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Cloud Director User's Guide
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2 VMware, Inc.
About This Book7
Understanding VMware Cloud Director9
Access the Web Console 9
Set User Preferences 10
Change Your Password 10
Set Your Microsoft Internet Explorer Options 10
Set your Mozilla Firefox Options 12
Managing Users and Groups13
Working with Users 13
Working with Groups 16
Using the Resources Available to Your Organization19
Working with Virtual Datacenters 19
Creating Organization Networks 20
Add IP Addresses to an Organization Network IP Pool 21
View IP Usage for an Organization Network 21
Configure External IP Mapping for an Organization Network 22
Reset an Organization Network 22
Working with Expired Items 23
Working in an Organization25
Set Up an Organization 25
Review Your Organization Profile 28
Modify Your Email Settings 28
Modify Your Organization's Policies 29
Enable Guest Personalization in Your Organization 29
Manage Users and Groups in Your Organization 30
Manage Resources in Your Organization 30
Manage Virtual Machines in Your Organization 30
Viewing Organization Log Tasks and Events 31
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Working with Catalogs33
Add a New Catalog 33
Access a Catalog 34
Publish a Catalog 34
Share Your Catalog 34
Change the Owner of a Catalog 35
Delete a Catalog 35
Modify the Properties of Your Catalog 35
Cloud Director User's Guide
Understanding Catalogs and Their Contents 36
Working in Published Catalogs 36
Working with Media Files39
Upload Media Files 39
Resume the Upload of a Media File 40
Copy Media Files to a Catalog 40
Move Media Files to Another Catalog 40
Delete Media Files 41
Modify Media File Properties 41
Working with vApp Templates43
Open a vApp Template 43
Add a vApp Template to My Cloud 43
Download a vApp Template 44
Upload an OVF Package as a vApp Template 44
Resume the Upload of a vApp Template 45
Add a vApp Template from a Catalog 45
Copy a vApp Template to a Published Catalog 46
Move a vApp Template to a Published Catalog 46
Delete a vApp Template 46
Save a vApp as a vApp Template 47
Modify vApp Template Properties 47
Working with vApps49
Add a vApp From a Catalog in Your Organization 50
Create a New vApp 50
Understanding vApps 52
Working with Networks in a vApp 53
Copy a vApp Template and Save it as a vApp 56
Edit vApp Properties 56
Delete a vApp 57
Start a vApp 57
Start a vApp with an Older Version of VMware Tools 57
Stop a vApp 58
Suspend a vApp 58
Discard the Suspended State of a vApp 58
Reset a vApp or Virtual Machine 59
Share a vApp 59
Power on and Force Recustomization of a Virtual Machine 59
Save vApp as a vApp Template to Your Catalog 60
Change the Owner of a vApp 60
Copy a vApp to Another vDC 61
Move a vApp to Another vDC 61
Delete Virtual Machines from a vApp 61
Working with Virtual Machines63
Open a Virtual Machine Console 63
4 VMware, Inc.
Reset a vApp or Virtual Machine 64
Discard the Suspended State of a Virtual Machine 64
Insert a CD/DVD 64
Eject a CD/DVD 65
Insert a Floppy 65
Eject a Floppy 65
Copy or Move a Virtual Machine to a vApp 65
Delete a Virtual Machine 66
Managing Your Virtual Machines 66
Installing VMware Tools 67
Guest Operating System Support 78
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Cloud Director User's Guide
6 VMware, Inc.
About This Book
The VMware Cloud Director User's Guide provides information about managing organizations, catalogs, vApps,
and virtual machines.
Intended Audience
This book is intended for anyone who wants to set up and configure organizations in VMware Cloud
Director. The information in this book is written for non-system administrators, including organization
administrators who will create and set up vApps, catalogs, and virtual machines.
VMware Technical Publications Glossary
VMware Technical Publications provides a glossary of terms that might be unfamiliar to you. For definitions
of terms as they are used in VMware technical documentation, go to
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Cloud Director User's Guide
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8 VMware, Inc.
Understanding VMware Cloud
VMware® Cloud Director has components that are visible to and are used by organization administrators,
catalog authors, vApp authors, and vApp users. They access the components from a role-based, Web console.
Cloud Director provides the interface, automation, and management features that allow enterprises and service
providers to supply vSphere resources as a Web-based service. The system administrator creates the
organization and assigns resources. After the organization is created, the system administrator emails the
organization's URL to the administrator assigned to the organization. Using the URL, the organization
administrator logs in to the organization and sets it up, configures resource use, adds users, and selects
organization-specific profiles and settings. Users create, use, and manage virtual machines and vApps.
