VOLTCRAFT DSO-6202 User guide

DSO Four-Channel Series

Digital Storage Oscilloscopes

User Manual

General Warranty

We warrants that the product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 3 years from the date of purchase of the product by the original purchaser from our company. The warranty period for accessories such as probes, battery is 12 months. This warranty only applies to the original purchaser and is not transferable to a third party.

If the product proves defective during the warranty period, we will either repair the defective product without charge for parts and labour, or will provide a replacement in exchange for the defective product. Parts, modules and replacement products used by our company for warranty work may be new or reconditioned like new. All replaced parts, modules and products become the property of our company.

In order to obtain service under this warranty, the customer must notify our company of the defect before the expiration of the warranty period. Customer shall be responsible for packaging and shipping the defective product to the designated service centre, a copy of the customers proof of purchase is also required.

This warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use or improper or inadequate maintenance and care. We shall not be obligated to furnish service under this warranty a) to repair damage resulting from attempts by personnel other than our company representatives to install, repair or service the product; b) to repair damage resulting from improper use or connection to incompatible equipment; c) to repair any damage or malfunction caused by the use of not our supplies; or d) to service a product that has been modified or integrated with other products when the effect of such modification or integration increases the time or difficulty of servicing the product.

Please contact the nearest Sales and Service Offices for services or a complete copy of the warranty statement.

Excepting the after-sales services provided in this summary or the applicable warranty statements, we will not offer any guarantee for maintenance definitely declared or hinted, including but not limited to the implied guarantee for marketability and special-purpose acceptability. We should not take any responsibilities for any indirect, special or consequent damages.

Table of Contents


1. General Safety Requirements..........................................................................................


2. Safety Terms and Symbols...............................................................................................


3. Junior User Guidebook ...................................................................................................


Introduction to the Structure of the Oscilloscope.....................................................................


Front Panel ...............................................................................................................................................


Rear Panel ................................................................................................................................................


Control Area.............................................................................................................................................


User Interface Introduction........................................................................................................


How to Implement the General Inspection .............................................................................


How to Implement the Function Inspection............................................................................


How to Implement the Probe Compensation..........................................................................


How to Set the Probe Attenuation Coefficient........................................................................


How to Use the Probe Safely.....................................................................................................


How to Implement Self-calibration..........................................................................................


Introduction to the Vertical System.........................................................................................


Introduction to the Horizontal System....................................................................................


Introduction to the Trigger System .........................................................................................


Touchscreen Controls ...............................................................................................................


4. Advanced User Guidebook ............................................................................................


How to Set the Vertical System ................................................................................................


Use Mathematical Manipulation Function .............................................................................


Waveform math....................................................................................................................................


User defined function .............................................................................................................................


Digital Filter ...........................................................................................................................................


Using FFT function ................................................................................................................................


Use Vertical Position and Scale Knobs....................................................................................


How to Set the Horizontal System ...........................................................................................


Zoom the Waveform ..............................................................................................................................


How to Set the Trigger/Decoding System................................................................................


Single Trigger.........................................................................................................................................


Logic Trigger..........................................................................................................................................


Bus Trigger.............................................................................................................................................


Bus Decoding .........................................................................................................................................


How to Operate the Function Menu ........................................................................................


How to Implement Sampling Setup .......................................................................................................


How to Set the Display System..............................................................................................................


How to Save and Recall a Waveform.....................................................................................................



How to Record/Playback Waveforms ....................................................................................................


How to Clone and Recall a waveform....................................................................................................


How to Implement the Auxiliary System Function Setting....................................................................


How to Update your Instrument Firmware.............................................................................................


How to Measure Automatically..............................................................................................................


How to Measure with Cursors................................................................................................................


How to Use Autoscale............................................................................................................................


How to Use Built-in Help.......................................................................................................................


How to Use Executive Buttons...............................................................................................................


How to Print the Screen Image...............................................................................................................


5. Use the Arbitrary Function Generator (Optional) .............................................................


Output Connection....................................................................................................................


To Set Channels.........................................................................................................................


To Set Signals.............................................................................................................................


To Output Sine Signals...........................................................................................................................


To Set the Frequency ...........................................................................................................................................


To Set the Period..................................................................................................................................................


To Set the Start Phase ..........................................................................................................................................


To Set the Amplitude ...........................................................................................................................................


To Set the Offset ..................................................................................................................................................


To Set the High Level ..........................................................................................................................................


To Set the Low Level...........................................................................................................................................


