6. Select Administration | Settings | General Settings | Database. The Database data grid appears.
8. Select the Type of information that should be logged, and then click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings
page appears.
9. Select all the options: Exception, Error, Warning, and Info.
10. Complete the other pages in the wizard, and then click Finish.
11. Select Administration | Settings | Windows | Agent - General. The Agent General Settings data
grid appears.
12. Select the Type of information that should be logged, and then click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings
page appears.
13. Select all the options: Exception, Error, Warning, and Info.
14. Complete the other pages in the wizard, and then click Finish.
15. Select Administration | Settings | UNIX | Agent - General. The Agent General Settings data grid
16. Select the Type of information that should be logged, and then click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings
page appears.
17. Select all the options: Exception, Error, Warning, and Info.
18. Complete the other pages in the wizard, and then click Finish.
19. Restart the VCM Collector service in the Services manager.
20. Now run the job in question again. You must wait 5 minutes after it completes before proceeding.
21. Minimize the console and navigate to <Drive>:\Program Files\VMware\VCM\Tools. In this
directory, double-click ECMDebugEventViewer.exe.
22. In ECMDebugEventViewer, click Filter Settings. The Filter Settings dialog box appears.
23. Select all the check boxes in the Message Type and Message Source areas. Click OK.
24. In the Data Source area, type the names of the servers and databases.
25. Click OK to close the dialog box.
26. Click Date/Time. The Data/Time dialog box appears.
27. Select the between option, specify the dates and add five or more minutes to the beginning and end
times during which the collection ran.
28. Click File, and then select Fetch.The displayed data is refreshed.
29. Click File, and then select Fetch Next. Continue the Fetch Next process until no additional data is
added to the displayed debug log.
30. Click File and select Save as Dbe. Save the file as a DBE file and note where it was saved for later use.
31. Repeat steps 1-4 and reverse the settings for the Collector, Database, and Windows Agent and UNIX
Agent objects back to their original logging levels (usually Exception, Error, and Warning).
SQL Server Logs
The SQL Server logs keep track of events related to the database operation. Use the following process to
extract them from SQLServer:
VCM Troubleshooting Guide
20 VMware, Inc.