Professional Video/Central
Management Software
Professional VMS/CMS Software • Video Wall •
Unlimited Number of Cameras Support
VIVOTEK VAST is the professional video / central management software
designed for managing all VIVOTEK IP sur veillance products with intuitive
functions and numerous features. It supports hundreds of cameras and
stations in a hierarchical structure of system for monitoring, recording,
playback and event trigger management with ease-of-use and efficient
control. Moreover, VAST also offers the video wall solution, VAST Matrix, for
hundreds of cameras live view monitoring.
VAST integrates VIVOTEK network cameras to provide diverse solutions and
applications, such as seamless recording with the cameras for uninterrupted
video recording and Panoramic P TZ for 360° seamless surveillance solution.
VAST per forms remote management with full range of the ser ver & client
structure and constitutes a robust system for various applications, such as
stores, banking and the public space.
Support List:
VIVOTEK Network Cameras: 7000 & 8000 Series (MD7560X excluded)
VIVOTEK NVR: NR8201, NR8301, NR8401, ND8401, ND8301, ND8321
VIVOTEK Software: ST7501, VAST
New Feature
• Logical Tree
• VIVOTEK Camera Standard VCA 2.1 Event Support
- Line Crossing Detection
- Field Detection
- Loitering
• Video Clip information Resolution/Codec/FPS/Model Name/IP/
• VIVOTEK Camera VCA Object Counting Report (by project)
Key Features
• Video Wall Solution "VAST Matrix" for Unlimited Live Views
• 64-channel Live Video Monitoring with Dual Monitors
• 16-channel Synchronous Playback
• PTZ/ePTZ/PiP(Digital Zoom) Function Control
• Alarm Management
• Overall Device Management through Intuitive E-map Feature
• Two-way Audio, Multi-channel Audio Broadcast
• Post-Video Enhancement and Defog
• Instant Replay & Playback on Live Client
• Auto Stream Size for Reducing Display Loading
• Multiple Fisheye Dewarp Support
• Web Access via Internet Explorer
• Windows Active Directory Integration
• Device Packs for Extending New VIVOTEK Cameras
• VIVOTEK E xclusive Feature: Panoramic PTZ, Seamless Recording
• Logical Tree
• VIVOTEK Camera Standard VCA 2.1 Event Support
• VIVOTEK Camera Object Counting Report (by Project)
Web ClientiViewer
VAST Client
ST 7501 St ruc tu re * Embedded Linux NVR only supports Live View and Playback
VAST Server VIVOTEK Camera
VAST Server/Client
ST 7501
VIVOTEK Embedded
Windows NVR
VIVOTEK Embedded
Linux NVR*
VIVOTEK CameraInternet
Technical Specifications
Version 1.10
Maximum N umber of Came ras Unlimited ( Please Refe r to System Require ments Belo w)
Maximum Number of Server Unlimited ( Please Refe r to System Require ments Belo w)
Maximum Number of Clients Unlimited
Support OS Window s 8, 7, Vista, XP
Suppor t Web Browser Internet Explorer 11/10/9
Mobile Support iViewer (iOS/Android)
Virtual Matrix Support VAST Matr ix (Please Ref er to System Requir ements Belo w)
Devices Pack CSV file U pdate
LiveView (Local Display)
Max. Channel 64-Cha nnel (With dual mo nitor)
Layout Multi Lay out display: 1x1, 2x2, 1+5, 3x3, 1+12, 4x4, 5x5, 1+31,
Stream Application Stream Se lection & Au to Stream Size
View Application Drag & Drop
Fisheye Dewarp Mode Fisheye Displ ay Mode:
Max. Channel 16 Ch ann el
Layout Multi Lay out display: 1x1, 2x2, 1+5, 3x3, 1+12, 4x4
Playback Mode Asynchronous & Synchronous
Playback Control Play, Rewin d, Pause, Stop, Ne xt / Previous V ideo Start, nex t /
Search Mode Browsing , Date & Time (Fast), Ev ent, Bookm ark, Alarm , Log,
Video Fo rmat MJPEG, MPEG4, H.264 AVC,H.264 SVC
Video Resolution Up to 5 Megap ixel
Video Enhancement Basic Mode: Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Hue
Audio Format G.711, G.726, AMR, AAC
Audio Capability Two Way
Audio Control Mute, Broadca sting & Sound Pl ay
Recording Time (sec.) Pre-Re cord: 3-15, Post-Recor d: 10-60
Recordin g Stream Type Unicast
Recording Stream Single
Recording Mode Con tinuous, Sche dule, Manual, E vent, Activ ity Adapt ive
Recording Setting Recycle (unit: Size or Day )
Recording File Format 3 GP
External Storage Recording NAS (SMB & CI FS)
Alarm Management
Alarm Period (sec.) Max. 30
Alarm Filter Name, Tim e, Source, Eve nt Type
Window s Server 2012, 2008, 2003, 2000
1P+2, 1P+6, 1P+8, 2V, 3V, 4V, 2V+3
Single Layout display, Full screen display, Sequential display
Remote I/O Cont rol
PiP (Digital Zoom)
