02 Get to know your navigation system
Voice recognition
1. Press the steering wheel button for Voice
control - the display lists examples of
possible commands.
For example, select "
Navigation" - wait
for the tone and state the word clearly
and in normal conversational tone.
The screen shifts to the option "
instruction/Navigation go to address/
Itinerary" - Select and say "Itinerary".
Note that greyed out text and text in brackets
is not included in the spoken command.
Greyed-out menu bars and options on the
screen are temporarily not selectable.
The command can be given in several
The command "Navigation go to address"
can be stated as:
Navigation > Go to… > Address" - Say
"Navigation", wait for the system
response in the form of suitable onscreen options. Continue by saying, for
example, "Go to…" and conclude with
Say the whole command in one sequence
- "
Navigation go to address".
Some good advice:
Give a command by first pressing the
voice button and then speaking naturally
after the tone.
To respond to the voice recognition system - speak after the tone at the end of
the question.
To interrupt the voice session - press and
hold the voice button or press the EXIT
The driver can obtain help during a dialogue by saying "
Help" after a listening
The dialogue with the system can be
speeded up - Interrupt the system's
speech with a short press on the button's
voice button, wait for a tone and then
start talking.
The voice recognition system asks up to
3 times for an answer. If no answer is
given by the driver during this time then
the session is concluded.
Here are some normal commands:
Navigation go to address
Navigation go to POI
Navigation delete next waypoint
Navigation cancel guidance.
A complete list of quick commands is
available in the MY CAR menu - Go to
Settings Voice settings Voice
command list
Navigation commands.
Help functions and settings
In the menu system MY CAR there are programs where the driver can practice the different functions in the voice recognition system. To describe the menu system MY CAR see the car's normal instruction manual.
The better the driver knows the voice recognition system, the more comfortable the
driver will be using the functions. Practicing
using the integrated practice programs is
therefore recommended.
The exercise programs are only accessible
when the car is stationary with the parking
brake applied.
Introduction to voice control
The program Voice tutorial gives the driver
step by step instructions in the use of the
voice recognition system and is a simple way