VMware vFabric Data Director - 2.0 Installation Manual

VMware vFabric Data Director
Installation Guide
vFabric Data Director 2.0
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About VMware vFabric Data Director 5
Installation Prerequisites and vSphere Setup 7
Prerequisites for Data Director 7
vSphere Settings for Data Director 9
Planning the Network Configuration 13
Network Configurations for vFabric Data Director 13
Relating Networks in vSphere and Data Director 15
Data Director Networks, IP Allocation, and Firewalls 15
Four VLAN Network Configuration 18
Two VLAN Network Configuration 20
One VLAN Network Configuration 21
Deploy the Data Director vApp 23
Start the Wizard and Specify vApp Properties 24
Specify Network Mappings and Network Properties 24
Finish Data Director vApp Deployment 25
Set Up Data Director 27
Start the Data Director Setup Wizard 28
Accept the License Agreement 28
Create the Initial Data Director System Administrator Account 29
Set User Management Mode 29
Configure the Branding Settings 30
Configure SMTP Settings 30
Configure the vCenter Network and Its Network Adapters 30
Configure Network Mapping 31
Configure Networks and Network Adapters 31
Enter License Information 32
Review Data Director Setup 32
vFabric Data Director Upgrade 33
About the vFabric Data Director Upgrade Process 33
Data Director Upgrade Virtual Appliance Process Overview 34
Data Director Upgrade Database Virtual Machines Process Overview 34
Upgrade a Data Director Virtual Appliance 34
Upgrade Data Director Database Virtual Machines (DBVMs) 39
Index 41
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About VMware vFabric Data Director

The VMware vFabric Data Director Installation Guide provides information about installing VMware® vFabric Data Director, including configuring networks, deploying Data Director in vSphere Client as a virtual appliance (vApp) running on a vCenter Server, and performing setup and configuration using the Data Director administration UI.
The Data Director software solution enables you to manage an environment with large numbers of databases, and offers application developers self-service database creation and resource allocation. Data Director supports flexible, policy-based resource management, and provides resource isolation at the organization and database levels. Data Director enables you to implement security policies through role-based access control. You can delegate and grant customizable roles and privileges to specify users' allowed actions.
Self-service database lifecycle management enables application developers to create new databases, manage schemas, set up backups, perform restores, clone databases for testing and development, scale database sizes up, and decommission databases. Customizable database configuration and backup templates enable administrators to control database parameters and enforce resource allocation policies, while simplifying database creation and resource allocation for application developers.
Intended Audience
This document is for administrators and application developers.
System administrators use this document to learn about managing and monitoring a Data Director environment. System administrators create organizations, allocate resources to them, and perform other high-level tasks.
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Organization administrators use this document to learn about managing and monitoring database groups and databases. Organization administrators can use and customize database templates, can assign resources, and can monitor their organization.
Application developers use this document to learn about managing and monitoring databases.
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Installation Prerequisites and vSphere
Setup 1
Before you start installing Data Director, you must understand the environment requirements, you must set up vSphere, and you must determine your networking configuration.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Prerequisites for Data Director,” on page 7
“vSphere Settings for Data Director,” on page 9

