VMware vCloud Director
VMware vCloud™ Director gives customers the ability
to build secure private clouds that dramatically
increase datacenter eciency and business agility.
Coupled with VMware vSphere™, the best platform
for cloud infrastructures, VMware vCloud Director
delivers cloud computing for existing datacenters
by pooling virtual infrastructure resources and
delivering them to users as catalog-based services.
deploy preconfigured or custom-built services
with the click of a button.
environments with policy-based user controls
and VMware vShield™ security technologies.
to internal organizations as virtual datacenters to
increase consolidation and simplify management.
standards to ensure interoperability and
application portability between clouds.
What is VMware vCloud
VMware vCloud Director is a software solution that enables
enterprises to build secure, multi-tenant private clouds by pooling
infrastructure resources into virtual datacenters and exposing
them to users through Web-based portals and programmatic
interfaces as fully automated, catalog-based services.
By building secure and cost-eective private clouds with VMware
vSphere and VMware vCloud Director, internal IT organizations
can act as true service providers for the businesses they support,
driving innovation and agility while increasing IT eciency and
enhancing security. This solution provides a pragmatic path to
cloud computing by giving customers the power to leverage
existing investments and the flexibility to extend capacity
between clouds.
How Does VMware vCloud
Director Work?
Deliver Infrastructure as a Service
VMware vCloud Director enables IT organizations to deliver
resources to internal users as virtual datacenters. By logically
pooling compute, storage, and networking capacity into virtual
datacenters, IT organizations can manage resources more eciently
with complete abstraction between consumption and delivery of
IT services.
VMware v Cloud Director let s IT organi zations cr eate secure p rivate clo uds for del ivering
IT resou rces as cat alog-b ased ser vices that u sers can c onsume on demand .
Instead of providing users or organizations with siloed physical
infrastructures, IT teams can deliver isolated virtual datacenters
that draw resources from a common physical infrastructure. By
pooling these physical resources on the back end, hardware
utilization and consolidation increases. Similarly, underlying
infrastructure can be pooled into tiers and oered to users at
distinct service levels and prices.
Consume Infrastructure as a Service
VMware vCloud Director also changes the way that users consume
IT services. Instead of filing service desk tickets and waiting in queues,
application and line-of-business owners can utilize self-service
portals to access their own virtual datacenters. VMware vCloud
Director enables users to consume these resources as a catalogbased service through a Web portal and programmatic interfaces.
P R O D U C T D A T A S H E E T / 1

VMware vCloud Director
IT teams can define multiple consumption models using the
same infrastructure, ranging from capacity-as-you-go to
reserved pools. These can be delivered at an appropriate cost
model with VMware vCenter™ Chargeback, which helps drive
accountability and enables granular usage monitoring.
Ultimately, IT organizations maintain control with permissions,
quotas and leases governed by role-based access controls that
leverage existing LDAP directory services.
How is VMware vCloud
Director Used?
In this new model, IT organizations become cloud service providers
for the business, achieving the benefits of cloud computing without
sacrificing security or control. Users experience unprecedented
responsiveness and agility, and IT management can reduce costs
through increased consolidation, task automation, and simplified
administration. All this is achieved cost-eectively while
leveraging existing investments in people and technology.
VMware vCloud Director integrates with existing VMware vSphere
deployments and supports existing and future applications by
providing elastic standard storage and networking interfaces, such
as Layer-2 connectivity and broadcasting between virtual machines.
VMware vCloud Director utilizes open standards to preserve
deployment flexibility and pave the way to the hybrid cloud.
Through partnerships with a broad ecosystem of service
providers oering cloud services based on VMware vCloud
Director, customers can extend their datacenter capacity to
include secure and compatible public clouds and manage them
as easily as their own private cloud.
Key Features
•Create virtual datacenters – Virtual datacenters are logical
constructs that include compute, storage, and networking capacity
to enable complete abstraction between the consumption of
infrastructure services and the underlying resources.
•Support multi-tenant environments – Administrators can
group users into organizations that can represent any policy
group, such as a business unit, division, or subsidiary company.
Each has isolated virtual resources, independent LDAPauthentication, specific policy controls, and unique catalogs.
These features enable secure multi-tenancy and safe sharing
of infrastructure.
•vShield security technologies – Integrated vShield Edge
technologies such as perimeter protection, port-level
firewalling, network address translation and DHCP services,
oer virtualization-aware security, simplify application
deployment, and enforce boundaries required by compliance
standards. Upgrading to the full vShield Edge solution adds
advanced services such as site-to-site VPN, network isolation,
and Web load balancing.
• Infrastructure service catalog – Users are empowered to deploy
and consume pre-configured infrastructure and application
services, such as virtual appliances, virtual machines, operating
system images, and other media with the click of a button from
central catalogs. This enables IT teams to standardize oerings,
simplifying troubleshooting, patching, and change management.
•Self-service portal – Users get direct access to their catalogs
and virtual datacenters through a user-friendly Web portal.
•VMware vCloud API and Open Virtualization Format – The
vCloud API is an open, REST-based API that allows scripted
access to consume cloud resources, such as vApp upload/
download, catalog management, and other operations. The
vCloud API makes basic transfer between clouds possible
using the open virtualization format (OVF), which preserves
application properties, networking configuration, and
other settings.
•Automation and orchestration – Leveraging the APIs in
conjunction with the VMware vCenter™ Orchestrator plug-in
and integrations with other orchestration and service management
software, administrators can automate routine tasks, build ITIL
workflows, and script complex operations with ease.
Find Out More
For information or to purchase VMware products,
call 877-4-VMWARE, visit www.vmware.com, or search
online for an authorized reseller. For detailed specifications
and requirements, refer to the product documentation.
VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillv iew Avenue Palo Alto CA 94 304 USA Tel 877-486-9273 Fax 650-427-50 01 www.vmwa re.com
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