VMware vCenter Operations Manager - 1.0 Installation Manual

VMware vCenter Adapter Installation
and Configuration Guide
vCenter Operations Manager 1.0
This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. To check for more recent editions of this document, see http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs.
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VMware vCenter Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide
Updated Information 7
Introduction to the vCenter Adapter 9
How the Adapter Creates Resources 9
Data that the Adapter Collects
Using the VM Entity Status Resource Tag 10
Installation and Configuration Requirements 10
vCenter Adapter Resource Identification 11
Installing the vCenter Adapter 15
Install the Adapter in a Standalone Installation 15
Install the Adapter in a vApp Installation 16
vCenter Adapter Folders and Files 16
Configuring the vCenter Adapter 19
Add a Credential 19
Add an Adapter Instance 20
Reducing the Number of Collected Metrics 20
Troubleshooting the vCenter Adapter 21
Troubleshooting a vCenter Adapter Instance 21
View Collection Information 21
Viewing System Log Files 23
Metrics for vCenter Server Components 25
vCenter Server Metrics 25
Datacenter Metrics 28
Cluster Compute Resource Metrics 30
Resource Pool Metrics 35
Host System Metrics 37
Virtual Machine Metrics 48
Datastore Metrics 55
Capacity Planning Metrics 59
Badge Metrics 63
Metrics for vCenter Operations Manager Components 65
Analytics Metrics 65
Collector Metrics 70
ActiveMQ Service Metrics 71
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Web Server Metrics 72
Replication Server Metrics
Database Metrics 74
Host Operating System Metrics 75
Index 77
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VMware vCenter Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide

The VMware vCenter Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide describes how to install and configure the vCenter adapter for vCenter Operations Manager.
Intended Audience
This information is intended for anyone who needs to install or configure the vCenter adapter.
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Updated Information

The VMware
vCenter Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide is updated with each release of the product or
when necessary.
This table provides the update history of the VMware vCenter Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide.
Revision Description
EN-000912-00 The vCenter Adapter Technical Note is now the VMware vCenter Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide.
Updated page 10.
Added “Reducing the Number of Collected Metrics,” on page 20.
Added the datastore | notshared metric to “Virtual Machine Metrics,” on page 48.
Added Chapter 6, “Metrics for vCenter Operations Manager Components,” on page 65.
Changed the product name to reflect the new licensing model for the 5.6 release.
Added “vCenter Adapter Folders and Files,” on page 16.
Added information about configuring the adapter in a 5.6 or later vApp installation to Chapter 3,
“Configuring the vCenter Adapter,” on page 19.
Added “View Collection Information,” on page 21.
Added metrics to Chapter 5, “Metrics for vCenter Server Components,” on page 25
The vCenter Adapter Technical Note was the initial release of this document.
the list of compatible vSphere versions in “Installation and Configuration Requirements,” on
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Introduction to the vCenter Adapter 1

The vCenter adapter is an embedded adapter for vCenter Operations Manager. The adapter collects metrics from vCenter Server.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“How the Adapter Creates Resources,” on page 9
“Data that the Adapter Collects,” on page 9
“Using the VM Entity Status Resource Tag,” on page 10
“Installation and Configuration Requirements,” on page 10
“vCenter Adapter Resource Identification,” on page 11

How the Adapter Creates Resources

vCenter adapter can create resources in vCenter Operations Manager by using auto-discovery and manual
When you enable auto-discovery for a vCenter adapter instance, the adapter discovers and creates resources in vCenter Operations Manager after it runs a main collection query.
You can use manual discovery to restrict the resources that the vCenter adapter creates in vCenter Operations Manager. With manual discovery, the adapter sends a request to vCenter Server to return all available resources and you select the resources to add.

Data that the Adapter Collects

During each collection cycle, the vCenter adapter retrieves metric values, events, and relationships from vCenter Server.
For metric values, the adapter queries for up to five of the most recent 20-second samples from vCenter Server and calculates the average. The adapter also adds several aggregate metrics, which it calculates based on those values.
The vCenter adapter collects metrics for the following vCenter Server objects:
Resource Pools
Virtual Machine
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information about the metrics that the adapter collects for these objects, see Chapter 5, “Metrics for vCenter
Server Components,” on page 25.

