Hardware Information
Model NR9681
OS Embedd ed Windows
CPU Intel Core i5
Flash 64G SATA DOM
Watchdog Hardwa re + Softw are
Power Restoration System Restar t Automa ticall y after Power Reco very
HDD Devices Hot-Swapp able Tray x8
HDD Max. Cap acity 6TB x8
Disk Management
Video & Audio
Video Outp ut HDMI x1, Display Port x1, VGA x1, DVI x1
Graphic s Decoder Hardwa re decodin g
Decodin g Capacit y H.265/H.264: 1920x1080 @ 270 fps (4Mbps)
Camera Position Change the vie wcell positi on on the Live View scre ens
External Interface
USB Interf ace
Netwo rk Interf ace 10/100/1000M bps Etherne t (RJ-45) x2
Create, For mat and Remove Disk
RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10
HDMI: 3200x2000
DP: 3200x2000
VGA/ DVI: 1920x1200
USB 2.0 x4
USB 3.0 x2
Microph one audio jack Inpu t x1
3.5 Line input audio jack x1
3.5 Line output audi o jack x1
Software Information
Maximum Cha nnel 64
Record Thro ughput (MB) 512 Mbps
Netwo rk Through put (MB) 400 Mbps
Audio Forma t G.711, G.726, AMR, AAC
Video Form at MJ PEG, MPEG4, H.264 AVC, H.264 SVC, H.265
Video Resolution VGA, 1MP, 2MP, 3MP, 5MP & 9MP Cam era
Recordin g Time (sec.)
Recordin g Stream Single
Recordin g Mode
Recording Setting Recycle (uni t: Size or Day)
Recording Path Local Pat h or Network Pat h
Record Vide o Format 3GP
LiveView (Loc al Display)
Stream Application Stream Sel ection & Auto Str eam Size
LiveView Di splay
Monitor Enhancement
PTZ Contr ol Panel Contr ol & Mouse Click Contr ol
PTZ Oper ation
Playback (L ocal Display)
Playback Display
Playback Control
Video Sea rch
Monitor Enhancement
Snapshot JPEG & BMP
Video Clip Exp ort AVI , 3GP & EXE
LiveView (Remote)
LiveView Di splay
Monitor Enhancement Drag & Drop
PTZ Contr ol Panel Control
PTZ Oper ation Direct ion Control , Home, Zoom, Prese t
Snapshot JPEG
Playback (Remote)
Playback Display
Playback Control
Monitor Enhancement Drag & Drop
Snapshot JPEG
Alarm Management
Schedul e Type Continuous, Sch edule, Manua l
Pre-Re cord: 3 ~ 15
Post-Recor d: 10 ~ 60
Continuo us, Schedule , Manual, Event, Ac tivit y Adaptiv e
64-Cha nnel (with Dua l Monitors)
Multi Layo ut Display: 1x1, 2x2, 1+5, 3x3, 1+12, 4x4, 5x5, 1+31,
1P+2, 1P+6, 1P+8, 2V, 3V, 4V, 2V+3
Single Lay out Display, Full Scree n Display, Sequent ial Display
Drag & Drop, Remote I/O Cont rol, PiP (Digit al Zoom), Instan t
Replay, De-in terlace, Vi deo Display Mod e (Aspec t Ratio, Hide
Border s, Keep Top/Down Border s), Fisheye Dewar p (Regular: 1O,
1P, 1R, 1O3R, 4R; Wall Mount: 1P2R, 1P3R; Ceilin g/Floor Mo unt:
2P, 4R Pro, 1O8R), Video Enh ancemen t (Basic Mode: Br ightness,
Contra st, Saturati on, Hue; Intellig ent Mode: Defo g, Rain, Snow,
Fire / Smoke)
Direct ion Control , Home, Zoom, Focus , Iris, Preset, Patr ol
(Group), Pan, Stop, Spe ed
16 Channels
Multi Layo ut Display: Mult i Layout Displ ay: 1x1, 2x2, 1+5, 3x3,
1+12, 4x4, 2V, 3V, 4V, 2V+3
Single Lay out Display, Full Scree n Display, Sequent ial Display
Play, Rewind, Paus e, Stop, Next/P reviou s Video Star t, Next/
Previo us Frame, 1/8X ~ 64X Speed Control, Book mark
Browsin g, Date & Time (Fast), Event, Bo okmark , Alarm, Log,
Timeline, Timeline Scale
Drag & Drop, PiP (Dig ital Zoom), De- interlace , Video Displa y
Mode (Asp ect Ratio, Hid e Borders, Kee p Top/Down Border s),
Fisheye Dew arp (Regula r: 1O, 1P, 1R, 1O3R, 4R; Wall Mount:
1P2R, 1P3R; Ceiling/Floor Moun t: 2P, 4R Pro, 1O8R), Video
