ViewSonic SD-T225, SD-T245 User Manual

SD-T225/SD-T245 ViewSonic Device Manager Pro
User Guide
Copyright and Trademark Statements
© 2015 ViewSonic Corporation. All rights reserved. This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this
document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of ViewSonic Corporation.
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While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual, the manufacturer and distributor assume no liability resulting from errors or omissions in this manual , or from the use of the information contained herein.
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Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. Citrix, ICA, and XenApp are trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. and/or one or more of its subsidiaries,
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Table of Contents
Copyright and Trademark Statements ............................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................. 2
Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 5
Convention Types ............................................................................................................................. 6
Global Declaration ............................................................................................................................ 6
Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 7
VDM Pro Smart Client Management Suite ...................................................................................... 7
VDM Pro Base Framework - Introduction ..................................................................................... 7
System Requirements ................................................................................................................. 8
Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................................... 9
VDM Pro Base Framework Installation ............................................................................................ 9
Chapter 3 ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Getting Started ... .......................................................................................................................... 17
Start VDM Pro Service ............................................................................................................... 17
Stop VDM Pro Service ............................................................................................................... 17
Login VDM Pro Application ........................................................................................................ 17
Logout VDM Pro Application ...................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 4 ......................................................................................................................................... 19
VDM Pro Welcome Dialog ............................................................................................................. 19
Quick Tips ................................................................................................................................. 19
Shortcuts ................................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 5 ......................................................................................................................................... 20
VDM Pro GUI Layout..................................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 6 ......................................................................................................................................... 21
VDM Pro Configuration ................................................................................................................. 21
Discovery Configuration ............................................................................................................. 22
Messaging Window .................................................................................................................... 26
SSL Upload ............................................................................................................................... 27
VDM Pro Users .......................................................................................................................... 28
Language Selection ................................................................................................................... 32
Chapter 7 ......................................................................................................................................... 33
VDM Pro Tools ... .......................................................................................................................... 33
VDM Pro Reports Framework .................................................................................................... 33
Retrieving VDM Pro Server Events ............................................................................................ 39
Downloading VDM Pro Logs ...................................................................................................... 41
Messaging Actions ..................................................................................................................... 42
Chapter 8 ......................................................................................................................................... 44
Device List Operation .................................................................................................................... 44
Node Management Group ......................................................................................................... 45
Device Options .......................................................................................................................... 45
Messaging Console Options ...................................................................................................... 45
Category Summaries ................................................................................................................. 46
IP Management Group .............................................................................................................. 47
Chapter 9 ......................................................................................................................................... 49
About VDM Pro .. .......................................................................................................................... 49
View VDM Pro Information ......................................................................................................... 49
Generate Debug Report............................................................................................................. 50
Chapter 10 ....................................................................................................................................... 51
Smart Client Management (SCX) .................................................................................................. 51
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 51
Hardware Requirement .............................................................................................................. 51
System Requirement for Installing SCX ..................................................................................... 52
Supported Operating Systems for Installing SCX ....................................................................... 52
Security ..................................................................................................................................... 52
Compatibility .............................................................................................................................. 52
Chapter 11 ....................................................................................................................................... 53
Smart Client Management Configuration ....................................................................................... 53
Viewing Smart Client Management Page ................................................................................... 53
Group Management ................................................................................................................... 55
Firmware Manager ..................................................................................................................... 56
Quick Connection P olic y Manager ............................................................................................. 62
Connection Manager ................................................................................................................. 66
Managing Client Policies............................................................................................................ 70
Quick Connection ...................................................................................................................... 75
Connection Manager ................................................................................................................. 76
Client Setup ............................................................................................................................... 77
Password Setting ....................................................................................................................... 78
SCX Tools .......... .......................................................................................................................... 78
Power Control ............................................................................................................................ 78
VNC Connector ......................................................................................................................... 79
Send Message ........................................................................................................................... 80
Certificate Upload ...................................................................................................................... 80
Firmware Update ....................................................................................................................... 81
General Information ...................................................................................................................... 82
Chapter 12 ....................................................................................................................................... 84
Appendix ............ .......................................................................................................................... 84
Event Logs ................................................................................................................................ 84
Acronyms an d Abbreviations
Common Information Model
Domain Name
Domain Name Server
Graphical User Interface
Internet Protocol
Kernel-based Virtual Machine
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Operating System
Purchase Reference Number
Smart Client Management
Simple Network Management Protocol
Secure Sockets Layer
Transport Layer Security
Virtual Network Computing
Web Services for Management
ViewSonic Device Manager Pro
Convention Ty pes
Button Names, Text Boxes, Labels
Cross Reference
Mandatory field
Global Declaration
Cancel the current process and return to the previous screen
Go back to the previous screen
Exit from the current screen
Chapter 1
VDM Pro Smart Client Managemen t Suite
VDM Pro Base Framewor k - Introduction
VDM Pro is an ViewSonic Device Manager Pro that provides centralized management of systems deployed in a network. Organized as a plug-in framework, VDM Pro provides device specific management features for individual plug-ins.
