VMware vRealize Operations Manager - 6.5 User Manual

vRealize Operations Definitions for
Metrics, Properties, and Alerts
vRealize Operations Manager 6.5
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About vRealize Operations Manager Reference for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts 5
Metric Denitions in vRealize Operations Manager 7
Metrics for vCenter Server Components 8
Calculated Metrics 63
Self-Monitoring Metrics for vRealize Operations Manager 68
Metrics for the Operating Systems and Remote Service Monitoring Plug-ins in
Endpoint Operations Management 93
Property Denitions in vRealize Operations Manager 111
Properties for vCenter Server Components 111
Self-Monitoring Properties for vRealize Operations Manager 124
Alert Denitions in vRealize Operations Manager 127
Cluster Compute Resource Alert Denitions 128
Host System Alert Denitions 131
vSphere Distributed Port Group 143
Virtual Machine Alert Denitions 144
vSphere Distributed Switch Alert Denitions 152
vCenter Server Alert Denitions 153
Datastore Alert Denitions 154
Data Center Alert Denitions 159
Custom Data Center Alert Denitions 160
Index 161
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About vRealize Operations Manager Reference for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts

The vRealize Operations Manager Reference for Metrics, Properties, and Alerts provides information about the metric, properties, and alert denitions provided with vRealize Operations Manager.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for anyone who wants to install and congure vRealize Operations Manager by using a virtual appliance deployment. The information is wrien for experienced virtual machine administrators who are familiar with enterprise management applications and datacenter operations.
VMware Technical Publications Glossary
VMware Technical Publications provides a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar to you. For denitions of terms as they are used in VMware technical documentation, go to
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Metric Definitions in
vRealize Operations Manager 1
Metric denitions provide an overview of how the metric value is calculated or derived. If you understand the metric, you can beer tune vRealize Operations Manager to display results that help you to manage your environment.
vRealize Operations Manager collects data from objects in your environment. Each piece of data collected is called a metric observation or value. vRealize Operations Manager uses the VMware vCenter® adapter to collect raw metrics. vRealize Operations Manager uses the vRealize Operations Manager adapter to collect self-monitoring metrics. In addition to the metrics it collects, vRealize Operations Manager calculates capacity metrics, badge metrics, and metrics to monitor the health of your system.
All metric denitions are provided. The metrics reported on your system depend on the objects in your environment. You can use metrics to help troubleshoot problems. See the vRealize Operations Manager User Guide.
Changes in Metric Availability
The CPU Demand of Recommended (%) metric is no longer available in vRealize Operations Manager version 6.x. To approximate the metric, create a super metric using the following calculations, and add it to your Views and Reports as needed.
( (CPU|Stress Free Demand (MHz)) × (CPU|Current Size in Unit(s)) ) ÷ ( (CPU|Recommended Size
(vCPUs)) × (CPU|Current Size (MHz)) )
For more information about super metrics, see the vRealize Operations Manager Information Center.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Metrics for vCenter Server Components,” on page 8
“Calculated Metrics,” on page 63
“Self-Monitoring Metrics for vRealize Operations Manager,” on page 68
“Metrics for the Operating Systems and Remote Service Monitoring Plug-ins in Endpoint Operations
Management,” on page 93
VMware, Inc.

Metrics for vCenter Server Components

vRealize Operations Manager connects to VMware vCenter Server® instances through the vCenter adapter to collect metrics for vCenter Server components and uses formulas to derive statistics from those metrics. You can use metrics to troubleshoot problems in your environment.
vCenter Server components are listed in the describe.xml le for the vCenter adapter. The following example shows sensor metrics for the host system in the describe.xml le.
<ResourceGroup instanced="false" key="Sensor" nameKey="1350" validation="">
<ResourceGroup instanced="false" key="fan" nameKey="1351" validation="">
<ResourceAttribute key="currentValue" nameKey="1360" dashboardOrder="1"
dataType="float" defaultMonitored="false" isDiscrete="false" isRate="false" maxVal=""
minVal="" unit="percent"/>
<ResourceAttribute key="healthState" nameKey="1361" dashboardOrder="1" dataType="float"
defaultMonitored="false" isDiscrete="false" isRate="false" maxVal="" minVal="" />
<ResourceGroup instanced="false" key="temperature" nameKey="1352" validation="">
<ResourceAttribute key="currentValue" nameKey="1362" dashboardOrder="1"
dataType="float" defaultMonitored="false" isDiscrete="false" isRate="false" maxVal=""
minVal="" />
<ResourceAttribute key="healthState" nameKey="1363" dashboardOrder="1" dataType="float"
defaultMonitored="false" isDiscrete="false" isRate="false" maxVal="" minVal="" />
Each ResourceAttribute element includes the name of a metric that appears in the UI and is documented as a Metric Key.
Table 11. Sensor Metrics for Host System Cooling
Metric Key Metric Name Description
Sensor|fan|currentValue Speed Fan speed.
Sensor|fan|healthState Health State Fan health state.
Sensor|temperature|currentValue Temperature Host system temperature.
Sensor|temperature|healthState Health State Host system health state.

vSphere Metrics

vRealize Operations Manager collects CPU use, disk, memory, network, and summary metrics for objects in the vSphere world.
Capacity metrics can be calculated for vSphere world objects. See “Capacity and Project-Based Metrics,” on page 63.
CPU Usage Metrics
CPU usage metrics provide information about CPU use.
Table 12. CPU Usage Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
cpu|capacity_usagepct_average Capacity Usage CPU usages as a percent during the interval.
cpu|capacity_contentionPct CPU Contention Percent of time the virtual machine is unable to
run because it is contending for access to the physical CPU(s).
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Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 12. CPU Usage Metrics (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
cpu|demandPct Demand (%) CPU resource entitlement to CPU demand ratio
(in percents).
cpu|demandmhz Demand (MHz) The amount of CPU resources a virtual machine
would use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit.
cpu|demand_average Demand CPU demand in megaher.
cpu|iowait IO Wait IO wait (ms).
cpu|numpackages Number of CPU Sockets Number of CPU sockets.
cpu|capacity_contention Overall CPU Contention Overall CPU contention in milliseconds.
cpu|capacity_provisioned Provisioned Capacity (MHz) capacity in MHz of the physical CPU cores.
cpu|corecount_provisioned Provisioned vCPU(s) Number of provisioned CPU cores.
cpu|reservedCapacity_average Reserved Capacity (MHz) Total CPU capacity reserved by virtual machines.
cpu|usagemhz_average Usage (MHz) CPU usages, as measured in megaher, during
the interval.