To Output Square Signals.......................................................................................................................


To Output Ramp Signals ........................................................................................................................


To Set the Symmetry of Ramp.............................................................................................................................


To Output Pulse Signals.........................................................................................................................


To Set the Pulse Width of Pulse...........................................................................................................................


To Set the Duty Cycle of Pulse............................................................................................................................


To Output Arbitrary Signals...................................................................................................................


Create a New Waveform......................................................................................................................................


File Browse..........................................................................................................................................................


Built-in Waveform ...............................................................................................................................................


Frequency Response Analysis ..................................................................................................


6. Communication with PC ...............................................................................................


Using USB Port..........................................................................................................................


Using LAN Port .......................................................................................................................


Connect directly ...................................................................................................................................


Connect through a router......................................................................................................................


7. Demonstration .............................................................................................................


Example 1: Measurement a Simple Signal............................................................................


Example 2: Gain of a Amplifier in a Metering Circuit........................................................


Example 3: Capturing a Single Signal...................................................................................



Example 4: Analyze the Details of a Signal...........................................................................


Example 5: Application of X-Y Function..............................................................................


Example 6: Video Signal Trigger...........................................................................................


8. Troubleshooting............................................................................................................


9. Technical Specifications...............................................................................................






Waveform Generator (optional) ............................................................................................


General Technical Specifications ...........................................................................................


10. Appendix .....................................................................................................................


Appendix A: Enclosure...........................................................................................................


Appendix B: General Care and Cleaning .............................................................................


Appendix C: Optional Battery Using Guide.........................................................................


Appendix D: Line Fuse Replacement ....................................................................................



1.General Safety Requirements

1. General Safety Requirements

Before use, please read the following safety precautions to avoid any possible bodily injury and to prevent this product or any other connected products from damage. In order to avoid any contingent danger, ensure this product is only used within the range specified.

Only the qualified technicians can implement the maintenance. To avoid Fire or Personal Injury:

Connect the probe correctly. The grounding end of the probe corresponds to the grounding phase. Please don't connect the grounding end to the positive phase.

Use Proper Power Cord. Use only the power cord supplied with the product and certified to use in your country.

Connect or Disconnect Correctly. When the probe or test lead is connected to a voltage source, please do not connect and disconnect the probe or test lead at random.

Product Grounded. This instrument is grounded through the power cord grounding conductor. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be grounded. The product must be grounded properly before any connection with its input or output terminal.

When powered by AC power, it is not allowed to measure AC power source directly, because the testing ground and power cord ground conductor are connected together, otherwise, it will cause short circuit.

When powered by battery, the product must ground connection. To avoid electric shock, there must be a ground wire connect between ground and the ground port (on the back of product panel).

Check all Terminal Ratings. To avoid fire or shock hazard, check all ratings and markers of this product. Refer to the user's manual for more information about ratings before connecting to the instrument.

Do not operate without covers. Do not operate the instrument with covers or panels removed.

Use Proper Fuse. Use only the specified type and rating fuse for this instrument.

Avoid exposed circuit. Do not touch exposed junctions and components when the instrument is powered.

Do not operate if in any doubt. If you suspect damage occurs to the instrument, have it inspected by qualified service personnel before further operations.

Use your Oscilloscope in a well-ventilated area. Make sure the instrument installed with proper ventilation, refer to the user manual for more details.

Do not operate in wet conditions.

Do not operate in an explosive atmosphere.

Keep product surfaces clean and dry.


2.Safety Terms and Symbols

2. Safety Terms and Symbols

Safety Terms

Terms in this manual. The following terms may appear in this manual:

Warning: Warning indicates the conditions or practices that could result in injury or loss of life.

Caution: Caution indicates the conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property.

Terms on the product. The following terms may appear on this product: Danger: It indicates an injury or hazard may immediately happen. Warning: It indicates an injury or hazard may be accessible potentially.

Caution: It indicates a potential damage to the instrument or other property might occur.

Safety Symbols

Symbols on the product. The following symbol may appear on the product:

Hazardous Voltage

Refer to Manual

Protective Earth Terminal

Chassis Ground

Test Ground


To avoid body damage and prevent product and connected equipment damage, carefully read the following safety information before using the test tool. This product can only be used in the specified applications.


The four channels of the oscilloscope are not electrically isolated. The channels should adopt a common ground during measuring. To prevent short circuits, the 2 probe grounds must not be connected to 2 different non-isolated DC levels.