Enhancem ent (Basic Mo de: Brightn ess, Contras t, Saturati on,
Hue; Intellig ent Mode: Defo g, Rain, Snow, Fire/ Smoke)
32 Channels
Multi Layo ut display: 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 1+5, 1+12, 1+31
1 Channel
Multi Layo ut display: 1x1
Regular (Pla y, Pause, Stop), Speed Contr ol, Timeline , Timeline
Power Input Re dundant Pow er 100~220V AC
Power Consumption Max. 740 W
LED Indicator
LED Indica tor Power, HDD, Net1, Net2, Ove rheat, Pow er fail
Form Factor 2U Rackmo unt
Operation Buttons Power, Reset
Dimensions 89 (H) x 437 (W) x 648 (D) mm
Weight 27 kg (without HDD)
Operating Temperature 5°C ~ 35°C (41°F ~ 95°F)
Humidity 0 ~ 95%
Safety Certifications CE, LVD, FCC, VCCI, C-Tick, UL
Warranty 36 month s
Client PC Requirements
Operat ing System
CPU Intel Celer on or above
Memory 2 GB or above
Ethenet 10/10 0M bp s
Display Resolution 1024x768 pixels or above
Web Browser Interne t Explorer 11/10/9 (32 bit)
Soft ware AP Installat ion Wizard 2, Sheph erd, VAST
Mobile/Tablet App iViewer (iO S/Android)
Camera Event
Camera St atus Connectio n Status, Record ing Status, Reco rding Error
Substation Substation Connection Status
Storage Sta tus Storage Con nectio n Status, Storag e Capacit y Status
Station St atus License Stat us, Netwo rk Status, Vir tual Memor y Statu s
Recordin g Time (sec.) Max. 30
Microsof t Window s 8, 7, Vista , XP
Microsof t Window s Server 2012, 2008, 2003, 2000
Power Cord, Qui ck Installa tion Guide, 8x H.D.D. Tray, 1x USB
Motion, DI/O, Vid eo Lost/Resto re, PIR, Tamperin g, Temperature,
IR, Line Crossin g Detectio n, Loiterin g Detectio n, Field Detec tion
Email, Star t Recordin g, Set DO, GSM Short Mess age, HTT P &
Client Notification
USB Dongle (FAT Format)
Authenti cation: Ba sic Account / Windo ws AD Account
User Management
Log O peratio n, System and Event Lo g
Date &Tim e Sync Server
Firmware Manual update
Restore Defa ult Supported
Backup/Restore (Configuration) Supported
User Account: 1024
User Account Tim e Limit: No limitat ion
User Level: Admini strator / Power Use r / User / Operation /
Czech, English , French, German , Italian, Jap anese, Per sian,
Portug uese, Russian, Sp anish, Simplif ied Chinese , Traditional
Camera Intergration
Insert Ca mera Manual, Search
Video (Me dia) Setti ng Compr ession, Resolut ion, FPS, Vid eo Qualit y
Audio Setting C odec, Bitr ate
PTZ Contr ol Panel Contr ol & Mouse Click Contr ol
PTZ Oper ation
Motion Detection Supported
ONVIF Core Sp ec Versio n 2.2 or above (By Proje ct)
ONVIF Stre am Vid eo (H.264, MPEG4 & MJPEG) & Audio (G.711, One Way)
ONVIF Reco rding Contin uous, Schedu le, Manual
ONVIF Cont rol PTZ Cont rol (Up, Down, Lef t, Right & Zoom In/Out )
ONVIF Disc over
Direct ion Control , Home, Zoom, Focus , Iris, Preset, Patr ol
(Group), Pan, Stop, Spe ed
Discover the ot her brand cam era through
"Inser t Camera & Batch Inse rt"
Device Intergration
UPS W indows UP S Compatible
I/O Box Ad vantech ADA M-6000
Switch VIVOTEK Vi voCam PoE Sw itch (AW-GE V Series)
All Window s® Compatible USB Jo ystick
89 mm
648 mm
437 mm
All speci fica tions are subject to change w ithout notice. Copyright © VIVOT EK INC. All rights reser ved. Ver. 9
6F, No.192, Lien-Cheng Rd., Chung-Ho, New Taipei Cit y, 235, Taiw an, R.O.C. T: +886 -2-82455282 F: +886-2-82455532 E: sales@v ivotek .com W: www.vivotek.com