Using the VM Entity Status Resource Tag

The vCenter adapter creates the VM Entity Status resource tag in the Custom user interface.
The VM Entity Status resource tag values are NotExisting, PoweredOff, and PoweredOn. Each resource tag value includes the name of the vCenter Server instance, for example, PoweredOn:vCenter4-qalab.
Figure 1-1. VM Entity Status Resource Tag
You can select the PoweredOff or PoweredOn tag value to filter host system and virtual machine resources based on their running state.
can select the NotExisting tag value to locate resources that no longer exist in the vCenter Server inventory and remove them from the Custom user interface. When objects are removed from the vCenter Server inventory, they remain available in the user interface until you remove them.

Installation and Configuration Requirements

Before you install the vCenter adapter, you must make sure that your system meets certain requirements.
VMware vSphere Compatibility
The vCenter adapter is compatible with vSphere 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 update 2, 4.1, 5.0, and 5.1.
Credential Requirements
You must provide a vCenter Server user name and password when you create a credential for a vCenter adapter instance.
The vCenter Server privileges assigned to this user account determine the scope of the data that the vCenter adapter can collect and the visibility of that data in vCenter Operations Manager.
The adapter calculates metric values based on the visibility that the user account has to the vCenter Server inventory. If certain objects are not visible, vCenter Operations Manager does not consider the values for these objects when it calculates metrics for their container objects.
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At a minimum, the user account must have Read privileges and the Read privileges must be assigned at the Datacenter or vCenter Server level. If the Read privileges are assigned to selected ESX hosts or individual virtual machines, vCenter Operations Manager cannot show metrics for their parent objects. For example, if the user account has Read privileges only for an ESX host, you cannot view metrics for the parent datastore, cluster, or datacenter of that ESX host in vCenter Operations Manager.

