VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager - 4.0 Administrator’s Guide

Site Recovery Manager Administration
vCenter Site Recovery Manager 4.0
Site Recovery Manager Administration Guide
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About This Book 5
Administering VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager 7
Protected Sites and Recovery Sites 7
Array-Based Replication 8
About Protection Groups and Recovery Plans 10
Understanding Recovery and Test Recovery 11
Operational Limits of Site Recovery Manager 12
About Failback 12
SRM and vCenter 13
About the Site Recovery Manager Database 14
SRM Licensing 14
SRM Authentication 14
How SRM Uses Network Ports 16
Site Recovery Manager Roles and Permissions 16
Installing and Updating Site Recovery Manager 19
Configuring the SRM Database 19
Microsoft SQL Server Configuration 20
Oracle Server Configuration 20
DB2 Server Configuration 21
Install the SRM Server 21
Install the Storage Replication Adapters 23
Update the SRM Server 23
Install the SRM Client Plug-In 24
Revert to a Previous Release 25
Repair a Site Recovery Manager Server Installation 25
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Configuring the Protected and Recovery Sites 27
Create a Site Pair 27
Disconnect From a Protected or Recovery Site 28
Install the SRM License Key 28
Configure Array Managers 29
Configure Recovery Site Array Managers When the Protected Site Is Inaccessible 30
Rescan Arrays to Detect Configuration Changes 31
Configure Inventory Mappings 31
Apply Inventory Mappings to All Members of a Protection Group 32
Configure Resource Mappings for a Virtual Machine 32
Create Protection Groups 33
Edit a Protection Group 34
Adding and Removing Members of a Protection Group 34
Site Recovery Manager Administration Guide
Limitations on Recovery of Snapshots and Linked Clones 35
Create a Recovery Plan 35
Edit a Recovery Plan 36
Remove a Recovery Plan 37
Test Recovery, Recovery, and Failback 39
Test a Recovery Plan 39
Pause, Resume, or Cancel a Test 40
Run a Recovery Plan 40
Configuring and Executing Failback 41
Review and Execute Post-Failover Cleanup Tasks 42
Reconfigure Replication 42
Reconfigure SRM to Enable Failback to the Protected Site 43
Restore the Original Configuration 43
Customizing Site Recovery Manager 45
Assign Roles and Permissions 45
Customizing a Recovery Plan 46
Recovery Plan Steps 46
Customize Recovery Plan Steps 49
Customize the Recovery of an Individual Virtual Machine 51
Report IP Address Mappings for a Protection Group 52
Customize IP Properties for a Group of Virtual Machines 52
Configure Protection for a Virtual Machine or Template 54
Repair Placeholder Virtual Machines After a Failed Test Recovery 56
Configure SRM Alarms 56
Working with Advanced Settings 57
Guest Customization Settings 57
Change License Key Settings 57
Change Recovery Site Settings 58
Change SAN Provider Settings 58
Change Local Site Settings 59
Change Remote Site Settings 59
Avoiding Replication of Paging Files and Other Transient Data 60
Specify a Nonreplicated Datastore for Swapfiles 60
Create a Nonreplicated Virtual Disk for Paging File Storage 61
Troubleshooting SRM 63
No Replicated Datastores Listed 63
Inconsistent Mount Points Warning When Configuring NFS Arrays 64
Array Script Files Not Found 64
Expected Virtual Machine File Path Cannot Be Found 64
Recovery Plan Time-Out During the Change Network Settings Step 65
Collecting SRM Log Files 66
Collect SRM Server Log Files 66
Collect an SRM Client Log Bundle 66
Index 67
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About This Book

VMware® vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) is an extension to VMware vCenter that enables integration with array-based replication, discovery and management of replicated datastores, and automated migration of inventory from one vCenter to another. SRM servers coordinate the operations of the replicated storage arrays and vCenter servers at the two sites so that, as virtual machines at one site (the protected site) are shut down, virtual machines at the other site (the recovery site) start up and, using the data replicated from the protected site, assume responsibility for providing the same services. Migration of protected inventory and services from one site to the other is controlled by a recovery plan that specifies the order in which virtual machines are shut down and started up, the compute resources they are allocated, and the networks they can access. SRM enables you to test a recovery plan, using a temporary copy of the replicated data, in a way that does not disrupt ongoing operations at either site.
Intended Audience
This book is intended for Site Recovery Manager administrators who are familiar with vSphere and its replicated datastores, and who want to configure protection for vSphere inventory. It may also be appropriate for other users who need to add virtual machines to protected inventory or verify that existing inventory is properly configured for use with SRM.
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Site Recovery Manager Administration Guide
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Administering VMware vCenter Site
Recovery Manager 1
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager is a business continuity and disaster recovery solution that helps you plan, test, and execute a scheduled migration or emergency failover of vCenter inventory from one site to another.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Protected Sites and Recovery Sites,” on page 7
“SRM and vCenter,” on page 13

