Vodafone K4201-Z, K4201, K5150 User Manual

User Guide Vodafone Mobile Broadband USB Stick K4201-Z
Designed by Vodafone
to the world of mobile communications
1 Welcome 2 Set up your USB Stick 3 Windows 8 installation and
user experience 4 Connection window 5 QuickStart window layout 6 QuickStart view: Current
network panel 7 SMS view 8 Account view 9 USB Stick LED lights 10 Hints and tips 14 Glossary
Your new Vodafone Mobile Broad band USB Stick connects your computer to the internet over the Vodafone mobile phone network. T he Vodafone QuickStar t technology built into the device lets you connect quickly, simply and easily.
Browse the we b
You can now access the web and any other interne t service wherever there’s a mobile p hone networ k.
Pick up emails
Keep up to date with your emails, wherever you are.
Send and r eceive SMS tex t messages
You can send an d receive SMS tex t messages s traight from your computer. The SMS application provides an easy way to view messages, write new ones, a nd manage them .
System Requirements
To use this USB St ick and the Vodafone Mobile Broadband application, you need:
A computer running Microsoft
Windows® 8, Windows® 7 (SP1 recommended), W indows Vista™ (SP2 recommended ), or Windows® XP (SP3 recommended ), or an Apple Mac running Mac OS® X 10.5 (Intel®), 10.6 or 10.7 (all with lates t updates), or a computer running Linux Ubuntu 11.10/10.10/10.04, openSUSE 11.4/11. 3, Fedora 16/14, Debian 6.0/5.0, Mandr iva
2010.2, Red F lag 7.0. There may be some limitations in the Linux implementation.
A USB socket – Admini strator rights on your computer.
Note: Linux users can access the Vodafone Mobile Broadband application by entering either of the following addresses into your browser: http:// VodafoneMobile.vmb or
Step 1
Slide t he front cover of f the USB Stick, a nd insert you r SIM as shown.
Step 2
Important. If you have an ear lier version of the VMB s oftware
on your computer, you must un -install the VMB softw are completely and re -boot your PC before inserting this USB Stick.
Step 3
Plug the USB Stick fi rmly into your computer ’s USB port. You should see a progress bar whilst the Vodafo ne Mobile Broadband servi ce is installed on your computer f rom the USB Stick . Once setup is co mplete, the Vodafone Mobile Broadband applicat ion is started autom atically, and you are connec ted to the Vodafone n etwork (if a P IN is required yo u will se e a popup screen requesting it before you can connect). The LED on the USB Stick will change f rom fl ashing to solid , and you will see 2 popup scree ns.
Set up your USB Stick
Note: Some computers may be set up to prevent automatic installation of the VMB Lite service from your USB Stick. In this case, follow the steps in the hints and tips section to manually install the VMB Lite service on your computer.
On a Windows 8 PC the user experience is slightly different. This is explained on the next page.
On a Windows 8 PC t he Mobile Broadband us er experience is slightly different as the mobile net work connectivity is managed withi n the Windows 8 operat ing system. When you plug in th e USB Stick, you ne ed to open the ‘charms’ (Search, Share , Start, Device and Set tings), and select Settings > Networks (or Your
Wi-F i Network Name) > Mobile Broadband.
Connect Automatically if required, then click Connect .
Initially the Con nection Manager wi ll show ‘Get recommended app’ and t his will chang e to ‘View my account’ w hen the Mobile Broadband app lication has be en automatically downloaded by Windows 8.
Windows 8 installation and user experience
Note: The Mobile Broadband application can be launched by selecting the application Tile or View My Account Link in the Networks area of the Settings charm
Connection window
Connect /Disconnect
Connec t to the internet v ia the mobile pho ne network or Wi-Fi, to browse the web or use email
Check th e status of the current connec tion
Select ser vices, applicatio ns and tools
Menu bar
Device and net work setti ngs and diagnostics , SMS functionality, manage your account.
View Help topics
Always Best Connected
Confi gure connection preferences
Note: On ce setup is comp lete, you can alw ays access the Voda fone Mobile Broadband application when your US B Stick is inserted into your computer by click ing the desk top icon
Note: Every window in the QuickStart application has this same standard layout.
Context-sensitive help for each window is always available at the bottom of the window.