VM - Amount of actively used virtual CPU.
This is the host's view of the CPU usage, not the guest operating system view.
Host - Sum of the actively used CPU of all
powered on virtual machines on a host. The maximum possible value is the frequency of the two processors multiplied by the number of processors. For example, if you have a host with four 2 GHz CPUs running a virtual machine that is using 4000 MHz, the host is using two CPUs completely: 400 / (4 2000) =
cpu|wait Wait Total CPU time spent in wait state. The wait total
includes time spent in the CPU Idle, CPU Swap Wait, and CPU I/O Wait states.
cpu|workload Workload (%) Percent of workload
Memory Metrics
Memory metrics provide information about memory use and allocation.
Table 1‑3. Memory Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
mem|host_contentionPct Contention Percent host memory contention.
mem|host_demand Machine Demand (KB) Host memory demand in kilobytes.
mem|host_provisioned Provisioned Memory Provisioned host memory in kilobytes.
mem|reservedCapacity_average Reserved Capacity (KB) Total amount of memory reservation used by
powered-on virtual machines and vSphere services on the host.
mem|host_usable Usable Memory (KB) Usable host memory in kilobytes.
mem|host_usage Host Usage (KB) Host memory use in kilobytes.
mem|host_usagePct Usage/Usable (%) Memory usage as percentage of total congured or
available memory.
mem|workload Workload (%) Percent of workload.
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Network Metrics
Network metrics provide information about network performance.
Table 14. Network Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
net|droppedPct Packets Dropped (%) Percent network packets dropped.
net|usage_average Usage Rate (KB per second) Sum of the data transmied and received for all of
net|workload Workload (%) Percent of workload.
Disk Metrics
Disk metrics provide information about disk use.
Table 15. Disk Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
disk|commandsAveraged_average Commands per second Average number of commands issued per second
disk|usage_average Usage Rate (KB per second) Average of the sum of the data read and wrien for
disk|workload Workload (%) Percent of workload.
the NIC instances of the host or virtual machine.
during the collection cycle.
all of the disk instances of the host or virtual machine.
Summary Metrics
Summary metrics provide information about overall performance.
Table 16. Summary Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
summary|number_running_hosts Number of Running Hosts Number of running hosts.
summary|number_running_vms Number of Running VMs Number of running virtual
summary|total_number_clusters Total Number of Clusters Total number of clusters.
summary|total_number_datastores Total Number of Datastores Total number of datastores.
summary|total_number_hosts Total Number of Hosts Total number of hosts.
summary|total_number_vms Total Number of VMs Total number of virtual machines.
summary|total_number_datacenters Total Number of Datacenters Total number of data centers.
summary|number_running_vcpus Number VCPUs on Powered on VMs Number of virtual CPUs on
powered-on virtual machines.
summary|avg_vm_density Average Running VM Count per Running
Average running virtual machine count per running host.
10 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager

vCenter Server Metrics

vRealize Operations Manager collects CPU use, disk, memory, network, and summary metrics for vCenter Server system objects.
vCenter Server metrics include capacity and badge metrics. See denitions in:
“Capacity and Project-Based Metrics,” on page 63
“Badge Metrics,” on page 66
CPU Usage Metrics
CPU usage metrics provide information about CPU use.
Table 1‑7. CPU Usage Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
cpu|capacity_usagepct_average Capacity Usage (%) Percent capacity used.
cpu|capacity_contentionPct CPU Contention (%) Percent CPU contention.
cpu|demandPct Demand (%) Percent demand.
cpu|demandmhz Demand (MHz) Demand in megaher.
cpu|demand_average Demand CPU Demand.
cpu|iowait IO Wait (ms) IO wait time in milliseconds.
cpu|numpackages Number of CPU Sockets Number of CPU sockets.
cpu|capacity_contention Overall CPU Contention (ms) Overall CPU contention in milliseconds.
cpu|capacity_provisioned Provisioned Capacity (MHz) Provisioned capacity in megaher.
cpu|corecount_provisioned Provisioned vCPU Number of provisioned virtual CPU cores.
cpu|reservedCapacity_average Reserved Capacity (MHz) Sum of the reservation properties of the
immediate children of the host's root resource pool.
cpu|usagemhz_average Usage (MHz) Average CPU use in megaher.
cpu|wait Wait (ms) CPU time spent on the idle state.
cpu|overhead_average Overhead Amount of CPU that is overhead.
cpu|demand_without_overhead Demand without overhead Value of demand excluding any overhead.
cpu|vm_capacity_provisioned Provisioned Capacity Provisioned capacity (MHz).
Datastore Metrics
Datastore metrics provide information about the datastore.
Table 18. Datastore Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
datastore| maxObserved_NumberRead
datastore|maxObserved_Read Max Observed Read Rate Max observed rate of reading data from the
datastore| maxObserved_NumberWrite
datastore|maxObserved_Write Max Observed Write Rate Max observed rate of writing data from the
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Max Observed Reads per second
Max Observed Writes per second
Max observed average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Max observed average number of write commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Table 18. Datastore Metrics (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
datastore|maxObserved_OIO Max Observed Number of
Outstanding IO Operations
datastore|demand_oio Outstanding IO requests OIO for datastore.
datastore| numberReadAveraged_average
datastore| numberWriteAveraged_average
datastore|read_average Read Rate Amount of data read in the performance interval.
datastore|write_average Write Rate Amount of data wrien to disk in the performance
Reads per second Average number of read commands issued per
Writes per second Average number of write commands issued per
Disk Metrics
Disk metrics provide information about disk use.
Table 19. Disk Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
disk|commandsAveraged_average Commands per second Average number of commands issued per second
disk|totalLatency_average Disk Command Latency
disk|usage_average Usage Rate (KBps) Average of the sum of the data read and wrien for
disk|sum_queued_oio Total queued outstanding
disk|max_observed Max Observed OIO Max observed IO for a disk.
Maximum observed number of outstanding IO operations.
second during the collection interval.
second during the collection interval.
during the collection cycle.
Average amount of time taken for a command from the perspective of the guest operating system. This metric is the sum of the Kernel Device Command Latency and Physical Device Command Latency metrics.
all of the disk instances of the host or virtual machine.
Sum of queued operations and outstanding operations.
Diskspace Metrics
Disk space metrics provide information about disk space use.
