VOLTCRAFT DSO-1022 M User guide

Version 03/08


Item No.:

12 24 94




Table of Contents




General Safety Rules





Chapter 1

User Guide



General Check



Functional Check



Probe Compensation



Autoset Waveform Display



Getting to Know the Vertical System



Getting to Know the Horizontal System


Chapter 2

Getting to Know the Trigger System


Instrument Setups



Setting up the Vertical System



Setting up the Horizontal System



Setting up the Trigger System



Alternate Trigger



Setting up the Sampling System



Setting up the Display System



Save and Recall



Setting up Alternative Functions



Auto Measurement



Cursor Measurement






Table of Contents





Using the Run Button


Chapter 3 Practical Example Scenarios



Scenario 1: Measuring simple signals



Scenario 2: Observing the delay caused by a sine wave


signal passes through the circuit



Scenario 3: Acquiring single signal



Scenario 4: Reducing random noise of signals



Scenario 5: Using cursors for measurement



Scenario 6: Using the X-Y function



Scenario 7: Video signal triggering


Chapter 4 System Prompts and Troubleshooting



Definitions of System Prompts





Chapter 5




Appendix A: Technical Indicators



Appendix B: Accessories






Appendix C: Maintenance and Cleaning





General Safety Rules

To avoid personal injury and damage to this product or any other connected units, please take time to read the following safety precautions. To avoid any potential danger, please use this product strictly in accordance with use instructions and safety rules.

Maintenance should be carried out only by qualified personnel.

Avoid fire and personal injury.

Use the correct power cord. Use only a desig

nated power cord specified for this product and certified for the country of use.

Use the correct power plug. Do not remove the plug when the probe or testing cable is connected to the power source.

Ensure the product is properly grounded.

This product should be properly grounded with the earth wire of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be connected to earth ground. Please ensure that the product is properly grounded before connecting any input or output terminal.

Connect the oscilloscope probe properly.

Earth wire of the probe is in the same voltage as the earth. Do not connect the earth wire to high voltage.

Observe all terminal rated values. To avoid fire and impact caused by excessive electric current, check all rated values and labels on the product. Please read detailed information of rated values in the product manual before connecting the product.

Do not operate this product without Cover.


When the exterior cover or front panel is open, do not operate the product.

Use appropriate fuses. Use only the type of fuse and rated indicator designated for this product.

Avoid exposing circuitry. Upon power connection please do not touch any exposed adaptor or component.

Do not operate with suspected failure. If you suspect the product is damaged, have it inspected by a qualified maintenance technician.

Maintain good ventilation.

Do not operate in a humid place.

Do not operate in combustible and explo sive conditions.

Keep the product surface clean and dry.

Safety Messages and Symbols

Messages on the product: The following messages may appear on the product:

“Danger” means potential damage that is immediate. “Warning” means potential damage that is not immediate.

Warning: Warning statements identify conditions or actions that could result in injury or loss of life.

Caution: Caution statements identify conditions or actions that could result in damage to this product or other property.

“Caution” means possible damage to this product or other properties.

Symbols on the product: The following symbols may appear on the product:

High voltage

Caution! Refer to manual

Protective earth terminal

Earth terminal for chassis

Earth terminal for testing




This manual provides information on the operation of Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M

. Guidance is given in several chapters as follows:

Chapter 1 User Guide: Simple guide to the oscilloscope functions and notes on installation.

Chapter 2 Instrument Setups: Guide to oscilloscope operation.

Chapter 3 Practical Example Scenarios: Example scenarios are provided to solve various testing problems.

Chapter 4 System Prompts and Trouble-shooting

Chapter 5 Servicing and Support

Chapter 6 Appendixes

Appendix A: Technical Indicators

Appendix B: Accessories for DSO-1022 M Oscilloscopes

Appendix C: Maintenance and Cleaning


Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M:

Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M offer user-friendliness, outstanding technical indicators and a host of advanced features. They are your perfect tools to complete testing tasks swiftly and efficiently.