Organizations are composed of these components.
vApps, which are composed of one or more virtual machines that communicate over networks and use
resources and services.
Users and groups, which define the users and groups that belong to an organization.
Organization virtual datacenters (vDC), which is a collection of virtual resources that are assigned to an
organization by the system administrator. An organization can have multiple organization vDCs.
Catalogs, which is a container for these components.
vApp templates
Media files (floppy disks and ISO images)
Each organization has a unique login URL, and locally-created and LDAP-imported users exist and operate
only in this organization. The settings in each organization are independent from settings made to other
organizations. An exception is SMTP settings that can be made on a per-organization or by inheriting the
settings in Cloud Director's default SMTP server.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Access the Web Console,” on page 9
“Set User Preferences,” on page 10
“Change Your Password,” on page 10
“Set Your Microsoft Internet Explorer Options,” on page 10
“Set your Mozilla Firefox Options,” on page 12
Access the Web Console
You can use the URL that you received from the system administrator to log in to the organization and access
the Web console.
You are an organization administrator.
VMware, Inc.
Cloud Director User's Guide
1In a browser, type the URL of your organization and press Enter.
2In User name, type your user name.
3In Password, type your password.
4Click Login.
What to do next
In the Home page of your organization, you can click the Set up this organization link. See “Set Up an
Organization,” on page 25 for more information.
Set User Preferences
You can set certain display and system alerts preferences that take effect every time you log in to the system.
1In the title bar of the Web console, click Preferences.
2Click the Defaults tab.
3Select the page to display when you log in.
4Select the number of days or hours before a runtime lease expires that you want to receive an email
5Select the number of days or hours before a storage lease expires that you want to receive an email
6Click OK.
Change Your Password
You can change your default password.
1Log in to your organization.
2In the title bar of the Web console, click Preferences.
3On the Change Password tab, type your current password, type your new password, and retype your
new password.
4Click OK.
Set Your Microsoft Internet Explorer Options
These options help you display and use Cloud Director correctly in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
You have the following.
At least Internet Explorer 7.
SSL 3.0 Encryption
TLS 1.0 Encryption
1In Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options.
2Click the Security tab.
10 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Understanding VMware Cloud Director
3Select the Internet content zone for the Cloud Director server.
4Click Custom Level and select Enable or Prompt for these options.
Download signed ActiveX controls
Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins
Active scripting of Microsoft web browser control
5Click OK.
6Click the Advanced tab.
7If you are using Internet Explorer on Windows 2003, complete these tasks.
aSelect Start > Settings > Control Panel.
bSelect Add or Remove Programs.
cClick Add/Remove Windows Components.
dDisable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration.
You can display Cloud Director correctly in Internet Explorer.
Bypass the Proxy in Internet Explorer
You can configure the Internet Explorer proxy server to bypass certain Web addresses.
If all of these conditions exist, you can configure Internet Explorer to bypass specific Web addresses.
The internal network is configured with a proxy server to access the external network.
The browser's proxy server connection has no local exceptions.
The proxy is not configured to look in the internal network after not finding or connecting to the target
on the external network.
The user looks for a target on the internal network using Internet Explorer.
1Type the IP address of the cell or load balancer so that VMware Remote Console (VMRC) can bypass the
proxy setting.
2Select Tools > Internet Options.
3On the Connections tab, click LAN Settings in the bottom panel.
4In the Proxy Server panel, click Advanced.
5In the Exception panel, in the Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with: text box, type the
IP address of the cell or load balancer.
If the configuration management vehicle supports the use of regular expressions, you must type the DNS
name of the cell or load balancer.
6Click OK.
The specified Web addresses are bypassed by the Internet Explorer proxy server.
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Cloud Director User's Guide
Set your Mozilla Firefox Options
These options and settings help you display and use Cloud Director correctly in Mozilla Firefox.
Firefox must be able to access the vDC.
You have the following.
At least Firefox 3.x
SSL 3.0 Encryption
TLS 1.0 Encryption
1In Firefox, select Tools > Options.
2Click Content and select the JavaScript check box.
3Click Privacy.
4In the Firefox will: drop-down menu, select Use custom settings for history.
5Select the Accept cookies from sites.
This selection also selects the Accept third-party cookies check box.
6Click OK.
