VMware vRealize Suite - 7.0 User’s Manual

vRealize Suite 7.0 Backup and Restore
by Using Symantec NetBackup 7.6
vRealize Suite 7.0
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vRealize Suite 7.0 Backup and Restore by Using Symantec NetBackup 7.6 5
Backup and Restore Introduction 7
Preparing to Back Up vRealize Components 9
vRealize Components Backup Order 9
vRealize Business Preparations for Backing Up 10
vRealize Log Insight Preparations for Backing Up 11
vRealize Operations Manager Preparations for Backing Up 12
vRealize Orchestrator Preparations for Backing Up 14
vRealize Automation Preparations for Backing Up 15
Backing Up vRealize Components by Using NetBackup 7.6 19
Create a Backup Policy for vRealize Suite 19
Restoring, Powering On, and Validating vRealize Suite 31
vRealize Suite Startup Order 31
vRealize Automation System Recovery 32
vRealize Orchestrator Restore Process 36
vRealize Operations Manager Restore Process 37
vRealize Log Insight Restore Process 41
vRealize Business Restore Process 47
Restore vRealize Suite by Using NetBackup 49
Index 55
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vRealize Suite 7.0 Backup and Restore by Using Symantec NetBackup 7.6

vRealize Suite 7.0 Backup and Restore by Using Symantec Netbackup 7.6 provides information about how to back up and restore vRealize components by using Symantec NetBackup™.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for anyone who wants to back up and restore vRealize Suite 7.0 components by using NetBackup. The information is written for experienced Windows or Linux system administrators who are familiar with virtual machine technology and data center operations.
VMware Technical Publications Glossary
VMware Technical Publications provides a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar to you. For definitions of terms as they are used in VMware technical documentation, go to
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Backup and Restore Introduction 1

You can successfully back up and restore the vRealize Suite 7.0 components by using Symantec NetBackup
You can back up and restore the following versions of vRealize Suite 7.0 components with NetBackup 7.6.
VMware vRealize ™ Automation 7.0.1
VMware vRealize ™ Orchestrator ™ 7.0.1
vRealize Operations Manager 6.2.0
vRealize Log Insight 3.3.0
vRealize Business 7.0.1
When to Back Up Components
You should back up vRealize Suite components for the following reasons:
To prepare for major maintenance of any of the system components
To implement scheduled maintenance backup
To prepare for updating certificates
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To protect certificates after updating them
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Preparing to Back Up vRealize
Overall Backup Order
vRealize Log Insight
vRealize Business
vRealize Operations Manager
vRealize Orchestrator
vRealize Automation
Components 2
You can successfully prepare the vRealize Suite components for backup by planning and observing some basic guidelines.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“vRealize Components Backup Order,” on page 9
“vRealize Business Preparations for Backing Up,” on page 10
“vRealize Log Insight Preparations for Backing Up,” on page 11
“vRealize Operations Manager Preparations for Backing Up,” on page 12
“vRealize Orchestrator Preparations for Backing Up,” on page 14
“vRealize Automation Preparations for Backing Up,” on page 15

vRealize Components Backup Order

You should back up the VMs for vRealize Suite components in a specific order.
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Depending on the vRealize Suite components that you have configured and your requirements, schedule backups for your vRealize Suite components in the following order. If you do not have a particular component, you can move to the next component in the specified order. The order of the VMs can be also defined in the backup tools.
1 vRealize Business. Back up the VM for vRealize Business.
vRealize Business Backup Order
vRealize Business Appliance
(Only one Node)
2 vRealize Log Insight. If the resources are not an issue, it is recommended to enable concurrent cluster
node backups to speed up the backup process. Back up all the nodes at the same time.
3 vRealize Operations Manager. All nodes are backed up at the same time.
4 vRealize Orchestrator. You can take backups of the vRealize Orchestrator VMs, individually and in
cluster mode, in no particular order.
If vRealize Orchestrator is a standalone component, back it up before vRealize Automation
components in no particular order.
If vRealize Orchestrator is embedded with in the vRealize Automation deployment, back it up as
part of the vRealize Appliance.
5 vRealize Automation. Back up the vRealize Automation components in the following order:
a Proxy Agents
b DEM Workers
c DEM Orchestrator
d Manager Services
e Websites
f vRealize Automation Appliances
g PostgreSQL, if applicable
If you have multiple components on a VM, select the order considering the latter component on the VM from the list.