Dear Customer,

Thank you very much for making the excellent decision to purchase a Voltcraft® product.You have acquired an above-average quality product from a brand family which has distinguished itself in the field of measuring,charging and network technology by particular competence and permanent innovation.

Whether your are a sophisticated do-it-yourself electronics enthusiast or a professional user, with a Voltcraft® product you always have the optimal solution at hand, even for solving the most difficult problems. Along with the remarkable feature that we offer the advanced technology and the robust quality of our Voltcraft® products at a favourable cost-performance ratio that is almost unbeatable. We are certain that using Voltcraft® will be the beginning of a long, successful relationship.

We hope you will enjoy using your new Voltcraft® product!


If you have queries about handling the device, that are not answered in this operating instruction,our technical


support is available under the following address and telephone number:


Voltcraft®, 92242 Hirschau, Lindenweg 15, Germany, phone 0180 / 586 582 723 8



DSO-1022 M oscilloscopes offer user-friendly front panel that allows access to all functions easy operation. The scaling of all channels and the positions of buttons are optimally arranged for direct view operation. As design is based on the mode of traditional instruments, users can use the new units without spending considerable time in learning and familiarizing with operation. For faster adjustment to ease testing, there is an AUTO key. The new units also feature more appropriate waveform and range scale positions.

In addition to easy operation, the DSO-1022 M oscilloscopes have all the high performance indicators and powerful functions that ensure speedy testing and measurement. With 500MS/s real-time sampling rate , these oscilloscopes can display signals much quicker, while powerful trigger and analytical features enable easy capture and analysis of waves, while a clear LCD display and mathematics functions enable the user to observe and analyse signal problems promptly and clearly.

The performance features listed below will explain why the new series can fully satisfy your testing and

7 measurement requirements:

Dual analog channels

mono LCD display system at 320 x 240 resolution

Automatic waveform and status configuration

Storage of waveforms, setups and bit map and waveforms, setups recurrence

Sophisticated window expansion function to analyse waveform details and overview precisely

Automatic measurement of 19 waveform parameters Automatic cursor tracing measurement

Unique wave recording and replay function

Built-in FFT

Multiple waveform mathematics functions (including add, subtract, multiply and divide)

Edge, video, pulse width and alternate trigger functions

Multilingual menu displays Help System

DSO-1022 M Oscilloscope accessories

2 x 1.5m, 1:1/10:1 probe see passive voltage probe operating manual comply with EN61010-031 2002 standard.

Power supply line conforming to all international standards

User Manual

DSO-1022 M communications software (USB/RS232C)

USB Lead


Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M are small and compact benchtop oscilloscopes. The user-friendly front panel enables easy operation for basic testing and measuring tasks.

This chapter provides notes on the following:

General check

Functional check

Probe compensation

Automatic settings for waveform display

Getting to know the vertical system

Getting to know the horizontal system

Getting to know the trigger system

Chapter One User Guide

When starting to use a new oscilloscope, the first step is always to familiarize yourself with the use of the front

operation panel. This rule of thumb applies to Digital

Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M. This chapter briefly describes the operation and functions of the front panel, so you can learn how to use a Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M as quickly as possible.

The Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M provides a front panel with at-a-glance functions for easy operation. There are buttons and function keys on the front panel. The functions of buttons are similar to other oscilloscopes. The row of 5 keys on the right of the display panel are the menu operation keys (designated as F1 to F5 from top to down). With these keys you can set up different options of the current menu. The other keys are function keys. You can use them to enter different function menus or access particular functions directly.

Indicative definitions in this manual:

Text indications for operation keys given in this manual are identical to signs on the front panel keys.

Please note that all signs for measurement function keys appear with frames, e.g. [MEASURE], to represent a front panel function key marked with the word MEASURE.

Signs for the operation keys on the menu are in shadowed text, e.g. SAVE WAVEFORM, to indicate the save waveform option of the save menu.

