Viking BQC5541SS Installation manual

Viking Use/Installation Guide
Viking Range, LLC
111 Front Street
Greenwood, Mississippi 38930 USA
(662) 455-1200
For product information,
call 1-888-(845-4641)
or visit the Viking website at
F21362 EN (120913)
Outdoor Gas Grill VGBQ
5 Series Carts
5/8” (1.6 cm) dia. hole
(A) #10 x 3/4” (1.9 cm)
sheet metal screw
(B) 5/8” (1.6 cm) hole cover
Support bracket screws
Shelf adjustment screw
Front View
1. Before beginning, please read these instructions completely and carefully.
2. Do not remove permanently affixed labels, warnings, or plates from product.
BBEEFFOORREE IINNSSTTAALLLLIINNGG GGRRIILLLL TTOO CCAARRTT:: RReemmoovvee ddrriipp ttrraayy,, ggrriillll ggrraatteess,, ffllaavvoorr ggrriiddss,, aanndd wwaarrmmiinngg rraacckkss ffrroomm tthhee ggrriillll..
TToo rreemmoovvee ssiiddee sshheellvveess ((ooppttiioonnaall))::
The side shelves on the cart can be removed if needed. This must be done before installing the grill on the cart. With the shelf in the up position, remove the screws in the shelf support bracket. This will allow you to remove both the brackets and the shelf.
TToo mmoouunntt ggrriillll ttoo ccaarrtt ffoorr 3300 aanndd 3366::
Always wear gloves when handling the gas grill. Although the grill is deburred prior to shipment, some edges may still be sharp enough to cause injury during handling. With a minimum of two (2) people, place the grill in the cart with about 3 to 4 inches hanging out the front making sure that the male fitting on the bottom of the grill is inside the cart. Push the grill back until the front sides of the cart are flush with the back of the landing ledge on the grill. BBee ccaarreeffuull:: tthhee ggrriillll uunniitt iiss vveerryy hheeaavvyy!!
TToo mmoouunntt ggrriillll ttoo ccaarrtt ffoorr 4422 aanndd 5544::
With side panels removed from cart, place grill inside the cart and push the grill back until it hits the back wall. Slide on side panels from the rear to fit slots onto shoulder screws.
Attaching the grill to the cart
Once the grill has been mounted on the cart, the back of the landing ledge should be flush with the front sides of the cart. The 5/8” (1.6 cm) hole on the top front corners of the cart should be aligned with the receiving holes in the grill heat shields. If your grill does not have the receiving holes in the heat shield, you will need to drill them out with a 9/64” (.14 cm) drill bit. With the grill and cart mounted together, place the drill bit in the 5/8 hole and center in the 1/4”x3/8” slot. Drill through the heat shield. Take the #10X3/4” (1.9 cm) sheet metal screws (A) supplied with the cart and attach the cart sides to the grill. After securing the grill to the cart, snap the hole covers (B) supplied with the cart into the 5/8” (1.6 cm) holes in the cart corners.
Leveling the Side Shelves
To level the side shelves, lift the shelf so that the shelf adjustment screw is visible between the two supports on the shelf brackets. Turn the screw with a 3/32” (.2 cm) allen wrench counter clockwise to raise the shelf and clockwise to lower the shelf (3/32” allen wrench supplied with cart).
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