Vitek VT-2632 User Manual [ru]

VT-2632 BK
Press grill
IM VT-2632.indd 1 17.08.2016 16:54:09
IM VT-2632.indd 2 17.08.2016 16:54:09
The press grill is used for cooking meat, fish or vegetables. The grill design allows using the unit as a griddle plate, both one and two open cook­ing units.
1. Upper frying plate handle
2. Upper frying plate locks
3. Removable upper frying plate
4. Support legs
5. Removable lower frying plate
6. Chute for draining fat
7. Lower frying plate locks
8. Power indicator
9. Temperature control knob
10. Frying plate rear locks
11. Frying plate detent
12. Fat containers
ATTENTION! For additional protection against possible electric shock it is reasonable to install a residual current device (RCD) with nomi­nal operation current not exceeding 30 mA. To install RCD, contact a specialist.
Read this instruction manual carefully before using the unit and keep it for the whole operation period. Use the unit for intended purposes only, as specified in this manual. Mishandling the unit can lead to its breakage and cause harm to the user or damage to his/her property.
Before plugging the unit in make sure that the
operating voltage of the unit corresponds to the voltage of your mains.
The power cord is equipped with a “euro
plug”; plug it into the socket with reliable grounding contact.
To avoid fire, do not use adapters for connect-
ing the unit to the mains.
Do not use the unit outdoors.
Never leave the operating unit unattended.
Install the unit on a flat, stable heat-resistant
surface away from sources of moisture, heat and open flame and with free access to the mains socket.
Do not place and do not use the grill near
highly inflammable objects or liquids and objects subject to thermal deformation.
Use the unit in places with proper ventilation.
Switch the unit on only with the frying plates
To avoid fire, do not place the unit near cur-
tains and do not cover it during operation.
Be careful: the unit body heats up strongly during operation, do not touch hot surfaces to avoid burns.
Beware of steam emission from gaps between
the frying plates. Be careful, keep your hands and other open parts of your body away from the frying plates.
Do not use the unit for cooking frozen food;
defrost frozen food before cooking.
ATTENTION! Take the products out of the unit right after cooking; keeping products in the operating unit for a long time can cause their ignition.
Never use sharp metal objects to take the pre-
pared food out, as they can damage the non­stick coating of the frying plates. Always use kitchen tools suitable for non-stick coatings.
Do not move the unit when it is hot; wait until it
cools down completely.
Unplug the grill before cleaning or when you
are not using it.
Do not let the power cord hang from the table
or come in contact with hot surfaces or sharp edges of kitchen furniture.
Never pull the power cord when disconnect-
ing the unit from the mains, take the plug and remove it carefully from the socket.
Do not touch the unit body and the power plug
with wet hands.
Do not use the unit near the kitchen sink, do
not expose it to moisture.
To avoid electric shock, do not immerse the
power cord, the power plug or the unit itself into water or any other liquids. If this has hap­pened, DO NOT TOUCH the unit, unplug it immediately and only then take the unit out of the water. Apply to any authorized ser­vice center at the contact address list given in the warranty certificate and on the website
Periodically check the power cord and power
plug integrity.
Do not allow children to touch the unit body
and the power cord during the grill operation.
This unit is not intended for usage by children.
The unit is not intended for usage by physi-
cally or mentally disabled persons (including children) or by persons lacking experience or
IM VT-2632.indd 3 17.08.2016 16:54:09
knowledge if they are not under supervision of a person who is responsible for their safety or if they are not instructed by this person on the usage of the unit.
Do not leave children unattended to prevent
using the unit as a toy.
During operation and breaks between opera-
tion cycles, the unit should be placed out of reach of children.
For children safety reasons do not leave poly-
ethylene bags, used as packaging, unat­tended.
Attention! Do not allow children to play with polyethylene bags or packaging film. Danger of suffocation!
Never use the unit if the power cord or the
power cord plug is damaged, if the unit works improperly or after it was dropped.
Do not attempt to repair the unit. Do not disas-
semble the unit, if any malfunction is detected or after it was dropped, unplug the unit and apply to any authorized service center from the contact address list given in the warranty certificate and on the website
Transport the unit in the original package only.
Keep the unit out of reach of children and dis-
abled persons.
In case of the unit transportation or storage under cold (winter) conditions, it is necessary to keep it for at least three hours at room temperature.
Before switching the unit on for the first time,
make sure that the mains voltage corresponds to the voltage specified on the unit body.
Unpack the press grill and remove all package
materials, wipe the grill body with a slightly damp cloth and then wipe it dry.
Open the grill, press simultaneously on the
two lower frying plate locks (7) and remove the lower frying plate (5), simultaneously press on the locks (2) and remove the upper frying plate (3).
Wash the frying plates (3 and 5) with warm
water and neutral detergent and dry them thoroughly.
Install the frying plates back to theirs places;
to do this, match the ledges on the frying plates (3 and 5) with the grooves on the rear
locks (10) and press alternately on the front part of the frying plates (3 and 5) until the locks (2 and 7) clicking.