2.Safety Terms and Symbols

The diagram of the oscilloscope ground wire connection:

Probe Oscilloscope Electrical Outlet

Signal Input

Power Cord

Ground Clip

The diagram of the ground wire connection when the battery-powered oscilloscope is connected to the AC-powered PC through the ports:




Electrical Outlet





Signal Input







Ground Clip

LAN Cable






It is not allowed to measure AC power when the oscilloscope is AC powered, or when the battery-powered oscilloscope is connected to the AC-powered PC through the ports.


To avoid fire or electrical shock, when the oscilloscope input signal connected is more than 42V peak (30Vrms) or on circuits of more than 4800VA, please take note of below items:

Only use accessory insulated voltage probes and test lead.

Check the accessories such as probe before use and replace it if there are any damages.

Remove probes, test leads and other accessories immediately after use.

Remove USB cable which connects oscilloscope and computer.

Do not apply input voltages above the rating of the instrument because the probe tip voltage will directly transmit to the oscilloscope. Use with caution when the probe is set as 1:1.

Do not use exposed metal BNC or banana plug connectors.

Do not insert metal objects into connectors.


3.Junior User Guidebook

3. Junior User Guidebook

This chapter deals with the following topics mainly:

Introduction to the structure of the oscilloscope Introduction to the user interface

How to implement the general inspection How to implement the function inspection How to make a probe compensation How to set the probe attenuation coefficient How to use the probe safely

How to implement an self-calibration Introduction to the vertical system Introduction to the horizontal system Introduction to the trigger system Touchscreen Controls


3.Junior User Guidebook

Introduction to the Structure of the Oscilloscope

This chapter makes a simple description of the operation and function of the front panel of the oscilloscope, enabling you to be familiar with the use of the oscilloscope in the shortest time.

Front Panel

The front panel has knobs and function buttons. The 5 buttons in the column on the right side of the display screen or in the row under the display screen are menu selection buttons, through which, you can set the different options for the current menu. The other buttons are function buttons, through which, you can enter different function menus or obtain a specific function application directly.











Figure 3-1 Front panel

1.Display area

2.Select the right menu item

3.Control (button and knob) area

4.Probe Compensation: Measurement signal ( ≈ 3.3V/1kHz) output.

5.Input connectors of four channels

6.Remove the left and right menu

7.Select the bottom menu item

8.Copy button: You can save the waveform by just pressing this button in any user


3.Junior User Guidebook


9.USB Host port: It is used to transfer data when external USB equipment connects to the oscilloscope regarded as "host device". For example: Saving the waveform to USB flash disk needs to use this port.

10.Power on/off

Rear Panel








8 7 6

Figure 3-2 Rear Panel


2.Air vents

3.AC power input jack


5.Foot stool: Adjust the tilt angle of the oscilloscope.

6.LAN port: the network port which can be used to connect with PC.

7.USB Device port: It is used to transfer data when external USB equipment connects to the oscilloscope regarded as "slave device". For example: to use this port when connect PC to the oscilloscope by USB.

8.Lock Hole: You can lock the oscilloscope to a fixed location using the security lock (please buy it yourself) to secure the oscilloscope.

9.Trig Out(P/F) port: Trigger signal output or Pass/Fail output, also can be used as the port of CH2 Output of optional dual-channel waveform generator. The output type can be set on the menu (Utility menuOutputOutput).

10.Out 1 port: Output (single-channel) or CH1 Output (dual-channel) of optional waveform generator.


3.Junior User Guidebook

Control Area










5 4

Figure 3-3 Control Area Overview

1.Function button area: Total 11 buttons

2.Waveform generator controls (optional) or

DAQ: This function is not available. P/F: Pass/Fail (see "Pass/Fail" on P74)

W.REC: Waveform Record (see "How to Record/Playback Waveforms" on P64)

3.Trigger control area with 2 buttons and 1 knob.

The Trigger Level knob is to adjust trigger voltage. Other 2 buttons refer to trigger system setting.

4. Horizontal control area with 1 button and 2 knobs.

"HOR" button refer to horizontal system setting menu, "Horizontal Position" knob control trigger position, "Horizontal Scale" control time base.

5. Vertical control area with 5 buttons and 2 knobs.

CH1 - CH4 buttons correspond to setting menu in CH1 - CH4. "Math" button provides access to math waveform functions (+, -, ×, /, FFT, user function, digital filter). The "Vertical Position" knob control the vertical position of current channel, and the "Scale" knob control voltage scale of current channel.

6.Default: Call out the factory settings.