Prerequisites for Data Director

Before you can install and run Data Director, your environment must meet the prerequisites.
vSphere 5.0 Enterprise or vSphere 5.0 Enterprise Plus
VMware vSphere Client 5.0
VMware vCenter Server 5.0 and modules (ISO or ZIP)
ESXi ISO or ESXi offline bundle ZIP
vSphere Update Manager
vSphere VMFS-5
VMware Virtual Hardware 7 or later
Operating system support for base database templates. The following operating systems have been validated for inclusion in a base template.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel for Linux
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
vFabric Data Director. Download the following client tools and drivers from the Data Director Download page.
Data Director Client Tools (Linux 32-bit or 64-bit)
Data Director JDBC drivers
Database. You can use Data Director with vFabric Postgres, which is shipped with the product, or use one of the supported Oracle databases.
Oracle 11g Release 2
Oracle 10g Release 2
Oracle 9i is not supported.
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Web browser. Use one of the following.
Firefox 3.6 or later
Internet Explorer 7 or later
Chrome 16.0 or later
Flash Player 10.1 or later is required.
The Data Director UI requires a minimum monitor resolution of 1024x768.
The following are the minimum requirements for Data Director.
2 ESXi servers with 12GB of RAM combined.
1 vCenter Server system (can be running on a virtual machine).
1 Windows system for running vSphere Client.
40GB of shared storage, configured as two datastores.
1 Gigabit Ethernet VLAN.
This VLAN will carry Data Director network traffic.
One or more Gigabit Ethernet VLANs for one or more database networks.
Database networks carry SQL traffic to and from Data Director databases. Database clients such as JDBC and libpq send and receive SQL traffic from database servers on these networks. Data Director supports multiple database networks for better network isolation, for example, to isolate QA SQL traffic from production SQL traffic. See Chapter 2, “Planning the Network Configuration,” on page 13.
Hardware to run the test application.
Check with your company's network administrators or IT staff to determine a setup that is appropriate for your organization. For example, one possible setup for a 4-VLAN configuration is as follows.
4 ESXi servers with 64GB of RAM combined.
1 vCenter Server.
1 Windows system for running vSphere Client.
500GB of shared storage configured as two or more datastores.
4 Gigabit Ethernet VLANs.
These Gigabit Ethernet VLANs will carry Data Director network traffic.
One or more Gigabit Ethernet VLANs for one or more database networks.
Database networks will carry SQL traffic to and from Data Director databases. Database clients such as JDBC and libpq send and receive SQL traffic from database servers on these networks. Data Director supports multiple database networks for better network isolation, for example, to isolate QA SQL traffic from production SQL traffic. See Chapter 2, “Planning the Network Configuration,” on page 13.
Hardware to run the test application
Data Director licensing supports up to 8 vCPUs.
Data Director provides several database configuration templates in different sizes: tiny, small, medium, large, and giant. You can estimate the resources that your Data Director deployment requires based on your installation's expected database sizes. For example, a database instance that uses the Tiny database configuration template has the following settings.
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Table 1-1. Settings for a Tiny Database Configuration
Resource Setting
vCPUs 1
Memory size 512MB
Recommended database storage allocation 5GB
For a base installation that uses the Tiny database template, use a cluster with the following CPU and memory resources.
Table 1-2. Resource Requirements for a Base Installation Using the Tiny Database Template
Resource Requirements
CPU 4GHz and an additional 400 MHz for each database instance
Memory 8GB of available memory and an additional 512 MB of available memory for each database instance
vSphere Settings for Data Director
Before you can install Data Director, set up the vSphere Cluster to deploy Data Director to, and enable the cluster for vSphere High Availability (HA), and vSphere Dynamic Resource Scheduler (DRS). Data Director also requires that you have Network Time Protocol (NTP) enabled in your environment.
Chapter 1 Installation Prerequisites and vSphere Setup