Before using the grill apply some vegetable oil
on the non-stick coating of the frying plates (3 and 5), spread the oil over the whole surface and wipe the surplus oil with a paper napkin.
Close the grill, insert the power plug into the
socket, the power indicator (8) will light up.
Set the temperature control knob (9) to the
maximal heating position «3».
After 5-10 minutes switch the unit off by set-
ting the temperature control knob (9) to the position «1» and unplug the unit.
Wait until the frying plates (3 and 5) cool down
completely and remove the remaining vegeta­ble oil with a paper napkin.
Note: While the first unit operation the heating elements burn, therefore occurrence of a small amount of smoke or foreign smell is possible. It is normal and is not a sign of malfunction.
Place the grill on a flat, stable surface away
from sources of moisture, heat and open flame and with free access to the mains socket.
Do not place and do not use the grill near
highly inflammable objects or liquids and objects subject to thermal deformation.
Use the unit in places with proper ventilation.
Make sure that the frying plates (3 and 5) are
installed and fixed.
Attention! Do not switch the grill on without the frying plates (3 and 5) installed.
Oil the non-stick coating of frying plates (3
and 5) slightly and close the grill.
Place a container (12) under the chute for
draining fat (6).
Insert the power plug into the socket, the
power indicator (8) will light up.
Turn the temperature control knob (9) to set
the required heating temperature of the frying plates (3 and 5) (see the recommendations in the table).
After 5-10 minutes the frying plates reach the
preset temperature and you can start cook­ing.
Take the handle (1) and open the grill.
Carefully put the products on the lower fry-
ing plate (5). Avoid getting burns by splash­ing liquids or fat.
IM VT-2632.indd 4 17.08.2016 16:54:09
You can use the unit as a griddle plate. To do
this take the upper frying plate (3) by the han­dle (1), move it down on the products.
ATTENTION! During the operation the frying plates and the unit body heat up strongly; do not touch hot surfaces to avoid burns. Do not touch the unit body with bare hands. Put on thermal protective potholders.
After the products are ready, lift the upper fry-
ing plate (3) by the handle (1).
Put the prepared products into an appropri-
ate dish; use wooden or heat-resistant plastic kitchen tools to remove the products.
When using the grill for the second time move
the upper frying plate (3) down on the lower one, wait until the plates reach the preset tem­perature and then you can continue cooking.
Using the grill as a cooking unit.
ATTENTION! Open the grill before plugging it in.
Take the handle (1) and lift the upper frying
plate (3) until bumping.
Place a container (12) under the chute for
draining fat (6).
Switch the grill on and wait until the frying
plate (5) heats up.
Cook the products on the lower frying
plate (5).
Using the grill as an open cooking unit.
Take the handle (1) and lift the upper frying
plate (3) until bumping and open the grill fully.
Place the containers (12) under the chutes for
draining fat (6).
Cook the products on two frying plates.
After you finish cooking, set the tempera-
ture control knob (9) to the position «1» and unplug the unit.
Before cleaning the unit wait until it cools
down completely.
Do not switch the grill on without the remov-
able frying plates (3 and 5) installed.
Always install the fat containers (12) during
While the frying plates (3 and 5) are heating
up, do not open the grill, the frying plates heat up quicker and more evenly in closed position.
Be careful: the grill body heats up strongly
during the operation. To avoid burns do not touch hot surfaces, open the grill only by the handle (1).
Be careful and beware of hot steam emission
from gaps between the frying plates (3 and 5). Keep your hands and other open parts of your body away from the frying plates (3 and 5).
Do not use the grill for defrosting and cook-
ing frozen food.
Do not cook meat with large bones.
Frying time depends on the products used,
use the recommendations given in the table as an example.
Before eating make sure that the food is
cooked through.
Take the products out of the grill right after
cooking; keeping products in the operating unit for a long time can cause their burning.
Never use sharp metal objects to take
the cooked food out, as they can damage the non-stick coating of the frying plates (3 and 5). Always use plastic or wooden kitchen tools suitable for non-stick coatings.
Clean the grill after every use.After you finish using the grill, set the temper-
ature control knob (9) to the position «1» and unplug the unit.
Open the frying plates fully and let the unit
cool down to room temperature.
Consequently remove the frying plates
(3 and 5) simultaneously pressing the locks (2 and 7).
Remove the remaining food from the fry-
ing plates (3 and 5), wash the frying plates (3 and 5) with warm water and neutral deter­gent and then dry them thoroughly.
Clean the grill body with a soft, slightly damp
cloth and then wipe it dry.
Pour out the fat from the fat containers (12),
wash the containers (12) with warm water and neutral detergent and then dry them thor­oughly.
Install the frying plates (3 and 5) back to theirs
places; to do this, match the ledges on the frying plates (3 and 5) with the grooves on the rear locks (10) and press alternately on the front part of the frying plates (3 and 5) until the locks (2 and 7) clicking.