Figure 1-3 Schematic diagram for the display interface

Figure 1-3


General Check

We suggest checking your new Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M in the following steps.

1. Check the unit for possible shipping damages

If the package carton or foam plastic protective lining is seriously damaged, please do not discard until you have carried out a check on the entire unit and accessories to ensure satisfactory electrical and mechanical performance.

2. Check the accessories

A checklist of accessories that come with your Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M is provided in the section Accessories for Digital Storage Oscilloscope

DSO-1022 M of this manual. Please check for any missing items against this list.

Functional Check

Carry out a quick functional check in the following steps to make sure your oscilloscope is operating normally.

1. Power on the unit

Power on the unit. Power supply voltage is 100-240V AC, 45-440Hz. After connectingto power, let the unit carry out self-calibration to optimize the oscilloscope signal path for measurement accuracy. Press the [FUNCTION] button and then [F1] to start the calibration. Then press [F1] on the next page to display


VOLTCRAFT DSO-1022 M User guide

2 .You have to set the probe attenuation factor of the oscilloscope. This factor changes the vertical range multiple to ensure the measurement result correctly reflects the amplitude of the measured signal. Set the attenuation factor of the probe as follows: Press [F4] to display 10X on the menu.

Figure 1-6 Deflection factor setting of the probe on the oscilloscope

Probe ration

Figure 1-6


1 . Connect the probe tip and ground clamp to the corresponding probe compensation signal terminals. Press [AUTO] and you will see a square wave in the display of about 3V peak-to-peak at 1kHz in a few seconds. See Figure 1-7 for details. Repeat these steps to check CH2. Press [OFF] function button to disable CH1, then press [CH2] function button to enable CH2. Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Figure 1-7 Probe compensation signal

Figure 1-7

Probe Compensation

When connecting the probe to any input channel for the first time, perform this adjustment to match the probe to the channel. Skipping the compensation calibration step will result in measurement error or fault. Please adjust probe compensation as follows:

1.In the probe menu set the attenuation factor to 10X. Move the switch on the probe to 10X and connect the probe to CH1. If you are using the probe hook-tip, ensure a proper and secure connection. Connect the probe tip to the probe compensator’s signal output connector, then connect the ground clamp to the earth wire of the probe compensator. Enable CH1 and press [AUTO].

2.Observe the shape of the displayed waveform. Overcompensation

Correct Compensation Undercompensation


Figure 1-8 Probe compensation calibration

Overcompensation Correct Compensation Undercompensation

Figure 1-8

3.If you see a “Undercompensation” or “Overcompensation” waveform display, adjust the variable capacitor on the probe with a screwdriver with non-metal handle, until a “Correct Compensation” waveform illustrated above is displayed.

Warning: To avoid electric shock when measuring high voltage with the probe, ensure integrity of the probe’s

Autoset Waveform Display

Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M feature an autoset function. Your oscilloscope can automatically adjust the vertical deflection factor, scanning time base and trigger mode based on the input signal, until the most appropriate waveform is displayed. The autoset function can only be operated when the signal to be measured is 50Hz or above and the duty ratio is larger than 1%.

Using the Autoset Function:

1.Connect the signal to be measured to the signal input channel.

2.Press [AUTO]. The oscilloscope will automatically set the vertical deflection factor, scanning time base and trigger mode. Should you require to make more detailed check, you can adjust manually after the autoset process until you get the optimum waveform display.

Getting to Know the Vertical System

As shown in the figure below, there are a series of buttons and knobs in the vertical control zone. The following steps will get you familiar with the use of these controls.

Figure 1-9 Vertical control zone on the front panel

1.Turn the vertical position knob to display the signal in the centre of the window. The vertical position knob controls the vertical display position of the signal. When you turn the vertical position knob, the sign indicating Ground channel will move up and down with the waveform.

Measurement Tips

If the channel coupling is DC, you can measure the signal’s DC quickly by checking the difference between the waveform and signal ground.

