Theory of Operation, Calibration
and PM procedures
June 2002 X3 All Added Extended Functions and
UVT Test Screens. Added Error
August 2002 A All Final review & engineering
release. Modified OVP,
Calibration and screens.
December 2004 B 39 Replaced Figure 3.13 Umbrella
Check Valve with Figure 3.13
Umbrella Check Valve (P/N
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Service Manual 3
THE Vela ventilator systems are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship and to
meet the published specifications for two (2) years or 8,000 hours, whichever occurs first. The turbine
only is warranted to be free from defects in material or workmanship for five (5) years or 40,000 hours
whichever occurs first.
The liability of VIASYS Healthcare, Critical Care Division, (referred to as the Company) under this
warranty is limited to replacing, repairing or issuing credit, at the discretion of the Company, for parts
that become defective or fail to meet published specifications during the warranty period; the Company
will not be liable under this warranty unless (A) the Company is promptly notified in writing by Buyer
upon discovery of defects or failure to meet published specifications; (B) the defective unit or part is
returned to the Company, transportation charges prepaid by Buyer; (C) the defective unit or part is
received by the Company for adjustment no later than four weeks following the last day of the warranty
period; and (D) the Company’s examination of such unit or part shall disclose, to its satisfaction, that
such defects or failures have not been caused by misuse, neglect, improper installation, unauthorized
repair, alteration or accident.
Any authorization of the Company for repair or alteration by the Buyer must be in writing to prevent
voiding the warranty. In no event shall the Company be liable to the Buyer for loss of profits, loss of
use, consequential damage or damages of any kind based upon a claim for breach of warranty, other
than the purchase price of any defective product covered hereunder.
The Company warranties as herein and above set forth shall not be enlarged, diminished or affected
by, and no obligation or liability shall arise or grow out of the rendering of technical advice or service by
the Company or its agents in connection with the Buyer's order of the products furnished hereunder.
Limitation of Liabilities
This warranty does not cover normal maintenance such as cleaning, adjustment or lubrication and
updating of equipment parts. This warranty shall be void and shall not apply if the equipment is used
with accessories or parts not manufactured by the Company or authorized for use in writing by the
Company or if the equipment is not maintained in accordance with the prescribed schedule of
The warranty stated above shall extend for a period of FIVE (5) years from date of shipment or 40,000
hours of use, whichever occurs first, with the following exceptions:
1. Components for monitoring of physical variables such as temperature, pressure, or flow are
warranted for ninety (90) days from date of receipt.
2. Elastomeric components and other parts or components subject to deterioration, over which the
Company has no control, are warranted for sixty (60) days from date of receipt.
3. Internal batteries are warranted for ninety (90) days from the date of receipt.
The foregoing is in lieu of any warranty, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, any warranty
of merchantability, except as to title, and can be amended only in writing by a duly authorized
representative of the Company.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
4 Vela Ventilators
Revision History ..............................................................................................................2
Limitation of Liabilities..................................................................................................................................3
Chapter 2 Theory of Operation.....................................................................................17
General Device Description ........................................................................................................17
Pneumatic System Overview ......................................................................................................17
Flow Delivery System ................................................................................................................................17
Safety System ...........................................................................................................................................18
Inspiratory Hold Valve................................................................................................................................18
User interface module (UIM) .....................................................................................................................18
Power System ...........................................................................................................................................20
Main Controller System .............................................................................................................................20
The Watchdog Timer and Hardware Fault.................................................................................................21
Disassembly and Reassembly Procedures............................................................................... 24
Power Cable..............................................................................................................................................24
Top Cover Part number 15893 .................................................................................................................. 25
Battery Tray Part Number 10633...............................................................................................................26
Switch Test ................................................................................................................................................56
Alarm Test .................................................................................................................................................57
Version Information ...................................................................................................................................64
Date & Time...............................................................................................................................................65
