ViewSonic VS10400 PJ402D, PJ402D Service Manual

Service Manual
381 Brea Canyon Road, Walnut, California 91789 USA - (800) 888-8583
Portable DLP Projector
ViewSonic PJ402D
(PJ402D_SM Rev. 1a June 2005)
2005 by ViewSonic Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ViewSonic Corporation.
ViewSonic makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, ViewSonic reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the contents hereof without obligation of ViewSonic to notify any person of such revision or changes.
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Revision History
ECR Number
Description of Changes
EditorRevision SM Editing Date
Initial Release
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N. Huang
1. Precautions and Safety Notices
3. Firmware Update
4. Machine Disassembly and Replacement
5. Troubleshooting
6. Connector Information
7. FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) List
8. Recommended Spare Parts List
2. System Introduction
10 12
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1. Precautions and Safety Notices
1. When replacing the lamp, use care to avoid burns to your fingers. The lamp becomes very hot during operation.
2. Never touch the lamp with your fingers as body oil transferred to the lamp can damage the lamp’s useful life.
3. Never drop the lamp or jar it in any manner. This may cause the lamp to burst.
4. This projector is provided with a high voltage circuit for the lamp. Do not touch any electric part or component after the projector has been turned on and is operating. Doing so could induce a severe shock causing injury or death.
5. Do not touch the exhaust fan, nor block its air flow, during operation, as the fan is hot.
6. The LCD module assembly can be easily damaged during service. If replacing the LCD Lens/Prism assembly, do not hold the FPC of the LCD module assembly.
7. Use only the cables which are included with the projector, or are specified in this manual.
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Technical Specification
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2. System Introduction
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Lamp Specification
1.Product Scope
The product is a lamp system consisting of a short arc burner within a reflector, and an electric la mp driver.
La mp type P-VIP 200/1.0 E 17.5 identcode A390 425 0004 Driver type PT VIP 3AC/380 O3 identcode A392 891 0027
2. Product Specifications : P-VIP 200/1.0 E 17.5 lamp
2.1 Dimensions and weight
Lamp see lamp drawing
Reflector type elliptical Cable and conne ctor on r eque st Lamp weight < 70g
2.2 Marking on the la mp
Position of marking On ceramic cap on the ba ck side of refle ctor Manufacturer OSRAM Type no. P-VIP 200/1.0 E 17.5 Country of origin Germa ny
2.3 Operating a nd me asurement conditions
Ballast type Test conditions stable at 200W with OSRAM PT VIP 3 AC/380 O3 ballast
Rated lamp wattage 200W
Bu rner positi on 0 deg ree to +20 deg ree ( 0 degre e opti cal a xis ho rizon tal)
Burning position
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2.4 Temperature
La mp burner Mo f oil , back < 350 degree C La mp burner Mo wire < 350 degree C La mp burner Mo f oil, front < 350 degree C Burner bulb (top) temperature 860 degree C - 960 degree C (measured with pyrometer)
Validation of max. permissible temperatures by reference thermocouple measure ment ba sed on a referece lamp housing .
2.5 Rise time
Rise time to 80% of the stabilized luminous output is < 90% sec .
Extensive cooling of the bulb during lamp run-up pha se has to be avoided .
2.6 Hot restrike
If the unit has been off for more than 60 sec. the la mp must restrike . ( Ignition voltage 5kV +/- 3kV)
2.7 Light output
Ballast type Test conditions on electronic power supply
OSRAM PT VIP 3 AC/380 o3 stable at 200W
Stabilization time 5 min.
Luminous flux (initial values) typ. : 6300 lm @ 5.0 x 3.8 mm rect. aperture
min. : 5800 lm @ 5.0 x 3.8 mm rect. aperture
Color coordinates typ. x : 0.290 +/- 0.020
typ. y : 0.290 +/- 0.020
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2.8 Lamp drawing
1. The la mp be comes high temperature after turning off the proje ctor with the power button. If you touch the la mp, you may scald your finger . When you re pla ce the la mp, wait for at least 45 minutes for the lamp to cool down.
2. Do not touch the la mp glass at any ti me. The lamp may explode due to improper handling, including the touching of the lamp glass.
