Solar Heating
Tec hnol og y
Vitosol 200-T, SP2A – 10, 12 and 24 tubes
Vitosol 200-T, SPE – 9 and 18 tubes
High-performance vacuum tube solar collectors
Type SPE
+ 45°
Type SP2A
+ 25°
Type SP2A
– 25°
Type SPE
– 45°
Tubes can be rotated for optimum
alignment with the sun.
In a heat pipe vacuum tube, heat
capture d by the absorbe r evaporates
the water in the heat pipe, whi ch rises
to the cond enser. Heat is trans ferred
to the solar fl uid circu lating throug h the
header, where it condenses.
The Vitosol 200-T, SPE is ideal for fl at
roof installations or large arrays.
Clean and dependable solar heating
As the cleanest, most abundant and easily
accessible form of energy on earth, solar
energy is the per fect addition to any heating
system − whether for domestic hot water,
pool heating or to supplement your space
heating or cooling loads. Putting the sun to
work saves you as much as 60% on your
hot water bill or up to 25% when using solar
energy for hot water and space heating.
High performance design
Vacuum tube collectors achieve excellent
results, not just year-round, but par ticularly
in cold and windy conditions. The collectors’
absorbers are located inside vacuum tubes,
which, much like a thermos, have excellent
insulating qualities and prevent heat loss.
Solar energy is captured by a selective
surface coated copper absorber sheet inside
the evacuated glass tubes. With highly
effi cient heat pipe vacuum tubes such as
those on the Vitosol 200-T, the captured heat
evaporates water inside a heat pipe, which
then rises to a condenser. Fully encapsulated
condensers inside a cast aluminum block
(SPE) or integrated within a Duotec double
pipe stainless steel heat exchanger (SP2A)
transfer the heat to the circulating solar fl uid.
Combined with highly-effective thermal
insulation in the header casing, these designs
ensure extremely effi cient heat transfer and
minimize additional heat loss.
Flexible mounting options
From residential homes to large commercial
and industrial systems, the Vitosol 200-T
provides numerous installation possibilities.
The Vitosol 200-T can be installed on sloped
or fl at roofs, horizontally (laying fl at) or
freestanding. On sloped roofs, collectors
may be positioned vertically (tubes at right
angles to roof ridge) or horizontally (tubes
parallel to roof ridge). The Vitosol 20 0-T,
SP2A adds a horizontal wall mounting option
and is available in a 10-tube model designed
for installation on balcony railings or walls.
The Vitosol 200-T, SP2 A is available in 10,
12 and 24-tube models, while the Vitosol
200 -T, SPE is offered in 9 and 18-tube
versions. In commercial applications, up
to 96 tubes of the Vitosol 200 -T, SP2A or
108 tubes of the Vitosol 200 -T, SPE can
be easily connected in a single array with
quick-connect fi ttings and easy-to-use,
pre-engineered mounting systems.
Easy installation
systems with rafter brackets,
angled frames or wall-mounting brackets
simplify installation, saving both time and
money. Flexible pipes with O-rings enable
quick connections, and a connection set
with compression fi ttings enables the
collector array to be readily connected to
the pipes of the solar circuit. A temperature
sensor is fi tted into a sensor well built into
the collector header. New retaining caps
prevent the tubes from slipping off during
installation and maintenance; if service is
required, “dr y connections” allow individual
tubes to be replaced quickly and easily
without draining the system.
Sloped roof, horizontal
Sloped roof, vertical
Flat roof, fl ush
Flat roof, on frames
Wall, horizontal (SP2A only)