Table 110. Diskspace Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
diskspace|total_usage Total disk space used (KB) Total disk space used on all datastores visible to
this object.
diskspace|total_capacity Total disk space (KB) Total disk space on all datastores visible to this
diskspace|total_provisioned Total provisioned disk space
Total provisioned disk space on all datastores visible to this object.
Memory Metrics
Memory metrics provide information about memory use and allocation.
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Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 111. Memory Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
mem|host_contentionPct Contention (%) Percent host memory contention.
mem|host_demand Machine Demand (KB) Host memory demand in kilobytes.
mem|host_systemUsage ESX System Usage Memory usage by the VMkernel and ESX user-
level services.
mem|host_provisioned Provisioned Memory (KB) Provisioned host memory in kilobytes.
mem|reservedCapacity_average Reserved Capacity (KB) Sum of the reservation properties of the immediate
children of the host's root resource pool.
mem|host_usable Usable Memory (KB) Usable host memory in kilobytes.
mem|host_usage Host Usage (KB) Host memory use in kilobytes.
mem|host_usagePct Usage/Usable (%) Percent host memory used.
mem|host_contention Contention (KB) Host contention in kilobytes.
mem|overhead_average VM Overhead (KB) Memory overhead reported by host.
Network Metrics
Network metrics provide information about network performance.
Table 112. Network Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
net|droppedPct Packets Dropped (%) Percent network packets dropped.
net|usage_average Usage Rate (KBps) Sum of the data transmied and received for all of
the NIC instances of the host or virtual machine.
net|packetsRx_summation Packets Received Number of packets received in the performance
net|packetsTx_summation Packets Transmied Number of packets transmied in the
performance interval.
net|droppedRx_summation Received Packets Dropped Number of received packets dropped in the
performance interval.
net|droppedTx_summation Transmied Packets Dropped Number of transmied packets dropped in the
performance interval.
net|maxObserved_KBps Max Observed Throughput
net|maxObserved_Tx_KBps Max Observed Transmied
Throughput (KBps)
net|maxObserved_Rx_KBps Max Observed Received
Throughput (KBps)
net|transmied_average Data Transmit Rate (KBps) Average amount of data transmied per second.
net|received_average Data Receive Rate (KBps) Average amount of data received per second.
Max observed rate of network throughput.
Max observed transmied rate of network throughput.
Max observed received rate of network throughput.
Summary Metrics
Summary metrics provide information about overall performance.
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Table 113. Summary Metrics
Metric Key Metric Name Description
summary|number_running_hosts Number of Running Hosts Number of hosts that are on.
summary|number_running_vms Number of Running VMs Number of virtual machines that
summary|total_number_clusters Total Number of Clusters Total number of clusters.
summary|total_number_datastores Total Number of Datastores Total number of datastores.
summary|total_number_hosts Total Number of Hosts Total number of hosts.
summary|total_number_vms Total Number of VMs Total number of virtual machines.
summary|max_number_vms Maximum Number of VMs Maximum number of virtual
summary|workload_indicator Workload Indicator (%) Percent workload indicator.
summary|total_number_datacenters Total Number of Datacenters Total number of datacenters.
summary| number_powered_on_cores
summary|number_running_vcpus Number VCPUs on Powered on VMs Number of virtual CPUs on
summary|avg_vm_density Average Running VM Count per Running
summary|vc_query_time VC Query Time (ms) vCenter Server query time in
summary| derived_metrics_comp_time
summary|number_objs Number of objects Number of objects.
summary|number_vc_events Number of VC Events Number of vCenter Server events.
summary|number_sms_metrics Number of SMS Metrics Number of SMS metrics.
summary|collector_mem_usage Collector Memory Usage (MB) Collector memory use in
Number of Cores on Powered On Hosts Number of cores on powered-on
Derived Metrics Computation Time (ms) Derived metrics computation time
are on.
powered-on virtual machines.
Average running virtual machine count per running host.
in milliseconds.

Virtual Machine Metrics

vRealize Operations Manager collects conguration, CPU use, memory, datastore, disk, virtual disk, guest le system, network, power, disk space, storage, and summary metrics for virtual machine objects.
Capacity metrics can be calculated for virtual machine objects. See “Capacity and Project-Based Metrics,” on page 63.
Configuration Metrics for Virtual Machines
Conguration metrics provide information about virtual machine conguration.
Table 114. Configuration Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
cong|hardware|thin_Enabled Thin Provisioned Disk Thin Provisioned Disk.
cong|hardware|num_Cpu Number of CPUs Number of CPUs for a Virtual
cong|hardware|disk_Space Disk Space Disk space metrics.
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Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
CPU Usage Metrics for Virtual Machines
CPU usage metrics provide information about CPU use.
Table 115. CPU Use Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
cpu|iowait IO Wait (ms) CPU time spent waiting for IO.
cpu|wait Wait (ms) Wait time in milliseconds.
cpu|capacity_contention Overall CPU Contention (ms) The amount of time the CPU cannot
run due to contention.
cpu|reservation_used Reservation Used CPU Reservation Used.
cpu|eective_limit Eective Limit CPU Eective Limit.
cpu|estimated_entitlement Estimated Entitlement CPU Estimated Entitlement.
cpu|idlePct Idle (%) Percentage time that CPU is idle.
cpu|iowaitPct IO Wait (%) Percentage IO Wait.
cpu|swapwaitPct Swap wait (%) Percentage swap wait for CPU.
cpu|waitPct Wait (%) Percentage of total CPU time spent in
wait state.
cpu|systemSummationPct System (%) Percentage CPU time spent on
system processes.
cpu|demandOverLimit Demand Over Limit (MHz) Amount of CPU Demand that is over
the congured CPU Limit.
cpu|demandOverCapacity Demand Over Capacity (MHz) Amount of CPU Demand that is over
the congured CPU Capacity.
cpu|sizePctReduction Recommended Size Reduction
cpu|perCpuCoStopPct Normalized Co-stop Percentage of co-stop time,
cpu|numberToAdd Recommended number of vCPUs
to Add
cpu|numberToRemove Recommended number of vCPUs
to Remove
cpu|capacity_entitlement Capacity entitlement (MHz) CPU entitlement for the VM after
cpu|corecount_provisioned Provisioned CPU Cores Number of provisioned CPU cores.
cpu|capacity_demandEntitlementPct Capacity Demand Entitlement (%) Percent capacity demand entitlement.
cpu|capacity_contentionPct CPU Contention (%) CPU contention as a percentage of
cpu|capacity_provisioned Provisioned Capacity (MHz) Provisioned CPU capacity in
cpu|demandmhz Demand (MHz) CPU demand in megaher.
cpu|host_demand_for_aggregation Host demand for aggregation Host demand for aggregation.
cpu|demand_average Demand (ms) The total CPU time that the VM
cpu|demandPct Demand (%) CPU demand as a percentage of the
cpu|dynamic_entitlement Dynamic Entitlement CPU Dynamic Entitlement.