3. La mp lifetime may dif fer from lamp to lamp and according to the environment of use. There is no guarantee of the same lifetime for e a ch lamp. Some la mps may fail or terminate their lifetime in a shorter period of ti me tha n other si milar lamps.
4. A lamp may explode as a result of vibration, shock or degradation as a re sult of hours of use a s its lifetime draws to an end. Risk of explosion may differ according to the environment or conditions in which the projector a nd lamp are being used.
5. W e ar protective glove s and eyeglasses when fixing or deta ching the lamp.
6. Fa ster on-off-cycle s will damage the lamp a nd reduce lamp life. Wait at least for 5 minutes to turn off the projector after powering on.
7. Do not operate the lamp in proximity to pa per, cloth, or other combustible material nor cover it with such materials. Otherwise it could cause a fire.
2.9 Instructions for use
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8. Do not operate the lamp in an atmosphere containing a n inflammable substance, such a s thinner . Otherwise it could cause a f ire or explosion.
9. Thoroughly ventilate the area or the room when operating the la mp in a n oxygen atmosphere (in the air). If ozone is inhaled, it could cause heada ches, nause a, dizziness, etc.
10. The inorganic mercury is involved in the lamp. If the lamp bursts, the mercury in side the la mp will go out of the projector. Leave the area immediately if the lamp shatters while being operated and ventilate the are a for at least 30 minutes in order to avoid the inhalation of mercury fumes. Otherwise it could be harmful to user’s health.
1 1. Dispose of the used lamp according to local regulations.
12. Ensure that screws are tightened properly. Screws not tightened fully may result in injury or a ccidents.
13. Since the la mp is made of glass, do not drop the unit and do not scratch the glass.
14. Do not reuse the old la mp. This could cause the lamp to explode.
15. Be sure to turn off the projector a nd unplug the AC power cord bef ore repla cing the lamp.
16. Do not use the proje ctor with the la mp cover re moved.
Disposal : For disposal of spent lamps, always consult federal, state, local and provincial hazardous wa ste disposal rule s a nd regulations to en sure proper disposal.
Caution : This lamp emits ultra violet (UV) radiation and operate s at high pressure. This la mp may only be used in enclosed f ixtures that comply with UL1572. Due to the high luminous eff icacy, the UV ra di ation which the lamp emits and the high pre ssure within the lamp, P-VIPâ lamps may only be operated within enclosed, purpose-built housings.
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System Block Diagram
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Optics-Conceptual Drawing
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Upgrading Procedure
This cha pter provides the equi pment needed, setup a nd upgra ding procedure f or Firmware upgrade.
Setup Tool / Equipment
1. Computer
2. USB Cable (see right picture)
3. Power Coard
1. Connect Downloa d Cable to proje ctor
2. Open burning progra mma (DLP Composer Lite)
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3. Firmware Upgrade
3. Press Power and Menu button together a nd conne ct the power cord into the
projector . Tha n release these 2 bottoms .
4. Click the Start Download button a nd then start to burning of program .
5. Completion of Burning than re move Power Cord a nd Burning Cord .
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This section provides disassembly procedures for PD-S600 DLP Projector. Before you begin any of these procedure s, be sure to turn of f the power, computer system, and other attached devices; then disconnect the power cable from the electronically outlet. Moreover, when you disa ssemble the projector , be sure to put the screws in a safe pla ce a nd separate them a ccord­ing to grouping.
T ool Needed
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4. Machine Disassembly and Replacement
General Information
Before You Begin
Before proceeding with the disa ssembly procedure, ma ke sure that you do the f ollowing:
1. Turn of f the power to the system a nd all peripherals.
2. Unplug the AC ada pter a nd all power a nd signal ca bles from the syste m.
3. Wear Anti-static wrist strap.
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1. Loosen two screws of La mp Cover
2. Remove La mp Cover
3. Loosen two screws of La mp Module .
4. Grasp the la mp ha ndle a nd pull out La mp Module
p.s Related notice of replace lamp pls refer to the Lamp Spe cification section .
Disassemble Lamp Module
Note:Un plug all the cord before disa ddembling the Proje ctor .
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