This document supports the version of each product listed and
supports all subsequent versions until the document is
replaced by a new edition. To check for more recent editions
of this document, see
vCloud API Programming Guide
You can find the most up-to-date technical documentation on the VMware Web site at:
The VMware Web site also provides the latest product updates.
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2 VMware, Inc.
vCloud API Programming Guide7
About the VMware vCloud API9
Object Taxonomy 10
Objects, References, and Representations 12
Links and Link Relations 12
Client Workflow Overview 17
Using the vCloud API with vCloud Director 21
About the vCloud API Examples 22
Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow23
Logging In 24
Find a Catalog and a VDC 26
Retrieve the Contents of a Catalog 27
Retrieve a Catalog Item 28
Retrieve Deployment Information From the VDC 30
Deploy the vApp 31
Get Information About a vApp 34
Displaying the Virtual Machine Console 37
Undeploy, Power Off, and Delete the vApp 38
Log Out 40
Exploring a Cloud41
Summary of vCloud API Browsing Requests 41
Retrieve the Login URL and List of Supported API Versions 43
Create a Login Session Using the Integrated Identity Provider 44
Retrieve a List of Organizations Accessible to You 49
Retrieve an Administrative View of a Cloud 50
Retrieve a List of vSphere Platform Operations and Objects for a Cloud 52
VMware, Inc.
Provisioning an Organization55
Summary of vCloud API Provisioning Requests 56
Upload an OVF Package to Create a vApp Template 58
Download a vApp or vApp Template as OVF 68
Upload a Media Image 72
Download a Media Image 74
Capturing and Importing vApps 75
Managing Catalog Items 76
Creating and Using Independent Disks 80
View or Change the Owner of an Object 83
Controlling Access to vApps and Catalogs 84
vCloud API Programming Guide
Deploying and Operating vApps89
Summary of vCloud API vApp and Virtual Machine Operations Requests 91
Create a vApp From a Template 93
Create a vApp From an OVF Package 97
Compose a vApp From Existing Virtual Machines 101
Recompose a vApp to Add or Remove Virtual Machines 103
Clone a vApp 106
Capture a vApp as a Template 108
Update vApp Access Controls 110
Provide User Input Requested by a Virtual Machine 111
Attach or Detach an Independent Disk 112
Creating and Using vApp Snapshots 114
Operate a vApp 115
Configuring vApps and Virtual Machines 116
Creating and Managing Organizations149
Summary of Administrative Requests 149
Administrator Credentials and Privileges 152
Organization Administration 153
VDC Administration 160
Network Administration 169
Catalog Administration 197
User and Group Administration 219
Working With Roles and Rights 227
Managing and Monitoring a Cloud235
Summary of System Administration Requests 235
Retrieve or Update System Settings 239
Attach a vCenter Server 240
Finding Available vCenter Resources 242
Create a Provider VDC 251
Create an External Network 261
Create a Network Pool 264
Import a Virtual Machine from vCenter 270
Relocate a Virtual Machine to a Different Datastore 273
Truststore and Keytab Maintenance 275
Retrieve the vSphere URL of an Object 277
Working With Object Metadata281
Retrieve or Update a Metadata Element 283
Retrieve or Update a Metadata Value 286
Using the Query Service289
Typed Queries 290
Packaged Queries 294
Query Parameters 299
Add a Metadata Filter to a Query 303
4 VMware, Inc.
Configuring and Using Blocking Tasks and Notifications307
Configure Notifications and AMQP Settings 308
Retrieve or Update Blocking Task Settings 318
Monitor Blocking Tasks 324
Take Action on a Blocking Task 325
Extend The Timeout Expiration of an Active Task 327
vCloud Director Extension Services329
Summary of vCloud API Extension Services Framework Requests 330
Register an Extension Service 332
Adding or Removing Service Links 336
Service-Specific Tasks and Events 339
Authorization Framework for Extension Service Operations 342
Localization Framework for Extension Services 350
REST APIs for Extension Services 353
XML Representations in the vCloud API357
XML Namespace Identifiers 359
Common vCloud API Attributes 360
Retrieve an Object as an Entity 362
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vCloud API Programming Guide
6 VMware, Inc.
vCloud API Programming Guide
This edition of the vCloud API Programming Guide provides information about version 5.5 of the vCloud API.
VMware provides many different APIs and SDKs for applications and goals. This guide provides
information about the vCloud API for developers who are interested in creating RESTful clients of
VMware vCloud Director.
Revision History
The vCloud API Programming Guide is revised with each release of the product or when necessary. A revised
version can contain minor or major changes.
Table 1. Revision History
Revision DateDescription
19SEP13API Version 5.5
10SEP12API Version 5.1
01SEP11API Version 1.5
30AUG10API Version 1.0
14APR10API Version 0.9
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for software developers who are building VMware Ready Cloud Services, including
interactive clients of VMware vCloud Director. This guide discusses Representational State Transfer (REST)
and RESTful programming conventions, the Open Virtualization Format Specification, and VMware Virtual
machine technology. You must be familiar with these and other widely deployed technologies such as XML,
HTTP, and the Windows or Linux operating system.