Percentage of recommended CPU size reduction.
normalized across all vCPUs.
Recommended number of vCPUs to Add to the VM.
Recommended number of vCPUs to Remove from the VM.
taking limits into account.
20-second collection interval.
could use if there was no contention.
provisioned capacity.
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Table 115. CPU Use Metrics for Virtual Machines (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
cpu|usage_average Usage (%) CPU Usage as a percentage of 20-
cpu|usagemhz_average Usage (MHz) CPU use in megaher.
cpu|system_summation System (ms) CPU time spent on system processes.
cpu|wait_summation Wait (ms) Total time that a virtual CPU can not
cpu|ready_summation Ready (ms) CPU time spent in the ready state.
cpu|readyPct Ready (%) CPU time spent in the ready state as
cpu|used_summation Used (ms) CPU time that is used.
cpu|extra_summation Extra (ms) Extra CPU time in milliseconds.
cpu|guaranteed_latest Guaranteed (ms) CPU time that is guaranteed for the
cpu|swapwait_summation Swap Wait (ms) Swap wait time in milliseconds.
cpu|costop_summation Co-stop (ms) Time the VM is ready to run, but is
cpu|costopPct Co-stop (%) Percentage of time the VM is ready to
cpu|idle_summation Idle (ms) CPU time that is idle.
cpu|latency_average Latency Percentage of time the VM is unable
cpu|maxlimited_summation Max Limited Time the VM is ready to run, but is
cpu|overlap_summation Overlap Time the VM was interrupted to
cpu|run_summation Run Time the VM is scheduled to run.
cpu|entitlement_latest Entitlement Latest Entitlement Latest.
second collection interval.
be run. It could be idle (halted) or waiting for an external event such as I/O.
a percentage of the collection interval.
virtual machine.
unable to due to co-scheduling constraints.
run, but is unable to due to co­scheduling constraints.
to run because it is contending for access to the physical CPUs.
not run due to maxing out its CPU limit seing.
perform system services on behalf of that VM or other VMs.
CPU Utilization for Resources Metrics for Virtual Machines
CPU utilization for resources metrics provide information about resource CPU use.
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Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 116. CPU Utilization for Resources Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
rescpu|sampleCount_latest Group CPU Sample Count The sample CPU count.
rscpu|samplePeriod_latest Group CPU Sample Period (ms) The sample period.
CPU Active (%) (interval) The average active time (actav) or peak active time
(actpk) for the CPU during various intervals.
CPU Running (%) (interval) The average runtime (runav) or peak active time
(runpk) for the CPU during various intervals.
CPU Throled (%) (interval) Amount of CPU resources over the limit that were
refused, average over various intervals.
Memory Metrics for Virtual Machines
Memory metrics provide information about memory use and allocation.
Table 117. Memory Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
mem|host_active Host Active (KB) Host active memory use in kilobytes.
mem|host_usage Usage (KB) Memory use in kilobytes.
mem|host_contention Contention (KB) Memory contention in kilobytes.
mem|host_contentionPct Contention (%) Percent memory contention.
mem|guest_provisioned Guest Congured Memory
mem|guest_dynamic_entitlement Guest Dynamic Entitlement
mem|guest_activePct Guest Active Memory (%) Percent guest operating system active
mem|guest_nonpageable_estimate Guest Non Pageable Memory
mem|reservation_used Reservation Used Memory Reservation Used.
mem|eective_limit Eective Limit Memory Eective Limit.
mem|estimated_entitlement Estimated Entitlement Memory Estimated Entitlement.
mem|host_demand_for_aggregation Demand for aggregation Host demand for aggregation.
mem|numa.remote_latest NUMA Remote Latest Non-uniform memory access Remote
mem|numa.local_latest NUMA Local Latest Non-uniform memory access Local (Kb).
mem|numa.migrations_latest NUMA Migrations Latest Non-uniform memory access Migrations
Guest operating system congured memory in kilobytes.
Guest Memory Dynamic Entitlement.
Guest operating system non-pageable memory in kilobytes.
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Table 117. Memory Metrics for Virtual Machines (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
mem|numa.locality_average NUMA Locality Average Non-uniform memory access Locality
mem|demandOverLimit Demand Over Limit Amount of Memory Demand that is over
mem|demandOverCapacity Demand Over Capacity Amount of Memory Demand that is over
mem|sizePctReduction Recommended Size Reduction
mem|balloonPct Balloon (%) Percentage of total memory that has been
mem|guest_usage Guest Usage (KB) Guest operating system use in kilobytes.
mem|guest_demand Guest Demand (KB) Guest operating system demand in
mem|host_nonpageable_estimate Guest Non Pageable Memory
mem|host_demand Host Demand (KB) Memory demand in kilobytes.
mem|host_demand_reservation Demand with Reservation (KB) Memory Demand with Reservation
mem|guest_workload Guest Workload Guest Workload (%).
mem|host_workload Host Workload Host Workload (%).
mem|vmmemctl_average Balloon (%) Amount of memory currently used by
mem|active_average Guest Active (%) Amount of memory that is actively used.
mem|granted_average Granted (KB) Amount of memory available for use.
mem|shared_average Shared (KB) Amount of shared memory in kilobytes.
mem|zero_average Zero (KB) Amount of memory that is all 0.
mem|swapped_average Swapped (KB) amount of unreservedmemory in
mem|swaptarget_average Swap Target (KB) Amount of memory that can be swapped
mem|swapin_average Swap In (KB) Swap-in memory in kilobytes.
mem|swapout_average Swap Out (KB) amount of memory swapped out in
mem|usage_average Usage (%) Memory currently in use as a percentage
mem|vmmemctltarget_average Balloon Target (KB) Amount of memory that can be used by
mem|consumed_average Consumed (KB) Amount of host memory consumed by
mem|overhead_average Overhead (KB) Memory overhead in kilobytes.
mem|host_dynamic_entitlement Host Dynamic Entitlement Mem Machine Dynamic Entitlement.
mem|swapinRate_average Swap In Rate (KBps) Rate at which memory is swapped from
the congured Memory Limit.
the congured Memory Capacity.