vRealize Business Preparations for Backing Up

To minimize system downtime and data loss when failures occur, administrators back up the vRealize Business Standard installation on a regular basis. If your system fails, you can recover it by restoring the last known working backup. You back up vRealize Business by exporting or cloning the virtual appliance and use backups to restore the virtual appliance.
Guidelines for Backing Up
Use the following guidelines to plan backups:
Verify that vRealize Business is up and running and vRealize Automation is registered with it.
Verify that you can view the Business Management tab in your vRealize Automation deployment.
Verify that vRealize Business is calculating the correct cost of the VMs.
Verify that the VMs provisioned for vRealize Automation and vRealize Orchestrator are visible in
vRealize Business and that vRealize Business can calculate the cost for the VMs.
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Worker Node1
Worker Node2 Worker Noden
Master Node
vRealize Log Insight Backup Order
Chapter 2 Preparing to Back Up vRealize Components

vRealize Log Insight Preparations for Backing Up

You can perform full, differential, and incremental backups and restores of vRealize Log Insight VMs.
If resources are not a problem back up all the nodes at the same time, to speed up the backup process. Verify that you are increasing the number of concurrent backups from one, which is the default. Linear backup is also supported but it slows down the restore operation.
Guidelines for Planning Backups
You can use the following information for backing up vRealize Log Insight 3.3 clusters in a new environment.
Ensure that you have no configuration problems on source and target sites before performing the
backup and restore operations.
During the backup operation, the memory usage can increase due to the vRealize Log Insight cluster
usage. In some cases, the worker nodes might be disconnected for 1 to 3 minutes due to high memory usage. To reduce the memory throttling on vRealize Log Insight nodes, follow these guidelines:
Allocate additional memory over the vRealize Log Insight recommended configuration.
Schedule the recurring backups during off-peak hours.
Disable quiesced snapshots, because vRealize Log Insight does not support them.
The vRealize Log Insight server supports Linux and Windows agents.
If the agent configuration is created on the server side, a separate backup of the agent node is not
If you use the agent nodes for more than installing the agent software and if these nodes need a full
backup, follow the same backup procedure as for any VM.
If the agent configuration is done on the client side, on the agents, and if the agent nodes are used
only to install vRealize Log Insight agent software, scheduling a backup of the agent configuration file is sufficient. Back up the liagent.ini file and replace the file on the recovered agent or Linux or Windows machine with the backup file.
If concurrent backup is not possible, ensure that the vRealize Log Insight master node is backed up first
before the worker nodes. Worker nodes can be backed up in any order.
Ensure that the backup frequency and backup types are selected based on the available resources and
customer-specific requirements.
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Use the following guidelines when scheduling recurring backups.
For a reasonable loaded cluster setup, it might take a while for the first backup to finish
irrespective of the tool.
The first backup is usually a full backup. Successive backups can be incremental or full backups,
Successive backups finish relatively fast, compared to the first backup operation.
Use static IP addresses for all nodes in a vRealize Log Insight cluster.
Using static IP addresses eliminates the need to update the IP addresses of vRealize Log Insight
cluster nodes each time the IP address of a vRealize Log Insight node changes.
vRealize Log Insight includes all node IP addresses in each cluster node configuration file
at /storage/core/loginsight/config/loginsight-config.xml#<n> where <n> is the largest number.
Some products that integrate with vRealize Log Insight to feed their logs, use a fully qualified
domain name (FQDN) or IP address as the syslog target. For example, vSphere ESXi, vSphere, and vRealize Operations Manager use the nodes of the cluster master's or the load balancer's (if configured) FQDN or IP address as the syslog target.
Use an FQDN for all nodes in the vRealize Log Insight cluster.
For the master node, when you use a load balancer, a fully resolvable FQDN is required.
Otherwise, the ESXi hosts fail to feed the syslog messages to vRealize Log Insight or to any remote target.
Using an FQDN saves time on post-restore and recovery configuration changes, assuming that the
same FQDN can be resolved on the recovery site.
For system alerts, vRealize Log Insight uses FQDN host names if available instead of IP addresses.
Assuming that only underlying IP addresses change post-backup and recovery or disaster recovery
operations, using FQDN eliminates the need to change the syslog target address (master node FQDN or internal load balancer FQDN) on all the external devices feeding logs to the vRealize Log Insight cluster.
With vRealize Log Insight 2.5, you must update the configuration file, located
at /storage/core/loginsight/config/loginsight-config.xml#<n> where <n> is the largest number. This configuration file replaces the worker node IP address with the new IP address used for the restored nodes because the FQDN is not used for worker node addresses in the configuration file. You need to make this change only on the master node to synchronize the changes with all the worker nodes.
Join requests from a vRealize Log Insight worker node should use the FQDN of the
vRealize Log Insight master node.
Beginning in vRealize Log Insight 2.5, the master node host value in the configuration file on each
of the nodes, located at /storage/core/loginsight/config/loginsight-config.xml#<n>, is based on the value used by the first worker node sending a join request. Using the FQDN of the master node for the join request prevents making any manual changes to the master node host value post­disaster recovery. Otherwise, the worker nodes cannot rejoin the master node until the master node host name is updated in the configuration files on all restored cluster nodes.
Provide static IP addresses as well as optional virtual IP addresses for the load balancer.
When configuring an integrated load balancer, provide the optional FQDN for the virtual IP
address. This optional FQDN enables vRealize Log Insight to revert to the FQDN when an IP address is not reachable for any reason.