Related Publications
The vCloud API Schema Reference includes reference material for all elements, types, queries, and operations
in the vCloud API. It also includes the schema definition files. The schema reference is available in HTML
format in the vCloud Director documentation center.
The VMware vCloud Director Administrator's Guide and VMware vCloud Director User’s Guide contain detailed
information about many of the objects and operations referred to in this guide. Most users of the vCloud
API will find the information in those documents valuable when developing client applications. To access
the current versions of these and other VMware publications, go to
VMware, Inc.
vCloud API Programming Guide
8 VMware, Inc.
About the VMware vCloud API1
The VMware vCloud API provides support for developers who are building interactive clients of
VMware vCloud Director using a RESTful application development style.
vCloud API clients and vCloud Director servers communicate over HTTP, exchanging representations of
vCloud objects. These representations take the form of XML elements. You use HTTP GET requests to
retrieve the current representation of an object, HTTP POST and PUT requests to create or modify an object,
and HTTP DELETE requests to delete an object.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Object Taxonomy,” on page 10
“Objects, References, and Representations,” on page 12
“Links and Link Relations,” on page 12
“Client Workflow Overview,” on page 17
“Using the vCloud API with vCloud Director,” on page 21
“About the vCloud API Examples,” on page 22
VMware, Inc.
Catalog 2
Catalog 1
Catalog 3
vCloud API Programming Guide
Object Taxonomy
The vCloud API defines a set of objects common to cloud computing environments. An understanding of
these objects, their properties, and their relationships is essential to using the vCloud API.
Figure 1‑1. vCloud API Object Taxonomy
vCloud API objects have the following high-level properties:
A cloud can contain one or more organizations. Each organization is a unit of
administration for a collection of users, groups, and computing resources.
Users authenticate at the organization level, supplying credentials
established when the user was created or imported. User credentials are
authenticated by the organization's identity provider, which can be either the
integrated identity provider included in vCloud Director or an external
SAML-based identity provider.
Users and Groups
An organization can contain an arbitrary number of users and groups. Users
can be created by the organization administrator or imported from an LDAP
directory service or SAML-based identity provider. Groups must be
imported. Permissions within an organization are controlled through the
assignment of rights and roles to users and groups.
Catalogs contain references to vApp templates and media images. You can
configure a catalog in several different ways:
as a repository for local content that can remain private to the catalog
owner or can be shared with other users, groups, or organizations in
your cloud
as a source of published content, to which other clouds can subscribe.
10 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API
as a local repository for content published by another cloud or any Web
site that hosts a VMware Content Subscription Protocol (VCSP)
An organization administrator or catalog owner controls catalog sharing.
Organization administrators in organizations that have permission to
publish catalogs control publication and subscription options for catalogs in
their organization. A system administrator can enable background
synchronization of catalogs with external sources and set background
synchronization schedules to regulate consumption of network bandwidth
by this activity.
Organization VDCs
Organization VDC
Virtual Systems and
Media Images
An organization virtual datacenter (organization VDC) is a deployment
environment for virtual systems owned by the containing organization, and
an allocation mechanism for resources such as networks, storage, CPU, and
memory. In an organization VDC, computing resources are fully virtualized,
and can be allocated based on demand, service level requirements, or a
combination of the two.
An organization VDC can be provisioned with one or more networks. These
organization VDC networks can be configured to provide direct or routed
connections to external networks, or can be isolated from external networks
and other organization VDC networks. Routed connections require an Edge
Gateway and network pool in the VDC. The Edge Gateway provides
firewall, network address translation, static routing, VPN, and load
balancing services.
Virtual systems and ISO-format media images are stored in a catalog and
represented as catalog item objects. Virtual systems are stored as templates,
using an open standard format (OVF 1.0). These templates can be retrieved
from catalogs and transformed into virtual systems, called vApps, through a
process called instantiation, which binds a template’s abstract resource
requirements to resources available in a VDC. A vApp contains one or more
individual virtual machines (Vm elements), along with parameters that define
operational details, including:
How the contained virtual machines are connected to each other and to
external networks.
The order in which individual virtual machines are powered on or off.
End-user license agreement terms for each virtual machine.
Deployment lease terms, typically inherited from the containing
organization, that constrain the consumption of VDC resources by the
Access control information specifying which users and groups can
perform operations such as deploy, power on, modify, and suspend on
the vApp and the virtual machines that it contains.
Asynchronous operations are tracked by task objects. Running and recently
completed tasks initiated by members of an organization are kept on the
organization’s tasks list.
VMware, Inc. 11
vCloud API Programming Guide
Objects, References, and Representations
The vCloud API represents objects as XML documents in which object properties are encoded as elements
and attributes with typed values and an explicit object hierarchy defined by an XML schema.
XML representations of first-class vCloud API objects, such as the objects in Figure 1-1, include these
The object identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of the id attribute
uniquely identifies the object, persists for the life of the object, and is never
reused. The id attribute value is intended to provide a context-free identifier
that can be used with the vCloud API entityResolver (see “Retrieve an
Object as an Entity,” on page 362).
