This document supports the version of each product listed and
supports all subsequent versions until the document is
replaced by a new edition. To check for more recent editions
of this document, see
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
You can find the most up-to-date technical documentation on the VMware Web site at:
The VMware Web site also provides the latest product updates.
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2 VMware, Inc.
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins9
Introduction to Orchestrator Plug-Ins11
Orchestrator Architecture 11
Plug-Ins Installed with the Orchestrator Server 12
Access the Orchestrator API Explorer 15
Configure the Orchestrator Plug-Ins17
Using the vCenter Server Plug-In19
Configuring the vCenter Server Plug-In 19
Configuration Workflows 19
Configure the Connection to a vCenter Server Instance 20
vCenter Server Plug-In Scripting API 20
Using the vCenter Server Plug-In Inventory 21
Access the vCenter Server Plug-In Workflow Library 21
vCenter Server Plug-In Workflow Library 21
Batch Workflows 23
Cluster and Compute Resource Workflows 24
Custom Attributes Workflows 25
Datacenter Workflows 25
Datastore and Files Workflows 25
Datacenter Folder Management Workflows 26
Host Folder Management Workflows 26
Virtual Machine Folder Management Workflows 26
Guest Operation Files Workflows 27
Guest Operation Processes Workflows 27
Power Host Management Workflows 28
Basic Host Management Workflows 28
Host Registration Management Workflows 28
Networking Workflows 29
Distributed Virtual Port Group Workflows 29
Distributed Virtual Switch Workflows 29
Standard Virtual Switch Workflows 30
Resource Pool Workflows 30
Storage Workflows 31
Storage DRS Workflows 31
Basic Virtual Machine Management Workflows 32
Clone Workflows 33
Linked Clone Workflows 34
Linux Customization Clone Workflows 34
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Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Tools Clone Workflows 35
Windows Customization Clone Workflows 35
Device Management Workflows 36
Move and Migrate Workflows 36
Other Workflows 37
Power Management Workflows 37
Snapshot Workflows 38
VMware Tools Workflows 38
Using the Configuration Plug-In41
Access the Configuration Plug-In Workflow Library 41
Configuration Plug-In Workflow Library 41
Using the vCO Library Plug-In45
vCO Library Plug-In Workflows 45
Using the SQL Plug-In47
Configuring the SQL Plug-In 47
SQL Plug-In Configuration Workflows 47
Add a Database 48
Add Tables to a Database 48
Update a Database 49
Running the SQL Sample Workflows 50
Generate a JDBC URL 50
Test a JDBC Connection 50
Create a Table by Using JDBC 51
Insert a Row into a JDBC Table 51
Select Rows from a JDBC Table 52
Delete an Entry from a JDBC Table 52
Delete All Entries from a JDBC Table 53
Drop a JDBC Table 53
Run a Complete JDBC Cycle 54
Using the SQL Plug-In Standard Workflows 54
SQL Plug-In Workflow Library 54
Generate CRUD Workflows for a Table 55
Using the SSH Plug-In57
Configure the SSH Plug-In 57
Running the SSH Plug-In Sample Workflows 57
Generate a Key Pair 58
Change the Key Pair Passphrase 59
Register an Orchestrator Public Key on an SSH Host 59
Run an SSH Command 59
Copy a File from an SSH Host 60
Copy a File to an SSH Host 61
4 VMware, Inc.
Using the XML Plug-In63
Running the XML Plug-In Sample Workflows 63
Create a Simple XML Document 64
Find an Element in an XML Document 64
Modify an XML Document 65
Create an Example Address Book from XML 65
Using the Mail Plug-In67
Define the Default SMTP Connection 67
Using the Mail Plug-In Sample Workflows 68
Access the Mail Plug-In Sample Workflows 68
Mail Plug-In Sample Workflows 68
Test an Example Interaction with Email 69
Using the Net Plug-In71
Using the Enumeration Plug-In73
Time Zone Codes 73
Using the Workflow Documentation Plug-In77
Workflow Library for the Workflow Documentation Plug-In 77
Generate Workflow Documentation 77
Using the HTTP-REST Plug-In79
Configuring the HTTP-REST Plug-In 79
Configuration Workflows 79
Configure Kerberos Authentication 80
Add a REST Host 80
Add a REST Operation 81
Add a Schema to a REST Host 82
Generate a New Workflow from a REST Operation 82
Invoke a REST Operation 83
Using the SOAP Plug-In85
Configuring the SOAP Plug-In 85
Configuration Workflows 85
Add a SOAP Host 86
Configure Kerberos Authentication 87
Generate a New Workflow from a SOAP Operation 87
Test a Custom-Generated Workflow 88
Invoke a SOAP Operation 88
Using the AMQP Plug-In91
Configuring the AMQP Plug-In 91
Configuration Workflows 91
Add a Broker 91
Subscribe to Queues 92
Update a Broker 93
VMware, Inc. 5
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Using the AMQP Plug-In Standard Workflows 93
Declare a Binding 93
Declare a Queue 94
Declare an Exchange 95
Send a Text Message 95
Delete a Binding 96
Using the SNMP Plug-In97
Managing SNMP Devices 97
Device Management Workflows 97
Register an SNMP Device 98
Managing SNMP Queries 98
Query Management Workflows 98
Add a Query to an SNMP Device 99