In the case of AC coupling, the DC within the signal will be filtered. With this coupling mode you can display the AC of the signal with higher sensitivity.

Shortcut key RETURN TO ZERO for resetting the vertical position of the dual analog channel to zero

2.Change the vertical setups and check changes of status information.

You can identify changes of any vertical range by reading the status display column at the lower corner of the waveform window. Turn the vertical scale knob to change the vertical VOLT/DIV range. You will find that the range in the current status column has changed accordingly. Press [CH1], [CH2], [MATH] or [REF] and the screen will show the corresponding operation menu, sign, waveform and range status information. Press [OFF] to disable the selected channel.

Getting to Know the Horizontal System

As shown in the figure on the right hand side, there are one button and two knobs in the horizontal control zone. The following steps will get you familiar with horizontal time base setups.

Figure 1-10 Horizontal control zone on the front panel

Figure 1-10

1.Use the horizontal scale knob to change the horizontal time base setup and check any changes in status information. Turn the horizontal scale knob to change the SEC/DIV time base range. You will find that the time base range in the current status column has changed accordingly. Range of horizontal scanning rate is 20ns~50s, in steps of 1-2-5.


2.Use the horizontal position knob to adjust the horizontal position of the waveform window. The horizontal position knob controls trigger shift of the signal. When this function is used for trigger shift and the horizontal position knob is turned, you will find that the waveform changes with the knob.

3.Press [MENU] to display the ZOOM menu. In this menu press [F3] to activate WINDOW EXPANSION. Then press [F1] to quit WINDOW EXPANSION and return to the MAIN TIME BASE. You can also set the HOLDOFF time with this menu.

Shortcut key for resetting the trigger point shift to

horizontal zero position

This shortcut key can quickly return to RETURN TO ZERO and reset the trigger point to the

vertical centre point. You can also turn the horizontal position knob to adjust the horizontal position of the signal in the waveform window.


Trigger point means the actual trigger point relative to the centre point of the storage device. By turning the horizontal position knob, you can move the trigger point horizontally.

Holdoff means reactivating the time interval of the trigger circuit. Turn the multi-function control knob to set the holdoff time.


Getting to Know the Trigger System

As shown by Figure 1-11, there are one knob and three buttons in the trigger menu control zone. The following steps will get you familiar with trigger setups.

Figure 1-11 Trigger menu on the front panel

Figure 1-11

1.Use the trigger level knob to change the trigger level. You will see a trigger sign on the screen that indicates the trigger level. The sign will move up and down with the knob. While you move the trigger level, you will find the trigger level value on the screen changing accordingly.

Shortcut key for resetting the trigger level to zero position

Press 50% to quickly rest the trigger level to zero (channel vertical reference point). At trigger zero you get the highest sensitivity. You can also turn the trigger level knob to reset the trigger point to zero.

2.Open the [TRIGGER MENU] (see the figure below) to change trigger setups.

Press [F1] and select EDGE TRIGGER

Press [F2] and set TRIGGER SOURCE to CH1 Press [F3] and set EDGE TYPE as RISING Press [F4] and set TRIGGER MODE as AUTO Press [F5] and set TRIGGER COUPLING as DC


Figure 1-12 Trigger menu

Figure 1-12

3.Press [FORCE] to generate a compulsory trigger signal that is mainly used in the normal and single trigger modes.


You should be familiar with basic operation of the vertical controls, horizontal controls and trigger system menu of your Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M by now. After reading the last chapter, you should be able to use the menus to set up your oscilloscope. If you are still unfamiliar with these basic operation and methods, please read Chapter 1.