The object type, specified as a MIME content type.
An object reference, expressed in URL format. Because this URL includes the
object identifier portion of the id attribute value, it uniquely identifies the
object, persists for the life of the object, and is never reused. The value of the
href attribute is a reference to a view of the object, and can be used to access
a representation of the object that is valid in a particular context. Although
URLs have a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a
client should treat each href as an opaque string. The rules that govern how
the server constructs href strings might change in future releases.
Example: Object id, type, and href Attributes
This XML fragment, extracted from the representation of a vApp, shows its id, type, and href attributes.
The vCloud API makes extensive use of Link elements to provide references to objects and the actions that
they support. These elements are the primary mechanism by which a server tells a client how to access and
operate on an object.
The server creates Link elements in a response body. They are read-only at the client. If a request body
includes a Link element, the server ignores it.
Attributes of a Link Element
In the XML representation of a vCloud object, each Link element has the following form:
Attribute values in a Link element supply the following information:
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API
Defines the relationship of the link to the object that contains it. A
relationship can be the name of an operation on the object, a reference to a
contained or containing object, or a reference to an alternate representation of
the object. The relationship value implies the HTTP verb to use when you
use the link's href value as a request URL.
The object type, specified as a MIME content type, of the object that the link
references. This attribute is present only for links to objects. It is not present
for links to actions.
An object reference, expressed in URL format. Because this URL includes the
object identifier portion of the id attribute value, it uniquely identifies the
object, persists for the life of the object, and is never reused. The value of the
href attribute is a reference to a view of the object, and can be used to access
a representation of the object that is valid in a particular context. Although
URLs have a well-known syntax and a well-understood interpretation, a
client should treat each href as an opaque string. The rules that govern how
the server constructs href strings might change in future releases.
The name of the referenced object, taken from the value of that object's name
attribute. Action links do not include a name attribute.
Table 1‑1. Link Relationships and HTTP Request Types
rel Attribute ValueAction or Relationship DescriptionImplied HTTP Verb
abortAbort this blocking task.POST
addAdd an item to this container.POST
alternateReferences an alternate representation of this object.GET
answerProvide user input requested by a virtual machine.POST
authorization:checkCheck whether an extension service operation is
authorized for an entity.
blockingTaskA list of pending blocking task requests in this cloud.GET
bundle:uploadUpload an extension service localization bundle.PUT
bundles:cleanupRemove unused extension service localization bundles.POST
catalogItemReferences the CatalogItem object that refers to this
certificate:resetRemoves the SSL certificate used by this service.POST
certificate:updateUpdates the SSL certificate used by this service.POST
checkComplianceCheck that this virtual machine is using a storage profile
of the intended type.
consolidateConsolidate this virtual machine.POST
controlAccessApply access controls to this object.POST
deployDeploy this vApp.POST
disableDisable this object.POST
discardStateDiscard the suspended state of this virtual machine.POST
disk:attachAttach an independent disk to this virtual machine.POST
disk:detachDetach an independent disk from this virtual machine.POST
VMware, Inc. 13
vCloud API Programming Guide
Table 1‑1. Link Relationships and HTTP Request Types (Continued)
rel Attribute ValueAction or Relationship DescriptionImplied HTTP Verb
downReferences an object contained by this object.GET
down:aclRulesRetrieve the ACL rules for this resource class action.GET
down:apidefinitionsRetrieve the API definitions for this extension service.GET
down:apiDefinitionsRetrieve the API definitions for this extension service.GET
down:apiFiltersRetrieve the API filters for this extension service.GET
down:extensibilityAdd an extension service to the system.POST
down:fileDescriptorsRetrieve file descriptors for extension services APIsGET
down:filesRetrieve files for extension services APIsGET
down:resourceClassActionsRetrieve the actions defined for this extension service
down:resourceClassesRetrieve the resource classes defined by this extension
down:serviceLinksRetrieve the service links defined by this extension
down:serviceResourcesRetrieve the list of extension service resources of this
down:servicesRetrieve the list of registered extension services.GET
download:defaultReferences the default location from which this file can
download:identityReferences the extended OVF descriptor of this vApp
edgeGateway:configureServicesUpdate the network services offered by this Edge
edgeGateway:reapplyServicesReapply (after an update) the network services offered
edgeGateway:redeployRedeploy the vShield Edge supporting this Edge
edgeGateway:syncSyslogSettingsSynchronize syslog server addresses used by this Edge
edgeGateway:upgradeUpgrade the backing configuration of this Edge Gateway
edgeGatewaysList the Edge Gateway objects in this organization VDC.GET
editModify this object, typically by replacing its current
enableEnable this object.POST
enterMaintenanceModePut this virtual machine into maintenance mode.POST
entityRetrieve a representation of the object on which an
entityResolverRetrieve an object id as a context-free Entity element.GET
event:createCreate an event in an this organization's event stream.POST
exitMaintenanceModeTake this virtual machine out of maintenance mode.POST
resource class.
be downloaded.
template. The extended OVF descriptor contains
additional information such as MAC address, BIOS
UUID, and NetworkConfigSection
by this Edge Gateway.