Bypass the Proxy in Mozilla Firefox
You can configure the Firefox proxy server to bypass certain Web addresses.
If all of these conditions exist, you can configure Firefox to bypass specific Web addresses.
The internal network is configured with a proxy server to access the external network.
The browser's proxy server connection has no local exceptions.
The proxy is not configured to look in the internal network after not finding or connecting to the target
on the external network.
The user looks for a target on the internal network using Firefox.
1Select an option.
Operating SystemAction
2Click the Advanced button.
Tools > Options
Edit > Preferences
3On the Network tab, click the Settings button.
4Enter the IP of the cell or load balancer in the No Proxy for: field.
The specified Web addresses are bypassed by the Firefox proxy server.
12 VMware, Inc.
Managing Users and Groups2
The system administrator assigns an organization administrator to an organization, and the organization
administrator assigns the other roles to users or groups in the organization. The items that appear on the Home
page when you log in depends on the role assigned to you by your administrator.
In Cloud Director, click Administer to add, delete, and modify users and groups.
These default roles exist in Cloud Director.
Catalog Author
vApp Author
vApp User
Console Access Only
Contact your system administrator to create custom roles.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Working with Users,” on page 13
“Working with Groups,” on page 16
Working with Users
The Users page displays a list of users your organization. You can see whether the users are active, their role,
and whether they are local or LDAP.
As an organization administrator, you can complete these operations.
Add a new user
Import users from LDAP
Administers the organization
Creates and publishes new catalogs
Creates vApps by using the contents of a catalog
Uses vApps created by others
Only views the state and properties of machines in Cloud Director
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Send email notifications
Deactivate a user
Modify a user's properties
Delete a user
Cloud Director User's Guide
Add a User
Adding local users allows organization administrators to provide access to users who do not exist on your
LDAP server. You can also add local users if you do not plan to use an LDAP server.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Members > Users.
3Click the Add User button.
4Type the user name and password.
5Select a role.
You can only select a default role. To create a custom role, contact your system administrator.
6(Optional) Type the contact information.
7(Optional) Select the stored and deployed virtual machine quota limits for this user.
8Click OK.
The new user appears on the Users page.
Import an LDAP User
You can import users from an LDAP server.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Members > Users.
3Click the Import Users button.
4Search for users and select from the results list or enter user names directly in the Selected area.
Separate multiple user names with a semicolon.
5Select a user and click Add.
6Select a role for the imported users.
7Click OK.
Cloud Director imports the selected users from your LDAP server into your organization.
Edit a User
You can edit user properties such as the password, role, contact information, and quotas.
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Members > Users.
3Select a user, right-click, and click Properties.
4Modify the necessary properties and click OK.
14 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 2 Managing Users and Groups
Delete a User
If a user leaves the company or moves to another organization, you can delete a user from your organization.
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Members > Users .
3Select a user, right-click, and select Disable Account.
4Reselect this user, right-click, and select Delete User.
5Click Yes .
The user is deleted from your organization.
Send User Notifications
You can send an email notification to users to notify them of events or issues in your organization.
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Members > Users.
3Click the Send Notification button.
If you select a user and then click this button, the user's name appears as the recipient.
4Select the recipient and type a subject.
5Type the message.
6Click Send Email.
The notification is sent to the selected recipients.
Delete Users in Lost and Found
If a user in your organization is removed from a group, if their group is disabled/removed in LDAP, or if the
user is deleted/disabled in LDAP, the user appears on the Lost & Found page.
You are an organization administrator.
You have moved the objects, such as stopped vApps, vApp templates, or media files, that belong to this users
to another user or catalog.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Members > Lost & Found.
3Select a user from the list and click Delete.
Cloud Director deletes all the vApps that are owned by this user, and the user is deleted.
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Cloud Director User's Guide
Deactivate or Activate Users
Deactivated users cannot log in to the Web console. You must reactivate users before they can log in.
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Members > Users.
3Select a user, right-click, and select Disable Account or Enable Account.
4Click OK.
Deactivated users have a red circle in the Active column and active users have a green check mark.
What to do next
After you disable a user's account, you can delete that user. See “Delete a User,” on page 15
View and Change an Assigned User Role
When you display a user's role in your organization, you can see the tasks that the user can complete.
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Members > Users .
3Select a user, right-click, and select Properties.
4In the User role in organization: drop-down menu, select a new role for the user.
The definition of each role appears as a tool tip.
5Click OK.