Print: Print an image of what appears on the instrument screen. Decode: Turn on/off Decode function.

Snap: Shortcut button for measurement snapshot.

7.Direction key: Move the cursor of the focused parameter.

8.M knob (Multipurpose knob): when a symbol appears on the menu, it indicates you can turn the M knob to select the menu or set the value. You can push it to close


VOLTCRAFT DSO-6202 User guide

3.Junior User Guidebook

the menu on the left and right.

User Interface Introduction

1 2



5 6 7



9 10






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Figure 3-4 Illustrative Drawing of Display Interfaces

1.Waveform Display Area.

2.Run/Stop (touchable) (see "How to Use Executive Buttons" on P87)

3.The state of trigger, including:

Auto: Automatic mode and acquire waveform without triggering.

Trig: Trigger detected and acquire waveform.

Ready: Pre-triggered data captured and ready for a trigger.

Scan: Capture and display the waveform continuously.

Stop: Data acquisition stopped.

4.Click to auto set.

5.The two blue dotted lines indicates the vertical position of cursor measurement.

6.The pointer indicates the trigger position in the record length.

7.The T pointer indicates the horizontal position for the trigger.

8.It shows present triggering value and displays the site of present window in internal memory.

9.Touchable icon is to enable ( ) or disable ( ) the touchscreen controls.

10.It shows setting time (see "Config" on P73).


3.Junior User Guidebook

11.It indicates that there is a USB disk connecting with the oscilloscope.

12.The waveform of CH1.

13.The pointer shows the trigger level position of the source in trigger menu.

14.The two blue dotted lines indicate the horizontal position of cursor measurement.

15.The waveform of CH2.

16.The waveform of CH3.

17.The waveform of CH4.

18.The frequency of the trigger signal.

19.The icon shows the selected trigger type, e.g. represents triggering on the rising edge for an Edge trigger. The reading shows the trigger level value of the corresponding channel.

20.Click to show/hide the touchable shortcut menu.

21.It indicates the measured type and value of the corresponding channel. "T" means period, "F" means frequency, "V" means the average value, "Vp" the peak-peak value, "Vr" the root-mean-square value, "Ma" the maximum amplitude value, "Mi" the minimum amplitude value, "Vt" the Voltage value of the waveform's flat top value, "Vb" the Voltage value of the waveform's flat base, "Va" the amplitude value, "Os" the overshoot value, "Ps" the Preshoot value, "RT" the rise time value, "FT" the fall time value, "PW" the +width value, "NW" the -Width

value, "+D" the +Duty value, "-D" the -Duty value, "PD" the Delay A->B

value, "ND" the Delay A->B value, "TR" the Cycle RMS, "CR" the Cursor RMS, "WP" the Screen Duty, "RP" the Phase A->B, "FP" the Phase A->B, "+PC" the +Pulse count, "-PC" the - Pulse count, "+E" the Rise edge count, "-E" the Fall edge count, "AR" the Area, "CA" the Cycle area.

22.The readings show the record length.

23.The readings show current sample rate.

24.The readings indicate the corresponding Voltage Division of the channels. "BW" indicates bandwidth limit.

The icon shows the coupling mode of the channel. "—" indicates direct current coupling

" " indicates AC coupling

"" indicates GND coupling

25.The reading shows the setting of main time base.

26.The green pointer indicates the grounding datum point (zero point position) of the waveform of the CH1 channel.

27.The orange pointer indicates the grounding datum point (zero point position) of the waveform of the CH1 channel.

28.It is cursor measure window, showing the absolute values and the readings of the cursors.

29.The blue pointer indicates the grounding datum point (zero point position) of the waveform of the CH1 channel.

30.The yellow pointer indicates the grounding datum point (zero point position) of


3.Junior User Guidebook the waveform of the CH1 channel.

How to Implement the General Inspection

After you get a new oscilloscope, it is recommended that you should make a check on the instrument according to the following steps:

1.Check whether there is any damage caused by transportation.

If it is found that the packaging carton or the foamed plastic protection cushion has suffered serious damage, do not throw it away first till the complete device and its accessories succeed in the electrical and mechanical property tests.

2.Check the Accessories

The supplied accessories have been already described in the "Appendix A: Enclosure" of this Manual. You can check whether there is any loss of accessories with reference to this description. If it is found that there is any accessory lost or damaged, please get in touch with our distributor responsible for this service or our local offices.