Percentage of recommended Memory size reduction.
reclaimed via ballooning.
Guest operating system non-pageable memory in kilobytes.
considered in KB.
the virtual machine memory control.
in kilobytes.
of total available memory.
the virtual machine memory control.
the virtual machine for guest memory in kilobytes.
disk into active memory during the interval.
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Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 117. Memory Metrics for Virtual Machines (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
mem|swapoutRate_average Swap Out Rate (KBps) Rate at which memory is being swapped
from active memory to disk during the current interval.
mem|activewrite_average Active Write (KB) Active writes in kilobytes.
mem|compressed_average Compressed (KB) Compressed memory in kilobytes.
mem|commpressionRate_average Compression Rate (KBps) Compression rate in kilobytes per
mem|decompressionRate_average Decompression Rate (KBps) Decompression rate in kilobytes per
mem|overheadMax_average Overhead Max (KB) Maximum overhead in kilobytes.
mem|zipSaved_latest Zip Saved (KB) Zip-saved memory in kilobytes.
mem|zipped_latest Zipped (KB) Zipped memory in kilobytes.
mem|entitlement_average Entitlement Amount of host physical memory the
VM is entitled to, as determined by the ESX schedule.
mem|latency_average Latency Percentage of time the VM is waiting to
access swapped or compressed memory.
mem|capacity.contention_average Capacity Contention Capacity Contention.
mem|llSwapInRate_average Swap In Rate from Host Cache Rate at which memory is being swapped
from host cache into active memory.
mem|llSwapOutRate_average Swap Out Rate to Host Cache Rate at which memory is being swapped
to host cache from active memory.
mem|llSwapUsed_average Swap Space Used in Host
mem|overheadTouched_average Overhead Touched Actively touched overhead memory (KB)
Space used for caching swapped pages in the host cache.
reserved for use as the virtualization overhead for the VM.
Datastore Metrics for Virtual Machines
Datastore metrics provide information about datastore use.
Table 118. Datastore Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
datastore|commandsAveraged_average Commands per second Average number of commands issued
per second during the collection interval.
datastore|demand_oio Outstanding IO requests OIO for datastore.
datastore|oio Number of Outstanding IO
datastore|demand Demand Datatstore demand.
datastore|totalLatency_average Disk Command Latency (ms) The average amount of time taken for a
datastore|usage_average Usage Average (KBps) Usage Average (KBps).
datastore|used Used Space (MB) Used space in megabytes.
VMware, Inc. 19
Number of outstanding IO operations.
command from the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel Command Latency and Physical Device Command Latency.
Table 118. Datastore Metrics for Virtual Machines (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
datastore|notshared Not Shared (GB) Space used by VMs that is not shared.
datastore|numberReadAveraged_average Reads per second Average number of read commands
datastore|numberWriteAveraged_average Writes per second Average number of write commands
datastore|read_average Read Rate (KBps) Rate of reading data from the datastore
datastore|totalReadLatency_average Read Latency (ms) Average amount of time for a read
datastore|totalWriteLatency_average Write Latency (ms) Average amount of time for a write
datastore|write_average Write Rate Rate of writing data to the datastore.
datastore|maxTotalLatency_latest Highest Latency Highest Latency.
datastore|totalLatency_max Total Latency Max Total Latency Max (ms).
datastore|maxObserved_NumberRead Max Observed Reads per
datastore|maxObserved_Read Max Observed Read Rate Max observed rate of reading data from
datastore|maxObserved_NumberWrite Max Observed Writes per
datastore|maxObserved_Write Max Observed Write Rate Max observed rate of writing data from
datastore|maxObserved_OIO Max Observed Number of
Outstanding IO Operations
issued per second during the collection interval.
issued per second during the collection interval.
in kilobytes per second.
operation from the datastore. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency.
operation to the datastore. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency.
Max observed average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval.
the datastore.
Max observed average number of write commands issued per second during the collection interval.
the datastore.
Max Observed Number of Outstanding IO Operations.
Disk Metrics for Virtual Machines
Disk metrics provide information about disk use.
Table 1‑19. Disk Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
disk|numberReadAveraged_average Reads per second Average number of read commands
issued per second during the collection interval.
disk|numberWriteAveraged_average Writes per second Average number of write commands
issued per second during the collection interval.
disk|commandsAveraged_average Commands per second Average number of commands issued
per second during the collection interval.
disk|usage_average Usage Rate (KBps) Use rate in kilobytes per second.
disk|usage_capacity I/O Usage Capacity I/O Usage Capacity.
20 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 119. Disk Metrics for Virtual Machines (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
disk|diskoio Number of Outstanding IO
disk|diskqueued Queued Operations Queued operations.
disk|diskdemand Demand (%) Percent demand.
disk |sum_queued_oio Total Queued Outstanding
disk|max_observed Max Observed OIO Max Observed IO for a disk.
disk|read_average Read Rate (KBps) Amount of data read in the
disk|write_average Write Rate (KBps) Amount of data wrien to disk in the
disk|numberRead_summation Read Requests Number of times data was read from
disk|numberWrite_summation Write Requests Number of times data was wrien to
disk|busResets_summation Bus Resets The number of bus resets in the
disk|commands_summation Commands Issued The number of disk commands issued
disk|commandsAborted_summation Commands Aborted The number of disk commands aborted
disk|maxTotalLatency_latest Highest Latency Highest latency.
disk|scsiReservationConicts_summation SCSI Reservation Conicts SCSI Reservation Conicts.
disk|totalReadLatency_average Disk Read Latency The average amount of time taken for a
disk|totalWriteLatency_average Disk Write Latency The average amount of time taken for a
disk|totalLatency_average Disk Command Latency (ms) The average amount of time taken for a
Number of outstanding IO operations.
Sum of Queued Operation and Outstanding Operations.
performance interval.
performance interval.
the disk in the dened interval.
the disk in the dened interval.
performance interval.
in the performance interval.
in the performance interval.
read from the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel Read Latency and Physical Device Read Latency.
write from the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel Write Latency and Physical Device Write Latency.
command from the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel Command Latency and Physical Device Command Latency.
Virtual Disk Metrics for Virtual Machines
Virtual disk metrics provide information about virtual disk use.