Protected Sites and Recovery Sites

In a typical SRM installation, the protected site provides business-critical datacenter services. The recovery site is an alternate facility to which these services can be migrated.
The protected site can be any site where vCenter supports a critical business need. The recovery site can be located thousands of miles away or in the same room. The recovery site is usually located in a facility that is unlikely to be affected by environmental, infrastructure, or other disturbances that affect the protected site.
SRM has the following requirements for the VMware vSphere® configurations at each site:
Each site must have at least one datacenter.
The recovery site must support array-based replication with the protected site.
The recovery site must have hardware, network, and storage resources that can support the same virtual machines and workloads as the protected site.
At least one virtual machine must be located on a replicated datastore at the protected site. This datastore must be supported by a storage array that is compatible with SRM.
The sites should be connected by a reliable IP network (storage arrays might have additional network requirements).
The recovery site should have access to the same networks (public and private) as the protected site, although not necessarily the same range of network addresses.
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Site Recovery Manager Administration Guide
Site Pairing
The protected and recovery sites must be paired before you can use SRM. Site pairing includes three main steps:
1 Exchange of authentication information between the two sites.
2 Discovery of the replicated storage arrays that support the protected site, and discovery of peer arrays at
the recovery site.
3 Discovery of the replicated devices supported by the arrays, and mapping of these devices to datastores
that support virtual machines.
SRM includes a wizard that guides you through the site-pairing process.
Site pairing requires vSphere administrative privileges at both sites. To initiate the site-pairing process, you must know the username and password of a vSphere administrator at each site.

Array-Based Replication

In array-based replication, one or more storage arrays at the protected site replicate data to peer arrays at the recovery site. Storage replication adapter (SRAs) enable integration of SRM with a wide variety of replicated arrays.
You can configure array-based replication between ESX hosts whether or not you use SRM. In fact, it is a good idea to set up this replication before you install and configure SRM, so that you can be certain it is working correctly before you install SRM and the necessary SRAs.
Storage Replication Adapters
Storage replication adapters are not part of an SRM release. They are developed and supported by your array vendor. You can download storage replication adapters and their documentation from
http://www.vmware.com/download/srm/. Storage replication adapters downloaded from other sites are not
supported by VMware. You must install an SRA specific to each array that you use with SRM on the SRM server host.
Replicated Storage Devices, Datastores, and Datastore Groups
When you use array-based replication, each storage array supports a set of replicated devices. On Storage Area Network (SAN) arrays that use connection protocols such as Fibre Channel and iSCSI, these devices are called LUNs (logical storage units comprising one or more physical devices). On NFS arrays, they are typically referred to as volumes. In every pair of replicated storage devices, one device is the replication source and the other is the replication target. Data written to the source device is replicated to the target device on a schedule controlled by the arrays' replication software. When you configure SRM to work with an SRA, the protected site is the replication source and the recovery site is the replication target.
A VMFS datastore provides storage for virtual machine files. By hiding the details of physical storage devices, datastores simplify the allocation of storage capacity and provide a uniform model for meeting the storage needs of virtual machines. Because any datastore can span multiple devices, SRM must ensure that all devices in a datastore are replicated before it can protect the virtual machines that use that datastore. When necessary, SRM aggregates datastores into datastore groups to accommodate virtual machines that span multiple datastores. The set of virtual machines that use a replicated datastore or datastore group is called a protection group. Any datastore that supports a protection group is considered a protected datastore.
About Bidirectional Operation
Any pair of sites can be configured to operate bidirectionally, so that each acts as a recovery site for the other. To support bidirectional operation, you must have arrays at each site that are configured as replication targets of the other site. This type of configuration is the only way to provide SRM services for both members of a site pair.
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Chapter 1 Administering VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager
You cannot designate a third site as a recovery site for one that is already paired with another site. If you want to use SRM to provide business continuity and disaster recovery services at a recovery site, you must configure that site as a protected site that uses its own array managers to replicate data to the other member of the site pair. After site pairing is complete, configuring bidirectional operation requires you to follow the same site configuration procedures that are required for unidirectional operation, but you must do so for each site in each capacity. At recovery site that has not been configured for bidirectional operation, items that must be configured at a protected site remain unconfigured:
Array Managers and Inventory Mappings are always listed as Not Configured.
Protection Groups are listed as No Groups Created.
How Changes to Virtual Machine Storage Affect Protection
When you edit the properties of a virtual machine to add or change storage devices (such as hard disks or DVD drives) you can affect the protection of that machine if you connect it to a device that has storage on a datastore that is not replicated, or that is protected by a different protection group.
If the new device is created on a replicated datastore that is not protected (not part of any protection group), the datastore is added to the virtual machine's protected datastore group and the virtual machine's protection is unaffected.
If the new device is created on a replicated datastore that is protected by a different protection group, the virtual machine's protection is invalidated. If the new device is created on a nonreplicated datastore, the virtual machine's protection is invalidated.
If you use Storage VMotion to move a virtual machine to a nonreplicated datastore, or to a replicated datastore on an array that SRM has not been configured to manage (through an SRA), the virtual machine's protection is invalidated.
How Site Recovery Manager Computes Datastore Groups
The composition of a datastore group is determined by the set of virtual machines that have files on the datastores in the group, and by the devices on which those files are stored.
Virtual machine files are located on one or more vSphere datastores. Each datastore consists of one or more extents. Each extent corresponds to a single partition of a device on a storage array. Array replication is configured on a per-device basis; most arrays include some devices that are not replicated. SRM must ensure that all devices containing protected virtual machine files are replicated. During a recovery or test, SRM must failover all such devices together.
To solve this problem, SRM aggregates datastores into datastore groups. A datastore group consists of the minimal set of devices required to ensure that if any of a virtual machine's files is stored on a device in the group, all of the virtual machine's files are stored on devices that are part of the same group. For example, if a virtual machine has disks on two different datastores, then both datastores must be combined into a datastore group. Conditions that can cause datastores to be combined into a datastore group include:
A virtual machine has files on two different datastores.
Two virtual machines share an RDM device on a SAN array.
Two datastores span extents corresponding to different partitions of the same device.
A single datastore spans two extents corresponding to partitions of two different devices.
Multiple devices belong to a consistency group defined on the storage array.
SRM computes datastore groups when you first configure your array managers. After that, the computation executes every time that a virtual machine is added to or removed from a datastore that is part of a group.
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About Protection Groups and Recovery Plans

