Vivotek ND9322P-2TB-4IT80, ND9322P-2TB-4IB80, ND9322P-2TB-4IB60, ND9322P-2TB-4FD80, ND9322P-2TB-4FD60 User Manual

H.265 8-CH Embedded PoE NVR
H.265/H.264 • 4K Display • 8 x PoE Port • RAID 0, 1 • Fisheye Dewarp • Web Plugin Free • Cybersecurity
H.265/H.264 C ompres s ion Tec hnology
4K D isplay for C lear and D etailed Monitoring
Live and P layback Fis heye D ewarp
Smart S earch II
C ybersec urity Management
Trend Mic ro Io T S ecurity
VIVO T E K's S mart S tream II to O ptimiz e B andwidth E fficienc y
802.3at/af C ompliant P oE por t x 8
R AID 0, 1 S upported to P revent f rom R ecording D ata L oss
Multiple Browsers Suppor ted: IE , Chr om e and F irefox on both W indows & mac O S
Supports V C A C ounting S olution
Technical Specifications
Model ND9322P
OS Embedded Linux
CPU ARM Proc essor
Flas h 256 MB
Watc hdog Hardware + Sof tware
Power Res t orat ion Sy st em Rest art Aut omatically af ter Power Recov ery
Local Display
Liv eView Display
8 Channels Multi -Lay out Dis play : 1x1, 3V, 2x 2, 3x 3, 1P+3, 1 M+5, 1P+6
Video Output HDMI x1, VGA x1
Dis play Res olut ion 3840x2160, 1920x1080, 1280x 720
Camera Posit ion Change the v iewcell positi on on t he Liv e View sc reens
Stream Applic ation Const ant\ Auto Adapt iv e St ream
Monitor Enhanc ement
OSD di spl ay (NVR), OSD dis play (c amera) , camera inf ormat ion, remot e I/ O cont rol, ev ent noti f icat ion, aspec t rati o
Fis hey e Dewarp 1O, 1P, 1R, 1O3R, 1O8R
PTZ Operati on Direct ion Control , Home, Iris, Preset , Pat rol (Group), PiP Cont rol
Video Format H.265, H.264, MJPEG
Graphic Decoder Hardware decodi ng
Decodi ng Resol ut ion Up to 3840x2160
Decodi ng Capabilit y
3840x2160 @ 30 f ps (1- CH) 1920x1080 @ 120 f ps (4- CH) 1280x720 @ 240 f ps (8- CH)
Audio Format G.711, G. 726
Audio In/Out
3.5 Phone jack audio output x1
3.5 Phone jack audio i nput (res erv ed) x 1
Recor ding Time (sec. )
Pre-Record: 5 (Max. 10) Post -Rec ord: 20 ( Max. 300)
Recor ding St ream Single
Recor ding Throughput 128Mbps
Recor ding Mode Cont inuous, Schedule, Manual, Ev ent, Act iv it y Adapti v e Streaming
Recor ding Set ting Recy cle (uni t: Day )
Water mark Support ed
Storage & Backup
HDD Devi ces
Int ernal x2 (3. 5") *H DD is pur chas ed by s eparat ely.
HDD Max. Capaci ty *Pl ease ref er to t he HDD support ed lis t on the VIVOTEK websi te.
RAID RAI D 0, 1 (singl e v olume up t o 16TB)
Dis k Management
Creat e, Format and Remov e Dis k HDD S. M.A.R.T.
Ext ernal St orage USB St orage (USB 3. 0)
Video Clip Export USB Dongle (F AT Format)
Schedul e Backup FTP
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