Gateway with system defaults.
from compact to full.
representation with the one in the request body.
operation triggered this notification.
14 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API
Table 1‑1. Link Relationships and HTTP Request Types (Continued)
rel Attribute ValueAction or Relationship DescriptionImplied HTTP Verb
failFail this blocking task.POST
firstPageReference to the first page of a paginated response.GET
installVmwareToolsInstall VMware Tools on this virtual machine.POST
keystore:resetRemoves the keystore used by this service.POST
keystore:updateUpdates the keystore used by this service.POST
keytab:resetRemoves the keytab used by this service.POST
keytab:updateUpdates the keytab used by this service.POST
lastPageReference to the last page of a paginated response.GET
media:ejectMediaEject virtual media from a virtual device.POST
media:insertMediaInsert virtual media into a virtual device.POST
mergeMerge one or more Provider VDCs with this Provider
migrateVmsMigrate virtual machines from this resource pool to a
different one.
nextPageReference to the next page of a paginated response.GET
orgVdcNetworksList the organization VDC networks supported by this
Edge Gateway.
ovfReferences the OVF descriptor of this vApp template.GET
power:powerOffPower off this vApp or virtual machine.POST
power:powerOnPower on this vApp or virtual machine.POST
power:rebootReboot this vApp or virtual machine.POST
power:resetReset this vApp or virtual machine.POST
power:shutdownShut down this vApp or virtual machine.POST
power:suspendSuspend this vApp or virtual machine.POST
previousPageReference to the previous page of a paginated response.GET
publishShare this catalog.POST
publishToExternalOrganizationsPublish this catalog externallyPOST
recomposeRecompose this vApp to add, remove, or reconfigure
virtual machines.
reconfigureVmUpdate multiple sections of a virtual machine.POST
reconnectReconnect this vCenter Server to the system.POST
refreshStorageProfilesRefresh the list of storage profiles that exist on the
vCenter service backing this Provider VDC.
refreshVirtualCenterRefresh the representation of this vCenter serverPOST
registerRegister a VCenter Server with the system.POST
relocateRelocate this virtual machine.POST
removeRemove this object.DELETE
remove:forceForce removal of this object.DELETE
VMware, Inc. 15
vCloud API Programming Guide
Table 1‑1. Link Relationships and HTTP Request Types (Continued)
rel Attribute ValueAction or Relationship DescriptionImplied HTTP Verb
repairRepair this host or network.POST
resourcePoolVmListList the virtual machines using this resource pool.GET
resumeResume this blocking task.POST
rightsList the service-specific rights created by this extension
rights:cleanupRemove service-specific rights no longer used by any
screen:acquireTicketRetrieve a screen ticket for this virtual machine.GET
screen:thumbnailRetrieve a thumbnail view of the screen of this virtual
shadowVmsList shadow virtual machines associated with the virtual
snapshot:createCreate a snapshot of the virtual machines in this vApp.POST
snapshot:removeAllRemove all snapshots created for the virtual machines in
snapshot:revertToCurrentRevert all virtual machines in this vApp to their current
storageProfileReferences the storage profile for this object.GET
subscribeToExternalCatalogAdd an external subscription to this catalog.POST
syncSynchronize this catalog or catalog item with its external
syncSyslogSettingsSynchronize syslog server addresses used by this vApp
taskRetrieve the blocking task that triggered this notification.GET
task:cancelCancel this task.POST
task:createCreate a task object.POST
task:ownerReference to the owner of a task.GET
truststore:resetRemove the truststore used by this service.POST
truststore:updateUpdate the truststore used by this service.PUT
undeployUndeploy this vApp.POST
unlockUnlock this user account.POST
unregisterUnregister this vCenter Server.POST
upReferences an object that contains this object.GET
update:resourcePoolsUpdate the resource pools of this Provider VDCPOST
updateProgressRequest an update of this task's progress.POST
upgradeUpgrade this host.POST
upload:defaultReferences the default location to which this object can
vSphereWebClientUrlA URL that you can use to view this object with the
extension service.
machines in this vApp template.
this vApp.
network with system defaults.
be uploaded.
vSphere Web Client
16 VMware, Inc.
Client Workflow Overview
vCloud API clients implement a RESTful workflow, making HTTP requests to the server and retrieving the
information they need from the server’s responses.
About RESTful Workflows
REST, an acronym for Representational State Transfer, describes an architectural style characteristic of
programs that use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to exchange serialized representations of objects
between a client and a server. In the vCloud API, these representations are XML documents.
In a RESTful workflow, representations of objects are passed back and forth between a client and a server
with the explicit assumption that neither party need know anything about an object other than what is
presented in a single request or response. The URLs at which these documents are available often persist
beyond the lifetime of the request or response that includes them. The other content of the documents is
nominally valid until the expiration date noted in the HTTP Expires header.
vCloud REST API Workflows
Application programs written to a REST API use HTTP requests that are often executed by a script or other
higher-level language to make remote procedure calls that create, retrieve, update, or delete objects that the
API defines. In the vCloud REST API, these objects are defined by a collection of XML schemas. The
operations themselves are HTTP requests, and so are generic to all HTTP clients.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API
To write a RESTful client application, you must understand only the HTTP protocol and the semantics of
XML, the transfer format that the vCloud API uses. To use the vCloud API effectively in such a client, you
need to know only a few things:
The set of objects that the API supports, and what they represent; for example, what is a VDC and how
does it relate to an organization or catalog?
