8. Do not operate the lamp in an atmosphere containing a n inflammable substance, such
a s thinner . Otherwise it could cause a f ire or explosion.
9. Thoroughly ventilate the area or the room when operating the la mp in a n oxygen
atmosphere (in the air). If ozone is inhaled, it could cause heada ches, nause a,
dizziness, etc.
10. The inorganic mercury is involved in the lamp. If the lamp bursts, the mercury in side the
la mp will go out of the projector. Leave the area immediately if the lamp shatters while
being operated and ventilate the are a for at least 30 minutes in order to avoid the
inhalation of mercury fumes. Otherwise it could be harmful to user’s health.
1 1. Dispose of the used lamp according to local regulations.
12. Ensure that screws are tightened properly. Screws not tightened fully may result in
injury or a ccidents.
13. Since the la mp is made of glass, do not drop the unit and do not scratch the glass.
14. Do not reuse the old la mp. This could cause the lamp to explode.
15. Be sure to turn off the projector a nd unplug the AC power cord bef ore repla cing the
16. Do not use the proje ctor with the la mp cover re moved.
Disposal : For disposal of spent lamps, always consult federal, state, local and
provincial hazardous wa ste disposal rule s a nd regulations to en sure
proper disposal.
Caution : This lamp emits ultra violet (UV) radiation and operate s at high
This la mp may only be used in enclosed f ixtures that comply with
Due to the high luminous eff icacy, the UV ra di ation which the lamp
emits and the high pre ssure within the lamp, P-VIPâ lamps may only be
operated within enclosed, purpose-built housings.
ViewSonic Corporation Confidential
Do Not Copy PJ402D