Managing the SNMP Trap Host 99
Trap Host Management Workflows 100
Set the SNMP Trap Port 100
Receiving SNMP Traps 100
Wait for a Trap on an SNMP Device 100
Set a Trap Policy 101
Edit a Trap Policy 101
Generic SNMP Request Workflows 102
Using the Active Directory Plug-In103
Configuring the Active Directory Plug-In 103
Active Directory Configuration Workflows 103
Using the Active Directory Plug-In Workflow Library 103
Using the Active Directory Plug-In Inventory 104
Access the Active Directory Plug-In Workflow Library 104
Active Directory Plug-In Workflows 104
Using the Dynamic Types Plug-In107
Dynamic Types Configuration Workflows 107
Configuring and Using the Multi-Node Plug-In109
Introduction to the vCenter Orchestrator Multi-Node Plug-In 109
Configuring the Multi-Node Plug-In 110
Servers Configuration Workflows 110
Add an Orchestrator Server 110
Enable Orchestrator for Remote Workflow Execution 110
Using Proxy Workflows 111
Synchronous Proxy Workflows 111
Asynchronous Proxy Workflows 112
Remote Execution Workflows 113
Using the Multi-Node Plug-In Inventory 113
Remote Management Workflows 114
Access the Multi-Node Plug-In API 114
6 VMware, Inc.
Multi-Node Plug-In Use Cases 115
Create a Multi-Proxy Action 115
Maintenance of Remote and Proxy Workflows 115
Deploy a Package from a Local Server 116
Using the PowerShell Plug-In117
Using the PowerShell Plug-In Inventory 117
Configuring the PowerShell Plug-In 118
Configuration Workflows 118
Configure Kerberos Authentication 118
Add a PowerShell Host 119
Running PowerShell Scripts 120
Invoke a PowerShell Script 120
Invoke an External Script 120
Generating Actions 121
Generate an Action from a PowerShell Script 121
Generate an Action for a PowerShell Cmdlet 122
Passing Invocation Results Between Actions 123
PowerCLI Integration with the PowerShell Plug-In 123
Converter Workflows 123
Sample Workflows 123
Access the PowerShell Plug-In API 124
Working with PowerShell Results 124
Examples of Scripts for Common PowerShell Tasks 125
Troubleshooting 127
Servers Not Found in Kerberos Database 127
Unable to Obtain a Kerberos Ticket 127
Kerberos Authentication Fails Due to Time Differences 127
Kerberos Authentication Session Mode Fails 128
Unable to Reach a Key Distribution Center for a Realm 128
VMware, Inc. 7
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
8 VMware, Inc.
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins provides information and instructions about configuring and
using the standard set of plug-ins installed with VMware vCenter® Orchestrator.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for advanced vSphere administrators and experienced system administrators
who are familiar with virtual machine technology and datacenter operations.
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Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
10 VMware, Inc.
Introduction to Orchestrator Plug-Ins1
With the Orchestrator plug-ins, you can access and control external technologies and applications. Exposing
an external technology in an Orchestrator plug-in lets you incorporate objects and functions in workflows
and run workflows on the objects of that external technology.
The external technologies that you access by using plug-ins include virtualization management tools, email
systems, databases, directory services, and remote control interfaces.
Orchestrator provides a standard set of preinstalled plug-ins, which expose the VMware vCenter Server
API, email and authentication capabilities, and other technologies. In addition, the Orchestrator open plugin architecture lets you to develop plug-ins to access other applications. Orchestrator implements open
standards to simplify integration with external systems. For information about developing custom content,
see Developing with VMware vCenter Orchestrator.
The standard set of plug-ins is automatically installed with the Orchestrator server. You might need to
configure some of the plug-ins, for example the vCenter Server plug-in, before start using them.
Plug-ins extend the Orchestrator scripting engine with new object types and methods, and plug-ins publish
notification events from the external system that triggers events in Orchestrator and in the plugged-in
technology. Plug-ins provide an inventory of JavaScript objects that you can access on the Inventory tab of
the Orchestrator client. Each plug-in contains packages of workflows and actions that you can run on the
objects in the inventory to automate the typical use cases of the integrated product.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Orchestrator Architecture,” on page 11
“Plug-Ins Installed with the Orchestrator Server,” on page 12
“Access the Orchestrator API Explorer,” on page 15
Orchestrator Architecture
Orchestrator contains a workflow library and a workflow engine to allow you to create and run workflows
that automate orchestration processes. You run workflows on the objects of different technologies that
Orchestrator accesses through a series of plug-ins.