This chapter will guide you through the following:

Setting up the vertical system ([CH1], [CH2], [MATH], [REF], [OFF], [VERTICAL POSITION], [VERTICAL SCALING])

Setting up the horizontal system ([MENU], [HORIZONTAL POSITION], [HORIZONTAL SCALING])

Setting up the Trigger system ([TRIGGER LEVEL], [MENU], [50%], [FORCE])

Setting up the sampling method ([ACQUIRE])

Setting up the display mode ([DISPLAY])

Save and exit ([STORAGE])

Setting up the help system ([UTILITY])

Auto measurement ([MEASURE])

Cursor measurement ([CURSOR])

Using the execution buttons ([AUTO], [START/STOP])

Chapter 2 - Instrument Setups

It is recommended that you read this chapter carefully to understand the various measurement functions and

system operation of your Digital Storage Oscilloscope DSO-1022 M

Setting up the Vertical System

CH1, CH2 and setups

Each channel has its own vertical menu. You should set up each item for each channel individually. Press the [CH1] or [CH2] function button and the system will display the operation menu for CH1 or CH2. For explanatory notes please see Table 2-1 below:


Table 2-1 Explanatory notes for channel menu

Function Menu


Explanatory Note






Intercept the DC



quantities of the input




Pass AC and DC



quantities of input






Disconnect input signal.



Limit bandwidth to

20MHz to reduce



noise display.




Full bandwidth.



Coarse tune in steps of



1-2-5 to set up the



deflection factor of the



vertical system. Fine


tune means further




tuning within the




coarse tune setup





range to improve the



vertical resolution.

Function Menu


Explanatory Note



Select either one value



based on the probe



attenuation factor to


keep the vertical



deflection factor





reading correct. There



are four values: 1X,



10X, 100X and 1000X.






Waveform invert


function on.


Normal waveform









1. Setting up channel coupling

Take an example of applying a signal to CH1. The signal being measured is a sine signal that contains DC quantities.

Press [F1] to select AC. It is now set up as AC coupling. DC quantities of the signal being measured will be intercepted. The waveform display is as follows:

Figure 2-1 DC quantities of the signal are intercepted

Press [F1] to select DC. Both DC and AC quantities of the signal being measured can pass through. The waveform display is as follows:

Figure 2-2 Both DC and AC quantities of the signal are displayed

Figure 2-2

Figure 2-1


Press [F1] to select GROUND. It is now set up as ground. Both DC and AC quantities contained in the signal being measured will be intercepted. The waveform display is as follows:

(Note: In this mode, although waveform is not displayed, the signal remains connected to the channel circuit)

Figure 2-3 Both DC and AC quantities of the signal are intercepted

Figure 2-3

2. Setting up the channel bandwidth

Take an example of applying a signal to CH1. The signal being measured is a pulse signal that contains high frequency oscillation.

Press [CH1] to turn CH1 on. Then press [F2] to set BANDWIDTH LIMIT OFF. It is now set up as full bandwidth. The signal being measured can pass through even if it contains high frequency quantities. The waveform display is as follows:

Figure 2-4 Waveform display when bandwidth limit is off

Figure 2-4


Press [F2] to set BANDWIDTH LIMIT ON. All high frequency quantities higher than 20MHz in the signal being measured will be limited. The waveform display is as follows:

Figure 2-5 Waveform display when bandwidth limit is on

Figure 2-5

3. Setting up the probe rate

To match the PROBE attenuation factor setup, it is necessary to set up the probe attenuation factor in the channel operation menu accordingly. For example, when the probe attenuation factor is 10:1, set the probe attenuation factor at 10X in the menu. Apply this principle to other values to ensure the voltage reading is correct.

The figure below shows the setup and vertical range display when the probe is set at 10:1:


Figure 2-6 Setting up the probe attenuation factor in the channel menu

Figure 2-6

4. Vertical VOLTS/DIV adjustment setup

You can adjust the VOLTS/DIV range of the vertical deflection factor either in the coarse tune mode or fine tune mode. In COARSE TUNE mode, the VOLTS/DIV range is 2mV/div~5V/div. Tuning is in steps of 1-2-5. In FINE TUNE mode, you can change the deflection factor in even smaller steps within the current vertical range, so as to continuously adjust the vertical deflection factor within the range of 2mV/div~5V/div without interruption.


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