Working with Groups
On the Groups page, you can review the list of groups in your organization.
This page displays a list of groups in your organization. You can see group names and their assigned roles.
As an organization administrator, you can import groups into your organization.
Import a Group
You can import groups from LDAP into Cloud Director.
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Members > Groups.
3Click the Import button.
4Type the group name or type a letter and click Search.
5Select a group and click Add.
16 VMware, Inc.
6Modify the assigned role on the group's Properties page.
7Repeat step 5 for each group you want to add.
If you import multiple groups at one time, the same role is initially assigned to these groups.
8Click OK.
The group is imported into your organization.
Delete a Group
When you no longer need a group in your organization, you can delete it.
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Members > Groups.
3Select a group, right-click, and select Delete Group.
4Click OK.
Chapter 2 Managing Users and Groups
Modify the Role of a Group
You can review and modify group properties in your organization.
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administer.
2In the left pane, select Members > Groups.
3Select a group, right-click, and select Properties.
4Select another role for this group.
5Click OK.
The new role for this group appears in the Groups page.
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Cloud Director User's Guide
18 VMware, Inc.
Using the Resources Available to Your
The types of resources available to an organization administrator and other users include virtual
datacenters (vDCs), which are assigned by the system administrator and cannot be modified. Contact your
system administrator to modify vDCs in your organization.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Working with Virtual Datacenters,” on page 19
“Creating Organization Networks,” on page 20
“Add IP Addresses to an Organization Network IP Pool,” on page 21
“View IP Usage for an Organization Network,” on page 21
“Configure External IP Mapping for an Organization Network,” on page 22
“Reset an Organization Network,” on page 22
“Working with Expired Items,” on page 23
Working with Virtual Datacenters
Virtual datacenters (vDCs) provide processor, memory, and storage resources to your organization. They are
assigned to your organization by your system administrator, and an organization can have multiple vDCs.
Display Virtual Datacenters
When you display the vDCs in your organization, you can monitor the resources, users, and policy settings
that you manage.
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Cloud Resources > Virtual Datacenter.
A list of vDCs in your organization appears in the right pane.
3For details about a vDC, right-click, and select Open.
The vApps, vApp templates, media, and networks attached to this vDC are displayed. When you click
through each tab, you can right click on an object to see the operations you can complete.
VMware, Inc.
Cloud Director User's Guide
Review Virtual Datacenter Properties
You can review the properties of the vDCs that are assigned to your organization.
1Click Administration.
2Select Cloud Resources > Virtual Datacenters.
3Select a vDC, right-click, and select Properties.
4Review the properties and click OK.
What to do next
To modify your organizational vDCs, contact your system administrator.
Monitor Your Virtual Datacenter
You can monitor the vDC assigned to your organization and determine when to request additional capacity.
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administration.
2Select Cloud Resources > Virtual Datacenters.
3Click the Monitor button.
Details about the processor, memory, storage, and allocation model appear.
What to do next
Contact your system administrator for more capacity.
Manage Your Virtual Datacenters
You can review information such as the status, allocation model, and the number of vApps in a vDC in your
You are an organization administrator
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Cloud Resources > Virtual Datacenters.
3Click the Manage button.
4Review the information.
What to do next
You can open the vDC to see the objects in it, notify users about issues or changes, or review the vDCs
properties. Contact your system administrator to make changes to your vDC.
Creating Organization Networks
Add a network to an organization to enable its virtual machines to communicate with each other or to provide
access to the Internet. A single organization can have multiple organization networks.
20 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Using the Resources Available to Your Organization
Table 3-1 describes the types of organization network.
Table 3-1. Types of Organization Networks and Their Requirements
Accessible by multiple organizations. Virtual machines
belonging to different organizations can connect to and
see traffic on this network.
This network provides direct layer 2 connectivity to
machines outside of the organization. Machines outside
of this organization can connect to machines within the
organization directly.
Accessible only by this organization. Only virtual
machines within this organization can connect to this
This network also provides controlled access to an
external network. System administrators and
organization administrators can configure network
address translation (NAT) and firewall settings to make
specific virtual machines accessible from the external
Accessible only by this organization. Only virtual
machines within this organization can connect to and
see traffic on this network.
This network provides an organization with an isolated,
private network that multiple vApps can connect to.
This network provides no connectivity to machines
outside this organization. Machines outside of this
organization have no connectivity to machines within
the organization.
External network
External network and network
Network pool
Add IP Addresses to an Organization Network IP Pool
If an organization network is running out of IP addresses, you can add more addresses to its IP Pool.