A protection group is a collection of virtual machines and templates that use the same replicated datastore or datastore group. A recovery plan specifies how the virtual machines in a protection group are recovered.
When the replicated devices that support a datastore group failover, that operation affects all of the virtual machines and templates that use the datastores in the group. Because of this, SRM considers all of those virtual machines and templates members of a single protection group. When you create a protection group, it initially contains only those members that store all of their files on the selected datastore group. You can add members to the protection group by creating them on that datastore, or by using Storage VMotion to move their storage onto it. You can remove a member from a protection group by moving it to another datastore.
Recovery Plans and Replicated Datastores
A recovery plan is like an automated runbook. It controls every step of the recovery process, including the order in which virtual machines are powered off or powered on, the network addresses that recovered virtual machines use, and so on. Recovery plans are flexible and easy to customize.
A recovery plan applies to one or more protection groups. A protection group can be specified in more than one recovery plan. For example, you could create one recovery plan to handle a planned migration of services from the protected site to the recovery site, and another to handle an unplanned event such as a power failure or natural disaster.
A protection group can be recovered by only one recovery plan at a time. If multiple recovery plans that specify the same protection group are tested or run simultaneously, only one recovery plan will actually be able to failover the protection group. Other running recovery plans that specify the same protection group report errors for that protection group and the virtual machines it contains. Other protection groups covered by those recovery plans are not affected by the errors.
Configuring and Maintaining the Protection of a Virtual Machine
Every virtual machine in a protection group must be configured in such a way that it can be added to vCenter inventory at the recovery site. At a minimum, each machine needs to be assigned to a resource pool, folder, and network that exist at the recovery site. An SRM administrator can specify defaults for these assignments. These defaults, called inventory mappings, are applied when the protection group is created, and can be reapplied as needed (for example, whenever you add a new virtual machine to the protected datastore). If you do not specify inventory mappings, you must configure them individually for each member of the protection group. Virtual machines that are on a protected datastore but improperly configured are not protected.
About Placeholder Virtual Machines and Inventory Mapping
For each virtual machine that you add to a protection group, SRM creates a placeholder at the recovery site. These placeholders are added to, and can be managed as part of, the protected site's inventory.
When you add a virtual machine or template to a protection group, SRM reserves a place for it in the recovery site's inventory by creating a subset of virtual machine files at the recovery site and then using that subset as a placeholder to register the virtual machine with the recovery site vCenter. The presence of these placeholders in recovery site inventory provides a visual indication to SRM administrators that the virtual machines are protected, and to vCenter administrators that the virtual machines can be powered on and start consuming local resources when SRM tests or runs a recovery plan.
No member of a protection group is protected until its placeholder has been created. Placeholders are not created until valid inventory mappings have been established by either applying the site’s inventory mappings to all members of a protection group or configuring mappings for individual members. If inventory mappings have been established for a site, you cannot override them by configuring the protection of individual virtual
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Chapter 1 Administering VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager
machines. If you need to override inventory mappings for a few members of a protection group, use the vSphere Client to connect to the recovery site and edit the network settings of the placeholders or move them to a different folder or resource pool. If a member of a protection group loses its protection, its placeholder is removed from the recovery site until the protection has been restored.
Placeholders can be treated like any other members of the recovery site vCenter inventory, although they cannot be powered on. When a placeholder is created, its folder, network, and compute resource assignments are derived from inventory mappings established at the protected site. Its permissions are inherited from the protected virtual machine that it represents. A recovery site vCenter administrator can modify these assignments and permissions as necessary. Changes made to the placeholder override settings established by inventory mapping, and are preserved in the recovery site SRM database.
When a protected virtual machine is recovered by testing or running a recovery plan, its placeholder is unregistered, and the recovered virtual machine is registered in its place and powered on as directed by the recovery plan. After a recovery plan test completes, the placeholders are restored as part of the cleanup process.

