ViewSonic LS625X Product Sheet

Key Features
Bright Images in any Environ me nt | Large Images in Sm al l Spaces |
Long-la st in g Laser Phosphor Li gh t So urce | Horizo ntal and Vertical
Keystone Correction | Comp at ible with Interactive Whiteboard Module
Featuring 1024x768 XGA resolution and 3,200 lumens of brightness, the ViewSonic LS625X short throw laser projector is an ideal projection solution for education environments. Designed with a laser
phosphor light source lasting up to 20,000 hours, and a sealed optical engine with a waveform air filter that protects against dust and moisture, this projector delivers long-term, virtually maintenance-
free usage for any classroom. With its 0.49 short throw ratio and horizontal/vertical keystoning, the LS625X makes installation a hassle-free experience. What’s more, the short throw ratio allows you to
place the projector just a few feet from a wall or screen to give you a huge image for less cost than a comparably sized display. Crestron and AMX certification delivers network management capabilities,
while exclusive SuperColor™ technology offers a wide color range for true-to-life images in any classroom.
Pr oj ec ti on Le ns IR Re mo te Se ns or Fo cu s/ Zoo m Ri ng s RS- 23 2 LAN USB 5 V/ 2A Ou t
12V T rigg er AC In HDM I Mon it or O ut Con tr ol Pa ne l S-V id eo
Mini U SB Kens in gt on® L oc k Slo t Au di o In /O ut Com po si te Com pu te r In
1024 x 768
3,200 ANSI
Contact Sales
call: 888.881.8781
Type: DLP L amp
Resol ution Type: XGA (102 4x76 8)
Resol ution: 1024 x 768
Brigh tnes s (Lumens) : 3,200 ANSI
Displ ay Size (in.): 60 - 300 in. / 1.5 - 7.6 m
Throw Dist ance: 2.1 - 10.4 ft / 0.6 - 3 .2 m
Throw Rati o: 0.49
Keyston e: Ver tica l (+/- 40 °)
Len s: Fixed Zoom
Light Source Life, Normal (hour s): 20000
Light Source Life, Dy namic Eco ­Mode (hou rs):
Color Depth: 1.0 7B Color (R/G/ B 10 bit)
Aspec t Ra tio: 4:3
Video Signal:
Freque ncy Hori zonta l: 15K~1 02KH z
Freque ncy Vert ical: 23~12 0Hz
PC Re solution (max): 1920 x 1080
Mac® Reso lutio n (m ax): 1920 x 1080
Ether net LAN ( RJ45)(1), 3.5m m 12 V Trigge r(1), 3 .5mm Audi o Out (1), 3.5m m Audio In( 1), C ontrol (RS23 2)(1), HD MI 1. 4(1), HDM I 1.4 (wi th HD CP 1.4)(1 ), VGA In(2 ), VG A Ou t(1), Compos ite RCA V ideo In(1), S-Vid eo In(1 ), M ini USB(1 )
Inter nal Speak ers: 10W ( x1)
Consu mptio n (t ypical): 305W
Stand -by: <0.5W
Phy sical Con tro ls:
Power, ke ysto ne/ar row keys, left/b lank, m enu/exit, right/pa nel key loc k, mode/e nter, auto, s ource
On Sc reen Di splay:
Displ ay, I mage, Powe r Ma nagem ent, Basi c, Ad vance d, Syst em, Infor mati on (S ee user g uide fo r ful l OS D fun ctio nalit y)
Operating Conditions:
Temp erature : 32-10 4º F (0 - 40º C)
Humid ity (non- cond ensing): 0-90%
Additional Hardware:
Kensing ton Lock S lot: 1
Weight (imperial):
Net ( lbs): 13.6
Gro ss ( lbs): 15.4
Weight (metric):
Net ( kg): 6.2
Gro ss ( kg): 7.0
Dimensions (imperial) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (in.): 19.1 x 9.4 x 1 5.4
Phy sical (in .): 15.1 x 5.8 x 1 1.5
Dimensions (metric) (WxHxD):
Pac ka ging (mm): 485. 0 x 238.0 x 390.0
Phy sical (mm ): 383.0 x 147.0 x 291 .0
AV Con trol: AMX Cert ified, Crestro n Cer tifi ed, PJ Link C er tified
Regul ations: F CC, cTUVus , ROHS
PACKAGE CO NTEN TS: L S625X projec tor, power c able, V GA c able, remo te co ntrol, Quick Start Guid e
War rant y: Three-ye ar li mited war rant y on parts and l abor, 1-ye ar li mited w arra nt y on the light sour ce, 1st y ear f ree Exp ress Ex chang e® s er vice. ( One y ear Express Exchang e Serv ice r equir es prod uct reg istration ).
Recycle /Disposal : Ple ase d ispo se of in accordance with loc al, sta te or fede ral l aws.
UPC: 766907979 916
HB10B , IFP 2710, PGD -350 , PJ-IWBADP-00 8, PJ-SC W-1001W, PJ-V TOU CH-10S, PJ-WM K-305 , VC10, VCB1 0
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