Orchestrator provides a standard set of plug-ins, including a plug-in for vCenter Server, to allow you to
orchestrate tasks in the different environments that the plug-ins expose.
Orchestrator also presents an open architecture to allow you to plug in external third-party applications to
the orchestration platform. You can run workflows on the objects of the plugged-in technologies that you
define yourself. Orchestrator connects to a directory services server to manage user accounts, and to a
database to store information from the workflows that it runs. You can access Orchestrator, the Orchestrator
workflows, and the objects it exposes through the Orchestrator client interface, through a Web browser, or
through Web services.
Orchestrator includes a collection of standard plug-ins. Each plug-in exposes an external product API to the
Orchestrator platform. Plug-ins provide inventory classes, extend the scripting engine with new object
types, and publish notification events from the external system. Each plug-in also provides a library of
workflows for automating the typical use cases of the integrated product.
You can see the list of the installed plug-ins on the Plug-ins tab in the Orchestrator configuration interface.
For the plug-ins that require configuration, there are separate tabs in the interface.
Table 1‑1. Plug-Ins Installed with Orchestrator
vCenter ServerProvides access to the vCenter Server API so that you can
incorporate all of the vCenter Server objects and functions
into the management processes that you automate by
using Orchestrator.
ConfigurationProvides workflows for configuring the Orchestrator
authentication, database connection, SSL certificates, and
so on.
vCO LibraryProvides workflows that act as basic building blocks for
customization and automation of client processes. The
workflow library includes templates for lifecycle
management, provisioning, disaster recovery, hot backup,
and other standard processes. You can copy and edit the
templates to modify them according to your needs.
SQLProvides the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API,
which is the industry standard for database-independent
connectivity between the Java programming language and
a wide range of databases. The databases include SQL
databases and other tabular data sources, such as
spreadsheets or flat files. The JDBC API provides a calllevel API for SQL-based database access from workflows.
See Configure the vCenter Server
12 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Table 1‑1. Plug-Ins Installed with Orchestrator (Continued)
SSHProvides an implementation of the Secure Shell v2 (SSH-2)
protocol. Allows remote command and file transfer
sessions with password and public key-based
authentication in workflows. Supports keyboardinteractive authentication. Optionally, the SSH plug-in can
provide remote file system browsing directly in the
Orchestrator client inventory.
XMLA complete Document Object Model (DOM) XML parser
that you can implement in workflows. Alternatively, you
can use the ECMAScript for XML (E4X) implementation in
the Orchestrator JavaScript API.
MailUses Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send email
from workflows.
NetWraps the Jakarta Apache Commons Net Library. Provides
implementations of Telnet, FTP, POP3, and IMAP. The
POP3 and IMAP part is used for reading email. In
combination with the Mail plug-in, the Net plug-in
provides complete email sending and receiving capabilities
in workflows.
Workflow documentationProvides workflows that let you generate information in
PDF format about a workflow or a workflow category.
EnumerationProvides common enumerated types that can be used in
workflows by other plug-ins.
HTTP-RESTLets you manage REST Web services by providing
interaction between vCenter Orchestrator and REST hosts.
SOAPLets you manage SOAP Web services by providing
interaction between vCenter Orchestrator and SOAP hosts.
AMQPLets you interact with Advanced Message Queuing
Protocol (AMQP) servers also known as brokers.
SNMPEnables vCenter Orchestrator to connect and receive
information from SNMP-enabled systems and devices.
Active DirectoryProvides interaction between vCenter Orchestrator and
Microsoft Active Directory.
vCO WebOperatorA Web view that lets you to access the workflows in the
Orchestrator library and interact with them across a
network by using a Web browser.
Dynamic TypesLets you define dynamic types and create and use objects
of these dynamic types.
Multi-NodeContains workflows for hierarchical orchestration,
management of Orchestrator instances, and scale-out of
Orchestrator activities.
PowerShellLets you manage PowerShell hosts and run custom
PowerShell operations.
See “Configure the SSH Plug-In,” on
page 57.
Set the default values for the
EmailMessage object to use.
See “Define the Default SMTP
Connection,” on page 67.
See “Configuring the HTTP-REST
Plug-In,” on page 79.
See “Configuring the SOAP Plug-
In,” on page 85.
See “Configuring the AMQP Plug-
In,” on page 91.
See “Configuring the Active
Directory Plug-In,” on page 103.
See Chapter 18, “Using the Dynamic
Types Plug-In,” on page 107.
See Chapter 19, “Configuring and
Using the Multi-Node Plug-In,” on
page 109.
See Chapter 20, “Using the
PowerShell Plug-In,” on page 117.
Plug-In Components
Each plug-in is a DAR file package. The DAR files are stored in Orchestrator_installation_path\app-
server\plugins on the Orchestrator server system. The components of each plug-in, such as workflow
categories and API modules, use different naming conventions.