Understanding Recovery and Test Recovery

A test recovery exercises nearly every aspect of a recovery plan, though several concessions are made to avoid disrupting ongoing operations. While a test recovery has no lasting effects on either site, a recovery has significant effects on both sites.
You can (and should) run test recoveries as often as needed. A test recovery does not affect replication or the ongoing operations of either site (though it might temporarily suspend selected local virtual machines at the recovery site). You can pause, resume, or cancel a recovery plan test at any time.
A recovery stops replication (after a final synchronization of the source to the target) and makes changes at both sites that require significant time and effort to reverse. Because of this, the privilege to test a recovery plan and the privilege to run a recovery plan must be separately assigned. A running recovery plan cannot be paused or canceled.
Table 1-1 lists the differences between testing and running a recovery plan.
Table 1-1. Differences Between Testing and Running a Recovery Plan
Test a Recovery Plan Run a Recovery Plan
Required privileges Site Recovery Manager > Recovery
Plan > Test
Effect on virtual machines at protected site
Effect on virtual machines at recovery site
Effect on replication Temporary snapshots of replicated
Network Recovered virtual machines are
Interruption Can be paused or canceled. Must run to completion.
none Virtual machines are shut down in reverse
Local virtual machines are suspended if required by the plan. Suspended virtual machines are restarted after the test is complete.
storage are created at the recovery site and the arrays are rescanned to discover them.
connected to a test network.
Site Recovery Manager > Recovery Plan > Run
priority order.
Local virtual machines are suspended if required by the plan.
All replicated datastores are synchronized, then replication is stopped, and the target devices at the recovery site are made writable.
Recovered virtual machines are connected to a datacenter network.
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Site Recovery Manager Administration Guide
How SRM Interacts with DPM and DRS During Recovery
Distributed Power Management (DPM) is a VMware facility that manages power consumption by ESX hosts. Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) is a VMware facility that manages the assignment of virtual machines to ESX hosts. When DPM and DRS are enabled on a recovery site cluster, SRM temporarily disables DPM for the cluster and ensures that all hosts in it are powered on before recovery begins. After the recovery hosts have been powered on, SRM relies on DRS to manage the assignment of virtual machines to hosts in the cluster. After the recovery or test is complete, SRM re-enables DPM for the cluster, but the hosts in it are left in the running state so that DPM can power them down as needed.
Test Bubble Networks and Datacenter Networks
To facilitate testing, SRM can create a "test bubble" network to which recovered virtual machine are connected during a test. This network is managed by its own virtual switch, and in most cases recovered virtual machines can use it without having to change network properties such as IP address, gateway, and so on. A datacenter network, in contrast, is one that typically supports existing virtual machines at the recovery site. To use it, recovered virtual machines must conform to its network address availability rules (they must use a network address that can be served and routed by the network's switch, must be configured to use the correct gateway and DNS host, and so on). Recovered virtual machines that use DHCP can connect to this network without additional customization. Others require IP property customization and recovery plan steps that apply it.