Low Min Volume Off ..................................................................................................................................67
Language Selection...................................................................................................................................70
Test Set-up................................................................................................................................................75
Power Up Verification/Service Verification Tests.......................................................................................75
Replacing the software PCMCIA cards .....................................................................................................89
Replacing the external A/C fuses. .............................................................................................................90
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Service Manual 7
The Annual 5000 hour P.M. Procedure...................................................................................... 91
Replacing the ambient air filter. .................................................................................................................91
Replacing the fan filter...............................................................................................................................91
Replacing the filter, retaining ring & check valve on the low pres O2 fitting ..............................................92
Replacing the filter, retaining ring and check valve on the hi pressure fitting ............................................92
Replacing the muffler and muffler filter assemblies ...................................................................................93
Replacing the left panel w/power PCB. .....................................................................................................95
AC Power Supply ....................................................................................................................................105
DC Power Supply ....................................................................................................................................105
Data Input / Output.................................................................................................................... 106
Analog Inputs ..........................................................................................................................................106
Analog Outputs........................................................................................................................................ 106
Digital Communication.............................................................................................................................107
Video Output ...........................................................................................................................................107
This work is protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Code and is the sole property of the Company. No part
of this document may be copied or otherwise reproduced, or stored in any electronic information
retrieval system, except as specifically permitted under U.S. Copyright law, without the prior written
consent of the Company. For more information, contact:
World Headquarters European Office
1100 Bird Center Drive Rembrandtlaan 1b
Palm Springs, CA 92262-8099 3723 BG Bilthoven
U.S.A. P.O. Box 299, 3720 AG Bilthoven
Phone: (760) 778-7200 The Netherlands
(800) 328-4139 Phone: (31) 30 2289 711
Fax: (760) 778-7274 Fax: (31) 30 2286 244
Trademark Notices
Vela is a registered trademark of VIASYS Healthcare, Critical Care Division in the U.S. and some
other countries. All other brand names and product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks,
registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders.
EMC Notice
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions in this manual, electromagnetic interference may result. The
equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits set forth in EN60601-1-2 for Medical
Products. These limits provide reasonable protection against electromagnetic interference when
operated in the intended use environments described in this manual.
The ventilator has been tested to conform to the following specifications:
This ventilator is also designed and manufactured to comply with the safety requirements of IEC 601-1,
IEC 601-2-12, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 601.1-M90, and UL 2601-1.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
10 Vela Ventilators
MRI Notice
This equipment contains electromagnetic components whose operation can be affected by intense
electromagnetic fields.
Do not operate the ventilator in a MRI environment or in the vicinity of high-frequency surgical
diathermy equipment, defibrillators, or short-wave therapy equipment. Electromagnetic interference
could disrupt the operation of the ventilator.
Intended Use Notice
The Vela Ventilators are designed to provide ventilator support for the critical care management of
infant, pediatric or adult patients with compromised lung function. They are intended to provide
continuous respiratory support in an institutional health care environment. They should only be
operated by properly trained clinical personnel, under the direction of a physician.
Regulatory Notice
Federal law restricts the sale of this device except by or on order of a physician.
IEC Classification
Type of Equipment: Medical Equipment, Class 1 type B
Adult/Pediatric/Infant Lung Ventilator
Declaration of Conformity Notice
This medical equipment complies with the Medical Device Directive,
93/42/EEC, and the following Technical Standards, to which
Conformity is declared:
ISO 9001, EN 46001
EU Notified Body:
BSI (Reg. No. 0086)
If you have a question regarding the Declaration of Conformity for this product, please contact VIASYS
Healthcare, Critical Care Division at the number given in Appendix A.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Service Manual Front Matter 11
Safety Information
Please review the following safety information prior to operating the ventilator. Attempting to
operate the ventilator without fully understanding its features and functions may result in unsafe
operating conditions.
Warnings and Cautions which are general to the use of the ventilator under all circumstances are
included in this section. Some Warnings and Cautions are also inserted within the manual where they
are most meaningful.
