple way
02 Get to know your navigation system
Voice recognition
of becoming familiar with the methods of giv­ing commands.
The program can be started in two ways:
Press the steering wheel button for voice control and say "
Voice tutorial".
Activate the program in MY CAR - Go to
Settings Voice settings Voice tutorial
Voice training
The program Voice training teaches the voice recognition system to recognise the driver's voice and speech pattern. It is also possible to create a second user profile - an advantage if more than one person is likely to use the car/system regularly.
The voice training is started in MY CAR ­Go to
Settings Voice settings
Voice training User 1 or User 2.
Menu option Default setting can only be changed to
User 1 after a lesson on Voice
training has been completed.
More settings in MY CAR
User profile - 2 x different user profiles can be set. Go to
Settings Voice
Voice user setting. Tick one
of the options
Default setting, User 1 or
User 2.
Voice volume - Go to
Settings Voice
Voice output volume and
select the desired level.
The system's voice volume can also be adjusted using the centre console TUNE knob when the system is speaking.
The voice recognition system is under con­stant development and at time of printing the following languages were available:
English (UK)
English (US)
French (CAN)
French (FRA)
Spanish (EU)
Spanish (US)
The voice recognition system in combina­tion with GPS navigation only works with the languages listed here.
To change the language - Go to Settings
System options Language and select.
The languages that are included in the voice recognition system have this icon in the language list.
Language dependent user profile
The voice recognition system only under­stands the language set in
System options.
Say that user profile User 1 is stored by a Swedish speaking driver with the system set in Swedish. If the driver changes the car lan­guage to English the user profile User 1 will no longer be selectable because the system now only understands, and expects English speech - instead the option Default setting becomes active.
To improve the system's understanding of the driver's English speech the solution is to teach and store the driver's English speech in
User 2 with the system set to English (to
have both variants available) or to replace the Swedish language profile in User 1 with an English profile.
02 Get to know your navigation system
Entering and selecting options
Screen view with text field or optional text.
This navigation system uses a "daisy wheel" to enter specific information, e.g. type of facility, place/town, area/country, address, street or post code.
Activate an option
After marking a desired function/menu bar using the thumb wheel or the TUNE knob, press the thumb wheel/OK to see the next level of functions/options.
Enter as follows
The daisy wheel.
1. Mark a text field.
2. Press OK to call up the "daisy wheel":
3. Select the characters using the thumb wheelTUNE knob and enter them by pressing thumb wheelOK.
Numerical keyboard
Another way of entering characters is using the centre console's buttons 0-9, * and #.
When 9 is pressed, a bar appears with all characters1 under the buttons, e.g.
W, x, y, z
and 9. Quick press the move/"loop" cursor through these characters.
Stop using the cursor on the desired character to select it - the character is shown on the enter line.
Delete/change using EXIT.
More options
Faded characters cannot be selected in combination with the currently input char­acters.
In the daisy wheel's inset menu there are fur­ther options that have more characters and digits:
More (More) + OK - alternative charac-
ters appear in the wheel.
123 + OK - digits appear in the wheel.
=> + OK - the cursor moves to the list on
the right-hand side of the screen where selections using OK can be made.
Last 5 (Last 5) + OK - lists the most
recent searches. Mark one of them + OK.
The character for each button may vary depending on market/state/language.
+ 61 hidden pages