Operational Limits of Site Recovery Manager

Each SRM server can support a maximum number of virtual machines, protection groups, and datastore groups.
Table 1-2 lists the limits for a single SRM server. When you create a protection group, SRM prevents you from
exceeding the limits for protected virtual machines and protection groups. If a configuration created in an earlier version of SRM exceeds these limits, SRM displays a warning, but allows the configuration to operate. You should modify these configurations to bring them within the supported limits as soon as possible.
The limits for replicated datastore groups and running recovery plans are suggested and not enforced.
Table 1-2. SRM Protection Limits
Item Maximum
Protected virtual machines in total 1000
Protected virtual machines in a single protection group 500
Protection groups 150
Datastore groups 150
Simultaneously running recovery plans 3

About Failback

A failback restores the original configuration of the protected and recovery sites after a failover. You can configure and execute a failback procedure when you are ready to restore services to the protected site.
Failback is a catch-all term for a collection of procedures that you can use to restore the original configuration of the protected and recovery sites after a failover. The specific procedures required depend on the nature of the preceding failover: a planned failover that leaves the protected site intact requires a different set of failback steps than an unplanned failover initiated before (or after) an event that compromises the protected site temporarily or permanently.
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A typical failback has two phases. In the first phase, the protected and recovery sites switch roles, and the virtual machines are migrated from the recovery site to the protected site under the control of a recovery plan. In the second phase, the relationship of the protected and recovery sites is restored, so that future failovers migrate the protected virtual machines from the protected site to the recovery site. Alternately, the recovery site can be promoted to a protected site, and the protected site becomes the recovery site.
Configuring and executing a failback is a time-consuming task that requires downtime at the recovery site and changes to storage replication. After the failback is complete, restoring the protected site to its original role and enabling failover to the recovery site requires additional downtime and changes to storage replication.

SRM and vCenter

The SRM server operates as an extension to the vCenter server at a site. Because the SRM server depends on vCenter for a number of services, you must install and configure vCenter at a site before you install SRM.
SRM takes advantage of vCenter services, such as storage management, authentication, authorization, and guest customization. SRM also uses the standard set of vSphere administrative tools to manage these services.
How Changes to vCenter Inventory Affect SRM
Because SRM protection groups apply to a subset of vCenter inventory, changes to the protected inventory made by vCenter administrators and users can affect the integrity of SRM protection and recovery.
Chapter 1 Administering VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager
SRM depends on the availability of certain objects, such as virtual machines, folders, resource pools, and networks, in the vCenter inventory at the protected and recovery sites. Deletion of resources such as folders or networks that are referenced by recovery plans can invalidate the plan. Renaming or relocating objects in the vCenter inventory does not affect SRM, unless it causes resources to become inaccessible during test or recovery.
SRM can tolerate the following changes at the protected site without disruption:
Modifying a protected virtual machine configuration, including adding, modifying, or removing devices. Changing a virtual machine’s memory size on the protected site is not reflected on the recovery site if the virtual machine is already in a protection group.
Relocating virtual machines.
Deleting protected virtual machines.
Deleting an object for which an inventory mapping exists.
SRM can tolerate the following changes at the recovery site without disruption:
Deleting placeholder virtual machines.
Moving placeholder virtual machines to a different folder, resource pool, or network.
Deleting an object for which an inventory mapping exists.
SRM and the vCenter Database
If you update the vCenter installation that SRM extends, you must not overwrite the vCenter database during the update. Overwriting removes information that SRM has stored in that database and invalidates the current SRM installation.
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Site Recovery Manager Administration Guide

About the Site Recovery Manager Database

The SRM server requires its own database, which it uses to store recovery plans, inventory information, and similar data.
The SRM database is a critical part of any SRM installation. The database must be initialized and a database connection created before you can install SRM. If you are updating SRM to a new release, you can use the existing database connection, but you must back up the database first, otherwise, you will not be able to revert to the previous release of SRM.
The SRM database at each site holds information about virtual machine configurations, protection groups, and recovery plans. SRM cannot use the vCenter database because it has different database schema requirements, though you can use the vCenter database server to create and support the SRM database. Each SRM site requires its own instance of the SRM database. The database must exist before SRM can be installed. If the SRM database at either site becomes corrupted, the SRM servers at both sites shut down.
When you install SRM, you specify the following information about how SRM connects to the database:
Connection Count
Max Connections
The initial connection pool size. If all connections are in use and a new one is needed, a connection is created as long as it does not exceed the maximum number of connections allowed. It is faster for SRM to use a connection from the pool than to create a new one.
The maximum number of connections to open to the database at one time. If the database administrator has restricted the number of connections that the database can have open, this value cannot exceed that number.