vCenter Adapter Resource Identification

vCenter adapter uses certain resource identifiers. You must specify resource identifiers when you reference
vCenter adapter resources with the vCenter Operations Manager API.
Adapter Kind
The adapter kind for the vCenter adapter is VMware Adapter and the identifier key is VMWARE.
Adapter Instance Resource Kind
The adapter instance resource kind for a vCenter adapter instance is vCenter Server and the identifier key is VMwareAdapter Instance.
A vCenter adapter instance resource has a specific identifier key.
Table 1-1. vCenter Adapter Instance Resource Identifier Key
Key Part of Uniqueness Default Name (en) Description
Chapter 1 Introduction to the vCenter Adapter
VCURL Yes VC Host Host name or IP address of a
vCenter Server host.
Datacenter Resource Kind
The resource kind for a vCenter Server datacenter is Datacenter and the identifier key is Datacenter.
A Datacenter resource has specific identifier keys.
Table 1-2. Datacenter Resource Identifier Keys
Key Part of Uniqueness Default Name (en) Description
VMEntityName No VM Entity Name Name of the datacenter.
VMEntityObjectID Yes VM Entity Object ID vCenter Server object ID for
the datacenter, for example, datacenter-2.
VMEntityVCID Yes VC ID vCenter Server unique ID.
Cluster Compute Resource Kind
The resource kind for a vCenter Server cluster is Cluster Compute Resource and the identifier key is ClusterComputeResource.
A Cluster Compute Resource resource has specific identifier keys.
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Table 1-3. Cluster Compute Resource Identifier Keys
Key Part of Uniqueness Default Name (en) Description
VMEntityName No VM Entity Name Name of the cluster.
VMEntityObjectID Yes VM Entity Object ID vCenter Server object ID for
VMEntityVCID Yes VC ID vCenter Server unique ID.
Folder Resource Kind
The resource kind for a vCenter Server folder is Folder and the identifier key is Folder.
A Folder resource has specific identifier keys.
Table 1-4. Folder Resource Identifier Keys
Key Part of Uniqueness Default Name (en) Description
VMEntityName No VM Entity Name Name of the folder.
VMEntityObjectID Yes VM Entity Object ID vCenter Server object ID for
VMEntityVCID Yes VC ID vCenter Server unique ID.
the cluster, for example, domain-c160.
the folder, for example, folder-41.
Resource Pool Resource Kind
resource kind for a vCenter Server resource pool is Resource Pool and the identifier key is ResourcePool.
A Resource Pool resource has specific identifier keys.
Table 1-5. Resource Pool Resource Identifier Keys
Key Part of Uniqueness Default Name (en) Description
VMEntityName No VM Entity Name Name of the resource pool.
VMEntityObjectID Yes VM Entity Object ID vCenter Server object ID for
the resource pool, for example, resgroup-49.
VMEntityVCID Yes VC ID vCenter Server unique ID.
Host System Resource Kind
The resource kind for a vCenter Server host system (ESX server) is Host System and the identifier key is HostSystem.
A Host System resource has specific identifier keys.
Table 1-6. Host System Resource Identifier Keys
Key Part of Uniqueness Default Name (en) Description
VMEntityName No VM Entity Name Name of the host system.
VMEntityObjectID Yes VM Entity Object ID vCenter Server object ID for
the host system, for example, host-67.
VMEntityVCID Yes VC ID vCenter Server unique ID.
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Chapter 1 Introduction to the vCenter Adapter
Virtual Machine Resource Kind
The resource kind for a virtual machine is Virtual Machine and the identifier key is VirtualMachine.
A Virtual Machine resource has specific identifier keys.
Table 1-7. Cluster Compute Resource Identifier Keys
Key Part of Uniqueness Default Name (en) Description
VMEntityName No VM Entity Name Name of the virtual machine.
VMEntityObjectID Yes VM Entity Object ID vCenter Server object ID for
the virtual machine, for example, vm-67.
VMEntityVCID Yes VC ID vCenter Server unique ID.
Datastore Resource Kind
The resource kind for a vCenter Sever datastore is Datastore and the identifier key is Datastore.
A Datastore resource has specific identifier keys.
Table 1-8. Datastore Resource Identifier Keys
Key Part of Uniqueness Default Name (en) Description
VMEntityName No VM Entity Name Name of the datastore.
VMEntityObjectID Yes VM Entity Object ID vCenter Server object ID for
the datastore, for example, datastore-1.
VMEntityVCID Yes VC ID vCenter Server unique ID.
DataStorePath No Datastore Path For NFS-based datastores, a
string in the format
Compute Resource Kind
The resource kind for a vCenter server compute resource is Compute Resource and the identifier key is ComputerResource.
A Compute Resource resource has specific identifier keys.
Table 1-9. Compute Resource Identifier Keys
Key Part of Uniqueness Default Name (en) Description
VMEntityName No VM Entity Name Name of the resource.
VMEntityObjectID Yes VM Entity Object ID vCenter Server object ID for
the resource.
VMEntityVCID Yes VC ID vCenter Server unique ID.
World Resource Kind
World object is a logical container for all monitored objects. The resource kind for the World object is World
and the identifier key is World.
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VC ID Values
vCenter Server 4.0 and later, the VC ID is set to the VC UUID. For version 2.5, the VC ID is set to the vCenter
Server host name.
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Installing the vCenter Adapter 2

How you install the vCenter adapter depends on whether you have a standalone or vApp installation.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Install the Adapter in a Standalone Installation,” on page 15
“Install the Adapter in a vApp Installation,” on page 16
“vCenter Adapter Folders and Files,” on page 16