Sometimes an additional Menu bar will appear on the left of the window
Navigation tabs – Select Q uickStart, SMS or Account v iew
Navigation bar – Select an area within each view
Current network pan el – Status of mobile broadband
network connection
Content area – Content fo r current area
Context help – Context-sensitive help for current area
(scroll down )
Language selection – Defaults to browser la nguage
QuickStart window layout
In the QuickSt art view Set tings area you can:
Set opti ons for automatic connection to the mobi le network
Specify the S IM PIN number (if requi red by your netw ork)
Set othe r options via th e Menu bar on the lef t-hand side of t he – window.
Note: Whenever you insert your USB Stick into your computer you are connected to the mobile network.
If you are running Linux you will need to open the browser manually.
Automatic network connection can be disabled from the Settings area in the QuickStart view.
The QuickStart application can also be accessed from the Vodafone Mobile Broadband desktop icon.
The Current net work panel appears on the ri ght-hand side of ever y screen within the QuickSt art application. ‘Roaming network’ is displ ayed when you are r oaming on another operator’s network, or ‘Home network’.
Mobile number – Shown if permitted by your network oper ator Signal – More bars indicates bet ter mobile broad band networ k
Status – Tick when co nnected to net work; Cross w hen not
Network – Name and typ e of currently connected network Time connected – For current connecti on to network Tot al vo lum e – Approx imate cumulat ive data usage Up / Down – A pproximate connection speed: ‘U p’ to the
network from your computer, and ‘Down’ from the network
QuickStart view: Current network panel
The SMS v iew has six opti ons on the Navigation bar covering all messaging functions: Inbox , Write, Sent, Draf t, Settings and Help.
Note: When you select the checkbox in the title bar of the Inbox, Sent folder or Draft folder, all messages in that folder are selected. This is useful if you want to delete multiple messages. It is not possible to forward multiple messages.
In the Settings area you can select or de-select the SMS preview in the QuickStart view.
SMS view
The Account view has thre e options on the Navigation bar : Account d etails, Acco unt type and He lp. For prepaid account custom ers there are t wo additional options: Ba lance and Top Up.
For prepa id accounts, t he Balance area shows your current account b alance. Click the Refresh button to update the balance value . The TopUp area allows you to top up a pr epaid account b alance using e ither a voucher, or a credit o r debit card.
Note: The options that are displayed on the Navigation bar are dependent on the account type selected.
Account view
Signal strength
The LED light on your USB Stick shows which kind of mobile network has been foun d, and whethe r the USB Stick is connec ted to that network.
Green blinking
A GPRS networ k has been found – you could connect
Green solid
Connec ted via GPRS
Blue blinking
A 3G network has been foun d – you could connec t
Blue solid
Connected via 3G
Light blue solid
Connec ted via 3G Broadband.
The strength of the mobile or Wi -Fi network sign al is shown by the sy mbol to the left of t he Connect but ton, and by the icon in th e Windows Notifi cation area.
The more bars th at are fi lled in, the bet ter the signal quality. At least one bar mus t be fi l led in order to conn ect.
USB Stick LED lights
Install problems on PC with older version of VMB
If you had a problem ins talling the sof tware (the symptoms could be any of the following):
– a new desktop icon for VMB was not created on your
desktop, or
– when you run VMB from the desktop shortcut you do not
get a new software splash screen displayed which says “Vodafone Mobile Broadband with QuickStart”, or
– when you inser t the device you do not see it appear as a CD
ROM device on your computer, or
– when running VMB you receive a “Device Not Detected”
The cause of the problem could be an issue with an incomplete un-install of an earlier version of the Vodafone Mobile Broadband soft ware already installed for an older device. This problem may appear on all PCs with Windows operating systems. It should not occur on Apple devices.
Vodafone have developed a clean-up tool to remove the old version of the sof tware correctly, it is available from
Download the clean-up tool and unzip the fi les. After removing the current VMB soft ware (remove using Windows), run the clean-up tool (VmbCleanup.exe) and select all 3
options Settings, Data and Device Registration. Re-boot
your PC and then insert your new USB Stick, and the correct VMB software should install automatically.
Hints and tips
Note: The correct software has the “Vodafone Mobile Broadband with QuickStart” splash­screen, and you should be able to access all the functions referenced in this QSG by clicking on the Vodafone Mobile Broadband desktop icon.
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