Notes are also located throughout the manual to provide additional information related to specific
If you have a question regarding the installation, set up, operation, or maintenance of the ventilator,
contact VASYS Healthcare Customer Care as shown in Appendix A, Contact & Ordering Information.
WARNINGS identify conditions or practices that could result in serious adverse reactions or
potential safety hazards.
CAUTIONS identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to the ventilator or other
NOTES identify supplemental information to help you better understand how the ventilator
Warnings and Cautions appear throughout this manual where they are relevant. The Warnings and
Cautions listed here apply generally any time you operate the ventilator.
• The Vela Ventilator is intended for use by a trained practitioner under the direction of a
• When the ventilator is connected to a patient, a trained health care professional should be in
• Alarm loudness must be set above ambient sound in order to be heard.
• Always have an alternate means of ventilation available whenever the ventilator is in use.
• The operator should not touch the electrical connectors of the ventilator or accessories, and
• Due to possible explosion hazard, the ventilator should not be used in the presence of
qualified physician.
attendance at all times to react to an alarm or other indications of a problem.
the patient simultaneously.
flammable anesthetics.
• An audible alarm indicates an anomalous condition and should never go unheeded.
• Anti-static or electrically conductive hoses or tubing should not be used within the patient
• If a mechanical or electrical problem is recognized while running the Operational Verification
Tests, or while operating the ventilator, the ventilator must be removed from use and referred
to qualified personnel for servicing. Using an inoperative ventilator may result in patient injury.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
12 Vela Ventilators
• When a low gas supply alarm occurs, the oxygen concentration delivered to the patient will
differ from that set on the O2 control setting.
• A source gas failure will change the FIO2 and may result in patient injury.
• The functioning of this equipment may be adversely affected by the operation of other
equipment nearby, such as high frequency surgical (diathermy) equipment, defibrillators,
short-wave therapy equipment, “walkie-talkies,” or cellular phones.
• Water in the air supply can cause malfunction of this equipment.
• Do not block or restrict the Oxygen bleed port located on the instrument back panel.
Equipment malfunction may result.
• Electric shock hazard - Do not remove any of the ventilator covers or panels. Refer all
servicing to an authorized VIASYS Healthcare service technician.
• A protective ground connection by way of the grounding conductor in the power cord is
essential for safe operation. Upon loss of protective ground, all conductive parts including
knobs and controls that may appear to be insulated, can render an electric shock. To avoid
electrical shock, plug the power cord into a properly wired receptacle, use only the power cord
supplied with the ventilator, and make sure the power cord is in good condition.
The following cautions apply any time you work with the ventilator.
• When replacing fuses, ensure that new fuses are of the same type and value as those being
replaced. Incorrect fuses can cause damage to the ventilator.
• A battery that is fully drained (i.e. void of any charge) may cause damage to the ventilator and
should be replaced.
• All accessory equipment that is connected to the ventilator must comply with
• To avoid damage to the equipment, clean the air filter regularly.
The following cautions apply when cleaning the ventilator or when sterilizing ventilator
• Do not sterilize the ventilator. The internal components are not compatible with sterilization
• Do not gas sterilize or steam autoclave tubing adapters or connectors in place. The tubing will,
over time, take the shape of the adapter, causing poor connection and possible leaks.
• DO NOT submerge the ventilator or pour cleaning liquids over or into the ventilator.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Service Manual Front Matter 13
Equipment Symbols
The following symbols may be referenced on the ventilator or in accompanying documentation
Symbol Source/Compliance Meaning
Symbol #03-02 IEC 60878 Indicates ATTENTION, consult ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS
Symbol #5016 IEC 60417
Symbol #5034 IEC 60417
Symbol #01-36 IEC 60878
Symbol #5035 IEC 60417
Symbol #01-37 IEC 60878
Symbol #5019 IEC 60417
Symbol #01-20 IEC 60878
Symbol #5021 IEC 60417
Symbol # 01-24 IEC 60878
Symbol # 5333 IEC 60417
Symbol #02-03 IEC 60878
Symbol #5032 IEC 60417
Symbol #01-14 IEC 30878
Symbol# 5049 IEC 60417
Symbol #5007 IEC 60417
Symbol #01-01 IEC 60878
Symbol #5008 IEC 60417
Symbol #01-02 IEC 60878
This symbol indicates a FUSE.