VMware, Inc. 13
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Table 1‑2. Names of Plug-In Components
Plug-In Name in the
Configuration UIDAR File
vCenter Server
vCO Configuration
vCO Library
enumerated types
Dynamic Types
Active DirectoryComputer
vCO WebOperator
CategoriesAPI Module
Not applicable.
Workflow documentation
Trap Host
User Group
Remote Execution
14 VMware, Inc.
Access the Orchestrator API Explorer
Orchestrator provides an API Explorer that you can use to search the Orchestrator API and see the
documentation for JavaScript objects that you can use in scripted elements.
You can consult an online version of the Scripting API for the vCenter Server plug-in on the Orchestrator
documentation home page.
1Log in to the Orchestrator client.
2Select Tools > API Explorer.
The API Explorer appears. You can use it to search all the objects and functions of the Orchestrator API.
What to do next
Use the API Explorer to write scripts for scriptable elements.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Orchestrator Plug-Ins
VMware, Inc. 15
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
16 VMware, Inc.
Configure the Orchestrator Plug-Ins2
To deploy the standard set of plug-ins when the Orchestrator server starts, the Orchestrator system must
authenticate against an LDAP or vCenter Single Sign-On server. You first specify the administrative
credentials that Orchestrator uses with the plug-ins, and enable or disable plug-ins.
If you change the Orchestrator database after configuring and installing the plug-ins, you must click the
Reset current version link on the Troubleshooting tab. This operation deletes the install_directory\app-
server\conf\plugins\_VSOPluginInstallationVersion.xml file, which contains information about the
version of the plug-ins already installed, and forces plug-in reinstallation.
Set up an LDAP or vCenter Single Sign-On server and configure the Orchestrator authentication settings.
1Log in to the Orchestrator configuration interface as vmware.
2Click Plug-ins.
3Type the credentials for a user who is a member of the Orchestrator administrators group that you
specified on the Authentication tab.
When the Orchestrator server starts, the system uses these credentials to set up the plug-ins. The system
checks the enabled plug-ins and performs any necessary internal installations such as package import,
policy run, script launch, and so on.
VMware, Inc.
4(Optional) To disable a plug-in, deselect the check box next to it.
This action does not remove the plug-in file.
5Click Apply changes.
The first time the server starts, it installs the selected plug-ins.
What to do next
You can configure the settings for Mail, SSH, and vCenter Server plug-ins.
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
18 VMware, Inc.
Using the vCenter Server Plug-In3
You can use the vCenter Server plug-in to manage multiple vCenter Server instances. You can create
workflows that use the vCenter Server plug-in API to automate tasks in your vCenter Server environment.
The vCenter Server plug-in maps the vCenter Server API to the JavaScript that you can use in workflows.
The plug-in also provides actions that perform individual vCenter Server tasks that you can include in
The vCenter Server plug-in provides a library of standard workflows that automate vCenter Server
operations. For example, you can run workflows that create, clone, migrate, or delete virtual machines.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Configuring the vCenter Server Plug-In,” on page 19
“vCenter Server Plug-In Scripting API,” on page 20
“Using the vCenter Server Plug-In Inventory,” on page 21
“Access the vCenter Server Plug-In Workflow Library,” on page 21
“vCenter Server Plug-In Workflow Library,” on page 21
Configuring the vCenter Server Plug-In
Before managing the objects in your vSphere inventory by using Orchestrator and to run workflows on the
objects, you must configure the vCenter Server plug-in and define the connection parameters between
Orchestrator and the vCenter Server instances you want to orchestrate.
You can configure the vCenter Server plug-in by running the vCenter Server configuration workflows from
the Orchestrator client.
To manage the objects in your vSphere inventory by using the vSphere Web Client, make sure that you
configure the Orchestrator server to work with the same vCenter Single Sign-On instance to which both
vCenter Server and vSphere Web Client are pointing. You must also ensure that Orchestrator is registered as
a vCenter Server extension. You register Orchestrator as a vCenter Server extension when you specify a user
(by providing the user name and password), who has the privileges to manage vCenter Server extensions.
Configuration Workflows
The Configuration workflow category of the vCenter Server plug-in contains workflows that let you manage
the connections to vCenter Server instances.
You can access these workflows from Library > vCenter > Configuration in the Workflows view of the
Orchestrator client.
VMware, Inc.
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Workflow NameDescription
Add a vCenter Server
Remove a vCenter Server
Update a vCenter Server
Configures Orchestrator to connect to a new vCenter Server instance so that you can run
workflows over the objects in the vSphere infrastructure.
Removes a vCenter Server instance from the Orchestrator inventory. You will no longer be
able to orchestrate this vCenter Server instance.
Updates the connection to a vCenter Server instance. For example, if the IP address of your
vCenter Server system changes, you must update the connection parameters to the
vCenter Server instance so that you can manage your vSphere inventory with Orchestrator.
Configure the Connection to a vCenter Server Instance
In addition to configuring the vCenter Server plug-in by using the Orchestrator configuration interface, you
can configure the connections to vCenter Server instances by running the vCenter Server configuration
workflows in the Orchestrator client.
