ViewSonic LS620X Product Sheet

Key Features
Long-las ting Laser P hosphor Light Source | Su perColor: Amaz ing Col or
Accuracy | Ne twork Moni to ring & Control | Large Images in Small
Featuring 1024x768 XGA resolution and 3,200 lumens of brightness, the ViewSonic LS620X short throw laser projector is an ideal projection solution for education environments. Designed with a laser
phosphor light source lasting up to 25,000 hours, and a sealed optical engine and waveform air filter that protect against dust and moisture, this projector delivers long-term, virtually maintenance-free
usage for any classroom. With its 0.61 short throw ratio and vertical keystoning, the LS620X makes installation a hassle-free experience. What’s more, the short throw ratio allows you to place the
projector just a few feet from a wall or screen to give you a huge image for less cost than a comparably sized display. Crestron and AMX certification delivers network management capabilities, while
exclusive SuperColor™ technology offers a wider color range for true-to-life images in any classroom.
Pr oj ec ti o n l ens IR remote sensor Elevation feet USB t y p e M in i B USB 2.0 Ty pe A HDMI x2 (MHL x 1 )
LAN IR remote sensor RS232 VGA (x2) Contro l Pa n e l Monitor Out
Au di o In 12V Tr ig ge r Au di o Ou t Composite AV I n Kensi n g to n Lo ck S lo t AC In
1024 x 768
3,200 ANSI
Contact Sales
call: 888.881.8781
Type: DLP Laser
Resolution Ty pe: XGA ( 10 24x768)
Resolution: 1024 x 768
Brightness (Lumens): 3,200 ANSI
Display Size (in.): 60 – 150 in. / 1.78 – 3. 81 m ( di ag on al )
Throw Distance: 2.42 – 6.07 ft . / 0. 74 – 1. 85 m
Throw Rat io : 0.61
Keystone: Ver tica l (+/- 40°)
Len s: Dig it al o pt ic al focus
Light Source (watt): 260
Light Source Life, Norm al ( ho ur s) : 20000
Light Source Life, Dyna mic Eco­Mode (hours):
Color Depth: 30 bits, 1.07B Color (10+10+10)
Dyna mi c Co nt ra st R atio : 100,000:1
Aspect R at io : 4:3
Video Signal:
Frequency Hor izonta l: 15–102KH z
Frequency Vertical: 48–120Hz
PC Resolution (max ): 1920 x 1080
Mac® Res ol ut io n (m ax ): 1920x1080
USB Typ e A (5 V 2A ) (1), Audio Output (M ini Jack)(1) , Et he rn et LAN (RJ 45 )( 1) , 3. 5m m 12V Tri gger(1),
3.5mm Audio In(1), Control (RS-232)(1) , HD MI 1 .4 /M HL 2.0(1), V GA O ut (1 ), S-Video I n( 1) , RC A Audio In (L/R)(1), RGB In put(2)
Intern al S pe ak ers: 10W (x2)
Vol ta ge : AC 100-240V (universal), 50-60Hz
Consumption (max): 305W
Stand-by : <0.5 W
Phy sical Controls:
Power, k eystone/ar row ke ys, le ft /blank , menu/e xi t, r ight/panel key lo ck , mo de /e nt er, a uto, source
On Screen Display:
Display, Im age, Po we r Ma nagement, Basi c, Advanced, System, Information (S ee u se r guide for full OSD funct io na li ty)
Operating Conditions:
Temp erature: 32- 10 4º F (0 - 40º C)
Humidity ( no n- cond en si ng ): 10-90%
Weight (imperial):
Net (lbs): 12.11
Gro ss ( lb s) : 16.3
Weight (metric):
Net (kg): 5.5
Gro ss ( kg ): 7.4
Dimensions (imperial) (WxHxD):
Pac kaging (in.): 19.3 x 15.39 x 11.02
Phy sical (in. ): 16.36 x 11.73 x 5 .7 7
Dimensions (metric) (WxHxD):
Pac kaging (mm): 49 1 x 391 x 28 0
Phy sical (mm) : 415 x 298 x 146
AV Control : AMX Cert ifie d, Crestron Cert if ie d, Ext ron Cert if ie d, PJ Link Cert if ie d
Regulations: M ex ic o En ergy test/Registration, EAC, TUV-S Mar k (A rgentina), I ndia BIS , FCC, CE, EMC, CB, CCC, RoH S, R EA CH , SV HC , WEEE, ErP, Me xico NOM , cTUVus, PSB, RCM, C ECP
PACKAGE CON TENTS: LS620X, power cable, VGA cable, remote control / laser pointer with batteries, Quick Star t Guide, ViewSonic Wizard CD (with User Guid e)
War rant y: Three-year limited war ra nt y on p ar ts a nd labor, 1 -year limited warr an ty on th e li gh t so ur ce, 1st year free Exp ress Exchange® ser vice. (One year Express Exchange Ser vice requi res product reg istration).
Recy cl e/ Di sp os al : Please dispose of in acc ordance with l oc al, state or federal laws.
UPC: 766907911312
PGD-35 0, PJ-WMK- 006, PJ-WMK- 305, PRJ-EE-09 -0 3, P RJ -E EE W-09-01, P RJ -E EE W-09-02, PRJ-E W- 09 -0 1, PRJ-EW-09-02
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