ViewSonic® Corporation
381 Brea Canyon Road •••• Walnut, CA 91789 •••• Tel: (909) 444-8727 •••• Fax: (909) 444-8654
To : Authorized Service Providers Issue Date: August 16, 2004 ECO # : 4387-1
Model # : VX715-1
Subject/Symptom: (1) When both analog and digital inputs are connected and DVI-D active, the monitor will
display a white screen when changing the mode to power save mode instead of
automatically selecting analog; (2) unable to enter power save mode with DVI-D input
signal. LED alternates between amber and green.
Prepared By :
Tommy Jue
Purpose: (1) When both analog and digital inputs are connected and DVI-D active, the monitor will display a
white screen when changing the mode to power save mode instead of automatically selecting analog;
(2) unable to enter power save mode with DVI-D input signal. LED alternates between amber and
Service Bulletin Application: ASP Distribution:
Recall. - USA ASP
Service Inventory, Repairs In-Process & No Problem Found (NPF). - Canada ASP
Repairs In-Process & NPF. - Latin America ASP
Repairs In-Process. - 3rd Party ASP
Technician judgement for unit under service (symptomatic). - Supplier Service ASP
Part Location Part Description Part Number Repair Action Comment Failure
Firmware version V015 M-MS-0808-7877
*Note: Repair action(s) that consist of the countermeasures contained in this or any other service bulletin(s), shall use D5 as the repair code. All other repair
action(s) outside of the service bulletin(s) shall use the appropriate repair codes contained in the Repair and Defect Codes Handbook (i.e. C7).
Service Bulletin
SB # VX715-1_SB_002
Cut-in S/N: P21041800001
S/N Range:
Target Date:
Approved By :
Eileen Nguyen
Replace firmware IC with
this updated firmware to
resolve above operation
- Limited ASP
- ViewSonic Internal
- Complete ASP Listing
G0A D5
Please contact the Quality Assurance Department at (909) 444-8727 for further information.
4.19: Form, Service Bulletin 10/30/2002
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