Videoswitch Vi-POSCON User Manual

Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
Installation Guide
Pos601a.doc 20/03/2007
Ocean House, Redfields Industrial Park Fax 01252-851296 Redfields Lane, Church Crookham Email Hants GU52 0RD Web
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Telephone 01252-851510
Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
1 CAUTIONS ............................................................................................................................5
2 About this Guide .................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 If you need assistance, call…......................................................................................... 5
3 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 6
4 System Components.............................................................................................................. 7
4.1 Vi-POSCON Front Panel................................................................................................ 9
4.2 Vi-POSCON Rear Panel.................................................................................................9
4.3 The Vi-POSCON Text Overlay..................................................................................... 11
5 Installation............................................................................................................................ 12
5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................12
5.2 Before You Begin.......................................................................................................... 12
5.3 Pre-Installation Checklist.............................................................................................. 12
5.4 Controller Installation Kits and Tools ............................................................................ 13
5.4.1 Install Kits................................................................................................................ 13
Installation Tools.................................................................................................................. 13
5.5 Installing a Vi-POSCON System................................................................................... 14
5.6 Power-Up Sequence..................................................................................................... 18
6 Configuring the Vi-POSCON System...................................................................................19
7 The Vi-POSCON Service Menu........................................................................................... 20
7.1 Accessing the Service Menu......................................................................................... 20
7.2 Setting the Active Channels.......................................................................................... 21
7.3 Setting the Language.................................................................................................... 21
7.4 Setting the Currency Format......................................................................................... 22
7.5 Setting the Printer Type................................................................................................22
7.6 Displaying the Software Version...................................................................................22
7.7 Setting the Unit Status.................................................................................................. 22
7.8 Setting Synchronize Clock ............................................................................................ 23
7.9 Setting/Activating Alarm Events.................................................................................... 23
7.9.1 Setting the Current Alarm........................................................................................ 23
7.9.2 Setting the Identifier................................................................................................. 24
7.9.3 Setting the Alarm Allocation .................................................................................... 24
7.9.4 Setting the Contact Type......................................................................................... 24
7.9.5 Setting the Alarm Status..........................................................................................25
7.9.6 Setting the Alarm Duration ...................................................................................... 25
7.9.7 Setting the Active Period......................................................................................... 25
7.9.8 Setting the Start Time.............................................................................................. 25
7.9.9 Setting the End Time............................................................................................... 26
7.10 Setting the Channel Attributes...................................................................................... 26
7.10.1 Setting the Current Channel.................................................................................... 26
7.10.2 Setting the Baud Rate ............................................................................................. 26
7.10.3 Setting the Line Filtering..........................................................................................28
7.10.4 Setting the Register Identity .................................................................................... 28
7.10.5 Setting the Text Colour............................................................................................28
7.10.6 Setting the Text Window Border..............................................................................28
7.10.7 Setting the Text Window Position............................................................................29
7.10.8 Setting the Text Window Size.................................................................................. 29
7.11 Setting the Screen Attributes ........................................................................................ 29
7.11.1 Displaying Channel Bar........................................................................................... 29
Displaying Date & Time ....................................................................................................... 30
7.11.2 Setting the Video Type............................................................................................ 30
7.12 Clearing the User Password......................................................................................... 30
7.13 Print System Settings.................................................................................................... 30
7.14 Manager Menu.............................................................................................................. 30
7.15 Event Reports............................................................................................................... 31
8 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................... 32
8.1.1 No Cash Transactions on Monitor........................................................................... 32
8.1.2 No Vi-POSCON Identifying Message on Monitor .................................................... 34
8.1.3 Menus Absent or Distorted on Monitor.................................................................... 36
8.1.4 No Video on Monitor................................................................................................ 36
8.1.5 No Mouse Function ................................................................................................. 36
8.1.6 No Printer Function.................................................................................................. 37
9 Specifications.......................................................................................................................39
9.1 Electrical....................................................................................................................... 39
9.2 Mechanical....................................................................................................................39
9.3 Environmental............................................................................................................... 39
10 Declarations.........................................................................................................................40
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
Regulatory Compliance................................................................................................. 40
10.2 Other Declarations........................................................................................................40
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
CAUTION: For continued protection against risk of fire, replace only with the same type and rating of
PCB Legend Value Type
Fuse F1 1A @ 250V Ceramic "F" Fuse F2 500mA @ 250V Ceramic "L" Fuse F3 500mA @ 250V Ceramic "L"
CAUTION: Danger if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.
