Vivotek IB9365-HT-A-40mm, IB9365-HT-A Specsheet

Bullet Network Camera
2MP 60fps • Smart Stream III • SNV • WDR Pro • 50M/100M IR • Smart IR II • Smart VCA
60 fps @ 1920x1080
12 ~ 40mm Motoriz ed lens
H.265 C om pres s ion Tec hnology
Sm art S tream III to O ptimiz e B andwidth E ffic ienc y
W D R P r o to P rovide E xtr eme Vis ibility in E xtr emely B right or D ar k E nvironm ents
Built-in IR illum inators, effective up to 50/100 met ers
Sm art IR II Tec hnology t o Avoid O verexpos ure
Sm art Motion D etec tion to R educ e Fals e Alar m s
Sm art VC A (Intrusion D et ection, Loitering D etec tion, L ine C r ossing D et ection)
Trend Mic ro IoT S ecur ity
Weather - proof IP66, IP 67 and Vandal-proof IK 10-r ated Hous ing
Technical Specifications
System Information
IB9365- HT-A (4- 9 mm) IB9365- HT-A (12- 40 mm)
CPU Multi media SoC ( Sy stem-on-Chi p)
Flas h 256MB
Camera Features
Image Sensor 1/2" Progres siv e CMOS
Max. Resolut ion 1920x1080 ( 2MP)
Lens Ty pe Motorized, Var i- f ocal, Remot e Foc us
Focal Lengt h
IB9365- HT-A (4- 9 mm): f = 4 ~ 9 mm (f = 3. 5 ~ 11.4 mm, equiv alent f ocal lengt h @ 1/2.8" ) IB9365- HT-A (12- 40 mm): f = 12 ~ 40 mm
Apert ure
IB9365- HT-A (4- 9 mm): F1. 3 ~ 2. 2 IB9365- HT-A (12- 40 mm): F1. 8
Auto- iris P-ir is
Fiel d of View
IB9365- HT-A (4- 9 mm): 46° ~ 100° ( Hori zont al) 26°~52° (Vert ical) 53°~120° (Di agonal ) IB9365- HT-A (12- 40 mm): 12° ~ 35° ( Hori zontal) 7°~19° (Vert ical) 14°~40° (Di agonal )
Shutt er Time 1/5 s ec. to 1/32,000 sec .
WDR Tec hnology WDR Pro
Day /Night Yes
Remov able IR-cut Filt er Yes
IR Il luminat ors
IB9365- HT-A (4- 9 mm): Built -in I R il lumi nat ors , ef fect i v e up t o 50 met ers with Smart IR II, IR LED*6 IB9365- HT-A (12- 40 mm): Built -in I R il lumi nat ors , ef fect i v e up t o 100 met ers with Smar t IR II, I R LED* 4
Minimum I ll umination
IB9365- HT-A (4- 9 mm):
0.015 Lux @ F 1.3 (Col or) <0.005 Lux @ F1. 3 (B/ W) 0 Lux wit h I R il lumi nat ion on IB9365- HT-A (12- 40 mm):
0.075 Lux @ F 1.8 (Col or) <0.005 Lux @ F1. 8 (B/ W) 0 Lux wit h I R il lumi nat ion on
Tilt Range 90°
Rotation Range 180°
Pan/Til t / Zoom Funct ional it ies ePTZ: 48x di git al zoom (4x on IE pl ug-i n, 12x bui lt -in)
On-board St orage
Slot ty pe: Micro SD/ SDHC/ SDXC car d sl ot Seamles s Recording
Video Compr ess ion H.265, H.264, MJPEG
Maximum Fr ame Rat e 60 f ps @ 1920x1080
Maximum St reams 3 s imult aneous s t reams
S/N Ratio 68 dB
Dy nami c Range 120 dB
Video St reami ng Adjust abl e resolut ion, qual it y and bit rate control, Smart St ream III
Image Sett ings
Time st amp, t ext ov erlay , f li p and mir ror, conf igurable bright ness , cont rast , s at urat ion, sharpness , white balanc e, expos ure contr ol, gain, backl ight compensat ion, pr iv acy mask s, sc heduled prof ile sett ings, HLC, def og, 3DNR, v ideo rot at ion, EIS
Audio Capabi li t y Two- way Audio (f ull duplex )
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