SSoommee wwaatteerr mmaayy rreemmaaiinn iinn lliinnee.. EElleeccttrriicc
ddrriillll mmuusstt bbee ggrroouunnddeedd ttoo pprreevveenntt sseevveerree oorr
lleetthhaall sshhoocckk iiff wwaatteerr iiss iinn lliinnee aanndd eenntteerrss ddrriillll
dduurriinngg uussee..
UUssee oonnllyy 11//44”” ((66 mmmm)) ccooppppeerr ttuubbiinngg ffoorr wwaatteerr lliinnee.. DDoo
NNoott iinnssttaallll ccooppppeerr ttuubbiinngg iinn aarreeaa wwhheerree tteemmppeerraattuurreess
ddrroopp bbeellooww 3355
FF ((11..77ooCC)).. BBeeffoorree aattttaacchhiinngg ccooppppeerr ttuubbiinngg
ttoo rreeffrriiggeerraattoorr,, fflluusshh aatt lleeaasstt 22 qquuaarrttss ((11..99 LL)) ooff wwaatteerr
tthhrroouugghh tthhee ccooppppeerr ttuubbiinngg aanndd iinnttoo aa bbuucckkeett ttoo rreemmoovvee
aannyy ppaarrttiicclleess iinn tthhee wwaatteerr lliinnee..
••VViikkiinngg RRaannggee CCoorrppoorraattiioonn iiss nnoott rreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr pprrooppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee dduuee ttoo iimmpprrooppeerr iinnssttaallllaattiioonn oorr wwaatteerr ccoonnnneeccttiioonn..
•Connect 1/4” (6mm) flexible copper tubing to household plumbing in compliance with local codes and ordinances.
•Length of copper tubing must reach from water supply connection to refrigerator connection with an additional length
to facilitate moving the refrigerator out of enclosure for cleaning or service. Tubing should be soft instead of rigid and
ends should be free of burrs.
•Copper tubing route must be above 35oF (1.6oC) to prevent water line from freezing.
••DDoo nnoott uussee ppllaassttiicc wwaatteerr lliinneess..
••DDoo nnoott uussee tthhee sseellff--ppiieerrcciinngg ffeeaattuurree ooff aa ssaaddddllee vvaallvvee..
The hole made by the piercing lance is too small for the water
flow rate required by the ice maker. To use a saddle valve, follow the instructions below located under “To rough in
water line” on how to pre-drill a 3/16” diameter hole.
•If saddle valve is not used, place a separate shut-off valve in an easily accessible location between water supply and
refrigerator. Do not locate shut-off valve behind refrigerator.
DDoo nnoott uussee wwiitthh rreevveerrssee oossmmoossiiss wwaatteerr ffiillttrraattiioonn ssyysstteemm
. This will void warranty.
•Connect a vertical or horizontal 1/2” (1.2 cm) to 1 1/4” (3.2 cm) COLD water line near refrigerator area.
•Run water line through the floor, back, or side wall. Tubing should lay flat on floor underneath refrigerator. Clamp
tubing to wall or floor.
•Water pressure must be greater than 20 psi and less than 120 psi.
To rough in water line:
1. Turn OFF main water supply. Turn ON nearest faucet long enough to clear line of water.
2. Vertical cold water line: Use grounded electric drill or hand drill to drill 3/16” (4.5 mm) hole
in an easily accessible location in water line.
Horizontal cold water line: Use grounded electric drill or hand drill to drill 3/16” (4.5 mm)
hole in the TOP of the water line. This will keep sediment from collecting in valve.
3. Position washer over hole in water line. Turn saddle valve handle clockwise to expose
piercing lance a maximum of 3/16” (4.5 mm). Align piercing lance over hole in water line.
Place both halves of saddle valve bracket against water line. Turn saddle valve handle
clockwise until piercing lance enters hole in water line and is firmly seated. The saddle valve
is now in the closed position. Tighten packing nut. Evenly and firmly tighten bracket screws
so washer will make a water-tight connection. Do not overtighten screws: copper tubing
could be crushed.
4. Check that both ends of copper tubing are cut square. Slide compression nut and sleeve onto copper tubing.
Insert end of copper tubing completely into valve outlet. Tighten compression nut to outlet with adjustable wrench.
Do not overtighten.
5. Turn on main water supply. Check for leaks. Turn saddle valve handle counterclockwise and run 2 quarts of water
through copper tubing and into a bucket. Turn saddle valve clockwise to shut off water to copper tubing.
6. Route copper tubing to refrigerator area.
7. Leave an additional length of copper tubing coil to facilitate moving the refrigerator out of enclosure for cleaning or
8. See page 13 for water connection instructions.