How the API represents these objects; for example, what does the XML schema for an Org look like?
What do the individual elements and attributes represent?
How a client refers to an object on which it wants to operate; for example, where are the links to objects
in a VDC? How does a client obtain and use them?
You can find that information in this Guide, and in the vCloud API Schema Reference. See “About the Schema
Reference,” on page 22.
RESTful Workflow Patterns
All RESTful workflows follow a common pattern.
1Make an HTTP request, typically GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE. The target of this request is either a
well-known URL such as the vCloud API versions URL, or a URL obtained from the response to a
previous request. For example, a GET request to an organization URL returns links to catalog and VDC
objects that the organization contains.
2Examine the response, which always includes an HTTP response code and usually includes a body. In
the vCloud API, a response body is an XML document that can contain any of the following items.
XML elements and attributes that represent object properties
Link elements that implement operations on the object or its contents
Iif the object is being created or modified, an embedded Task object that tracks the progress of the
creation or modification
These operations can repeat, in this order, for as long as necessary.
VMware, Inc. 17
vCloud API Programming Guide
vCloud API REST Requests
To retrieve object representations, clients make HTTP requests to object references. The server supplies these
references as href attribute values in responses to GET requests.
Every cloud has a well-known URL from which an unauthenticated user can retrieve a SupportedVersions
document, which lists each version of the of vCloud API that the server supports. For each version, the
response lists the names and MIME types of the complex types defined in the version's XML namespace,
and the version login URL. A system administrator can use that URL to authenticate to the cloud by logging
in to the System organization. An authenticated user can discover other vCloud API URLs by making GET
requests to URLs retrieved from the login response, and the URLs contained in responses to those requests.
See Chapter 3, “Exploring a Cloud,” on page 41.
Requests are typically categorized in terms of the type of requested operation: create, retrieve, update, and
delete. This sequence of verbs is often abbreviated with the acronym CRUD. Each type of request is
characterized by the use of specific HTTP verb to access a URL found in a Link element that has an
operation-specific value for its rel (relation) attribute.
RetrieveGETdownRetrieves the representation of an existing object in its current
UpdatePUTeditModifies an existing object.
DeleteDELETEremoveDeletes an existing object. If the object is a container, you must
remove all of its contents before you can delete it.
For example, this Link element indicates that you can use the URL to update the Org object that contains it.
HTTP communications between a vCloud API client and server are secured with SSL. The vCloud API also
implements Basic HTTP Authentication, as defined by RFC 2617, which enables a client to authenticate
individual HTTP requests by including an authentication header in the request. See “Logging In,” on
page 24.
Request Headers
The following HTTP headers are typically included in vCloud API requests:
All requests must include an HTTP Accept header that designates the vCloud
API version that the client supports. The following header indicates that the
request is from a vCloud API version 5.5 client:
Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.5
18 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API
Valid values for the HTTP Accept header in this release are:
The request is from a vCloud API version 5.5 client.
The request is from a vCloud API version 5.1 client.
The request is from a vCloud API version 1.5 client.
In general, client requests can access objects defined by any version of the
vCloud API that is less than or equal to the version specified in the Accept
header. Exceptions to this rule are mentioned in the vCloud Director ReleaseNotes.
By default, vCloud Director returns response content as uncompressed XML.
Compressing the response can improve performance, especially when the
response is large and network bandwidth is a factor. (Requests cannot be
compressed.) To request a response to be returned as compressed XML,
include the following header:
Accept-Encoding: gzip
The response is encoded using gzip encoding as described in RFC 1952, and
includes the following header:
Content-Encoding: gzip
In the default configuration, responses smaller than 64KB are never
All requests from authenticated clients must include an Authorization
header. See “Logging In,” on page 24 for details about the value of this
Requests that include a body must include an appropriate HTTP Content-
Type header. Content types for all elements are listed in the schema reference.
In addition, the type attribute of a response body indicates the content type
of the document. For example, this response fragment indicates that the
content type associated with a CatalogItem object is
name="Ubuntu Template with vsftpd"/>
A POST or PUT request that supplies a CatalogItem in the request body
requires the following Content-Type header:
When it appears as the value of a Content-Type header or the type attribute
of an element in the vCloud API, this string is case-insensitive in requests,
and can be returned in either mixed case or lowercase characters in
Request Bodies
vCloud Director uses a validating XML parser that requires elements in a request body to agree with the
schema in order and number. Request bodies are rejected as invalid unless they meet the following criteria:
XML namespace attributes must be supplied for all namespaces represented by elements in the request.
See “XML Namespace Identifiers,” on page 359.
VMware, Inc. 19
vCloud API Programming Guide
If multiple namespaces are represented in the request, XML namespace attributes must include an
identifying prefix, and that prefix must be used with all elements from that namespace.