Table 120. Virtual Disk Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
virtualDisk|usage Usage Average CPU usage as a percentage.
virtualDisk|totalLatency Total Latency Total latency.
virtualDisk|commandsAveraged_average Commands Per Second Average number of commands per
VMware, Inc. 21
Table 120. Virtual Disk Metrics for Virtual Machines (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
virtualDisk|numberReadAveraged_average Read Requests Average number of read commands
virtualDisk|numberWriteAveraged_average Write Requests Average number of write commands
virtualDisk|read_average Read Rate (KBps) Rate of reading data from the virtual
virtualDisk|totalReadLatency_average Read Latency (ms) Average amount of time for a read
virtualDisk|totalWriteLatency_average Write Latency (ms) Average amount of time for a write
virtualDisk|write_average Write Rate (KBps) Rate of writing data from the virtual disk
virtualDisk|busResets_summation Bus Resets The number of bus resets in the
virtualDisk|commandsAborted_summation Commands Aborted The number of disk commands aborted
virtualDisk|readLoadMetric_latest Read Load Storage DRS virtual disk metric read
virtualDisk|readOIO_latest Outstanding Read Requests Average number of outstanding read
virtualDisk|writeLoadMetric_latest Write Load Storage DRS virtual disk write load.
virtualDisk|writeOIO_latest Outstanding Write Requests Average number of outstanding write
virtualDisk|smallSeeks_latest Number of Small Seeks Small Seeks.
virtualDisk|mediumSeeks_latest Number of Medium Seeks Medium Seeks.
virtualDisk|largeSeeks_latest Number of Large Seeks Large Seeks.
virtualDisk|readLatencyUS_latest Read Latency
virtualDisk|writeLatencyUS_latest Write Latency
virtualDisk|readIOSize_latest Average Read request size Read IO size.
virtualDisk|writeIOSize_latest Average Write request size Write IO size.
issued per second to the virtual disk during the collection interval.
issued per second to the virtual disk during the collection interval.
disk in kilobytes per second.
operation from the virtual disk. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency.
operation to the virtual disk. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency.
in kilobytes per second.
performance interval.
in the performance interval.
requests to the virtual disk.
requests to the virtual disk.
Read Latency in microseconds.
Write Latency in microseconds.
Guest File System Metrics for Virtual Machines
Guest le system metrics provide information about guest le system capacity and free space.
Table 121. Guest File System Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
guestlesystem|capacity Guest File System Capacity (MB) Total capacity on guest le system in
guestlesystem|freespace Guest File System Free (MB) Total free space on guest le system in
guestlesystem|percentage Guest File System Usage (%) Percent guest le system.
22 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 121. Guest File System Metrics for Virtual Machines (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
guestlesystem|usage Guest File System Usage Total usage of guest le system.
guestlesystem|freespace_total Total Guest File System Free (GB) Total free space on guest le system.
guestlesystem|capacity_total Total Guest File System Capacity(GB) Total capacity on guest le system.
guestlesystem|percentage_total Total Guest File System Usage (%) Guest le system space utilization.
guestlesystem|usage_total Total Guest File System Usage Total usage of guest le system.
Network Metrics for Virtual Machines
Network metrics provide information about network performance.
Table 122. Network Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
net|demand Demand (%) Percent demand.
net|usage_average Usage Rate (KBps) The sum of the data transmied and
received for all the NIC instances of the host or virtual machine.
net|packetsRxPerSec Packets Received per second Number of packets received in the
performance interval.
net|packetsTxPerSec Packets Transmied per second Number of packets transmied in the
performance interval.
net|transmied_average Data Transmit Rate (KBps) Average amount of data transmied in
kilobytes per second.
net|received_average Data Receive Rate (KBps) Average amount of data received per
net|PacketsPerSec Packets per second Number of packets transmied and
received per second.
net|usage_capacity I/O Usage Capacity IO use capacity.
net|maxObserved_KBps Max Observed Throughput (KBps) Maximum observed throughput in
kilobytes per second.
net|maxObserved_Tx_KBps Max Observed Transmied
net|maxObserved_Rx_KBps Max Observed Received Throughput Max observed received rate of network
net|packetsRx_summation Packets Received Number of packets received in the
net|packetsTx_summation Packets Transmied Number of packets transmied in the
net|droppedRx_summation Received Packets Dropped Number of received packets dropped in
net|dropppedTx_summation Transmied Packets Dropped Number of transmied packets
net|droppedPct Packets Dropped (%) Percentage of packets dropped.
net|dropped Packets Dropped Number of packets dropped in the
net|broadcastTx_summation Broadcast Packets Transmied Number of broadcast packets
Max observed transmied rate of network throughput.
performance interval.
performance interval.
the performance interval.
dropped in the performance interval.
performance interval.
transmied during the sampling interval.
VMware, Inc. 23
Table 122. Network Metrics for Virtual Machines (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
net|broadcastRx_summation Broadcast Packets Received Number of broadcast packets received
net|bytesRx_average bytes Rx (KBps) Average amount of data received per
net|bytesTx_average bytes Tx (KBps) Average amount of data transmied per
net|multicastRx_summation Multicast Packets Received Number of multicast packets received.
net|multicastTx_summation Multicast Packets Transmied Number of multicast packets
net|host_transmied_average VM to Host Data Transmit Rate Average amount of data transmied per
net|host_received_average VM to Host Data Receive Rate Average amount of data received per
net|host_usage_average VM to Host Usage Rate The sum of the data transmied and
net|host_maxObserved_Tx_KBps VM to Host Max Observed
Transmied Throughput
net|host_maxObserved_Rx_KBps VM to Host Max Observed Received
net|host_maxObserved_KBps VM to Host Max Observed
net|transmit_demand_average Data Transmit Demand Rate Data transmied demand rate.
net|receive_demand_average Data Receive Demand Rate Data received demand rate.
during the sampling interval.
second between VM and host.
second between VM and host.
received for all the NIC instances between VM and host.
Max observed transmied rate of network throughput between VM and host.
Max observed received rate of network throughput between VM and host.
Max observed rate of network throughput between VM and host.
System Metrics for Virtual Machines
System metrics for virtual machines provide general information about the virtual machine, such as its build number and running state.
Table 123. System Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
sys|poweredOn Powered ON Powered on virtual machines. 1 if powered on, 0
if powered o, -1 if unknown
sys|uptime_latest Uptime (seconds) Number of seconds since system startup.
sys|heartbeat_summation Heartbeat Number of heartbeats from the virtual machine
in the dened interval.
sys|vmotionEnabled vMotion Enabled 1 if vMotion is enabled or 0 if vMotion is not
sys|productString Product String VMware product string.
sys|build Build Number VMware build number.
sys|osUptime_latest OS Uptime Total time elapsed, in seconds, since last
operating system boot-up.