You are an organization administrator.
1Select Administration.
2In the left pane, select Cloud Resources > Networks.
3Select an organization network, right-click, and select Properties.
4On the Network Specification tab, type an IP address or a range of IP addresses in the text box and click
5Click OK.
View IP Usage for an Organization Network
You can view a list of the IP addresses from a network IP pool that are currently in use.
You are an organization administrator.
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Cloud Director User's Guide
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Cloud Resources > Networks.
3Select an organization network, right-click, and select IP Allocations.
Configure External IP Mapping for an Organization Network
You can configure certain organization networks to provide external IP mapping. This mapping provides
external access to services that run on virtual machines on the organization network.
When you configure external IP mapping, Cloud Director maps an external IP address and a port to a service
running on a port on a virtual machine for inbound traffic.
You are an organization administrator.
An external NAT-routed organization network and an external IP address.
1Click Administration.
2Select Cloud Resources > Networks.
3Right-click the organization network name and select Configure Services.
4Click the NAT- External IP Mapping tab and click Add.
5Configure the port forwarding rule.
aSelect an external IP address.
bSelect an external port.
cType the IP address of the destination virtual machine.
If the virtual machine is fenced, type its external IP address.
If the virtual machine is not fenced, type its internal IP address.
dSelect an internal port.
eSelect a protocol for the type of traffic to forward.
fClick OK.
6Click OK.
Reset an Organization Network
If the network services, such as DHCP settings, firewall settings, and so on, that are associated with an
organization network are not working as expected, reset the network.
You are an organization administrator.
No network services are available while an organization network resets.
An external NAT-routed organization network or an internal organization network.
22 VMware, Inc.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Cloud Resources > Networks.
3Select an organization network, right-click, and select Reset Network.
4Click Yes.
Working with Expired Items
When vApps or vApp templates expire, you can determine whether you want to renew or delete them.
Manage Expired vApps
You can display a list of expired vApps, delete them, or restore them to your organization.
You are an organization administrator.
Select Administration > Policies to select the Flag for deletion option.
Chapter 3 Using the Resources Available to Your Organization
1Select My Cloud > Expired Items.
2On the Expired vApps tab, review the list of expired vApps.
3Right-click a vApp and select Delete or Renew and click OK.
If you selected Delete, the vApp is deleted from the list. If you selected Renew, the restored vApp appears on
the vApp page.
Manage Expired vApp Templates
You can display a list of expired vApp templates, delete them, or restore them to your organization.
You are an organization administrator.
In the Administration page, in the Policies section, the Flag for deletion option is selected.
1Select My Cloud > Expired Items.
2Click the Expired vApp Templates tab.
3Right-click on a vApp template, select Delete or Renew, and click OK.
The restored vApp templates appears in the vApp Templates tab.
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Cloud Director User's Guide
24 VMware, Inc.
Working in an Organization4
Most operations in Cloud Director occur in an organization. The system administrator creates the organization
and assigns an organization administrator to it.
The system administrator emails the URL of the organization to the organization administrator, who can log
in to the organization and set it up. In the Home page the organization administrator clicks the Set up theOrganization link to assign resources and manage a variety of operations on the organization.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Set Up an Organization,” on page 25
“Review Your Organization Profile,” on page 28
“Modify Your Email Settings,” on page 28
“Modify Your Organization's Policies,” on page 29
“Enable Guest Personalization in Your Organization,” on page 29
“Manage Users and Groups in Your Organization,” on page 30
“Manage Resources in Your Organization,” on page 30
“Manage Virtual Machines in Your Organization,” on page 30
“Viewing Organization Log Tasks and Events,” on page 31
Set Up an Organization
After you receive the URL of your organization from the system administrator, you must set it up. On the
Cloud Director Home page, click Set up this organization.
You are an organization administrator.
1Change the Organization Full Name on page 26
You can change the full name of an organization. This name appears in the Cloud Director application
header when users log in.
2Add Local Users to the Organization on page 26
Every organization should have at least one local, non-LDAP, organization administrator account, so
that user can log in even if the LDAP service is unavailable.
VMware, Inc.
Cloud Director User's Guide
3Configure Email Preferences on page 27
Cloud Director requires an SMTP server to send user notification and system alert emails. An
organization can use the system email settings or use its own email settings.
