1. Precautions and Safety Notices
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Product safety notice
Many electrical and mechanical parts in this product include specific, safety related
characteristics. These characteristics may not be immediately obvious by visual inspection and
the protection these components offer can not necessarily be obtained using replacement
components with the same voltage or power ratings.
offer can not necessarily be obtained using replacement components with the same voltage or
power ratings. Electrical components having such features are identified by shading on the
schematic diagram and in the parts list. Before replacing components, read the parts list in this
manual thoroughly.
The use of substitute parts which do not have the same safety characteristics as those indicated
in the parts list may cause electrical shock, fire, x-ray emissions, or other hazards.
Service notes
1. When replacing circuit boards or components, clamp the lead wires to the terminals before
2. When replacing a high power resistor (oxide metal film resistor) on a circuit board, keep the
resistor at least 10 mm (0.5-inch) from the circuit board.
3. Keep leads and wires away from high voltage and high temperature components.
4. If any fuse in the product is blown, replace it only with the correct fuse specified in the parts
Handling of broken glass and liquid crystal leakage
If the LCD is damaged, liquid crystal leakage may occur and the glass may shatter into small pieces. Do
not touch the broken glass or liquid crystal which is toxic. In addition to possible cuts resulting from
broken glass, toxic leakage may cause skin irritation or poisoning. If liquid crystal enters your eyes or
mouth, you should immediately rinse with clean water and consult a doctor.
Important safety information
1. Read all these instructions.
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