VMware vFabric GemFire
Elastic In-Memory Data Management
• Lightning fast, highly available and scalable data
access for modern applications—run your
applications 4–40 times faster
• Parallel data execution for extremely high
• Engineered for low latency
• Data replication across nodes and clusters for
high availability
• Reliable event notifications—as data changes,
applications automatically updated
• Continuous querying updates results with
predictably low latency
• “Shared nothing” disk persistence ensures disk
failure on one node does not result in data loss
• Data sharing between Java, C++ and C# based
• WAN scaling while preserving performance,
reliability and data consistency
VMware vFabric™ GemFire® provides fast, secure, reliable and
scalable access to data in support of modern enterprise and
cloud applications. A core component of the VMware vFabric
Cloud Application Platform, GemFire enables the delivery of high
performance applications that are data rich and continuously
available regardless of the number of end-users being served.
As modern applications have become increasingly Weboriented, data-intensive and inherently more dynamic in nature,
the need for modern approaches to data management has
evolved. While first-generation Web applications could tolerate
time-consuming round-trips to store and retrieve data from a
database, newer applications require a dierent approach, one
that is both ideally suited to this new generation of applications
but also one that contemplates deployment on top of virtual
GemFire provides the data management capabilities of a
database with the performance that only in-memory can
provide. It is ideally suited for the needs of modern applications
that require real-time access to data and the ability to solve
some of the most complex data challenges in the world.
Key Highlights
Figure 1: VMware vFabric Cloud Application Platform
Bypass high database transaction costs derived from spent CPU
cycles, network trac, database access latency and more by
managing data in-memory with GemFire.
Developer Productivity
• Re-engineered APIs simplify development; quickstart
programming examples included
• Declaratively configure GemFire data infrastructure from
Spring with minimal eort connecting secure, reliable and
scalable data to enterprise applications
• Built-in exception handling traverses GemFire to Spring for
consistency and can be applied transparently
• Integration with the popular Spring Framework transaction
management capabilities makes writing and supporting
transactional enterprise applications fast, secure,
reliable and scalable

VMware vFabric GemFire™
Database-like Persistence
• “Shared Nothing” parallel disk persistence combines high
performance at scale with cluster-wide high availability and
sophisticated failure handling
• Synchronous read-through, write-through, or Asynchronous
write-behind to backend data sources
• Continuous query support – automatically update applications
with data from memory, no roundtrips to a database
Cloud Scale and Operational Eciency
• Dynamic data partitioning across the system evens out load to
enable high scale
• Co-located transactions, 2-3 times higher performance for
thin clients
• Wide Area Networking (WAN) support scales across
remote sites
• Several management options are available, including a
command-line utility, a Java Management Extensions (JMX)
Agent, and GFMon, a graphical user interface monitoring tool
Deployment Options
• GemFire runs on a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in 32-bit
and 64-bit mode on Windows, Linux and Solaris.
Selected Customers
“GemStone proved that its technology had the scale,
flexibility and reliability to make our systems our strength.”
— Martin Davies, CTO bet365
• Client nodes running C++, C# .Net and Java are supported.
• GemFire supports peer-to-peer, client/server, and multi-site
(WAN) architectures.
VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto CA 94304 USA Tel 877-486-9273 Fax 650-427-5001 www.vmware.com
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