1Log in to the Orchestrator client as an administrator.
2Click the Workflows view in the Orchestrator client.
3In the workflows hierarchical list, select Library > vCenter > Configuration and navigate to the Add a
vCenter Server instance workflow.
4Right-click the Add a vCenter Server instance workflow and select Start workflow.
5Type the IP address or the DNS name of the machine on which the vCenter Server instance you want to
add is installed.
6Retain the default port value, 443.
7Keep the default location of the SDK to use to connect to your vCenter Server instance.
8Select whether you want to orchestrate the vCenter Server instance, and click Next.
9Select whether you want to ignore certificates warnings for the vCenter Server instances you want to
If you select Yes, the vCenter Server instance certificate is accepted silently and the certificate is added
to the trusted store.
10 (Optional) Type the user domain.
You must specify the user domain name only when you select to use a shared session.
11 Click Submit to run the workflow.
After the workflow runs successfully, the vCenter Server instance and all vSphere objects that belong to it
appear in the Inventory view.
vCenter Server Plug-In Scripting API
The vCenter Server scripting API contains classes, with their respective attributes, methods, and
constructors that allow interaction between vCenter Orchestrator and vCenter Server. You can use the API
to develop custom workflows.
The vCenter Server plug-in exposes all objects of the connected vCenter Server hosts in the Inventory view.
You can use the Inventory tab to add authorization elements or to run workflows on vCenter Server objects.
If you enable the Use contextual menu in inventory option from the Inventory tab of the User preferences
tool, all of the workflows that you can run on the selected inventory object appear in a pop-up menu.
Access the vCenter Server Plug-In Workflow Library
You must use the Orchestrator client or the vSphere Web Client to access the elements from the
vCenter Server plug-in workflow library.
Configure the vCenter Server plug-in in the Orchestrator configuration interface.
Log in to the Orchestrator client as a user who can run vCenter Server workflows.
1Log in to the Orchestrator client and select Design or Run from the drop-down menu in the left upper
2Click the Workflows view in the Orchestrator client left pane.
3Expand the hierarchical list to Library > vCenter.
What to do next
Review the workflow library.
vCenter Server Plug-In Workflow Library
The vCenter Server plug-in workflow library contains workflows that you can use to run automated
processes related to the management of vCenter Server.
Batch Workflows on page 23
Batch workflows populate configuration elements or run workflows on a selected vCenter Server
Cluster and Compute Resource Workflows on page 24
With cluster and compute resource workflows, you can create, rename or delete a cluster, and enable
or disable high availability, Distributed Resource Scheduler, and vCloud Distributed Storage on a
Custom Attributes Workflows on page 25
With custom attributes workflows, you can add custom attributes to virtual machines or get a custom
attribute for a virtual machine.
Datacenter Workflows on page 25
With datacenter workflows, you can create, delete, reload, rename, or rescan a datacenter.
Datastore and Files Workflows on page 25
With datastore and files workflows, you can delete a list of files, find unused files in a datastore, and
so on.
Datacenter Folder Management Workflows on page 26
With datacenter folder management workflows, you can create, delete, or rename a datacenter folder.
VMware, Inc. 21
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Host Folder Management Workflows on page 26
With host folder management workflows, you can create, delete, or rename a host folder.
Virtual Machine Folder Management Workflows on page 26
With virtual machine folder management workflows, you can create, delete, or rename a virtual
machine folder.
Guest Operation Files Workflows on page 27
With guest operation files workflows, you can manage files in a guest operating system.
Guest Operation Processes Workflows on page 27
With guest operation processes workflows, you can get information and control the running processes
in a guest operating system.
Power Host Management Workflows on page 28
With power host management workflows you can reboot or shut down a host.
Basic Host Management Workflows on page 28
With basic host management workflows, you can put a host into maintenance mode, make a host exit
maintenance mode, move a host to a folder or a cluster, and reload data from a host.
Host Registration Management Workflows on page 28
With host registration management workflows, you can add a host to a cluster, disconnect or
reconnect a host from a cluster, and so on.
Networking Workflows on page 29
With networking workflows you can add a port group to distributed virtual switch, create a
distributed virtual switch with a port group, and so on.
Distributed Virtual Port Group Workflows on page 29
With distributed virtual port group workflows you can update or delete a port group, and reconfigure
the port group.
Distributed Virtual Switch Workflows on page 29
With distributed virtual switch workflows, you can create, update or delete a distributed virtual
switch, and create, delete, or update a private VLAN.
Standard Virtual Switch Workflows on page 30
With standard virtual switch workflows you can create, update, or delete a standard virtual switch,
and create, delete, or update port groups in standard virtual switches.
Resource Pool Workflows on page 30
With resource pool workflows you can create, rename, reconfigure or delete a resource pool, and get
resource pool information.