This symbol indicates INPUT.
This symbol indicates OUTPUT
This symbol indicates protective EARTH (ground).
This symbol indicates the EQUIPOTENTIAL connection used to
connect various parts of the equipment or of a system to the same
potential, not necessarily being the earth (ground) potential (e.g., for
local bonding).
This symbol indicates TYPE BH equipment, which indicates equipment
that provides a particular degree of protection against electric shock,
particularly with regards to allowable leakage current and reliability of
the protective earth connection.
This symbol indicates the equipment is suitable for alternating current.
This Symbol indicates the ON condition for a part of the equipment.
When pressed the ventilator will operate from the MAINS voltage (if
connected) or internal or external batteries if the battery charge is
within operating specifications.
Indicates ON (Power)
Indicates OFF (Power)
Horizontal return with line feed. Indicates ACCEPT entered values for
a specific field.
This symbol indicates CANCEL. Do not accept entered values. The
ventilator continues to operate at previous settings.
Pressing the button with this symbol will FREEZE the current display.
This symbol indicates a CONTROL LOCK.
Symbol #0651 ISO 7000
Graphical Symbol in
general use internationally
for “DO NOT”
Symbol #5467 IEC 60417
Symbol #5569 IEC 60417
L1534 Revision B December 2004
14 Vela Ventilators
Symbol Source/Compliance Meaning
VIASYS Healthcare symbol
This symbol represents a NEBULIZER.
Symbol #5319 IEC 60417
Symbol #5307 IEC 60417
VIASYS Healthcare symbol
This symbol indicates ALARM SILENCE
This symbol indicates ALARM RESET
Increase OXYGEN
VIASYS Healthcare symbol
Symbol #5031 IEC 60417
This symbol indicates DIRECT CURRENT (DC)
Symbol #5546 IEC 60417
This symbol indicates the INTERNAL BATTERY STATUS display
VIASYS Healthcare symbol
This symbol indicates INSPIRATORY HOLD
VIASYS Healthcare symbol
This symbol indicates EXPIRATORY HOLD
VIASYS Healthcare symbol
This symbol indicates MANUAL BREATH
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Chapter 1 Introduction
General Instructions
When disassembling or assembling the Vela, refer to the pneumatic schematic, tubing diagram, and the
wiring diagram shown in Appendix B and the appropriate schematics and assembly drawings for each
assembly. The illustrations shown in this manual are for reference only, current revisions of these
diagrams and schematics are available to qualified personnel from VIASYS Healthcare, Critical Care
Division, Technical Support.
Always take standard ESD precautions when working on Vela ventilator systems.
Ensure the ventilator is disconnected from the AC power supply before performing and repairs or
maintenance. When you remove any of the ventilator covers or panels, immediately disconnect the
internal battery “quick release” connector (see figure 3.1) before working on the ventilator.
Recommended Tools & Equipment
Before using any test equipment [electronic or pneumatic] for calibration procedures, the accuracy of the
instruments must be verified by a testing laboratory. The laboratory master test instruments must be traceable to
the NIST (National Institute of Standards Technology) or equivalent.
When variances exist between the indicated and actual values, the calibration curves [provided for each
instrument by the testing laboratory] must be used to establish the actual correct values. This certification
procedure should be performed at least once every six months. More frequent certification may be required
based on usage.