Do not use abrasives, solvents or metal
sponges for cleaning the frying plates (3 and 5) and the grill body, as they can dam­age the non-stick coating or the outer surface of the grill body.
IM VT-2632.indd 5 17.08.2016 16:54:09
Never immerse the grill, power cord and cord
plug into water!
You may wash the removable frying plates
(3 and 5) in a dishwasher.
Attention! To avoid electric shock, do not immerse the unit into water or any other liq­uids.
To achieve the best cooking results, refer to the table below:
Clean the unit before taking it away for storage.
The grill design allows vertical storing. Close
the grill and set it vertically on the support legs (4).
Keep the unit in a dry cool place out of reach
of children and disabled persons.
Note: all data in this table are given as recommendations.
IM VT-2632.indd 6 17.08.2016 16:54:09
Press grill – 1 pc. Fat containers – 2 pc. Instruction manual – 1 pc.
Supply voltage: 220-240 V ~ 50 Hz Maximum power consumption: 2000 W
The manufacturer preserves the right to change the specifications of the unit without a prelimi­nary notification.
Unit operating life is 3 years
Details regarding guarantee conditions can be obtained from the dealer from whom the appli­ance was purchased. The bill of sale or receipt must be produced when making any claim under the terms of this guarantee.
This product conforms to the EMC­Requirements as laid down by the Council Directive 2004/108/ЕС and to the Low Voltage Regulation (2006/95/ЕС)
IM VT-2632.indd 7 17.08.2016 16:54:09
Гриль – пресс используется для приготов­ления мясных, рыбных или овощных про­дуктов. Конструкция гриля позволяет использовать устройство в качестве кон­тактного гриля, одной или двух открытых жарочных панелей.
1. Ручка верхней рабочей поверхности
2. Фиксаторы верхней рабочей
3. Съёмная верхняя рабочая поверхность
4. Опорные ножки
5. Съёмная нижняя рабочая поверхность
6. Жёлоб для слива жира
7. Фиксаторы нижней рабочей поверхности
8. Индикатор включения в сеть
9. Ручка регулятора температуры
10. Задние фиксаторы рабочих
11. Фиксатор положения рабочих
12. Ёмкости для сбора жира
ВНИМАНИЕ! Для дополнительной защиты от возмож­ного удара электрическим током целе­сообразно установить в цепи питания устройство защитного отключения (УЗО) с номинальным током срабатывания, не превышающим 30 мА, для установки УЗО обратитесь к специалисту.
Перед использованием устройства внима­тельно прочитайте руководство по эксплуа­тации и сохраняйте его в течение всего срока эксплуатации. Используйте устройство только по его прямому назначению, как изло­жено в данной инструкции. Неправильное обращение с прибором может привести к его поломке, причинению вреда пользова­телю или его имуществу.
Перед включением в сеть убедитесь,
что рабочее напряжение прибора соот­ветствует напряжению электрической сети.
Сетевой шнур снабжен «евровилкой»;
включайте ее в розетку, имеющую надеж­ный контакт заземления.
Во избежание риска возникновения
пожара не используйте переходники при подключении устройства к электрической розетке.
Не используйте прибор вне помещений.
Никогда не оставляйте работающий при-
бор без присмотра.
Размещайте устройство на ровной устой-
чивой теплостойкой поверхности, вдали от источников влаги, тепла и открытого пламени так, чтобы доступ к сетевой розетке всегда был свободным.
Не устанавливайте и не используйте гриль
вблизи легковоспламеняемых материа­лов или жидкостей, а также предметов, подверженных тепловой деформации.
Используйте устройство в местах с хоро-
шей вентиляцией.
Включайте устройство только с установ-
ленными рабочими поверхностями.
Во избежание возгорания ни в коем слу-
чае не размещайте устройство рядом с занавесками или шторами и не накры­вайте его во время работы.
Будьте осторожны: во время работы корпус прибора сильно нагревается, во избежание ожогов не дотрагивайтесь до горячих поверхностей.
Остерегайтесь выхода пара из зазо-
ров между рабочими поверхностями. Соблюдайте осторожность, не подносите руки и не располагайте другие открытые участки тела близко к рабочим поверх­ностям.
Запрещается использовать устройство
для приготовления замороженных про­дуктов, разморозьте продукты перед их приготовлением.
ВНИМАНИЕ! Вынимайте продукты сразу после приготовления, при длительном нахождении продуктов во включенном приборе может произойти их возгорание.
Запрещается извлекать приготовлен-
ные продукты острыми металлическими предметами, которые могут повредить антипригарное покрытие рабочих поверх­ностей. Всегда используйте аксессуары, предназначенные для посуды с антипри­гарным покрытием.
Не перемещайте горячий прибор, дожди-
тесь полного его остывания.
IM VT-2632.indd 8 17.08.2016 16:54:10
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