All required elements must appear in request bodies. All elements that appear in request bodies must
appear in the order that the schema establishes, and with content that conforms to the type constraint
that the schema specifies.
Request Limits
To guard against denial-of-service attacks, vCloud Director imposes the following limits on vCloud API
Requests cannot exceed 512 KB.
Requests cannot contain more than 4096 XML elements.
Requests cannot have a depth greater than 100.
vCloud API REST Responses
All responses include an HTTP status code and, unless the status code is 204 (No Content), a Content-Type
header. Response content depends on the request. Some responses include a document body, some include
only a URL, and some are empty.
Response Content
Response content depends on the requested operation. The response to a GET request is typically the
complete representation of an existing object. The response to a PUT or POST request always contains
values for the href, name, and id attributes of the object being created or updated. It also contains at most
one Task element that you can retrieve to track the progress of the operation. When the Task completes with
a status of success, a GET request to the object's href returns all properties of the object. If the Task
completion status is not success, the object is in an indeterminate state, and should be deleted.
HTTP Response Codes
A vCloud API client can expect a subset of HTTP status codes in a response.
Table 1‑3. HTTP Status Codes that the vCloud API Returns
Status CodeStatus Description
200 OKThe request is valid and was completed. The response
includes a document body.
201 CreatedThe request is valid. The requested object was created and
can be found at the URL specified in the Location header.
202 AcceptedThe request is valid and a task was created to handle it.
This response is usually accompanied by a Task element.
204 No ContentThe request is valid and was completed. The response does
not include a body.
400 Bad RequestThe request body is malformed, incomplete, or otherwise
401 UnauthorizedAn authorization header was expected but not found.
403 ForbiddenThe requesting user is not authenticated or does not have
adequate privileges to access one or more objects specified
in the request.
404 Not FoundOne or more objects specified in the request could not be
found in the specified container.
405 Method Not AllowedThe HTTP method specified in the request is not supported
for this object.
20 VMware, Inc.
Table 1‑3. HTTP Status Codes that the vCloud API Returns (Continued)
Status CodeStatus Description
406 Not AcceptableThe resource identified by the request is not capable of
generating a response of the type specified in the request's
Accept header.
409 ConflictThe object state is not compatible with the requested
415 Unsupported Media TypeThe resource identified by the request does not support a
request of the specified Content-Type and HTTP method.
500 Internal Server ErrorThe request was received but could not be completed
because of an internal error at the server.
504 Gateway TimeoutThe server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not
receive a timely response from the upstream server
specified by the request URL.
Using the vCloud API with vCloud Director
VMware vCloud Director 5.5 supports version 5.5 of the vCloud API. You can use a browser or other HTTP
client program to send requests and receive responses.
Chapter 1 About the VMware vCloud API
The vCloud Director REST API Reference documentation includes HTML reference material for all XML
elements and complex types defined by the vCloud API. It also includes example XML representations. See
“About the Schema Reference,” on page 22. For information about HTTP client programs to use with
vCloud Director, see “REST Client Programs,” on page 21.
1Configure the vCloud Director REST API base URL.
aLog in to the vCloud Director Web Console as a system administrator.
bIn the vCloud Director Web Console, open System Settings > Public Addresses
cType the URL in the VCD public REST API base URL text box.
2(Optional) If you want to use the vSphere Web Client to access vCloud API objects on a vSphere server,
verify that the vSphere Web Client URL is enabled for all vCenter servers from which you want to
retrieve the vSphere URL of an object.
You can manage this feature on the General tab of the vSphere Properties page of the vCloud Director
Web console.
What to do next
Decide on an HTTP client program to use. See “REST Client Programs,” on page 21.
REST Client Programs
Any client application that can send HTTPS requests can be an appropriate tool for developing RESTful
applications with the vCloud API.
REST client plug-ins are available for most browsers and many IDEs. The examples in this information were
developed using two open-source programs: cURL ( and the RESTclient
VMware provides additional SDK products that implement language-specific bindings for the vCloud API,
and include their own HTTP client capability. See
The vCloud API Schema Reference includes reference material for all elements, types, queries, and operations
in the vCloud API. It also includes the schema definition files.
The schema reference is available in HTML format in the vCloud Director documentation center.
About the vCloud API Examples
The vCloud API Programming Guide includes many examples of HTTP requests and responses. These
examples show the workflow and content associated with operations such as browsing, provisioning, and
managing your cloud and its contents, and operating virtual systems.
Example requests generally conform to the rules listed in “Request Bodies,” on page 19. Most example
responses show only those elements and attributes that are relevant to the operation being discussed.
Ellipses (…) indicate omitted content within response bodies. Several additional conventions apply.
The following HTTP header, which is required in all requests that access version 5.5 of the vCloud API,
is omitted from most examples.
Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.5
All other request headers required by the vCloud API are included in example requests that are not
fragments of some larger example. Although the examples show these strings using the character case
in which the implementation defines them, header names and values are case-insensitive, and can be
submitted or returned in any character case. Other HTTP headers, such as Date, Content-Length, and
Server, are omitted because they are not relevant to the specifics of any example.
