Security Intercom Systems
Remote Control and Monitoring
Programmer’s Guide
TOA Electronics, Inc.
601 Gateway Blvd., Ste. 300
So. San Francisco, CA 94080
1-650-588-2538 / 1-800-733-4750
V1, All Rights Reserved, 2002
TOA VS-900 Programmer’s Guide
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................3
VS-900 DOCUMENTATION .........................................................................................................................3
USEFUL SOFTWARE TOOLS .....................................................................................................................3
CONNECTING TO THE VS-900MF MAINFRAME.......................................................................................4
IRECT CONNECTION ...................................................................................................................................4
ONNECTION VIA MODEM.............................................................................................................................4
MESSAGE PACKAGING..............................................................................................................................5
REMOTE DIAL COMMAND..........................................................................................................................6
EXAMPLES ...................................................................................................................................................8
1. R
EMOTE DIALING .....................................................................................................................................8
2. R
EMOTE DIALING – ALL CALL PAGING.......................................................................................................9
3. L
OG DATA REQUEST ..............................................................................................................................10
4. L
OG DATA FORMAT ................................................................................................................................10
Call From Normal Sub-station ..............................................................................................................10
Station Call Reception..........................................................................................................................11
Call Operation Completion ...................................................................................................................11
Start of Normal Conversation ...............................................................................................................12
Normal Call Termination.......................................................................................................................12
APPENDIX A - LOG STATUS MESSAGES...............................................................................................14
APPENDIX B - ASCII CHARACTER CODES ............................................................................................16
TOA VS-900 Programmer’s Guide
Security system installations often require integration of the VS-900 Security Intercom systems with
touch-screen control systems, graphic annunciator panels, and camera controllers. TOA offers two
options for meeting this requirement:
1. The VS-900DI and VS-910DI interface products offer a hardware solution—they provide the call LED
outputs and select switch inputs required for graphic annunciator panels. They also provide relay outputs
for camera switcher integration. Using this off-the-shelf method requires no knowledge of computer
programming or serial communication.
2. The VS-900MF Mainframe has two integral serial ports for integration with a microprocessor-based
product (usually a PC or PLC) for remote control and monitoring of VS-900 activity. Serial communication
with the VS-900MF eliminates the need for installing VS-900DI and VS-910DI cards and elevates the
programmer's level of control.
This document targets programmers who need an understanding of how they can remote control and
monitor the VS-900 by communicating through its RS-232 ports.
Note: Descriptions of the protocol and all examples are written in hexadecimal (H). Appendix B includes a
chart for hex to decimal and ASCII conversion.
VS-900 Documentation
Please refer to the following VS-900 documents, shipped with the VS-900MF or available by request.
• VS-900 Installation Manual
• VS-900 Operating Instructions
• VS-900 Software Manual
Useful Software Tools
• MS Windows Calculator, usually located under Program Files\Accessories
• HyperTerminal Private Edition, available for download from http://www.hilgraeve.com
• ComLite32 Serial Com Port Monitor software available for download from http://www.rtcomm.com
TOA VS-900 Programmer’s Guide
Connecting to the VS-900MF Mainframe
The VS-900MF Mainframe includes two RS-232 serial communication connectors for operation,
monitoring, and programming of the system. Connect to either communication ports with the settings
described on page 5. You can control multiple exchanges from a single serial connection.
Direct Connection
Connection Via Modem
TOA VS-900 Programmer’s Guide
Communication Specifications
Transmission System: Half-duplex
Baud Rate: 19,200 Bps
Transmission Format: <1 Start Bit> <8 Data bits> <1 Even Parity Bit> <1 Stop Bit>
Message Packaging
Field Name Value Description Direction
10H Delimiter
05H Enquiry
10H Delimiter
06H Acknowledge
10H Delimiter
02H Start of Text
Varies Remote Dial, Data Log
Request or Data Log
10H Delimiter
03H End of Text
Varies Block Check Character
10H Delimiter
06H Acknowledge
10H Delimiter
04H End of Transmission
VS-900 to PC or
PC to VS-900
VS-900 to PC or
PC to VS-900
VS-900 to PC or
PC to VS-900
VS-900 to PC or
PC to VS-900
VS-900 to PC or
PC to VS-900
* See the Remote Dial, Log Data Request or Log Data sections for more information.
** To calculate BCC, take the XOR of the combined Message, DLE, and ETX. (Refer to the shaded area
below). MS Windows Calculator (Scientific mode) is a useful tool for this function.