Create and Configure the Data Director Cluster

A cluster is a group of hosts. When a host is added to a cluster, the host's resources become part of the cluster's resources. Clusters enable the vSphere High Availability (HA) and vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) solutions. Cluster settings must be compatible with Data Director.
Before you can install Data Director, you must create a vSphere cluster for use by Data Director. See also the vSphere Resource Management documentation and the vSphere Availability documentation.
Connect to the vCenter Server system by using a vSphere Client. You cannot create clusters if the client is connected directly to a host.
Verify that you have sufficient permissions to create a cluster.
Verify that a datacenter exists in the vCenter Server inventory.
1 In the vSphere Client, select Home > Inventory > Hosts and Clusters.
2 Right-click a datacenter or a folder within a datacenter and select New Cluster.
3 Complete the Cluster Features page.
a Name the cluster.
b Select the Turn On vSphere HA and Turn On vSphere DRS check boxes.
vSphere DRS must be enabled. Do not change this setting.
c Click Next.
In DRS clusters, Storage I/O Control is enabled by default. Do not change this setting.
4 On the vSphere DRS page, set the automation level to Partially automated and click Next.
5 On the Power Management page, leave power management set to Off or select a power management
setting appropriate for your environment, and click Next.
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6 On the vSphere HA page, select the HA settings required for the Data Director cluster and click Next.
Option Description
Host Monitoring Status
Admission Control
Admission Control Policy
7 On the Virtual Machine Options page, select the settings required for the Data Director cluster settings
and click Next.
Option Description
VM Restart Priority
Host Isolation Response
8 On the VM Monitoring page, select the following settings and click Next.
Option Description
VM Monitoring
Default Cluster Settings
9 Finish the cluster setup.
Leave Enable Host Monitoring selected.
Leave Enable selected.
Specify a policy suitable for your environment. See the vSphere High Availability documentation.
Any option that does not disable VM restart priority is acceptable. Data Director requires that VM restart priority is enabled.
Leave the default or change the setting to support your environment.
Select VM and Application Monitoring.
Leave the monitoring sensitivity at the default.
a Leave VMware Enhanced vMotion Compatibility disabled and click Next.
b Leave the swap file location at its default and click Next.
c Review the cluster settings and click Finish.
What to do next
You can customize the cluster even further to suit your environment requirements. See the vFabric Data Director Administrator and User Guide.

Enable vSphere Network Time Protocol

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon ensures that time-dependent processes occur in sync across hosts. Enable the NTP daemon on the ESXi hosts.
Verify that the ESXi hosts in the Data Director clusters are running.
1 Using a vSphere Client, connect to the vCenter Server system that manages the ESXi hosts in the Data
Director cluster.
2 In the left navigation pane, select one of the hosts.
3 In the main pane, click the Configuration tab, and click Time Configuration.
4 Click Properties and click Options.
5 Click NTP Settings and click Add.
6 In the Add NTP Server dialog box, type a valid NTP server address and click OK.
7 Select the Restart NTP service to apply changes check box and click OK.
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Chapter 1 Installation Prerequisites and vSphere Setup
8 In the Time Configuration dialog, confirm that the NTP Client Enabled check box is selected.
If it is selected, click OK.
If it is not selected, click the Options button. In the Service Commands section of the NTP Daemon (ntdp) Options dialog, click Start and click OK.
9 Repeat for the other hosts in the Data Director cluster.

Virtual Switches and Port Groups in vSphere

You create virtual switches and port groups in vSphere for use in Data Director.
vSphere port groups correspond to networks in Data Director. You can later allocate the vSphere port groups for resource bundles for the Data Director Management Server or DB Access Networks. See the vFabric Data Director Administrator and User Guide.
NOTE Do not change the port group in your vSphere network setup. If you must change the port group, made the same change to all hosts in the vSphere environment on which Data Director runs.
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Planning the Network Configuration 2

When you install Data Director, the installer prompts you for the IP addresses for the different networks in the Data Director environment. Data Director network traffic runs on several different networks. Before you start the installation, review the supported Data Director network configurations and plan your Data Director network configuration.
Work with your enterprise's network and IT staff and use the vFabric Data Director Worksheets to plan and implement the VLANs, virtual switches, and port groups (networks) that will carry Data Director network traffic.
For information about vSphere networking, see the vSphere Networking documentation.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Network Configurations for vFabric Data Director,” on page 13
“Relating Networks in vSphere and Data Director,” on page 15
“Data Director Networks, IP Allocation, and Firewalls,” on page 15
“Four VLAN Network Configuration,” on page 18
“Two VLAN Network Configuration,” on page 20
“One VLAN Network Configuration,” on page 21

Network Configurations for vFabric Data Director

The Data Director system carries different types of network traffic on different networks. To prepare your network worksheet, you must understand the different networks and servers in the Data Director environment.
Data Director Management Server and DB Name Server
Data Director deploys the Management Server and a DB Name Server on virtual machines.
Management Server
DB Name Server
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The Management Server performs all management operations.
The DB Name Server provides the DB Name Service. The DB Name Service provides a single entry point to databases. When Data Director creates a database, it provides a connection string for that database. The connection string contains the DB Name Service IP address, port, database server id, database name, and user name.
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