Following are the VDM Pro plug-ins: Smart Client Management (SCX) is a thin client management plugin for VDM Pro that provides
aggregated management of thin client devices equipped with ViewSonic thin client agents. SCX will provide remote manageability of the system.
VDM Pro uses industry standard protocols and completely provide remote manageability. VDM Pro provides a browser agnostic and intuitive web interface that allows an administrator to manage the devices by using any standard web browser. In addition, VDM Pro also supports CIM-XML, WSMAN and SSH for remote manageability.
System Requirements
Minimum hardware and software requirements for installing VDM Pro are as follows:
Hardware Requirements
System Processor: 2 GHZ System Memory: 4 GB RAM Free Disk Space: 10 GB (May need more disk space depending on the nodes managed and
the amount of history information needed) Note: The minimum system requirements listed above can support up to 200 devices. The VDM Pro
software is capable of managing up to 10,000 clients and licenses.
Software requirements
Browser: Internet Explorer 7 or later Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or later Google Chrome 5.0 or later
Operating System:
The details of VDM Pro installable OS are shown in a table below.
VDM Pro Installable OS
Windows 7 Enterprise – 32 bit
Windows 7 Enterprise – 64 bit
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard - 64 bit
Windows 7 Ultimate – 32 bit
Windows 2012 Server
Windows 8
Port requirements
VDM Pro requires ports 80/443 (http), 2121 (FTP), 50000 (Agent). Make sure no other application is
using these ports.
Chapter 2
VDM Pro Base Framework Installati on
VDM Pro installation includes install and uninstall actions for Windows operating system.
For Windows
Installing VDM Pro
1. Uninstall the old version of VDM Pro, if available. This step is for clean installation.
2. Right click the VDM Pro.client-3.0-xxxxxx-win32-x86.exe and click Run as Administrator. An
Extracting window appears for displaying the progress stage and then VDM Pro Base
Framework Setup dialog box appears as displayed in the subsequent screenshot.
Figure 1: Setup
3. Click Next to continue. This action opens Destination Folder section in the same dialog box as
displayed in the subsequent screenshot.
Figure 2: Destination Folder
4. Click Next to continue installation in the default folder, (Or) click Change to choose another folder.
By clicking Next button, the install options appear in the Setup dialog box.
5. Click Install button to start the insta lla tion process. Click Back to review or change the installation
settings. Click Cancel to exit the wizard. A related screenshot is displayed below.
Figure 3: VDM Pro Installer Notification
6. Installation process is started by clicking Install button. A related screenshot is shown below.
Figure 4: Installation Process
7. Click Finish to exit the Setup Wizard as shown in the subsequent screenshot.
Figure 5: Installation – Finish
8. Once the installation is successfully completed, VDM Pro Installer dialog box appears to display
the successful installation.
Figure 6: Installation Complete
Uninstalling VDM Pro
Before uninstalling VDM Pro, the user has to follow the steps given below:
Close all the instances of VDM Pro application and make sure that no files within the VDM Pro
installation folder are opened in the external editors.
Stop the service from Start menu. Go to Start > All Programs > VDM Pro > VDM Pro > Stop
Service. This is required for making a clean un-installation. For more information on how to stop
the service, see “Stop VDM Pro Service”.
There are two ways to uninstall VDM Pro. They are as follows:
Uninstalling from Start Menu (Recommended)
1. In Window 7, go to Start > All Programs > VSC > VDM Pro > Uninstall folder to uninstall VDM Pro.
2. (OR) In Windows 8, enter uninstall VDM Pro in Search text box, and then click Uninstall VDM Pro appears in the screen to uninstall the VDM Pro.
3. Clicking Uninstall folder displays Uninstall VDM Pro and Uninstall VDM Pr o icons. A related screenshot is displayed below.
Figure 7: Unins tall
4. Click Uninstall VDM Pro icon to start un-installation process only for VDM Pro. Base Framework will be available in the machine.
The installer will automatically uninstall only the client management suite without uninstalling
5. (Or) click Uninstall VDM Pro icon to start un-installation process for entire VDM Pro in the
machine and removes Client Management Suite too.