Install the Adapter in a Standalone Installation

you have a standalone installation, you install the vCenter adapter by extracting the adapter installation files
from a TGZ file and running an installation utility.
Download the adapter installation TGZ file anonymously from ftp://ftp.integrien.com/.
Make a note of the build number in the TGZ file name. The build number appears after the adapter name,
for example,
Read the release notes that are included with the TGZ file.
1 Open the TGZ file and extract the TAR file to a temporary folder on your vCenter Operations Manager
2 In the temporary folder, open the TAR file and extract and run the installer for your operating system
3 Log in to the Custom user interface as an administrator.
4 Select Admin > Support.
5 On the Info tab, find the Adapters Info pane and click the Describe icon (
The Describe icon is located at the top right of the Adapters Info pane.
Click Yes to start the describe process and click OK.
The Custom user interface finds the adapter files, gathers information about the abilities of the adapter,
and updates the user interface with information about the adapter. If you have remote collectors, it installs
the adapter on the remote collectors.
The describe process might take several minutes. When the describe process is finished, the adapter
appears in the Adapters Info pane. The build number is in the Adapter Version column.
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7 Verify
that the build number in the Adapter Version column for the adapter matches the build number in
the TGZ file that you downloaded.

Install the Adapter in a vApp Installation

If you have a vApp installation, you install the vCenter adapter from a PAK file.
Download the adapter installation PAK file anonymously from ftp://ftp.integrien.com.
Make a note of the build number in the PAK file name. The build number appears after the adapter name,
for example,
Read the release notes that are included with the PAK file.
1 Save the PAK file in a temporary folder.
2 Log in to the Admin user interface as the admin user.
For example: https://
3 On the Update tab, click Browse to locate the temporary folder and select the PAK file.
4 Click Update and click OK to confirm the update.
The Admin user interface uploads the PAK file. The upload might take several minutes.
5 Read and accept the EULA and click OK.
6 Click OK to confirm and start the update process.
The update might take several minutes. Status information appears on the Update tab when the update
is finished.
7 Log in to the Custom user interface as an administrator.
For example: https://
8 Select Admin > Support.
9 On the Info tab, find the Adapters Info pane and click the Describe icon (
The Describe icon is located at the top right of the Adapters Info pane.
Click Yes to start the describe process and click OK.
The Custom user interface finds the adapter files, gathers information about the abilities of the adapter,
and updates the user interface with information about the adapter.
The describe process might take several minutes. When the describe process is finished, the adapter
appears in the Adapters Info pane. The build number is in the Adapter Version column.
11 Verify that the build number in the Adapter Version column for the adapter matches the build number in
the PAK file that you uploaded.

vCenter Adapter Folders and Files

The installer places the vCenter adapter files in the
The vcenter_adapter3 folder contains several subfolders and files.
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Table 2-1. vCenter Adapter Folders and Files
Folder File Description
conf describe.xml
lib apputils-custom.jar
Describes the adapter.
Lists the events for which the adapter creates change events in vCenter Operations Manager.
Contains information about the changes implemented in the adapter versions.
RMI properties.
Contains information about the adapter version.
VMware logo.
Main configuration file for the adapter.
Open source license file.
JAR files and other commonly used files.
Chapter 2 Installing the vCenter Adapter
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Configuring the vCenter Adapter 3

For pre-5.6 releases, you configure the vCenter adapter by adding a credential and an adapter instance in the Custom user interface.
For 5.6 and later releases, you add a credential and an adapter instance in the Custom user interface only if you have a standalone installation.
you have a 5.6 or later vApp installation, you manage the vCenter adapter from vCenter Operations Manager Administration. You define adapter settings for a vCenter server system in the vCenter Server Registration pane on the Registration tab. For more information, see the vCenter Operations Manager Administration online help.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Add a Credential,” on page 19
“Add an Adapter Instance,” on page 20
“Reducing the Number of Collected Metrics,” on page 20

Add a Credential

You must use the Custom user interface to create a credential for a vCenter adapter instance if you have a 5.6 or later standalone installation or a pre-5.6 standalone or vApp installation.
You use a vCenter Server user name and password to create a credential for the adapter instance.
You can add the credential before you create the adapter instance and select the correct credential when you define the adapter instance, or you can add the credential when you define the adapter instance.
Install or upgrade the vCenter adapter. See Chapter 2, “Installing the vCenter Adapter,” on page 15.
Verify that the user name and password meet the credential requirements. See “Credential
Requirements,” on page 10.
1 Log in to the Custom user interface as an administrator.
2 Select Environment > Configuration > Credentials.
3 Select VMware Adapter from the Adapter Kind drop-down menu.
4 Select Principal Credential from the Credential Kind drop-down menu.
5 At the top of the list of credentials, next to Action, click Add.
6 Type a unique name for the credential instance in the Instance name text box.
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7 Type the user name and password combination in the User name and Password text boxes.
Click OK to add the credential for the adapter kind.
The credential appears in the list in the Manage Credentials window.