PRECAUTIONS: Check that the operating voltage as indicated on the type plate [label] of the Power
Supply Unit [PSU] is identical with the voltage of your local mains power supply. LOCATION: For pluggable equipment [which is the PSU], the socket outlet shall be installed near the
equipment, [the PSU], and shall be easily accessible. Do not expose the Vi-POSCON or the PSU to humidity, rain or excessive heat; they are for use in dry
areas only. SAFETY: The Mains Plug is considered to be the means of disconnecting primary power. To isolate
the equipment fully, ensure that the Mains Plug is removed. All Video, Data and Alarm switching signal connections must be to SELV* levels only, in accordance
with EN 6095 and UL 1950 3 INSTALLATION: Both the Vi-POSCON and the PSU are designed to be free standing on a horizontal
*SELV = Safety Extra Low Voltage. PSU = Power Supply Unit.
A separate copy of this safety card is included with the Vi-POSCON Install Kit and must be left with the user.
2 About this Guide
This document describes the installation and configuration of the Vi-POSCON System.
2.1 If you need assistance, call…
Videoswitch: 01252-851510
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
3 Introduction
The Vi-POSCON System is a point-of-sale exception monitoring device that connects to a store's cash registers and camera surveillance system.
The Vi-POSCON System monitors EPoS (Electronic Point-of-Sale or cash register) terminal activity and documents suspicious sales transactions. It does this by monitoring the register data for up to 10 sales transactions that the operator has designated as exception events. It also monitors up to four external switch events (such as door switch or panic button).
When an exception event occurs, Vi-POSCON documents the event by: Switching the DVR from time-lapse to real-time recording to record the register scene. Displaying the register scene on a video monitor in a back room or office. Highlighting the exception on the register receipt that overlays the video scene. Generating a one-line printout that summarizes the exception event (if the Audit Trail option is
enabled). Storing exception event information for the system reports. By sounding an alarm tone. Changes the relevant front panel Data LED from flashing green to steady red for the duration of the
event. By lighting the red EVENT LED when the first event is logged. (The LED is not cleared until the event
is reviewed.)
After the system documents an exception, it: Returns to routine surveillance, monitoring the register data according the surveillance parameters
you defined. Switches the DVR from real-time to time-lapse recording. Changes the relevant front panel Data LED from steady red to flashing green.
The Vi-POSCON System stores exception event data in its memory for generating its reports. The Detailed Event Report provides complete details of the exception events. The Frequency Event Report totals the number of exception events occurring per hour accumulatively over a number of days. The Daily Report totals the number of exception events occurring per hour for a single day, for up to 7 days. You can display and print the reports.
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
4 System Components
The following illustration shows the components of a typical Vi-POSCON System for a single register installation. Vi-POSCON can monitor up to four cash registers with a single DVR and video monitor. Depending upon the specific needs of each installation, the system setup will vary from site to site.
The Vi-POSCON components required for a single cash register installation are described b elow. The printer is optional, but is typically included.
Camera Provides video of the register scene or, if using a programmable
dome, other locations in the store.
Cash register The EPoS or electronic cash register system used to execute sales
related transactions. In this guide, the term register is used interchangeably with EPoS.
Monitor Displays the live register scene, an overlay of the register receipt on
the register scene, and Vi-POSCON menus.
Mouse A pointing device used to control and program the Vi-POSCON
System. Printer (optional) Vi-POSCON Controller Controls the Vi-POSCON System for up to four registers and
Printer Port Interface (PPI) Connects a register to the Vi-POSCON controller; it converts the
DVR Records (in time-lapse mode) the register scene. When an exception
Prints a record of exception events as they occur, and prints
summary event reports.
cameras, including the switching of a time-lapse DVR.
It can also control the monitoring of up to four external switch events
(alarms), such as door switch or panic button.
register data into Vi-POSCON-understandable data.
occurs, the DVR records (in real-time mode) the register scene along
with an overlay of the register receipt.
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
The following illustration shows the maximum Vi-POSCON System configuration with one DVR and monitor. You can connect up to four registers, cameras, DVRs, and monitors to the Vi-POSCON controller. A Printer Interface is required for each register you want to monitor.
Camera 1
EPoS & Printer
Camera 2
Camera 3
Camera 4
EPoS & Printer
EPoS & Printer
EPoS & Printer
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
4.1 Vi-POSCON Front Panel
The following is a escription of the Vi-POSCON front panel indicators and connector.
