Technical Specifications
System Information
IT9360-H (2.8mm)
IT9360-H (3.6mm)
CPU Multi media SoC (System-on-Chip)
Flas h 128MB
Camera Features
Image Sens or 1/2.9" Pr ogress iv e CMOS
Max. Resolut ion 1920x1080 (2 MP)
Lens Ty pe Fix ed-f ocal
Focal Length
IT9360-H(2. 8mm): f = 2.8 mm
IT9360-H(3. 6mm): f = 3.6 mm
Apert ure F2. 0
Auto- iri s Fix ed-i ris
Fiel d of Vi ew
IT9360-H(2. 8mm):
109° (Horizont al)
59° (Verti cal)
129° (Diagonal )
IT9360-H(3. 6mm):
81° (Horizont al)
44° (Verti cal)
95° (Diagonal )
Shutt er Time 1/5 sec. t o 1/32, 000 sec .
WDR Technology WDR Pro
Day /Night Yes
Remov able IR-cut Filt er Yes
IR I lluminat ors Built -in IR illuminat ors, ef fect iv e up to 30 meter s with Smart IR, IR LED*2
Minimum Il lumi nati on
0.065 Lux @ F2.0 (Color)
<0.005 Lux @ F2.0 (B/W)
0 Lux with IR ill uminat ion on
Pan Range 360°
Tilt Range 70°
Rotati on Range 360°
Pan/Til t/ Zoom F unct ional it ies ePTZ: 48x di git al zoom ( 4x on IE plug-in, 12x bui lt -in)
On-board St orage
Slot t ype: Mi croSD/ SDHC/SDXC card slot
Seamles s Recor ding
Video Compres si on H.265, H.264, MJPEG
Maximum Frame Rate 30 f ps @ 1920x1080
Maximum St reams 3 s imul taneous st reams
S/N Ratio
IT9360-H(2. 8mm): 68dB
IT9360-H(3. 6mm): 68dB
Dy namic Range 120 dB
Video Str eaming Adj ust able resolut ion, qualit y and bitr ate, Smart St ream I II
Image Set ti ngs
Time stamp, text overlay , fl ip & mi rror ; Conf igurable bright ness, c ontrast , satur ati on,
sharpness, white balance, expos ure cont rol, gain, back light compens ati on, priv acy
mask s; Sc heduled prof il e s ett ings, HLC, defog, 3DNR, v ideo rotat ion
Audio Capabilit y One-way Audio
Audio Compres si on G.711, G. 726
Audio Int erf ace Built -in micr ophone
Ef f ecti v e Range 5 met ers
Networ k
User s Liv e v iewing f or up t o 10 cli ents