Add an Adapter Instance

You must use the Custom user interface to create an adapter instance for the vCenter adapter if you have a 5.6 or later standalone installation or a pre-5.6 standalone or vApp installation. The adapter instance defines the adapter type and identifies the vCenter Server host.
If you have a 5.6 or later vApp installation, you manage the vCenter adapter from vCenter Operations Manager Administration. You define adapter settings for a vCenter server system in the vCenter Server Registration pane on the Registration tab. For more information, see the vCenter Operations Manager Administration online help.
Install or upgrade the vCenter adapter. See Chapter 2, “Installing the vCenter Adapter,” on page 15.
Create a credential, or, if you plan to create a credential when you add the adapter instance, become familiar with creating credentials. See “Add a Credential,” on page 19.
1 Log in to the Custom user interface as an administrator.
2 Select Environment > Configuration > Adapter Instances.
3 Select the collector to use from the Collector drop-down menu.
Unless you added additional collectors, the only available collector is vCenter Operations Server. You can change the name of this collector when you install the standalone version.
4 Select VMware Adapter from the Adapter Kind drop-down menu.
5 Click the Add New Adapter Instance icon.
6 Type a name for the adapter in the Adapter Instance Name text box.
7 Type the IP address or host name of the vCenter Server host in the VC Host text box.
8 Select true or false from the Auto Discovery drop-down menu to enable or disable auto-discovery.
If you enable auto-discovery, the data collection process discovers new resources and creates the resources for you. If you disable auto-discovery, you must use manual discovery to create resources. Manual discovery is useful for restricing the resources that the adapter adds. You typically enable auto-discovery for the vCenter adapter.
9 Select true or false from the Process Change Events drop-down menu to configure whether the adapter
instance processes change events.
10 Select the credential to use to sign on to the data source from the Credential drop-down menu, or click
Add to add a new credential.
11 Click OK to save your configuration.

Reducing the Number of Collected Metrics

If you have a 5.7 or later vApp installation, you can reduce the number of metrics that the vCenter adapter collects by selecting the Balanced profile metrics profile.
You select a metrics profile option on the Registration tab in the vCenter Operations Manager Administration user interface. For more information, see the Administration online help.
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Troubleshooting the vCenter Adapter 4

Known troubleshooting information can help you diagnose and correct common problems with the vCenter adapter.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Troubleshooting a vCenter Adapter Instance,” on page 21
“View Collection Information,” on page 21
“Viewing System Log Files,” on page 23

Troubleshooting a vCenter Adapter Instance

1 Verify that vCenter Server is running.
2 View the collection status and collection state for the adapter instance resource in Custom user interface.
3 Check the adapter and collector logs for errors. See “Viewing System Log Files,” on page 23.
these general troubleshooting steps to diagnose and correct problems with a vCenter adapter instance.
See “View Collection Information,” on page 21.

View Collection Information

You can view collection information for a vCenter adapter instance in the Custom user interface. This information can help you diagnose and troubleshoot adapter problems.
Become familiar with the collection states and status values. See “Collection States,” on page 22 and
“Collection Status Values,” on page 23.
1 Log in to the Custom user interface as an administrator.
2 Select Environment > Environment Overview and find the vCenter adapter instance resource on the
List tab.
3 Point to the icon in the Collection State column to see whether vCenter Operations Manager should be
collecting data through the adapter instance.
The collection state appears in a pop-up window. If the adapter instance is set to collect data, the collection state is Collecting.
4 (Optional) If you have vCenter Operations Manager 5.6 or later, click the icon in the Collection State
column to see detailed information about the collection state.
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5 Point
to the icon in the Collection Status column to see whether vCenter Operations Manager is receiving
data through the adapter instance.
The collection status and a collection status message appear in a pop-up window. If vCenter Operations Manager is receiving data through the adapter instance, the collection status is Data Receiving.
In vCenter Operations Manager 5.6 and later, the vCenter adapter generates a collection time status message whenever a host system or virtual machine receives raw data from vCenter Server, for example,
Message: Last successful collection time is "Fri May 11 11:44:09 PDT 2012".