Storage Workflows on page 31
With storage workflows you can perform storage-related operations.
Storage DRS Workflows on page 31
With storage DRS workflows you perform storage-related operations, such as creating and
configuring a datastore cluster, removing a datastore from cluster, adding storage to a cluster, and so
Basic Virtual Machine Management Workflows on page 32
With basic virtual machine management workflows you can perform basic operations on virtual
machines, for example, create, rename or delete a virtual machine, upgrade virtual hardware, and so
22 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Using the vCenter Server Plug-In
Clone Workflows on page 33
With clone workflows you can clone virtual machines with or without customizing the virtual
machine properties.
Linked Clone Workflows on page 34
With linked clone workflows, you can perform linked clone operations such as restoring a virtual
machine from a linked clone, creating a linked clone, and so on.
Linux Customization Clone Workflows on page 34
With Linux customization workflows you can clone a Linux virtual machine and customize the guest
operating system.
Tools Clone Workflows on page 35
With tools clone workflows you can obtain customization information about the operating system of
the virtual machine, information needed to update a virtual device, and so on.
Windows Customization Clone Workflows on page 35
With Windows customization clone workflows you can clone Windows virtual machines and
customize the guest operating system.
Device Management Workflows on page 36
With device management workflows you can manage the devices that are connected to a virtual
machine or to a host datastore.
Move and Migrate Workflows on page 36
With move and migrate workflows, you can migrate virtual machines.
Other Workflows on page 37
With other workflows, you can enable and disable Fault Tolerance (FT), extract virtual machine
information, and find orphaned virtual machines.
Power Management Workflows on page 37
With power management workflows, you can power on and off virtual machines, reboot the guest
operating system of a virtual machine, suspend a virtual machine, and so on.
Snapshot Workflows on page 38
With snapshot workflows, you can perform snapshot-related operations.
VMware Tools Workflows on page 38
With VMware Tools workflows, you can perform VMware Tools-related tasks on virtual machines.
Batch Workflows
Batch workflows populate configuration elements or run workflows on a selected vCenter Server object.
You can access the batch workflows from Library > vCenter > Batch in the Workflows view of the
Orchestrator client.
Fill batch configuration
Populates the configuration elements that the Run a workflow on a selection
of objects workflow uses. Performs the following tasks:
Resets the BatchObject and BatchAction configuration elements.
Fills the BatchObject configuration element with all of the workflows
that have only one input parameter.
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Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Fills the BatchAction configuration element with all of the actions that
have no input parameters or one input parameter and that have an array
as the returnType.
Run a workflow on a
selection of objects
Runs a workflow on a selection of vCenter Server objects, taking one action
as input. This is the action that retrieves the list of objects on which to run the
workflow. To return the objects without running the selected workflow, run
the workflow in simulation mode.
Cluster and Compute Resource Workflows
With cluster and compute resource workflows, you can create, rename or delete a cluster, and enable or
disable high availability, Distributed Resource Scheduler, and vCloud Distributed Storage on a cluster.
You can access the cluster and compute resource workflows from Library > vCenter > Cluster and ComputeResource in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Add DRS virtual
machine group to
Add virtual machines to
DRS group
Create cluster
Delete cluster
Disable DRS on cluster
Disable HA on cluster
Adds a DRS virtual machine group to a cluster.
Adds a virtual machine list to an existing DRS virtual machine group.
Creates a new cluster in a host folder.
Deletes a cluster.
Disables DRS on a cluster.
Disables high availability on a cluster.
Disable vCloud
Distributed Storage on
Enable DRS on cluster
Enable HA on cluster
Enable vCloud
Distributed Storage on
Remove virtual machine
DRS group from cluster
Remove virtual
machines from DRS
Rename cluster
Disables vCloud Distributed Storage on a cluster.
Enables DRS on a cluster.
Enables high availability on a cluster.
Enables vCloud Distributed Storage on a cluster.
Removes a DRS virtual machine group from a cluster.
Removes virtual machines from a cluster DRS group.
Renames a cluster.
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Chapter 3 Using the vCenter Server Plug-In
Custom Attributes Workflows
With custom attributes workflows, you can add custom attributes to virtual machines or get a custom
attribute for a virtual machine.
You can access the custom attributes workflows from Library > vCenter > Custom Attributes in the
Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Add custom attribute to
a virtual machine
Add custom attribute to
multiple virtual
Get custom attribute
Adds a custom attribute to a virtual machine.
Adds a custom attribute to a selection of virtual machines.
Gets a custom attribute for a virtual machine in vCenter Server.
Datacenter Workflows
With datacenter workflows, you can create, delete, reload, rename, or rescan a datacenter.
You can access the datacenter workflows from Library > vCenter > Datacenter in the Workflows view of the
Orchestrator client.
Create datacenter
Delete datacenter
Reload datacenter
Rename datacenter
Rescan datacenter
Creates a new data center in a data center folder.
Deletes a data center.
Forces vCenter Server to reload data from a data center.