3.Check the Complete Instrument

If it is found that there is damage to the appearance of the instrument, or the instrument can not work normally, or fails in the performance test, please get in touch with our distributor responsible for this business or our local offices. If there is damage to the instrument caused by the transportation, please keep the package. With the transportation department or our distributor responsible for this business informed about it, a repairing or replacement of the instrument will be arranged by us.

How to Implement the Function Inspection

Make a fast function check to verify the normal operation of the instrument, according to the following steps:

1.Connect the power cord to a power source. Long press the button on the bottom left of the instrument.

The instrument carries out all self-check items and shows the Boot Logo. Push the Utility button, select Function in the bottom menu. Select Adjust in the left menu, select Default in the bottom menu. The default attenuation coefficient set value of the probe on the menu is 10X.

2.Set the Switch in the Oscilloscope Probe as 10X and Connect the Oscilloscope with CH1 Channel.

Align the slot in the probe with the plug in the CH1 connector BNC, and then tighten the probe with rotating it to the right side.

Connect the probe tip and the ground clamp to the connector of the probe compensator.


3.Junior User Guidebook

3. Push the Autoset Button on the front panel.

The square wave of 1 KHz frequency and 3.3V peak-peak value will be displayed in several seconds (see Figure 3-5).

Figure 3-5 Auto set

Check CH2, CH3 and CH4 by repeating Step 2 and Step 3.

How to Implement the Probe Compensation

When connect the probe with any input channel for the first time, make this adjustment to match the probe with the input channel. The probe which is not compensated or presents a compensation deviation will result in the measuring error or mistake. For adjusting the probe compensation, please carry out the following steps:

1.Set the attenuation coefficient of the probe on the menu as 10X and that of the switch in the probe as 10X (see "How to Set the Probe Attenuation Coefficient" on P12), and connect the probe with the CH1 channel. If a probe hook tip is used, ensure that it keeps in close touch with the probe. Connect the probe tip with the signal connector of the probe compensator and connect the reference wire clamp with the ground wire connector of the probe connector, and then push the Autoset button on the front panel.

2.Check the displayed waveforms and regulate the probe till a correct compensation is achieved (see Figure 3-6 and Figure 3-7).


Compensated correctly

Under compensated


3.Junior User Guidebook

Figure 3-6 Displayed Waveforms of the Probe Compensation

3.Repeat the steps mentioned if needed.

Figure 3-7 Adjust Probe

How to Set the Probe Attenuation Coefficient

The probe has several attenuation coefficients, which will influence the vertical scale factor of the oscilloscope.

To change or check the probe attenuation coefficient on the menu of oscilloscope:

(1)Push the function menu button of the used channels (CH1 - CH4 button).

(2)Select Probe in the bottom menu; select Attenu in the right menu, turn the M knob to select the proper value corresponding to the probe.

This setting will be valid all the time before it is changed again.


The default attenuation coefficient of the probe on the instrument is preset to 10X.

Make sure that the set value of the attenuation switch in the probe is the same as the menu selection of the probe attenuation coefficient in the oscilloscope.

The set values of the probe switch are 1X and 10X (see Figure 3-8).

Figure 3-8 Attenuation Switch


When the attenuation switch is set to 1X, the probe will limit the bandwidth of the oscilloscope in 5MHz. To use the full bandwidth of the oscilloscope, the switch must be set to 10X.


3.Junior User Guidebook

Identify the Probe Attenuation Coefficient Automatically

The oscilloscope can identify the probe attenuation coefficient of the 100:1 (impedance 5K±20%) or 10:1 (impedance 10K±20%) probe with the identifying pin. When you attach the probe, the oscilloscope set the attenuation automatically on the oscilloscope vertical menu for the channel to match the probe.

For example, if you attach a 10:1 probe with the identifying pin, the screen will prompt "The probe attenuation factor is X10", and set the attenuation to 10X automatically on the oscilloscope vertical menu for the channel.

How to Use the Probe Safely

The safety guard ring around the probe body protects your finger against any electric shock, shown as Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9 Finger Guard


To avoid electric shock, always keep your finger behind the safety guard ring of the probe during the operation.

To protect you from suffering from the electric shock, do not touch any metal part of the probe tip when it is connected to the power supply.

Before making any measurements, always connect the probe to the instrument and connect the ground terminal to the earth.

How to Implement Self-calibration

The self-calibration application can make the oscilloscope reach the optimum condition rapidly to obtain the most accurate measurement value. You can carry out this application program at any time. This program must be executed whenever the change of ambient temperature is 5 or over.