POWER – This red LED, when lit, indicates that the unit is powered on. DATA – These four tri-colour LEDs are linked to the four data input ports on the rear panel. These
LEDs flash green as data is received at the associated interface input; they turn steady red as and when an event occurs, reverting to flashing green once the period of time defined for the event has lapsed. If no data is being received at a particular port then the associated LED is not lit.
EVENT – This red LED lights when the first event is logged into Vi-POSCON memory and remains lit until the user has reviewed that event and all other subsequent logged events.
On system power-up, the DATA and EVENT LEDs momentarily light red. MOUSE – This is a mini-DIN socket for connecting a PS/2 mouse to the Vi-POSCON System. A tick-
mark indicates the location of the connector's key.
4.2 Vi-POSCON Rear Panel
The following is an illustration and description of the Vi-POSCON rear panel connectors.
[A] [B] [E] [F] [G] [I]
[C] [D] [H] [J]
[A] Power Input – a DIN connector for the power supply unit (PSU). The following table identifies the power supplies to be used with the Vi-POSCON Systems.
For Vi-POSCON Systems
North America 590001
Europe 590002
Use Power Supply Part
[B] Alarms I/O & VCR/DVR – a 37-pin D-type female connector for alarm inputs, relay outputs, and
Pin Assignment Pin Assignment
1 Relay 1 NO* 20 Relay 1 COM 2 Relay 1 NC* 21 unassigned 3 Relay 2 NO 22 Relay 2 COM 4 Relay 2 NC 23 unassigned 5 Relay 3 NO 24 Relay 3 COM 6 Relay 3 NC 25 unassigned 7 Relay 4 NO 26 Relay 4 COM 8 Relay 4 NC 27 unassigned
9 Relay 5 NO 28 Relay 5 COM 10 Relay 5 NC 29 unassigned 11 unassigned 30 unassigned 12 unassigned 31 unassigned 13 unassigned 32 unassigned 14 unassigned 33 unassigned
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
15 unassigned 34 Alarm GND 16 Alarm Input 4 35 Alarm GND 17 Alarm Input 3 36 Alarm GND 18 Alarm Input 2 37 Alarm GND 19 Alarm Input 1
* NO = Normally Open; NC = Normally Closed Relay 1 is associated with Channel 1, Relay 2 with Channel 2, Relay 3 with Channel 3, and Relay 4 with Channel 4.
Relay 5 is associated with the Main Monitor output and if Vi-POSCON is configured as a standalone system, this relay should be connected to the Alarm Input of the time-lapse DVR.
Pin Assignment Connect to DVR
9 Relay 5 NO Alarm SET 10 Relay 5 NC Alarm RESET 28 Relay 5 COM Alarm GROUND
[C] Printer – a 25-pin D-type female connector for connecting the Vi-POSCON printer. [D] 485 – a 9-pin D-type RS-232/RS485 female connector for future use (to allow the connection of
multiple Vi-POSCON controllers). [E] 232A and 232B – two 9-pin D-type RS-232 male connectors. 232A is used to output the Synchronizing Clock data to other equipment. 232B is for future use. The RS-232 output is fixed
at 9600, N, 8, 1.
[F] Data1 through Data4 – four 9-pin D-type RS-232/RS-485 male connectors for input from the Printer Port Interfaces. (The Printer Port Interfaces can output data in either RS-232 or RS-485.)
RS-232 Data In
RS-485 Data In
RED 2 – RXD 4 – RX+
9 RX-
Note: Jumpers on the Vi-POSCON main PCB must be set to allow RS-232 or RS-485 data input. RS­232 is the default setting for all four interface data input channels. Interface data input channels may be set in any combination of RS-232 or RS-485 input.
RS-232/RS-485 Interface Data Input
Jumper RS-232 Data Input RS-485 Data Input
1 P12 2 P11
For RS-232, set jumper towards rear of unit (default).
For RS-485, set jumper towards front of unit.
3 P10 4 P9
[G] AUX – a BNC connector for future use. [H] Main Mon. – a BNC connector for the main monitor when Vi-POSCON is configured as a
standalone system (more than one camera/register input with output to a single DVR/monitor). [I] Video Input (1 through 4) – four BNC connectors for camera input.
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
Video Input Jumper Notes
1 JP5 2 JP4 3 JP3 4 JP2
For future use
[J] Video Output (1 through 4) – four BNC connectors for video output. The video output signals include the text overlay from the EPoS.
4.3 The Vi-POSCON Text Overlay
The monitor text overlay of the Vi-POSCON System is similar to the following illustration. The surveillance scene is omitted for clarity.