Instant Replay
Video Di splay Mode (A spect Rati o)
Regular: 1O, 1P, 1R, 1O3R, 4R
Wall Mount: 1P2R, 1P3R
Ceiling/F loor Mount: 2P, 4R Pro, 1O8R
Single Layout display, Full screen display, Sequential display
previo us Frame, 1/8X ~ 64X Speed Cont rol, Bookma rk
Timeline, Timeline Scale
Intellig ent Mode: Defo g, Rain, Snow, Fire / Smoke
Alarm Setting Li veView Alarm N otificat ion: Fixed & Popup
Sc hed ule Ty pe Continuous, Schedule, Manual
Camera Event Motion, DI/O, Vid eo lost/restor e, PIR, Tampering , Temperature,
Camera Status Connection Status, Recording Status, Recording Error
Substation Substation Connection Status
Storage Status Connection Stat us, Capacity Status
Station Status Li cense Status, N etwork St atus, Virtu al Memory S tatus
Action Em ail, Start Re cording, Set DO, GSM Sho rt Message , HTTP &
Alert S ound
IR, IVA, P- PTZ, Line Crossing D etection, Field D etection,
Loitering, Object Counting(b y project)
Client Notification
Source Import Picture
Marked Add, Remo ve, Directi on Control, P TZ Control & Indic ator
Event Notification Event Icon Light Flash
LiveV iew
PTZ/ePTZ Control Panel Contr ol & Mouse Click Con trol
PTZ/ePTZ Operation Direction Control, Home, Zoom, Focus, Iris, Preset, Patrol
PTZ Op eration Mod e Click to Move & C ontinuous Mo ve
(Group), Pan, St op, Speed
Print Sel ection Wind ows & All Windows
Snapshot BMP & JPEG
Expor t file AVI, 3GP & E XE
Schedule NAS (SMB & CI FS)
User Management Authenti cation: Basic Acco unt / Windows AD Accoun t
User Level Administr ator, Power User, User, Oper ator & Guest
User Control Permission, Accessible Cameras & Accessible Substation
Date & Time Sync PC
Network DDNS, SM TP, UPnP & Proxy
Language Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Persia n,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional
Device Integration
Joystick VIVOTE K USB Joystick
I/O Box Advant ech ADAM-60 00
All Window s® Compatible USB Joys tick
Camera Integration
Camera Insert Manual & Search
Basic Setting User Name, Password & Camera Model Detection
Connection Setting Configuration Protocol: HTTP, HTTPS
Video Setting Video St ream, Compre ssion, Resoluti on, FPS, Vid eo Quality
Audio Setting Compression & Bitrate
Remote Focus M anual Focus Adj ustment & Full Ran g Scan
NTP Setting IP Ad dress (NTP Ser ver or VAST Serv er) & Updating in terval
ONVIF Version 2.2 (by project)
ONVIF Discover Discover the oth er brand cam era through I nsert Came ra &
Streamin g Protocol: TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTT PS
Batch Inse rt
Advanced Features
VIVOTEK E xclusive Feature Panoramic PTZ
Seamless Recording
VCA Count ing Report (b y project)
System Requirements
VAST Server
Server (Recording Channels) 4Mbps for Each C hannel Up to 64 C hannel Up to 120 Channel
CPU 2nd Generat ion Intel® Core™ i5 Pr ocessors or a bove 2nd Generat ion Intel® Core™ i7 Pr ocessors or ab ove
RAM 4 GB or above 8 GB or above
Hard Drive (Enterprise Model Only) Single Reco rding Group wi th One Hard Dr ive Duplex Re cording Group w ith Two Hard Dr ive*
Graphics Adapter Direct X 9 compatible 1GB graphi cs card
Network Interface Card 100 0/100/ 10 Et hern et
* Each rec ording group c an be setup to onl y 60 channels
VAST LiveView & Pl ayback
Client (Display Channels)
RAM 2 GB or above 4 GB or above 4 GB or above
Graphics Adapter Direct X 9 compatible 1GB graphi cs card
Network Interface Card 100 0/100/ 10 Et hern et
* Display re quirements o f the 3MP fisheye c amera is equal to a 720P ca mera.
** Display r equirement s of the 5MP fishey e camera is equ al to a 1080P camera.
If install ing Serve r & Client in the sam e PC, overal l loading of the P C is to be evalua ted.
720P, 4Mbps, H.264* 8CH 16C H 32CH
1080P, 4Mbps, H.264** 4CH 10CH 18C H
2nd Generat ion Intel® Core™ i3
2nd Generat ion Intel® Core™ i5
All speci ficatio ns are subjec t to change without notice . Copyrigh t © VIVOTEK IN C. All right s reserve d.
6F, No.192, Lien-Cheng Rd., Chung-H o,
New Taipei Cit y, 235, Taiwan, R.O.C .
T: +886-2-82455282 F: +886-2-82455532
2050 Ringwoo d Avenue,
San Jose , CA 95131
T: 408-773-8686 F: 408-773-8298
Randst ad 22-133, 1316BW Almere,
The Netherlands
T: +31(0 )36 -5298 -43 4
E: saleseurope@vi
602, Best sky Tower, Plot N o. F-5,
Netaji S ubhash Place , Pitam Pura , Delhi-110 034
T: +91-11-45137465
2nd Generat ion Intel® Core™ i7
Ve r. 10