Before performing a self-calibration, disconnect all probes or wires from the input connector. Push the Utility button, select Function in the bottom menu, select Adjust. in the left menu, select Self Cal in the bottom menu; run the program after everything is ready.


3.Junior User Guidebook

Introduction to the Vertical System

As shown in Figure 3-10, there are a few of buttons and knobs in Vertical Controls. The 4 channels are marked by different colors which are also used to mark both the corresponding waveforms on the screen and the channel input connectors. Press one of the channel buttons to open the corresponding channel menu, and press again to turn off the channel.

Press the Math button to display the math menu in the bottom. The pink M waveform appears on the screen. Press again to turn off the math waveform.

The 4 channels use the same Vertical Position and Vertical Scale knobs. If you want to set the vertical scale and vertical position of a channel, please press CH1, CH2, CH3 or CH4 at first to select the desired channel. Then turn the Vertical Position and Vertical Scale knobs to set the values.

Figure 3-10 Vertical Control Zone

The following practices will gradually direct you to be familiar with the using of the vertical setting.

1.Press CH1, CH2, CH3 or CH4 to select the desired channel.

2.Use the Vertical Position knob to show the selected channel waveform in the center of the waveform window. The Vertical Position knob functions the regulating of the vertical display position of the selected channel waveform. Thus, when the Vertical Position knob is rotated, the pointer of the earth datum point of the selected channel is directed to move up and down following the waveform, and the position message at the center of the screen would change accordingly.

Measuring Skill

If the channel is under the DC coupling mode, you can rapidly measure the DC component of the signal through the observation of the difference between the wave form and the signal ground.

If the channel is under the AC mode, the DC component would be filtered out. This mode helps you display the AC component of the signal with a higher sensitivity.


3.Junior User Guidebook

Vertical offset back to 0 shortcut key

Turn the Vertical Position knob to change the vertical display position of the selected channel, and push the position knob to set the vertical display position back to 0 as a shortcut key, this is especially helpful when the trace position is far out of the screen and want it to get back to the screen center immediately.

3.Change the Vertical Setting and Observe the Consequent State Information Change.

With the information displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the waveform window, you can determine any changes in the channel vertical scale factor.

Turn the Vertical Scale knob and change the "Vertical Scale Factor (Voltage Division)" of the selected channel, it can be found that the scale factor of the selected channel in the status bar has been changed accordingly.

Introduction to the Horizontal System

Shown as Figure 3-11, there are a button and two knobs in the Horizontal Controls. The following practices will gradually direct you to be familiar with the setting of horizontal time base.

Figure 3-11 Horizontal Control Zone

1.Turn the Horizontal Scale knob to change the horizontal time base setting and observe the consequent status information change. Turn the Horizontal Scale knob to change the horizontal time base, and it can be found that the Horizontal Time Base displayed in the status bar changes accordingly.

2.Use the Horizontal Position knob to adjust the horizontal position of the signal in the waveform window. The Horizontal Position knob is used to control the triggering displacement of the signal or for other special applications. If it is applied to triggering the displacement, it can be observed that the waveform moves horizontally with the knob when you rotate the Horizontal Position knob.

Triggering displacement back to 0 shortcut key

Turn the Horizontal Position knob to change the horizontal position of channel


3.Junior User Guidebook

and push the Horizontal Position knob to set the triggering displacement back to 0 as a shortcut key.

3.Push the Horizontal HOR button to switch between the normal mode and the wave zoom mode.

Introduction to the Trigger System

As shown in Figure 3-12, there are one knob and three buttons make up Trigger Controls. The following practices will direct you to be familiar with the setting of the trigger system gradually.

Figure 3-12 Trigger Control Zone

1.Push the Trigger Menu button and call out the trigger menu. With the operations of the menu selection buttons, the trigger setting can be changed.

2.Use the Trigger Level knob to change the trigger level setting.

By turning the Trigger Level knob, the trigger indicator in the screen will move up and down. With the movement of the trigger indicator, it can be observed that the trigger level value displayed in the screen changes accordingly.

Note: Turning the Trigger Level knob can change trigger level value and it is also the hotkey to set trigger level as the vertical mid point values of the amplitude of the trigger signal.

3.Push the Force button to force a trigger signal, which is mainly applied to the "Normal" and "Single" trigger modes.

Touchscreen Controls

You can control the oscilloscope by different gestures. The touchable icon at the top right of the screen is used to enable ( ) or disable ( ) the touchscreen controls.

The instruction of touchscreen controls is as below.