Renames a data center and waits for the task to complete.
Scans the hosts in a data center and initiates a rescan on the host bus
adapters to discover new storage.
Datastore and Files Workflows
With datastore and files workflows, you can delete a list of files, find unused files in a datastore, and so on.
You can access the datastore and files workflows from Library > vCenter > Datastore and Files in the
Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Delete all files
Delete all unused
datastore files
Export unused
datastore files
Find unused files in
Get all configuration,
template, and disk files
from virtual machines
Deletes a list of files.
Searches all datastores in the vCenter Server environment and deletes all
unused files.
Searches all datastores and creates an XML descriptor file that lists all
unused files.
Searches the vCenter Server environment for all unused disks (*.vmdk),
virtual machines (*.vmx), and template (*.vmtx) files that are not associated
with any vCenter Server instances registered with Orchestrator.
Creates a list of all virtual machine descriptor files and a list of all virtual
machine disk files, for all datastores.
VMware, Inc. 25
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Log all datastore files
Log unused datastore
Creates a log for every virtual machine configuration file and every virtual
machine file found in all datastores.
Searches the vCenter Server environment for unused files that are registered
on virtual machines and exports a log of the files in a text file.
Datacenter Folder Management Workflows
With datacenter folder management workflows, you can create, delete, or rename a datacenter folder.
You can access the datacenter folder management workflows from Library > vCenter > Folder management> Datacenter folder in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Create datacenter folder
Delete datacenter folder
Rename datacenter
Creates a data center folder.
Deletes a data center folder and waits for the task to complete.
Renames a data center folder and waits for the task to complete.
Host Folder Management Workflows
With host folder management workflows, you can create, delete, or rename a host folder.
You can access the host folder management workflows from Library > vCenter > Folder management >Host folder in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Create host folder
Delete host folder
Rename host folder
Creates a host folder.
Deletes a host folder and waits for the task to complete.
Renames a host folder and waits for the task to complete.
Virtual Machine Folder Management Workflows
With virtual machine folder management workflows, you can create, delete, or rename a virtual machine
You can access the virtual machine folder management workflows from Library > vCenter > Foldermanagement > VM folder in the Workflow view of the Orchestrator client.
Create virtual machine
Delete virtual machine
Rename virtual machine
Creates a virtual machine folder.
Deletes a virtual machine folder and waits for the task to complete.
Renames a virtual machine folder and waits for the task to complete.
26 VMware, Inc.
Chapter 3 Using the vCenter Server Plug-In
Guest Operation Files Workflows
With guest operation files workflows, you can manage files in a guest operating system.
You can access the guest operation files workflows from Library > vCenter > Guest operations > Files in the
Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Check for directory in
Check for file in guest
Copy file from guest to
Copy file from
Orchestrator to guest
Create directory in
Create temporary
directory in guest
Create temporary file in
Delete directory in
Delete file in guest
List path in guest
Move directory in guest
Verifies that a directory exists in a guest virtual machine.
Verifies that a file exists in a guest virtual machine.
Copies a specified file from a guest file system to an Orchestrator server.
Copies a specified file from an Orchestrator server to a guest file system.
Creates a directory in a guest virtual machine.
Creates a temporary directory in a guest virtual machine.
Creates a temporary file in a guest virtual machine.
Deletes a directory from a guest virtual machine.
Deletes a file from a guest virtual machine.
Shows a path in a guest virtual machine.
Moves a directory in a guest virtual machine.
Move file in guest
Moves a file in a guest virtual machine.
Guest Operation Processes Workflows
With guest operation processes workflows, you can get information and control the running processes in a
guest operating system.
You can access the guest operation files workflows from Library > vCenter > Guest operations > Processes
in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Get environment
variables from guest
Get processes from
Run program in guest
Stop process in guest
Returns a list with environmental variables from a guest. An interactive
session returns the variables of the user who is currently logged in.
Returns a list with the processes running in the guest operating system and
the recently completed processes started by the API.
Starts a program in a guest operating system.
Stops a process in a guest operating system.
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Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Power Host Management Workflows
With power host management workflows you can reboot or shut down a host.
You can access the power host management workflows from Library > vCenter > Host management >Power in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Reboot host
Shut down host
Reboots a host. If the Orchestrator client is connected directly to the host, it
does not receive an indication of success in the returned task, but rather loses
the connection to the host if the operation succeeds.
Shuts down a host. If the Orchestrator client is connected directly to the host,
it does not receive an indication of success in the returned task, but rather
loses the connection to the host if the operation succeeds.
Basic Host Management Workflows
With basic host management workflows, you can put a host into maintenance mode, make a host exit
maintenance mode, move a host to a folder or a cluster, and reload data from a host.
You can access the basic host management workflows from Library > vCenter > Host management > Basic
in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Enter maintenance
Exit maintenance mode
Move host to cluster
Move host to folder
Puts the host into maintenance mode. You can cancel the task.