vRealize Operations Manager Preparations for Backing Up

To minimize vRealize Operations Manager downtime and data loss if a failure occurs, back up on a regular basis. If your system fails, you can recover it by restoring to the last full or incremental backup.
You can backup and restore vRealize Operations Manager single-node or multi-node clusters by using backup tools. You can perform full or incremental backups and restores of virtual machines.
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Data Node1
Data Node2 Data Noden
vRealize Operations Manager Backup Order
Master Node
Replica Node
Chapter 2 Preparing to Back Up vRealize Components
NOTE All nodes are backed up and restored at the same time. You cannot back up and restore individual nodes.
Guidelines for Planning Backups
Verify that the following prerequisites are met before you back up vRealize Operations Manager systems by using any tool:
Do not quiesce the file system.
Use a resolvable host name and a static IP address for all nodes.
All nodes must be powered on and accessible during backup.
Back up the entire VM. You must back up all VMDK files that are part of the virtual appliance.
Do not stop the cluster while performing the backup.
NOTE Do not perform a backup while dynamic threshold (DT) calculations are running because this backup might lead to performance problems or loss of nodes. DT calculations run at 2 a.m. by default. The initial backup might take longer to complete depending on the cluster size and number of nodes, so you should turn off the DT. Schedule the differential or incremental backups so that they end before the DT calculations begin.
If you are using backup tools, such as NetBackup and vSphere Data Protection, and have manually created vSphere snapshots of any of the VMs to be backed up, be aware that the tools delete all existing snapshots at the time of the backup or restore.
Common Backup Scenarios
The common backup scenarios for vRealize Operations Manager systems include a full backup of a single node virtual appliance system and a full backup of a multiple node virtual appliance cluster.
Single-Node Virtual Appliance
This scenario backs up a single-node system on the same host.
1 Assign a static IP address.
2 Ensure that the power is on for the entire backup process.
3 If the system is a Linux or Windows installation, you need to prepare the system before you start the
backup. For more information, see Preparing for vRealize Operations Manager Installation in the VMware vRealize Operations Manager Documentation Center.
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Node1 Node2 Noden
vRealize Orchestrator Backup Order
(Nodes in any order)
Multiple-Node Virtual Appliance Clusters
This scenario backs up a multiple-node virtual appliance clusters.
1 Assign a static IP address for each node.
2 Ensure that all nodes that are configured with high availability are accessible and are enabled for high
3 Ensure that the power remains on during the entire backup process.
4 If the system is a Linux or Windows installation, you must prepare the system before you start the
backup. For more information, see Preparing for vRealize Operations Manager Installation in the VMware vRealize Operations Manager Documentation Center.

vRealize Orchestrator Preparations for Backing Up

You can backup your vRealize Orchestrator VMs in no particular order. You can also back up the vRealize Orchestrator elements that you modified.
If vRealize Orchestrator is embedded within the vRealize Automation appliance, perform its backup along with Manager Services for vRealize Automation.
If vRealize Orchestrator is a standalone component, perform its backup before backing up vRealize Automation components in no particular order.
Each vRealize Orchestrator server instance has unique certificates, and each vCenter Server plug-in instance has a unique ID. The certificates and the unique ID identify the vRealize Orchestrator server and the vCenter Server plug-in. If you do not back up the vRealize Orchestrator elements or export the vRealize Orchestrator configuration for backup purposes, make sure that you change these identifiers.
All components of the vRealize Orchestrator must be backed up together and at the same time including the database components. You must back up the vRealize Orchestrator database and VMs (custom workflows and packages).
vRealize Orchestrator Database
You can take full database backups of the database in your environment before a full VM backup. The main purpose is to ensure consistency of the data when you have to restore.
Follow your in-house procedures to back up the vRealize Orchestrator database outside of the vRealize Suite framework.
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Chapter 2 Preparing to Back Up vRealize Components