Wait until VDM Pro is uninstalled completely. The installer will automatically uninstall the client
management suite installed with the Base Framework installation.
6. A confirmation message box appears to confirm the un-installation. Click Yes to begin the
uninstall action. A related screenshot is displayed below.
Figure 8: Windows Installer
Uninstalling from Control Panel
1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.
2. Select VDM Pro Base Framework from the list and right click on it and select uninstall. This
starts the un-installation process for entire VDM Pro in the machine and removes Client Management Suite too.
Wait until VDM Pro is uninstalled completely. The installer will automatically uninstall the client
management suite installed with the Base Framework installation.
3. (OR), select VDM Pro and click Uninstall to start un-installation process only for Client
Management Suite. Base Framework will be available in the machine.
The installer will automatically uninstall the client management suite only without uninstalling the
Base framework.
Configuring VDM Pro at the End of Installation
At the end of the installation process, an VDM Pro Configuration window appears as shown in the subsequent screenshot.
Figure 9: VDM Pro Configuration – Installation
The web server ports section displays the availability of default web server ports.
In HTTP Port, 80 is set as the default port during installation.
In HTTPS Port, 443 is set as the default port during installation.
1. Click Check Port Availability button to check the port availability before applying the settings.
2. Select the other options such as Restart Services and Launch Web UI as per the need. (This step is optional).
3. Click Apply to save the entered settings successfully. VDM Pro Configuration dialog appears as shown in the subsequent screenshot. The Saving Configuration process may take a few minutes to complete. VDM Pro will get launched in a web browser, when Start Services and Launch UI Options are chosen.
Figure 10: VDM Pro Configuration
4. Click OK to complete the installation.
Configuring VDM Pro after Installation
VDM Pro configuration can be done anytime even after the installation.
1. Click Start > All Programs > VSC > VDM Pro > VDM Pro Configuration as shown in the screenshot below.
Figure 11: Launch VDM Pro Configuration
2. Follow the steps given above in ‘‘Configuring VDM Pro at the end of installation’’.
Chapter 3
Getting Started
To get started with the VDM Pro application, the user has to perform the following steps:
Start the VDM Pro service from Start menu. For more information on how to start the service, see Start VDM Pro Service.
Open a browser and type
in the address bar or double click icon
in the Windows desktop to open VDM Pro login page.
Login the VDM Pro application by using default user name and password. For more information on how to log in, see “Login VDM Pro Application”.
Start VDM Pro Service
Before logging into the VDM Pro application, the user has to start the service if it is not automatically started.
For Windows:
Go to Start > All Programs > VSC > VDM Pro > Start VDM Pro Service. This opens the command prompt, where it displays all the background processes and waits until the command prompt disappears.
Stop VDM Pro Service
Before uninstalling the VD M Pro application, the user has to stop the services that are running.
For Windows:
Go to Start > All Programs > VSC > VDM Pro > Stop VDM Pro Service. This opens the command prompt, where it displays all the background processes. Wait until the command prompt disappears.
Login VDM Pro Application
To log into the VDM Pro application, the user has to follow the steps given below:
1. Enter the name of the user in Name text box. The user name can be either in al phabets or in alpha numerals.
2. Enter the user password in Password text box. The default user name and password is shown below.
User Name
Default user name and password must be in lower-case characters. It is advised that once you
log in, the user must change the “admin” password.
The VDM Pro Users can create a new user name and password to login to the VDM Pro application. For more details, see “Configuring User”.
3. Click Log In to log in the VDM Pro application.
4. Enable Use LDAP Authentication checkbox to login using LDAP credentials that has been configured. If an LDAP setting is not configured, a warning message “The LDAP Server is not configured” will be displayed.
A sample Login screenshot is shown below.
Figure 12: Login
Logout VDM Pro Application
To logout of the VDM Pro application:
1. Click button on the top right corner of the VDM Pro application. A confirmation message is displayed.
2. Click Yes to log out of the VDM Pro application or click No to return to the previous screen.
Chapter 4
VDM Pro Welcome Dialog
Once logged into VDM Pro, a Welcome Dialog appears as shown in the screenshot below.
Figure 13: Welcome to VDM Pro
Quick Tips
The Welcome Dialog includes quick tips for the users. To view more tips, click Get another tip. To enable the Welcome Dialog at the startup of VDM Pro, select Show this dialog at startup. The Welcome dialog can be accessed by another way; click About > Show Welcome Dialog.
To get started, the user has to set discovery ranges and create global users for the devices. The Welcome Dialog provides shortcuts to set discovery ranges, create global users and to add IP address or the type of manageability.