SRM Licensing

The SRM server requires a license key to operate. Each SRM server installs with an evaluation license that is valid for 60 days.
After the evaluation license expires, you cannot run a recovery plan or add a virtual machine to a protection group until you install a valid SRM license key. VMware recommends that you install an SRM license key as soon as possible after installing SRM. You can obtain a license key from your VMware sales representative.

SRM Authentication

All communications between SRM and vCenter servers take place over an SSL connection and are authenticated by public key certificates or stored credentials.
When you install an SRM server, you must choose either credential-based authentication or certificate-based authentication. You cannot mix authentication methods. The authentication method you choose when installing the SRM server is used to authenticate connections between the SRM servers at the protected and recovery sites, and between SRM and vCenter.
Certificate-Based Authentication
If you have or can acquire a PKCS#12 certificate signed by a trusted authority, use certificate-based authentication. Public key certificates signed by a trusted authority streamline many SRM operations and provide the highest level of security. Certificates used by SRM have special requirements. See “Requirements
When Using Public Key Certificates,” on page 15.
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Credential-Based Authentication
If you are using credential-based authentication, SRM stores a user name and password that you specify during installation, and then uses those credentials when connecting to vCenter or another SRM server. SRM also creates a special-purpose certificate for its own use. This certificate includes additional information that you supply during installation. That information, an Organization name and Organization Unit name, must be identical for both members of an SRM server pair.
NOTE Even though SRM creates and uses this special-purpose certificate when you choose credential-based authentication, credential-based authentication is not equivalent to certificate-based authentication in either security or operational simplicity.
Certificate Warnings
If you are using credential-based authentication, attempts by the SRM server to connect to vCenter produce a certificate warning because the trust relationship asserted by the special-purpose certificates created by SRM and vCenter cannot be verified by SSL. The warning dialog allows you to specify a disposition for the current instance of the problem, for all instances of the problem when making connection to a specific host, or for all instances of the problem for all hosts. To avoid these warnings, use certificate-based authentication and obtain your certificate from a trusted certificate authority.
Requirements When Using Public Key Certificates
If you have installed SSL certificates issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA) on the vCenter server that supports SRM, the certificates you create for use by SRM must meet certain specific criteria.
While SRM uses standard PKCS#12 certificate for authentication, it places a few specific requirements on the contents of certain field of those certificates. These requirements apply to the certificates used by both members of an SRM server pair (the protected site and the recovery site).
The certificates must have a Subject Name value constructed from:
A Common Name (CN) attribute, whose value must be the same for both members of the pair. A string such as "SRM" is appropriate here.
An Organization (O) attribute, whose value must be the same as the value of this attribute in the supporting vCenter server's certificate.
An Organizational Unit (OU) attribute, whose value must be the same as the value of this attribute in the supporting vCenter server's certificate.
The certificate used by each member of an SRM server pair must include a Subject Alternative Name attribute whose value is the fully-qualified domain name of the SRM server host. (This value will be different for each member of the SRM server pair.) If you are using an openssl CA, modify the openssl configuration file to include a line like the following if the SRM server host's fully-qualified domain name is srm1.example.com:
subjectAltName = DNS: srm1.example.com
If you are using a Microsoft CA, refer to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931351 for information on how to set the Subject Alternative Name.
The certificate used by each member of an SRM server pair must include an "Extended Key Usage" attribute whose value is "serverAuth, clientAuth". If you are using an openssl CA, modify the openssl configuration file to include a line like the following:
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth, clientAuth
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How SRM Uses Network Ports

SRM servers use several network ports to communicate with each other, with client plug-ins, and with vCenter. If any of these ports are in use by other applications or are blocked on your network, you must reconfigure SRM to use different ones.
Table 1-3 lists the default network ports the SRM uses for intrasite (between hosts at a single site) and intersite
(between hosts at the protected and recovery sites) communications. You can change these defaults when you install SRM.
Table 1-3. How SRM Uses Network Ports
Default Port Protocol Endpoints
8095 SOAP SRM server and vCenter server
8096 HTTP vCenter server (for plug-in download)
9007 SOAP API clients