HH:MM:SS Store Identifier DD/MM/YY
Register 3
Orange Juice 0.89 Whole Milk 1.23 Skimmed Milk 1.18 Baked Beans 0.26 4 Items 3.56 Tax 0.21 Total 3.77 Cash 5.00 Change 1.23
Transaction window
Channel Bar
The 3-part text line at the top of the monitor screen displays: The time in either 12-hour or 24-hour format, Up to 20 characters for the store's identifier, and The date in DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YY/MM/DD format. (Note: the system replaces the date
separator "/" with "." for the German, Polish, Finnish, Hungarian, Czechoslovakian and Russian languages, and "-" for the Portuguese and Danish languages.)
The Transaction window displays all register transactions as they occur. The window displays a maximum of 40 characters per line (38 characters if an outline border is selected). A 12-character register name box is displayed at the top of the Transaction window. In the Surveillance Mode, the Channel Bar at the bottom of the screen displays numbered boxes to indicate the activated video input channels. The example in the above figure shows three activated channels with Channel 3 being monitored (highlighted). When an event occurs, the system switches to the channel reporting the event, and its box highlights.
When an Alarm (External) event occurs, the Store Identifier is replaced by a highlighted, flashing
ALARM # (where # = the number of the Alarm) or the Alarm Identifier text (if entered, for example: DOOR). At the end of the event duration, the Store Identifier is restored.
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
5 Installation
5.1 Introduction
This section describes how to install and configure a single controller Vi-POSCON System.
5.2 Before You Begin
Verify that all the equipment has arrived. Verify that the unit shipped is the right configuration for the store. Be organized. Unpack components in the back room. At the installation area, lay out parts in the order
you will need them. Do not clutter traffic areas or cause a safety hazard.
5.3 Pre-Installation Checklist Salesperson's Responsibilities
Key contacts identified. Special installation dated noted (verify with Customer Engineer). Electronic cash register types and printers are identified. Customer's Responsibilities
Unswitched, 120Vac or 240Vac, 15A power provided at designated locations to supply the printer interface(s) and operator station equipment-controller(s), monitor, printer, DVR, and quad splitter, if installed.
A person with technical knowledge of the electronic cash register system scheduled to sup port the Vi­POSCON installation. Customer Engineer Responsibilities
Register types noted. With agreement of the customer, location of the Vi-POSCON station and other components
determined; see Placement below. Cabling distances between registers and all Vi-POSCON components. A printer interface and data
cable is required for each cash register to be monitored. Placement
Vi-POSCON controller location determined, within 2.5m (8') of camera system card rack (if used ) for cable connections.
Printer interface location at registers determined, within 0.9m (3') of AC receptacle. Four-conductor data cable run from each printer interface to the Vi-POSCON controller. AC Power
Three receptacles of unswitched 120Vac or 240Vac, 15A power for the monitor, printer, and DVR. A fourth receptacle is required if a quad splitter is used.
One receptacle of unswitched 120Vac or 240Vac, 15A power for each Vi-POSCON controller. One receptacle of unswitched 120Vac or 240Vac, 15A power for each printer interface. Less than 0.5Vac between neutral and ground of all AC receptacles.
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Vi-POSCON Installation Guide
5.4 Controller Installation Kits and Tools
5.4.1 Install Kits
Vi-POSCON Install Kit (US) 540012 Part Number Description Qty
590001 USA PSU 1 520079 37-way D Plug (Solder Bucket) 1 520078 37-way D Cover 1 520075 9-way D Socket (Crimp) 4 520030 9-way D Cover 4 520076 Crimp Pin 12
Vi-POSCON Install Kit (EU) 540013 Part Number
590002 EUR PSU 1
Description Qty
500261 UK Power Cord 1 500262 EUR Power Cord 1 520079 37-way D Plug (Solder Bucket) 1 520078 37-way D Cover 1 520029 9-way D Socket (Solder Bucket) 4 520030 9-way D Cover 4
Accessories Part
Description Qty
590003 Mouse 1 590004 Mouse Mat 1
NOTE: Any replacement or alternative mouse used with the Vi-POSCON system must be UL approved.
Installation Tools
You will need the following tools to properly install Vi-POSCON: Crimp tool, D-sub (for Crimp Pin Part #: 520076) Extractor, D-sub (for Crimp Pin Part #: 520076) Multimeter or equivalent Wire stripper/crimper Soldering iron Measuring tape Drill, bits, and screws as needed for mounting (typically to wood) Drill, bits, and saw as needed for cable routing (typically through wood)
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