Run/Stop: Click the or on the left top of the display area to run or stop the waveform sampling.

Autoset: Click the on the left top of the display area to auto set.

Select a menu item: Touch the menu items in the bottom menu, or in the right menu,


3.Junior User Guidebook

or in the left menu.

Switch menu items: If there are options that can be switched on the menu, you can repeatedly touch the area of the menu item to switch, or push the corresponding button to switch. See figure below:

Press repeatedly to switch the options

Adjust value on the menu item:

Click to increase the value of cursor position

Click to show the




Move the cursor

soft keyboard




Click to decrease the value of cursor position

Scroll the list: If there is a scroll bar in the left menu or in the file system window, you can swipe up and down to scroll the list.

Touchable menu pane: Click the icon on the right bottom of the display area, a shortcut menu will be shown. Click to enter the corresponding function menu.

Turn off the function

Enter the














Set the channel status: Click the channel on the left bottom of the display area, you can turn on, select or turn off the channel. You can also touch the channel pointer on the left side of the display area to make it in selected state.


3.Junior User Guidebook

Channel pointer

Selected Unselected

Channel is on and selected



is off



is on



Set the horizontal and vertical position

Click in the area as shown in the figure below, the P icon will appear. Click anywhere outside the icon to hide it.

Note: Swipe up/down or left/right in this area, you can make the icon appear and control it.

When the P icon appears, in the full screen, swipe left/right to control the horizontal position, swipe up/down to control the vertical position of the selected channel.

Control the

horizontal position Control the vertical position of the selected channel

Click the P icon to fine-turn, long-press to adjust continuously.


3.Junior User Guidebook

Set the trigger level

Click in the area as shown in the figure below, the L icon will appear. Click anywhere outside the icon to hide it.

Note: Swipe up/down in this area, you can make the icon appear and control it.

When the L icon appears, in the full screen, swipe up/down to control the trigger level of the source in the trigger menu.

Click the L icon to fine-turn, long-press to adjust continuously.

Control the trigger level of the source in the trigger menu

Set the time base and the voltage division

Click in the area as shown in the figure below, the M and V icons will appear. Click anywhere outside the icon to hide it.

Note: Swipe up/down or left/right in this area, you can make the icon appear and control it.


3.Junior User Guidebook

When the M and V icons appear, in the full screen, swipe left/right to change the time base, swipe up/down to change the voltage division of the selected channel.

Click the icons to fine-turn, long-press to adjust continuously.

Control the

time base Control the voltage division

In the full screen, pinch and spread horizontally to change the time base; pinch and spread vertically to change the voltage division of the selected channel.

Measure with Cursors

Click nearby a cursor line as shown in the figure below, the line will be selected, and the C icon will appear. Click anywhere outside the icon to hide it.

Note: Swipe in this area, you can make the icon appear and control it.


3.Junior User Guidebook

When the C icon appears, in the full screen, swipe left/right to move the selected line. Click the direction buttons of the C icon to fine-turn, long-press to move continuously. Click the center "ab" button to select a, b, or a&b.

Control the vertical

Switch to select the lines

cursor line






4.Advanced User Guidebook

4. Advanced User Guidebook

Up till now, you have already been familiar with the basic operations of the function areas, buttons and knobs in the front panel of the oscilloscope. Based the introduction of the previous Chapter, the user should have an initial knowledge of the determination of the change of the oscilloscope setting through observing the status bar. If you have not been familiar with the above-mentioned operations and methods yet, we advise you to read the section of Chapter 3 "Junior User Guidebook".

This chapter will deal with the following topics mainly:

How to Set the Vertical System

How to Set the Horizontal System

How to Set the Trigger/Decoding System

How to Implement the Sampling Setup

How to Set the Display System

How to Save and Recall Waveform

How to Record/Playback Waveforms

How to Clone and Recall a waveform

How to Implement the Auxiliary System Function Setting

How to Update your Instrument Firmware

How to Measure Automatically

How to Measure with Cursors

How to Use Autoscale

How to Use Built-in Help

How to Use Executive Buttons

How to Print the Screen Image

It is recommended that you read this chapter carefully to get acquainted the various measurement functions and other operation methods of the oscilloscope.


4.Advanced User Guidebook

How to Set the Vertical System

The VERTICAL CONTROLS includes three menu buttons such as CH1, CH2, CH3,

CH4 and Math, and two knobs such as Vertical Position, Vertical Scale.