Site Recovery Manager Roles and Permissions

SRM uses vCenter roles and permissions but includes additional ones that allow fine-grained control over SRM-specific tasks and operations.
(intrasite only)
SRM and vCenter use the same authorization model. The set of permissions applied to or inherited by an object determine the operations that are allowed on the object and the list of roles that can perform those operations. To manage roles and permissions, you must log in to vCenter as an administrator.
NOTE To configure SRM, you must have vCenter permissions and SRM permissions. SRM-specific roles do not include vCenter privileges. Without vCenter privileges, you do not have adequate permissions to perform all SRM operations. In addition,vCenter roles do not provide any SRM privileges. Ensure that SRM users have vCenter and SRM specific roles as appropriate.
For more information about vCenter roles and permissions, see Managing Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions in the vSphere Client Help.
Site Recovery Manager Roles
SRM adds the following roles to the ones already defined on the vCenter Server:
Protection Groups Administrator—Set up and modify protection groups.
Protection SRM Administrator—Pair the protected and recovery sites, and configure inventory mappings.
Protection Virtual Machine Administrator—Set up and modify the protection characteristics of a protected virtual machine.
Recovery Datacenter Administrator—View available datastores and customize recovered virtual machines.
Recovery Host Administrator—Configure virtual machine components during recovery. If the recovery host is a cluster, this permission must be assigned for the cluster object itself and for every host in the cluster.
Recovery Inventory Administrator—View customization specifications for the recovery site.
Recovery Plans Administrator—Reconfigure protected and recovered virtual machines. Also grants the ability to set up and run recovery.
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Chapter 1 Administering VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager
Recovery SRM Administrator—Configure arrays and create protection profiles.
Recovery Virtual Machine Administrator—Create virtual at the recovery site machines and add them to the resource pool. Also grants the ability to reconfigure and customize the recovery virtual machines when a recovery plan is run.
SRM Administrative Tasks and Required Privileges
Some SRM administrative tasks are performed at the protected site, some at the recovery site, and some at both sites. Specific privileges are required at each site. To perform all SRM administrative tasks at the protected and recovery sites, you must be a vSphere administrator or have specific permissions.
You do not need to propagate the permissions to child objects, unless specified.
You must have the following permissions at the protected site:
Read-only at the vCenter root.
Read-only at the datacenter inventory object.
Protection Virtual Machine Administrator role at the virtual machine level (propagate).
Protection SRM Administrator role at the SRM site recovery root level (propagate).
Protection Groups Administrator role at the SRM protection groups level (propagate).
You must have the following permissions at the recovery site:
Recovery Inventory Administrator role at the vCenter root.
Recovery Datacenter Administrator role at the datacenter level (propagate).
Recovery Host Administrator role at the host level (If the recovery host is a cluster, this permission must be assigned for the cluster object itself and for every host in the cluster.)
Recovery Virtual Machine Administrator at the resource pool and folder levels (propagate).
Recovery SRM Administrator at the SRM root level (propagate).
Recovery Plans Administrator at the SRM recovery plans level (propagate).
You can grant selected roles or individuals the minimum set of privileges required to perform specific operations. You can grant these privileges in addition to the default permissions for a role rather than giving many users broad administrative powers.
Table 1-4 summarizes the permissions required for common SRM administrative tasks and the sites at which
those permissions must be granted.
Table 1-4. Site Recovery Manager Administrative Tasks and Minimum Required Privileges
Task Site Minimum Required Privilege
Add new user and role Both Permissions > Modify Role
Assign access permission Both Permissions > Modify Permission
Change access permission Both Permissions > Modify Permission
Remove access permission Both Administrator
Connect (pair) sites Both Site Recovery Manager > Protection
SRM Administrator
Modify advanced settings Protected Site Recovery Manager > Protection
SRM Administrator
Modify advanced settings Recovery Site Recovery Manager > Recovery
SRM Administrator
Configure or repair array managers Both Site Recovery Manager > Array
Manager > Configure
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Site Recovery Manager Administration Guide
Table 1-4. Site Recovery Manager Administrative Tasks and Minimum Required Privileges (Continued)
Task Site Minimum Required Privilege
Configure inventory preferences Both Site Recovery Manager > Inventory
Preferences > Create Mapping
Create protection groups Protected Site Recovery Manager > Protection
Group > Create
Create or modify a recovery plan Recovery Site Recovery Manager > Recovery
Plan > Create
Edit a recovery plan Recovery Site Recovery Manager > Recovery
Plan > Modify
Test a recovery plan Recovery Site Recovery Manager > Recovery
Plan > Test
Run or remove a recovery plan Recovery Site Recovery Manager > Recovery
Plan > Run
18 VMware, Inc.
Installing and Updating Site Recovery
Manager 2
You must install an SRM server at the protected site and also at the recovery site. After the SRM servers are installed, you can download the client plug-in from either server to any vSphere Client. You use the SRM client plug-in to configure and manage SRM at each site.
SRM requires the support of a vCenter server at each site. The SRM installer must be able to connect with this server during installation. If you cannot install SRM on a dedicated server host, you can install it on the same host where vCenter Server is installed.
The SRM server host must meet the following hardware requirements:
Processor – 2.0GHz or higher Intel or AMD x86 processor
Memory – 2GB minimum
Disk Storage – 2GB minimum
Networking – Gigabit recommended
For up-to-date information about supported platforms and databases, see the Site Recovery Manager Compatibility Matrixes, at http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/srm_pubs.html.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Configuring the SRM Database,” on page 19
“Install the SRM Server,” on page 21
“Install the Storage Replication Adapters,” on page 23
“Update the SRM Server,” on page 23
“Install the SRM Client Plug-In,” on page 24
“Revert to a Previous Release,” on page 25
“Repair a Site Recovery Manager Server Installation,” on page 25