4Understanding Leases on page 27
Creating an organization involves specifying leases. Leases provide a level of control over an
organization's storage and compute resources by specifying the maximum amount of time that vApps
can be running and that vApps and vApp templates can be stored.
Change the Organization Full Name
You can change the full name of an organization. This name appears in the Cloud Director application header
when users log in.
You are an organization administrator.
1On Name this Organization page, in the Organization full name, type the new full name.
2(Optional) Type a description of the organization.
3Click Next.
Add Local Users to the Organization
Every organization should have at least one local, non-LDAP, organization administrator account, so that user
can log in even if the LDAP service is unavailable.
1Click Add.
2Type a user name and password.
3Assign a role to the user.
4Type the contact information for the user.
5Specify a user quota for stored and running virtual machines and click OK.
These quotas limit the user's ability to consume storage and compute resources in the organization.
6Click Next.
26 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 4 Working in an Organization
Configure Email Preferences
Cloud Director requires an SMTP server to send user notification and system alert emails. An organization can
use the system email settings or use its own email settings.
1Select an SMTP server option.
Use the system default SMTP server
Set organization SMTP server
2Select a notification settings option.
Use the system default notification
Set organization notification
3(Optional) Type a destination email address and click Test Email Settings to verify that all SMTP server
settings are configured as expected.
The organization uses the system SMTP server.
The organization uses its own SMTP server. Type the DNS host name or IP
address and port number of the SMTP server. (Optional) Select the Requiresauthentication check box and type a user name and password.
The organization uses the system notification settings.
The organization uses its own notification settings. Type an email address
that appears as the sender for organization emails, type text to use as the
subject prefix for organization emails, and select the recipients for
organization emails.
4Click Next.
Understanding Leases
Creating an organization involves specifying leases. Leases provide a level of control over an organization's
storage and compute resources by specifying the maximum amount of time that vApps can be running and
that vApps and vApp templates can be stored.
The goal of a runtime lease is to prevent inactive vApps from consuming compute resources. For example, if
a user starts a vApp and goes on vacation without stopping it, the vApp continues to consume resources.
A runtime lease begins when a user starts a vApp. When a runtime lease expires, Cloud Director stops the
The goal of a storage lease is to prevent unused vApps and vApp templates from consuming storage resources.
A vApp storage lease begins when a user stops the vApp. Storage leases do not affect running vApps. A vApp
template storage lease begins when a user adds the vApp template to a vApp, adds the vApp template to a
workspace, downloads, copies, or moves the vApp template.
When a storage lease expires, Cloud Director marks the vApp or vApp template as expired, or deletes the
vApp or vApp template, depending on the organization policy you set.
For more information about specifying lease settings, see “Configure Organization Lease, Quota, and Limit
Settings,” on page 28.
Users can configure email notification to receive a message before a runtime or storage lease expires. See “Set
User Preferences,” on page 10 for information about lease expiration preferences.
VMware, Inc. 27
Cloud Director User's Guide
Configure Organization Lease, Quota, and Limit Settings
Leases, quotas, and limits constrain the ability of organization users to consume storage and processing
resources. Use these settings to prevent users from depleting or monopolizing an organization's resources.
For more information about leases, see “Understanding Leases,” on page 27.
1Select the lease options for vApps and vApp templates.
Leases provide a level of control over an organization's storage and compute resources by specifying the
maximum amount of time that vApps can be running and that vApps and vApp templates can be stored.
You can also specify what happens to vApps and vApp templates when their storage lease expires.
2Select the quotas for running and stored virtual machines.
Quotas determine how many virtual machines each user in the organization can store and power on in
the organization's virtual datacenters. The quotas you specify act as the default for all new users added
to the organization.
3Select the limits for resource intensive operations.
Certain Cloud Director operations, for example copy and move, are more resource intensive than others.
Limits prevent resource intensive operations from affecting all the users in an organization and also
provide a defense against denial-of-service attacks.
4Select the number of simultaneous VMware Remote Console connections for each virtual machine.
You may want to limit the number of simultaneous connections for performance or security reasons.
NOTE This setting does not affect Virtual Network Computing (VNC) or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
5Click Next.
Review Your Organization Profile
You can review and modify some of the information in your organization's profile
You are an organization administrator.
1Click Administration.
2In the left pane, select Settings > General.
3You can complete these operations.
Review your organization's default URL.
Modify your organization's full name.
Type a description.
4Click Apply.
Modify Your Email Settings
You can review and modify the default email settings that were made when the system administrator created
your organization.
You are an organization administrator.
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