Setting of CH1 - CH4

Each channel has an independent vertical menu and each item is set respectively based on the channel.

To turn waveforms on or off (channel, math)

Pushing the CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, or Math buttons have the following effect:

If the waveform is off, the waveform is turned on and its menu is displayed.

If the waveform is on and its menu is not displayed, its menu will be displayed.

If the waveform is on and its menu is displayed, the waveform is turned off and its menu goes away.

The description of the Channel Menu is shown as the following list:













Pass both AC and DC components of the input signal.




Block the DC component of the input signal.




Disconnect the input signal.




Display inverted waveform.



Display original waveform.







Step by 1 – 2 – 5. Match this to the probe attenuation







factor to have an accurate reading of vertical scale.


















If you are measuring current by probing the voltage



drop across a resistor, choose YES.













Turn the M knob to set the Amps/Volts ratio. The


A/V (mA/V)


range is 100 mA/V - 1 KA/V.


V/A (mV/A)


Amps/Volts ratio = 1/Resistor value





Volts/Amp ratio is automatically calculated.


Full band


Get full bandwidth.




Limit the channel bandwidth to 20MHz to reduce





display noise.






1.To set channel coupling

Taking the Channel 1 for example, the measured signal is a square wave signal containing the direct current bias. The operation steps are shown as below:

(1)Push the CH1 button to show the CH1 SETUP menu.

(2)Select Coupling in the bottom menu.


4.Advanced User Guidebook

(3)Select DC in the right menu. Both DC and AC components of the signal are passed.

(4)Select AC in the right menu. The direct current component of the signal is blocked.

2.To adjust the probe attenuation

For correct measurements, the attenuation coefficient settings in the operating menu of the Channel should always match what is on the probe (see "How to Set the Probe Attenuation Coefficient" on P12). If the attenuation coefficient of the probe is 1:1, the menu setting of the input channel should be set to X1.

Take the Channel 1 as an example, the attenuation coefficient of the probe is 10:1, the operation steps are shown as follows:

(1)Push the CH1 button to show the CH1 SETUP menu.

(2)Select Probe in the bottom menu. Select Attenu in the right menu, turn the M knob to set it as 10×.

3.To measure current by probing the voltage drop across a resistor

Take the Channel 1 as an example, if you are measuring current by probing the voltage drop across a 1Ω resistor, the operation steps are shown as follows:

(1)Push the CH1 button to show CH1 SETUP menu.

(2)Select Probe in the bottom menu. In the right menu, set MeasCurr as YES, the A/V radio menu will appear below. Select it; turn the M knob to set the Amps/Volts ratio. Amps/Volts ratio = 1/Resistor value. Here the A/V radio should be set to 1.

4.To invert a waveform

Waveform inverted: the displayed signal is turned 180 degrees against the phase of the earth potential.

Taking the Channel 1 for example, the operation steps are shown as follows:

(1)Push the CH1 button to show the CH1 SETUP menu.

(2)Select Inverted in the bottom menu, switch to ON. the waveform is inverted. Push again to switch to OFF, the waveform goes back to its original one.

5.To set bandwidth limit

When high frequency components of a waveform are not important to its analysis, the bandwidth limit control can be used to reject frequencies above 20 MHz.

Taking the Channel 1 for example, the operation steps are shown as below:

(1)Push the CH1 button to show CH1 SETUP menu.

(2)Select Limit in the bottom menu.

(3)Select Full band in the right menu. The high frequency of the signal will be allowed to pass.

(4)Select 20M in the right menu. The bandwidth is limited to 20 MHz. The frequencies above 20MHz will be rejected.


4.Advanced User Guidebook

Use Mathematical Manipulation Function

The Mathematical Manipulation function is used to show the results of the addition, multiplication, division and subtraction operations between two channels, the FFT operation for a channel, advanced math feature including Intg, Diff, Sqrt, user defined function, and digital filter. Press the Math button to display the menu on the bottom.

The Waveform Calculation menu:

Function Menu










Select the signal source of the factor1












+ - * /


Select the sign of mathematical















Select the signal source of the factor2












Turn the M knob to adjust the vertical position of the Math











Turn the M knob to adjust the vertical division of the Math














Select the FFT source.



























Select window for FFT.






























V RMS and Decibels are














Hori (Hz)

Position value


Switch to select the horizontal position or


Time base value/


time base of the FFT waveform, turn the





M knob to adjust it



Position value


Switch to select the vertical position or


Division value/


voltage division of the FFT waveform,




turn the M knob to adjust it






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