The XML version and encoding header
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
is included in example requests but omitted from example responses.
Object IDs shown in href attribute values appear as small integers, for example vapp-7 or org/3. In the
vCloud API that vCloud Director supports, object IDs are universal unique identifiers (UUIDs) as
defined by RFC 4122, for example vapp-f5e185a4-7c00-41f1-8b91-0e552d538101 or org/89a1a8f9-
22 VMware, Inc.
Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful
vCloud API clients and vCloud Director servers communicate over HTTPS, exchanging XML
representations of vCloud API objects.
This simplified example of a RESTful workflow includes requests that discover and deploy a particular
vApp, in this case, an FTP server with a connection to the public Internet.
These examples assume that you have access to a catalog that includes a vApp template with certain
characteristics and an organization network that supports connections to the public Internet. The workflow
and examples are flexible, and can accommodate various vApp templates and cloud capabilities.
1Logging In on page 24
vCloud Director requires API requests to be authenticated. The first step in any RESTful workflow is
to obtain an authentication token.
2Find a Catalog and a VDC on page 26
Before you can deploy a vApp, you must find a vApp template in one of your organization's catalogs
and a VDC in your organization to use for the deployment.
3Retrieve the Contents of a Catalog on page 27
You can make a GET request to a catalog URL to retrieve a list of vApp templates and media images
referenced by the catalog.
VMware, Inc.
4Retrieve a Catalog Item on page 28
You can examine the list of items in a catalog to find items of interest based on the values of their name
and type attributes. You must retrieve a catalog item to get a Description and a usable reference to the
underlying object.
5Retrieve Deployment Information From the VDC on page 30
To deploy your template as a vApp, you must specify an organization VDC to deploy it in and an
organization VDC network to connect it to.
6Deploy the vApp on page 31
To create a vApp from a vApp template, you must bind the template's abstract resource requirements,
such as network connections, storage resources, memory, and CPU capacity, to appropriate resources
in the target VDC. This binding operation is called instantiation.
7Get Information About a vApp on page 34
When you instantiate a vApp template, the server returns the URL of the resulting vApp. You can use
this URL with a GET request to retrieve information that you can use to connect to the vApp, modify
its configuration, and operate it.
vCloud API Programming Guide
8Displaying the Virtual Machine Console on page 37
After a vApp is powered on, you can retrieve a screen ticket from one of its virtual machines. You use
that ticket with the VMRC browser plug-in to gain access to the console of the virtual machine.
9Undeploy, Power Off, and Delete the vApp on page 38
After you undeploy a vApp and power it off, you can use an HTTP DELETE request to delete the
vApp object.
10 Log Out on page 40
To log out and terminate a vCloud API session, delete the Session you created when you logged in.
Logging In
vCloud Director requires API requests to be authenticated. The first step in any RESTful workflow is to
obtain an authentication token.
Every cloud has a login URL that a client can obtain by making an unauthenticated GET request to the
vCloud Director api/versions URL. See “Retrieve the Login URL and List of Supported API Versions,” on
page 43. Because all other vCloud API requests must be authenticated, any vCloud API workflow must
begin with a login request that supplies user credentials in the form that Basic HTTP authentication
For information about how to create a login request and view the response, see “Example: Login Request
and Response,” on page 25.
NOTE This procedure assumes that you are logging in with credentials managed by the vCloud Director
integrated identity provider. Users whose credentials are managed by a SAML identity provider must
follow a different login workflow.
Verify that the following conditions are met:
You are a member of an organization in the cloud, and have permission to create and operate vApps.
Your organization contains at least one VDC and one network. For more information about setting up
an organization to support the Hello vCloud workflow, see Chapter 6, “Creating and Managing
Organizations,” on page 149.
Your organization contains a catalog in which at least one vApp template is available. For more
information about adding a vApp template to a catalog, see Chapter 4, “Provisioning an Organization,”
on page 55.
1Make an API versions request to vCloud Director to obtain the login URL for the REST API.
2Use the login URL to create a login session.
POST a request to this URL that includes your username, password, and organization name in a MIME
Base64 encoding. See “Example: Login Request and Response,” on page 25.
3Examine the response.
The response code indicates whether the request succeeded, or how it failed.
A successful login request returns an authentication token that you can use in subsequent requests. It also
returns a Session element, which contains one or more Link elements, each of which provides a URL that
you can use to explore a subset of objects in the cloud. If you log in as a system administrator or
organization administrator, this list includes multiple links. See “Example: Create a Login Session Using the
24 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow
Integrated Identity Provider,” on page 45. Otherwise, the list typically includes a link of type
application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgList+xml, as shown in the response portion of “Example: Login
Request and Response,” on page 25. You can use this link to find out more about your organization and
the objects it contains.
For more information about the other links in the Session element, see “Create a Login Session Using the
Integrated Identity Provider,” on page 44.
Example: Login Request and Response
A request to create a login session must supply the user's credentials in the following form:
user is the user's login name.
organization is the name of an organization of which the user is a member.
password is the user's password.