Power Metrics for Virtual Machines
Power metrics provide information about power use.
24 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 124. Power Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
power|energy_summation Energy (Joule) Energy use in joules.
power|power_average Power (Wa) Average power use in was.
Disk Space Metrics for Virtual Machines
Disk space metrics provide information about disk space use.
Table 125. Disk Space Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
diskspace|notshared Not Shared (GB) Unshared space in kilobytes.
diskspace|numvmdisk Number of Virtual Disks Number of virtual disks.
diskspace|provisioned Provisioned Space (GB) Provisioned space in gigabytes.
diskspace|provisionedSpace Provisioned Space for VM Provisioned space for VM.
diskspace|shared Shared Used (GB) Shared used space in gigabytes.
diskspace|snapshot Snapshot Space (GB) Space used by snapshots.
diskspace|diskused Virtual Disk Used (GB) Space used by virtual disks in gigabytes.
diskspace|used Virtual machine used (GB) Space used by virtual machine les in
diskspace|total_usage Total disk space used Total disk space used on all datastores visible
to this object.
diskspace|total_capacity Total disk space Total disk space on all datastores visible to this
diskspace|total_provisioned Total provisioned disk space Total provisioned disk space on all datastores
visible to this object.
diskspace|activeNotShared Active not shared Unshared disk space used by VMs excluding
Storage Metrics for Virtual Machines
Storage metrics provide information about storage use.
Table 1‑26. Storage Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
storage|commandsAveraged_average Commands per second Average number of commands issued per
second during the collection interval.
storage|contention Contention percentage Percent contention.
storage|demandKBps Demand (KBps) Demand in kilobytes per second.
storage|totalReadLatency_average Read Latency (ms) Average amount of time for a read operation.
storage|read_average Read Rate (KBps) Read throughput rate in kilobytes per second.
storage|numberReadAveraged_average Reads per second Average number of read commands issued per
second during the collection interval.
storage|totalLatency_average Total Latency (ms) Total latency in milliseconds.
storage|usage_average Total Usage (KBps) Total throuput rate in kilobytes per second.
storage|totalWriteLatency_average Write Latency (ms) Average amount of time for a write operation.
VMware, Inc. 25
Table 126. Storage Metrics for Virtual Machines (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
storage|write_average Write Rate (KBps) Write throughput rate in kilobytes per second.
storage| numberWriteAveraged_average
Writes per second Average number of write commands issued per
Summary Metrics for Virtual Machines
Summary metrics provide information about overall performance.
Table 127. Summary Metrics for Virtual Machines
Metric Key Metric Name Description
summary|workload_indicator Workload Indicator (%) Percent workload indicator.
summary|cpu_shares CPU Shares CPU shares.
summary|mem_shares Memory Shares Memory shares.
summary|number_datastore Number of Datastores Number of datastores.
summary|number_network Number of Networks Number of networks.
summary|running Running Number of running virtual machines.
summary|desktop_status Desktop Status Horizon View Desktop Status.
second during the collection interval.

Host System Metrics

vRealize Operations Manager collects many metrics for host systems, including CPU use, datastore, disk, memory, network, storage, and summary metrics for host system objects.
Capacity metrics can be calculated for host system objects. See “Capacity and Project-Based Metrics,” on page 63.
vFlash Module Metrics for Host Systems
vFlash Module metrics provide information about the host system's ash devices.
Table 128. vFlash Module Metrics for Host Systems
Metric Key Metric Name Description
vashModule|numActiveVMDKs_latest Latest Number of Active VM
Configuration Metrics for Host Systems
Conguration metrics provide information about host system conguration.
Table 1‑29. Configuration Metrics for Host Systems
Metric Key Metric Name Description
conguration|dasCong| admissionControlPolicy|failoverHost
Failover Hosts Failover Hosts.
Latest Number of Active VM Disks.
Hardware Metrics for Host Systems
Hardware metrics provide information about host system hardware.
26 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 130. Hardware Metrics for Host Systems
Metric Key Metric Name Description
hardware|cpuinfo|num_CpuCores Number of CPUs Number of CPUs for a host.
CPU Usage Metrics for Host Systems
CPU usage metrics provide information about CPU use.
Table 1‑31. CPU Metrics for Host Systems
Metric Key Metric Name Description
cpu|capacity_usagepct_average Capacity Usage (%) Percent CPU capacity used.
cpu|usage_average Usage (%) Average CPU usage as a percentage.
cpu|capacity_contentionPct CPU Contention (%) Percent of time the virtual machine is
unable to run because it is contending for access to the physical CPU(s).
cpu|demandPct Demand (%) The amount of CPU resources a virtual
machine would use if there were no CPU contention or CPU limit.
cpu|demandmhz Demand (MHz) CPU demand in megaher.
cpu|iowait IO Wait (ms) IO wait time in milliseconds.
cpu|numpackages Number of CPU Sockets Number of CPU sockets.
cpu|capacity_contention Overall CPU Contention (ms) Overall CPU contention in milliseconds.
cpu|capacity_provisioned Provisioned Capacity (MHz) Capacity in MHz of the physical CPU
cpu|corecount_provisioned Provisioned virtual CPUs Provisioned virtual CPUs.
cpu|wait Total Wait CPU time spent in idle state.
cpu|demand_average Demand CPU demand.
cpu|used_summation Used (msec) Time accounted to the virtual machine. If
a system service runs on behalf of this virtual machine, the time spent by that service (represented by cpu.system) should be charged to this virtual machine. If not, the time spent (represented by cpu.overlap) should not be charged against this virtual machine.
cpu|usagemhz_average Usage (MHz) CPU use in megaher.
cpu|reservedCapacity_average Reserved Capacity (MHz) The sum of the reservation properties of
the (immediate) children of the host's root resource pool.
cpu|totalCapacity_average Total Capacity (MHz) Total CPU capacity in megaher.
cpu|idle_summation Idle (ms) CPU idle time in milliseconds.
cpu|overhead_average Overhead (KB) Amount of CPU overhead.
cpu|demand_without_overhead Demand without overhead Value of demand excluding any overhead.
cpu|coreUtilization_average Core Utilization (%) Percent core utilization.
cpu|utilization_average Utilization(%) Percent CPU utilization.
cpu|coreUtilization_average Core Utilization (%) Core Utilization.
cpu|utilization_average Utilization (%) Utilization.