Collection States

The resource collection state indicates whether vCenter Operations Manager should be collecting data for the resource.
The resource collection state appears in a pop-up window when you point to an icon in the Collection State column in the resource list on the Environment Overview page. If vCenter Operations Manager collects data for a resource through more than one adapter instance, a separate icon appears for each adapter instance.
Table 4-1. Collection States
State Description
Collecting Resource is set to collect data.
Not Collecting Resource is set to not collect data.
Starting Collection is starting.
Stopping Collection is stopping.
Updating Resource is being updated.
Failed Resource configuration problem.
In Maintenance Resource is in scheduled maintenance.
In Maintenance (Manual) Resource is in manual maintenance.
Removing Resource is being deleted.
If you click an icon in the Collection State column, detailed information appears in a pop-up window.
Table 4-2. Detailed Collection State Information
Field Description
Adapter Instance Name of the adapter instance.
Collector Name of the collector that the adapter instance uses.
Last Heartbeat Amount of time since vCenter Operations Manager received a heartbeat message from
the adapter. A long period of time might indicate a connection problem.
Status Status message from the collector.
Last Collection Time Amount of time since the end of the last collection cycle and the number of metrics
that the adapter collected during that cycle.
Last Collection Duration Length of time of the last collection cycle.
Metric Sparklines Graphical representations of the last collection cycle duration and the number of
metrics and resources that the adapter collected during that cycle.
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Chapter 4 Troubleshooting the vCenter Adapter

Collection Status Values

collection status value for a resource indicates whether vCenter Operations Manager is receiving data for the resource. Collection status values appear in a pop-up window when you point to an icon in the Collection Status column in the resource list on the Environment Overview page.
If vCenter Operations Manager collects metrics for a resource through more than one adapter instance, a separate icon appears for each adapter instance in the Collection Status column.
A resource has a status value only if its collection state is Collecting. For information about collection states, see “Collection States,” on page 22.
Table 4-3. Collection Status Values
Status Description
Data Receiving vCenter Operations Manager is receiving data for the resource.
Old Data Receiving Data is not current. The most recent value is at least five monitoring cycles old.
No Data Receiving Adapter instance is collecting data, but vCenter Operations Manager has not received data for the
None vCenter Operations Manager or collection was recently started and no data has been received for
five monitoring cycles.
Error An error occurred when vCenter Operations Manager attempted to collect data for the resource.
Unknown Status of the resource is not known because the adapter instance cannot connect to the resource.
Resource Down Resource is not operational.
No parent resource monitoring
Collection down Collector or adapter instance is not operational.
Adapter instance resource is stopped.
Some adapter instances write customized status and messages. These messages typically provide more
information about data collection problems.

Viewing System Log Files

You can view vCenter adapter errors in the adapter and collector log files in the Custom user interface. You can view adapter and collector log files in the Custom user interface or in an external log viewer.
vCenter adapter log files are in the are in the
The logging level is set to ERROR by default. To troubleshoot issues, set the logging level to INFO. To view detailed messages, including micro steps, queries, and returned results, set the logging level to DEBUG.
NOTE If you set the logging level to DEBUG, log files can become large very quickly. Set the logging level to DEBUG only for short periods of time.
You can also package all log and configuration files in one compressed ZIP file and send the file to VMware technical support.
For information about viewing logs files, modifying logging levels, and creating support bundles, see the Custom user interface online help.
/user/log folder.
/user/log/adapters/VMwareAdapter folder. Collector log files
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+ 54 hidden pages