1. To add a new device by the IP address or the type of manageability, click Add new device or manageability. To know more about discovery ranges, refer “Device Options
2. To set discovery ranges, click Add or edit discovery ranges. To know more about discovery ranges, refer “Discovery Configuration
Chapter 5
VDM Pro GUI Layout
The following screenshot explains the layout of VDM Pro:
Figure 14: VDM Pro Layout
Device Details Window
Node Categories List
Top Banner
Base categories
Built-in Categories List
Logout Button
Database Usage Bar
General Menu Bar
Device List Tool Bar
Messaging System Window
Device Category Summary
Go Back Button
Chapter 6
VDM Pro Configuration
VDM Pro facilitates the user with options for configuring an application for various features according to the user needs and identifies the attributes of the product to meet the requirements of an end user. This helps the user to manage a device easily and effectively.
Various feature configurations are as follows:
Discovery Configuration
DNS Configuration
Messaging Window
SSL Upload
VDM Pro Users
Language Selection
Discovery Conf iguration
Scouts the network for manageable devices and presents in a web interface. The liveliness of the devices is also monitored and presented to the end user. Discovered devices are listed in the IP Management.
Discovery range is a range of IP address of devices available over intranet and internet. Range must be in the following format.
Example: Start End So defining one range the user can discover maximum of 255 devices. To configure discovery range, follow the steps given below:
1. Login the VDM Pro application, a Welcome to VDM Pro page appears.
2. Click Open Discovery Settings button in the bottom left-hand side of the Welco me page to configure the discovery ranges. (Or) Click V DM Pro Options > Configuration > Discovery Configuration. Discovery Configuration tab is selected by default in VDM Pro Configuration screen as shown in the screenshot below.
Figure 15: Discovery Configuration
To Create/Delete Discovery Ranges by Start and End IP:
1. Click New Range button to create a new blank entry for providing the IP ranges as shown in the following screenshot.
Figure 16: Discovery Ranges – Start and End IP
2. Enter the IP address ranges in Start and End columns to discover the devices within the specified range to avoid unwanted device discovery.
3. Click Save to trigger the discovery process. A Confirmation message appears, click Yes to save the discovery settings successfully or click No to return to the previous screen.
4. Click Reload Discovery Settings, a Confirmation message appears. Click Yes to reload all the settings to the saved values or click No to return to the previous screen.
5. Select a required discovery range and click Delete Range button to delete a discovery range.
Click Save to commit all changes. Entries are limited to 256 addresses.
To Create/Delete a Single IP:
1. Click New IP button to create a new blank entry as shown in the screenshot below.
Figure 17: Create New IP
2. Enter the IP address in the IP field.
3. Click Save to trigger the discovery process. A Confirmation message appears, click Yes to save the discovery settings successfully or click No to return to the previous screen.
4. Click Reload Discovery Settings, a Confirmation message appears. Click Yes to reload all the settings to the saved values or click No to return to the previous screen.
5. Select a required IP address and click Delete IP button to delete an IP address.
Click Save to commit all changes. The single IP addresses may have also been added manually
or created with the Add Device function.
To Create/Delete Discovery Ranges by IP and Subnet Prefix:
1. Click New IP/Prefix button to create a new blank entry as shown in the screenshot below.
Figure 18: Create New IP/Prefix
2. Enter the starting IP address and Subnet Prefix in the Start IP and Subnet Prefix fields, respectively.
3. Click Save to trigger the discovery process. A Confirmation message appears, click Yes to save the discovery settings successfully or click No to return to the previous screen.
4. Click Reload Discovery Settings, a Confirmation message appears. Click Yes to reload all the settings to the saved values or click No to return to the previous screen.
5. Select a required entry and click Delete IP /Prefix button to delete a discovery range.
Click Save to commit all changes.
The discovered devices in the device tree are una uthenticated devices. To authenticate these devices, the user has to select the required unauthenticated devices and provide the corresponding user credentials to identify the devices as SCX Device.
Messaging Window
Messaging Window provides information for various activities performed by the VDM Pro application. Whenever the user performs some activities like system login, system logout, device discovery and so on, a message will be displayed with the timestamp in the Messaging Window. The user can also configure the output window and optimize the messaging window size according to their needs.
1. Click VDM Pro Options > Configuration > Messaging Window to configure the messaging window as shown in the screenshot below.
Figure 19: Messaging Window
2. Choose the size of the messaging window from the Messaging Window Size on Startup section.
3. Click Save button to save the settings for messaging window successfully.
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