vRealize Automation Preparations for Backing Up

A system administrator backs up the full vRealize Automation installation on a regular basis. Plan the backup around efficiencies and periods of low activity.
You can use several strategies, singly or in combination, to back up vRealize Automation system components. For virtual machines (VMs), you can use the Snapshot function to create snapshot images of critical components or use tools like Symantec NetBackup and vSphere Data Protection. If a system failure occurs, you can use these images to restore components to their state when the images were created. Alternatively, and for non-virtual machine components, you can create copies of critical configuration files for system components, which can be used to restore these components to a customer configured state following reinstallation.
A complete backup includes the following components:
IaaS components
Proxy Agents
DEM Workers
DEM Orchestrator
Manager Services
vRealize Automation appliance
PostgreSQL database. Applicable only for legacy installations that do not use an embedded appliance
Infrastructure MSSQL database
(Optional) Software load balancers
(Optional) Load balancers that support your distributed deployment. Consult the vendor
documentation for your load balancer for information about backup considerations
Guidelines for Planning Backups
Use the following guidelines to plan backups:
When you back up a complete system, back up all instances of the vRealize Automation appliance and
databases as near simultaneously as possible, preferably within seconds.
Minimize the number of active transactions before you begin a backup. Schedule your regular backup
to when your system is least active.
Back up all databases at the same time.
Create a backup of instances of the vRealize Automation appliance and the IaaS components when you
update certificates.

vRealize Automation Backup Order

You must back up the VMs for vRealize Automation components in a specific order.
When you use backup tools to schedule backups for your vRealize Automation deployment, you must back up the components in the following order:
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Web Node1 Web Node2 Web Noden
Secondary vRealize
Automation Appliances1
Secondary vRealize
Automation Appliances2
Secondary vRealize
Automation Appliancesn
vRealize Automation Backup Order
DEM Workers
Proxy Agents
DEM Orchestrator
Passive Manager Service
Active Manager Service
Primary vRealize Automation Appliances
Postgres Database VA
MS SQL Database

Backing Up vRealize Automation Certificates

If you have multiple components on a VM, select the order considering the latter component on the VM from the list.
If vRealize Orchestrator is a standalone component, then it should be backed up in no particular order before vRealize Automation components.
A system administrator backs up certificates and certificate chains at installation time or when a certificate is replaced.
Back up the following certificates:
vRealize Automation appliance certificates and the entire corresponding certificate chain.
IaaS certificates and the entire corresponding certificate chain.
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Chapter 2 Preparing to Back Up vRealize Components

Backing Up vRealize Automation Databases

The database administrator backs up the Infrastructure MSSQL Server and Appliance Database.
As a best practice, back up the Infrastructure MSSQL and Appliance Database or legacy PostgreSQL databases as nearly simultaneously as possible to prevent or minimize data loss. Also, when applicable, back up databases with Point-in-Time enabled. By using Point-in-Time recovery, you ensure that the two databases are consistent with each other.
NOTE If only one database fails, you must restore the running database to the most recent backup so that the databases are consistent.
Infrastructure MSSQL Database
Back up the Infrastructure MSSQL and Appliance Database or legacy PostgreSQL databases as nearly simultaneously as possible to prevent or minimize data loss. Also, when applicable, back up databases with Point-in-Time enabled. By using point-in-time recovery, you ensure that the two databases are consistent with each other. If only one database fails, you must restore the running database to the most recent backup so that the databases are consistent.
Follow your in-house procedures to back up the Infrastructure MSSQL database outside of the vRealize Suite framework.
Use the following guidelines when creating a backup:
If possible, check that all IaaS workflows are complete and that all IaaS services are stopped or that
activity is minimized.
Back up with Point-in-Time enabled.
Back up the MSSQL database at the same time that you back up the other components.
Back up the passphrase for your database.
NOTE Your database is protected by a passphrase. Have the passphrase available when you restore the database. Typically, you record the passphrase in a safe and accessible location at install time.
Appliance Database or Legacy PostgreSQL Database
If you are using an Appliance Database or a legacy PostgreSQL database embedded in a vRealize Automation appliance, you can back up the database by backing up the entire appliance.
If you are using a standalone legacy PostgreSQL appliance, you must back up the appliance.
If you are using a legacy PostgreSQL database, you can also backup the database separately. For more information, see the VMware Knowledge Base article Migrating from external vPostgres appliance to vPostgres instance located in the vCAC appliance (2083562) at http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2083562 for more information.

Backing Up Load Balancers

Load balancers distribute work among servers in high-availability deployments. The system administrator backs up the load balancers on a regular basis at the same time as other components.
Follow your site policy for backing up load balancers, keeping in mind the preservation of network topology and vRealize Automation backup planning.
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