These credentials must be supplied in a MIME Base64 encoding, as specified in RFC 1421.
NOTE System administrators must log in to the System organization. See “Administrator Credentials and
Privileges,” on page 152. Because the System organization does not support some of the features
demonstrated in the Hello vCloud workflow, you should try this example in another organization.
This example shows a login request and response for a user named HelloUser logging into an organization
named ExampleOrg in a cloud whose login URL is
Authorization: Basic encoded-credentials
Accept: application/*+xml;version=5.5
The response code indicates whether the request succeeded, or how it failed.
If the request is successful, the server returns HTTP response code 200 (OK) and headers that include an
authorization header of the following form:
x-vcloud-authorization: token
This header must be included in each subsequent vCloud API request.
If the authentication header is missing, the server returns HTTP response code 403.
If the credentials supplied in the authentication header are invalid, or if the token has expired, the
server returns HTTP response code 401. The token expires after a configurable interval of client
inactivity. The default is 30 minutes after the token is created. After the token expires, you must log in
again to obtain a new token.
Find a Catalog and a VDC
Before you can deploy a vApp, you must find a vApp template in one of your organization's catalogs and a
VDC in your organization to use for the deployment.
After you log in, you can make a GET request to your organization's URL to retrieve the XML
representation of the organization. This representation shows the organization's attributes and contents,
including links to its catalogs and VDCs.
Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or member of an organization in
the cloud.
1Examine the list of organizations to which you have access.
Make a GET request to the URL in the href value of the orgList link, which is present in the response to
all login requests.
Unless you are a system administrator, the response to this request is an OrgList element containing a
single Org element, which represents your organization.
Links in the response whose rel attribute has a value of down are references to objects that the organization
contains. This example shows the subset of those items that we reference in the Hello vCloud example:
A catalog named ExampleCatalog, at URL, where you can
look for vApp templates.
An organization VDC named ExampleVdc01, at URL, where you
can deploy the vApp.
Retrieve the Contents of a Catalog
You can make a GET request to a catalog URL to retrieve a list of vApp templates and media images
referenced by the catalog.
To use a vApp template or media image listed in a catalog, retrieve the catalog to discover the set of
CatalogItem elements it contains, then make an additional request to retrieve the CatalogItem of interest.
Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or member of an organization in
the cloud.
1Retrieve the XML representation of your organization.
Use a request like this one:
VMware, Inc. 27
vCloud API Programming Guide
2Examine the response to find the links to the organization's catalogs.
You can examine the list of items in a catalog to find items of interest based on the values of their name and
type attributes. You must retrieve a catalog item to get a Description and a usable reference to the
underlying object.
Every vApp template or media image that is added to the catalog is represented as a CatalogItem element.
When a client browses a catalog, it can read only the name, type, and href of each CatalogItem. To retrieve an
item from the catalog, the client requires more information. In “Example: Retrieve a Catalog Item,”
on page 29, the client makes a GET request to the URL in the value of the href attribute of a CatalogItem.
The response provides more information, including a description of the referenced object and another URL
that the client can use to retrieve a representation of the object.
28 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Hello vCloud: A Simplified RESTful Workflow
Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or member of an organization in
the cloud.
1Retrieve the representation of a catalog in your organization.
Use a request like this one:
2Examine the response to find the CatalogItem elements that the catalog contains.
The value of the name attribute of a CatalogItem element is taken from the name attribute of the
referenced object. You can use it as a preliminary indicator of what the item represents.
3Retrieve a CatalogItem.
Use a GET request of the form shown in the request portion of “Example: Retrieve a Catalog Item,” on
page 29.
Example: Retrieve a Catalog Item
This example retrieves the CatalogItem shown in the response portion of “Example: Retrieve the Contents of
a Catalog,” on page 28.
In addition to the name attribute and Description element, the CatalogItem contains a rel="up" link to the
catalog that contains it, and other links that you can use to manage the CatalogItem.
name="Ubuntu Template with vsftpd"/>
Retrieve Deployment Information From the VDC
To deploy your template as a vApp, you must specify an organization VDC to deploy it in and an
organization VDC network to connect it to.
Instantiation, deployment, and operation of a vApp all take place in the context of an organization VDC.
The XML representation of a VDC object defines that context in detail. For this exercise, you need several
pieces of information from the VDC:
The URL that a client can use to request an instantiateVAppTemplate operation in the VDC.
A list of networks in the organization VDC that the vApp can connect to.
“Example: Deployment Information in a VDC,” on page 30 shows this subset of VDC contents.
Verify that the following conditions are met:
Verify that you are logged in to the vCloud API as a system administrator or member of an
organization in the cloud.
Retrieve the representation of your organization. See the request portion of “Example: Retrieve the
Contents of an Organization,” on page 26. The response portion contains links to the organization's
1Examine the Org response to find the links to the organization's VDCs.
Use a GET request of the form shown in the request portion of “Example: Deployment Information in a
VDC,” on page 30.
Example: Deployment Information in a VDC
This example shows a request to retrieve the XML representation of a VDC. It shows only the subset of the
response that contains deployment information.
200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vdc+xml
30 VMware, Inc.
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