Configuring the SRM Database

The SRM server requires its own database to store recovery plans, inventory information, and similar data. Before installing the SRM server, you must configure and initialize the SRM database.
If you are updating SRM to a new release, you can use the existing database. Back up the database first in case you need to revert after the upgrade.
VMware, Inc.
Site Recovery Manager Administration Guide
The SRM database at each site holds information about virtual machine configurations, protection groups, and recovery plans. SRM cannot use the vCenter database because it has different database schema requirements, though you can use the vCenter database server to create and support the SRM database. Each SRM site requires its own instance of the SRM database. The database must exist before SRM can be installed. If the SRM database at either site becomes corrupted, the SRM servers at both sites shut down.
NOTE If you reinitialize the database after you install SRM, you must run the SRM installer in repair mode and specify a new database connection.

Microsoft SQL Server Configuration

A Microsoft SQL Server configuration must meet specific requirements to support SRM.
Microsoft SQL Server has the following configuration requirements when used as the SRM database:
There are three requirements for the database schema:
It must be owned by the SRM database user (the database user name you supply when configuring the SRM database connection).
It must have the same name as the SRM database user.
It must be the default schema for the SRM database user.
The SRM database user must have database administrator privileges.
The SRM database user must be granted the following permissions:
bulk insert
create table
create view
If you are using Windows authentication, the SRM server and database server must run on the same host.
If the SRM server and database server run on different hosts, you must use mixed mode authentication.
If SQL Server is installed locally, you might need to disable the Shared Memory network setting on the database server.

Oracle Server Configuration

An Oracle Server configuration must meet specific requirements to support SRM.
Oracle Server has the following configuration requirements when used as the SRM database:
The SRM database user (the database user name you supply when configuring the SRM database connection) must be granted the following permissions:
create session
create view
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DB2 Server Configuration

A DB2 Server configuration must meet specific requirements to support SRM.
DB2 Server has the following configuration requirements when used as the SRM database:
When creating the database instance, specify utf-8 encoding.
Because DB2 uses Windows authentication, you must specify the database owner as a domain account.

Install the SRM Server

You must install an SRM server at the protected site and the recovery site as an extension to the site’s vCenter Server.
You must supply the following information during the installation:
The hostname or IP address of the site’s vCenter Server. The server must be running and accessible during SRM installation, and it must be in the same Windows domain as the SRM server host.
The user name and password of the vCenter administrator.
Chapter 2 Installing and Updating Site Recovery Manager
A user name and password for the SRM database. See “Configuring the SRM Database,” on page 19.
If you are using certificate-based authentication, the pathname to an appropriate certificate file. See “SRM
Authentication,” on page 14.
1 Log in to the server host on which you are installing SRM.
Log in as a local administrator.
2 Download the SRM installation file to a folder on the host, or open a folder on the network that contains
this file.
3 Double-click the SRM installer icon to begin installation.
If the installer detects an existing installation, verify that you want to update the existing installation, and then follow the procedure at “Update the SRM Server,” on page 23.
4 Click Next on the Welcome to the installation wizard screen.
5 On the License Agreement page, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and then click Next.
6 On the Destination Folder page, select the folder in which you want to install SRM and click Next.
The default installation folder for a new installation of SRM is C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter
Site Recovery Manager. If you use a different folder, the pathname cannot be longer than 240 characters
and cannot include non-ASCII characters.
7 On the VMware vCenter Server page, enter information about the vCenter server at the site where you
are installing SRM and then click Next.
vCenter Server Address—Enter the hostname or IP address of the vCenter Server. If you use the hostname, enter it in lowercase. After installation is complete and you are configuring the connection between the protected and recovery sites, you must supply this hostname or IP address exactly as you enter it here.
vCenter Server Port—Accept the default or enter a different port.
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