VMware, Inc. 27
Table 131. CPU Metrics for Host Systems (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Description
cpu|costop_summation Co-stop (ms) Time the VM is ready to run, but is unable
cpu|latency_average Latency (%) Percentage of time the VM is unable to run
cpu|ready_summation Ready (ms) Time spent in ready state.
cpu|run_summation Run (ms) Time the virtual machine is scheduled to
cpu|swapwait_summation Swap wait (ms) Amount of time waiting for swap space.
cpu|wait_summation Wait (ms) Total CPU time spent in wait state.
cpu|vm_capacity_provisioned Provisioned Capacity Provisioned capacity (MHz).
cpu| acvmWorkloadDisparityPcive_longte rm_load
cpu|active_shorerm_load Active Host Load For Balance
Active Host Load For Balance (Long Term)
(Short Term)
to due to co-scheduling constraints.
because it is contending for access to the physical CPUs.
Active Host Load For Balance (Long Term).
Active Host Load For Balance (Short Term).
CPU Utilization for Resources Metrics for Host Systems
CPU utilization for resources metrics provide information about CPU activity.
Table 1‑32. CPU Utilization for Resources Metrics for Host Systems
Metric Key Metric Name Description
rescpu|sampleCount_latest Group CPU Sample Count Group CPU sample count.
rescpu|samplePeriod_latest Group CPU Sample Period (ms) Group CPU sample period in milliseconds.
CPU Active (%) (interval) Average active time for the CPU over the past
minute, past ve minutes, and at one-minute, ve-minute, and 15-minute peak active times.
CPU Running (%) (interval) Average run time for the CPU over the past
minute, past ve minutes, past 15 minutes, and at one-minute, ve-minute, and 15-minute peak times.
CPU Throled (%) (interval) Scheduling limit over the past minute, past ve
minutes, and past 15 minutes
Datastore Metrics for Host Systems
Datastore metrics provide information about datastore use.
28 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Metric Definitions in vRealize Operations Manager
Table 133. Datastore Metrics for Host Systems
Metric Key Metric Name Notes
datastore|demand_oio Outstanding IO requests OIO for datastore.
datastore|maxObserved_NumberRead Max Observed Reads per second Max observed average number of
read commands issued per second during the collection interval.
datastore|maxObserved_Read Max Observed Read Rate Max observed rate of reading data
from the datastore.
datastore|maxObserved_NumberWrite Max Observed Writes per second Max observed average number of
write commands issued per second during the collection interval.
datastore|maxObserved_Write Max Observed Write Rate Max observed rate of writing data
from the datastore.
datastore|maxObserved_OIO Max Observed Number of
Outstanding IO Operations
datastore|commandsAveraged_average Commands Averaged Average number of commands
datastore|oio Number of Outstanding IO
datastore|totalLatency_average Disk Command Latency (ms) The average amount of time taken
datastore|usage_average Usage Average (KBps) Usage Average (KBps).
datastore|demand Demand Demand.
datastore|datastoreIops_average Storage I/O Control aggregated
datastore|numberReadAveraged_average Reads per second Average number of read commands
datastore|numberWriteAveraged_average Writes per second Average number of write
datastore|read_average Read Rate (KBps) Rate of reading data from the
datastore| sizeNormalizedDatastoreLatency_average
Storage I/O Control normalized latency (ms)
datastore|totalReadLatency_average Read Latency (ms) Average amount of time for a read
datastore|totalWriteLatency_average Write Latency (ms) Average amount of time for a write
datastore|write_average Write Rate (KBps) Rate of writing data to the datastore
datastore|datastoreMaxQueueDepth_latest Max Queue Depth Max Queue Depth.
datastore|maxTotalLatency_latest Highest Latency Highest Latency.
Max Observed Number of Outstanding IO Operations.
issued per second during the collection interval.
Number of outstanding IO operations.
for a command from the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel Command Latency and Physical Device Command Latency.
Aggregate number of IO operations on the datastore.
issued per second during the collection interval.
commands issued per second during the collection interval.
datastore in kilobytes per second.
Normalized latency in microseconds on the datastore. Data for all virtual machines is combined.
operation from the datastore. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency.
operation to the datastore. Total latency = kernel latency + device latency.
in kilobytes per second.
VMware, Inc. 29
Table 133. Datastore Metrics for Host Systems (Continued)
Metric Key Metric Name Notes
datastore|totalLatency_max Total Latency Max Total Latency Max (ms).
datastore| datastoreNormalReadLatency_latest
datastore| datastoreNormalWriteLatency_latest
datastore|datastoreReadBytes_latest Data Read Data Read.
datastore|datastoreReadIops_latest Data Read Rate Data Rate.
datastore|datastoreReadLoadMetric_latest Read Load Storage DRS metric read load.
datastore|datastoreReadOIO_latest Outstanding Read Requests Outstanding Read Requests.
datastore|datastoreWriteBytes_latest Data Wrien Data Wrien.
datastore|datastoreWriteIops_latest Data Write Rate Data Write Rate.
datastore|datastoreWriteLoadMetric_latest Write Load Storage DRS metric write load.
datastore|datastoreWriteOIO_latest Outstanding Write Requests Outstanding Write Requests.
datastore|vmPopulationAvgWorkload Average Observed Virtual
datastore|vmPopulationMaxWorkload Maximum Observed VM Disk
datastore|vmWorkloadDisparityPct VM Disk I/O Workload Disparity Percentage Disk I/O workload
Read Latency Read Latency.
Write Latency Write Latency.
Average Observed Virtual Machine
Machine Disk I/O Workload
I/O Workload
Disk I/O Workload on the Host.
Maximum Observed VM Disk I/O Workload on the Host.
disparity among the VMs on the Host.
Disk Metrics for Host Systems
Disk metrics provide information about disk use.
Table 134. Disk Metrics for Host Systems
Metric Key Metric Name Description
disk|usage_average Usage Rate (KBps) Average of the sum of the data read
and wrien for all of the disk instances of the host or virtual machine.
disk|usage_capacity I/O Usage Capacity I/O Usage Capacity.
disk|commandsAveraged_average Commands per second Average number of commands
issued per second during the collection interval.
disk|totalLatency_average Disk Command Latency (ms) The average amount of time taken
for a command from the perspective of a Guest OS. This is the sum of Kernel Command Latency and Physical Device Command Latency.
disk|numberReadAveraged_average Reads per second Average number of read
commands issued per second during the collection interval.
disk|numberWriteAveraged_average Writes per second Average number of write
commands issued per second during the collection interval.
30 VMware, Inc.
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