Industrial SFP
Transceiver Modules
Technical Specifications
Model Name SFP-1000-MM85-X5I SFP-1000-MM13-02I
Data Rate Gigabit 1.25G 1.25G
Center Wave Length 850 nm 1310 nm
Laser Type VCSEL Fabry-Perot
Tx (dBm) -3~-10 -5~-15
Rx (dBm) -20 -20
Voltage 3.3V 3.3V
Transmission Range 62.5/125μm, up to 0.5km 62.5/125μm, up to 2km
Fiber Type (MMF / SMF) MMF MMF
Connector LC LC
Dimensions 55.9mm (L) x 14.69mm (W) x 12.39mm (H) 55.9mm (L) x 14.69mm (W) x 12.39mm (H)
Operating Temperature -40°C ~ 85°C (-40°F ~ 185°F) -40°C ~ 85°C (-40°F ~ 185°F)
Storage Temperature -40°C ~ 85°C (-40°F ~ 185°F) -40°C ~ 85°C (-40°F ~ 185°F)
Humidity 5 ~ 90% (non-condensing) 5 ~ 90% (non-condensing)
MSA Compliant Yes Yes
Certifications IEC 825, EN60825-1, FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 IEC 825, EN60825-1, FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11
Model Name SFP-1000-SM13-10I SFP-1000-SM13-40I
Data Rate Gigabit 1.25G 1.25G
Center Wave Length 1310 nm 1310 nm
Laser Type Fabry-Perot Fabry-Perot
Tx (dBm) -3~-9 -3~-3
Rx (dBm) -21 -24
Voltage 3.3V 3.3V
Transmission Range 9/125μm, up to 10km 9/125μm, up to 40km
Fiber Type (MMF / SMF) SMF SMF
Connector LC LC
Dimensions 55.9mm (L) x 14.69mm (W) x 12.39mm (H) 55.9mm (L) x 14.69mm (W) x 12.39mm (H)
Operating Temperature -40°C ~ 85°C (-40°F ~ 185°F) -40°C ~ 85°C (-40°F ~ 185°F)
Storage Temperature -40°C ~ 85°C (-40°F ~ 185°F) -40°C ~ 85°C (-40°F ~ 185°F)
Humidity 5 ~ 90% (non-condensing) 5 ~ 90% (non-condensing)
MSA Compliant Yes Yes
Certifications IEC 825, EN60825-1, FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 IEC 825, EN60825-1, FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11
55.9 mm 14. 69 mm
6F, No.192, Lien- Cheng Rd., Chung-Ho,
New Taipei Cit y, 235, Taiw an, R.O.C.
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E: sales@vivotek.com
2050 Ringwoo d Avenue,
San Jose , CA 95131
T: 408-773-8686 F: 408-773-8298
E: salesusa@vivotek.com
12. 39 mm
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