Exits maintenance mode. You can cancel the task.
Moves an existing host into a cluster. The host must be part of the same data
center, and if the host is part of a cluster, the host must be in maintenance
Moves a host into a folder as a standalone host. The host must be part of a
ClusterComputeResource in the same data center and the host must be in
maintenance mode.
Reload host
Forces vCenter Server to reload data from a host.
Host Registration Management Workflows
With host registration management workflows, you can add a host to a cluster, disconnect or reconnect a
host from a cluster, and so on.
You can access the host management registration workflows from Library > vCenter > Host management >Registration in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Add host to cluster
Add standalone host
Disconnect host
Reconnect host
Reconnect host with all
Remove host
28 VMware, Inc.
Adds a host to the cluster. This workflow fails if it cannot authenticate the
SSL certificate of the host.
Registers a host as a standalone host.
Disconnects a host from vCenter Server.
Reconnects a disconnected host by providing only the host information.
Reconnects a disconnected host by providing all information about the host.
Removes a host and unregisters it from vCenter Server. If the host is part of a
cluster, you must put it in maintenance mode before attempting to remove it.
Chapter 3 Using the vCenter Server Plug-In
Networking Workflows
With networking workflows you can add a port group to distributed virtual switch, create a distributed
virtual switch with a port group, and so on.
You can access the networking workflows from Library > vCenter > Networking in the Workflows view of
the Orchestrator client.
Add port group to
distributed virtual
Attach host system to
distributed virtual
Create distributed
virtual switch with port
Adds a new distributed virtual port group to a specified distributed virtual
Adds a host to a distributed virtual switch.
Creates a new distributed virtual switch with a distributed virtual port
Distributed Virtual Port Group Workflows
With distributed virtual port group workflows you can update or delete a port group, and reconfigure the
port group.
You can access the distributed virtual port group workflows from Library > vCenter > Networking >Distributed virtual port group in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Connect virtual machine
NIC number to
distributed virtual port
Delete distributed
virtual port group
Reconfigures the network connection of the specified virtual machine NIC
number to connect to the specified distributed virtual port group. If no NIC
number is specified, the number zero is used.
Deletes a specified distributed virtual port group.
Set teaming options
Update distributed
virtual port group
Provides an interface to manage the teaming options for a distributed virtual
port group.
Updates the configuration of a specified distributed virtual port group.
Distributed Virtual Switch Workflows
With distributed virtual switch workflows, you can create, update or delete a distributed virtual switch, and
create, delete, or update a private VLAN.
You can access the distributed virtual switch workflows from Library > vCenter > Networking >Distributed virtual switch in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Create distributed
virtual switch
Create private VLAN
Delete distributed
virtual switch
VMware, Inc. 29
Creates a distributed virtual switch in the specified network folder with a
name and uplink port names that you specify. You must specify at least one
uplink port name.
Creates a VLAN on the specified distributed virtual switch.
Deletes a distributed virtual switch and all associated elements.
Using VMware vCenter Orchestrator Plug-Ins
Delete private VLAN
Update distributed
virtual switch
Update private VLAN
Deletes a VLAN from a specified distributed virtual switch. If a secondary
VLAN exists, you should first delete the secondary VLAN.
Updates the properties of a distributed virtual switch.
Updates a VLAN on the specified distributed virtual switch.
Standard Virtual Switch Workflows
With standard virtual switch workflows you can create, update, or delete a standard virtual switch, and
create, delete, or update port groups in standard virtual switches.
You can access the standard virtual switch workflows from Library > vCenter > Networking > Standardvirtual switch in the Workflows view of the Orchestrator client.
Add port group in
standard virtual switch
Create standard virtual
Delete port group from
standard virtual switch
Delete standard virtual
Adds a port group in a standard virtual switch.
Creates a standard virtual switch.
Deletes a port group from a standard virtual switch.
Deletes a standard virtual switch from a host's network configuration.
Retrieve all standard
virtual switches
Update port group in
standard virtual switch
Update standard virtual
Update VNIC for port
group in standard
virtual switch
Retrieves all standard virtual switches from a host.
Updates the properties of a port group in a standard virtual switch.
Updates the properties of a standard virtual switch.
Updates a VNIC associated with a port group in a standard virtual switch.
Resource Pool Workflows
With resource pool workflows you can create, rename, reconfigure or delete a resource pool, and get
resource pool information.
You can access the resource pool workflows from Library > vCenter > Resource Pool in the Workflows
view of the Orchestrator client.
Create resource pool
Create resource pool
with specified values
Creates a resource pool with the default CPU and memory allocation values.
To create a resource pool in a cluster, the cluster must have VMware DRS
Creates a resource pool with CPU and memory allocation values that you
specify. To create a resource pool in a cluster, the cluster must have VMware
DRS enabled.
Delete resource pool
Get resource pool
30 VMware, Inc.
Deletes a resource pool and waits for the task to complete.
Returns CPU and memory information about a given resource pool.
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