Long & short Philips screwdrivers
Flat bladed screwdriver
¼” Nut Dirver
5/16” Nut Driver
7/8” Nut Driver
11/32” Nut Drivel
Digital Volt Meter
Tack puller or Needle nosed pliers
Diagonal cutters
1” and ¾” open ended wrenches
Pressure Manometer (cmH2O and psig)
Adult Test Lung P/N 33754
Adult Patient Circuit P/N 10684
Variable Orifice Flow Sensor assembly P/N 15972
Valve Body P/N 20005
Tapered nipple P/N 00680
Hex nut P/N 00822
Regulator P/N 6754
1/8” ID Tubing tee P/N 00358 D (10pk)
1/8” ID silicone tubing P/N 04029 X (50ft)
L1534 Revision B December 2004
16 Vela Ventilators
Recommended Maintenance Schedules
Every 500 hours , the fan and ambient air filters should be cleaned and replaced if necessary.
Every 5000 hours, VIASYS recommends that the following Preventive Maintenance procedure be
performed (see chapter 4 for instructions). This procedure includes:
• Replacement of the fan filter, the ambient air filter, the cone filters in the high & low pressure
gas inlets and the turbine mufflers/filter.
• Perform verification procedures described in Chapter 4
• Calibration of the transducers & solenoids if necessary.
Every 10,000 hours or every two years, whichever occurs sooner, the internal oxygen sensor should
be replaced.
Maintenance on the Vela should only be carried out by a trained and authorized service technician.
VIASYS Healthcare will make available to qualified technicians, service manuals and such items as
circuit diagrams, component parts lists, calibration instructions and other information to assist in repair
of those parts of the ventilator designated by the manufacturer as repairable items.
The drawings, diagrams and schematics included in this manual are for reference only and may be
updated separately from this manual after publication. For current revisions of all documentation,
contact VIASYS Healthcare Tech Support at the numbers provided in Appendix A.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Chapter 2 Theory of Operation
General Device Description
The Vela Ventilator uses a revolutionary turbine gas delivery system with sophisticated microprocessor
control. Its Graphical User Interface provides support for pediatric to adult patients. The Vela can
deliver clinically advanced modes of ventilation like Pressure Support and can be powered with an
internal battery or AC power for an more extensive patient range.
Pneumatic System Overview
The Vela ventilator pneumatic system is electromechanical and is comprised of four major subsystems,
each containing several components. These systems are the flow delivery system, the exhalation
system, the safety system and the inspiratory hold valve. Individual subsystems are discussed in detail
Flow Delivery System
This electromechanical system controls all inspiratory flow to the patient. The system delivers flow to
satisfy criteria for many breath types, including volume controlled, pressure controlled, and pressure
supported. The system comprises a turbine, differential pressure transducer, 2 auto-zero valves, and an
optical encoder speed transducer. When a breath is initiated, the controller controls the speed of the
turbine to achieve the required flow rate.
The speed and differential pressure transducer signals function as control inputs to ensure that the
proper flow rate is delivered even when backpressure varies. Periodically, the auto zero valves activate
to reference both sides of the differential pressure transducer to ambient pressure. The offset is
recorded by the controller, and is used as a correction for future pressure measurements. This
compensates for long term and temperature drift. Materials exposed to patient gases include
compatible plastics, aluminum, and plated steel.
Exhalation System
The exhalation system controls the flow of gas from the patient’s lungs during the exhalation phase of a
breath. This electromechanical subsystem is made up of an exhalation valve, a flow transducer, a
differential pressure transducer, an airway pressure transducer, and three auto zero solenoid valves.
During exhalation, the outflow of gases is regulated by the exhalation valve to achieve the set PEEP.
The exhalation valve is comprised of an electromagnetic linear actuator operating against a mechanical
poppet/seat. The gas flow travels through the flow transducer. The flow transducer is a variable orifice
type and creates a differential pressure proportional to flow. This differential pressure is transmitted to
the differential pressure transducer, which converts the pressure signal to an electrical signal. The
controller uses this signal for flow triggering and to monitor exhaled tidal volume. The airway pressure
transducer reads pressure in the exhalation leg of the patient circuit. This signal is used as a feedback
signal for controlling PEEP, pressure control, pressure support, and various pressure monitors.
Periodically, the auto zero valves activate to reference the differential and airway pressure transducers
to ambient pressure. The offset is recorded by the controller, and is used as an offset for future
pressure measurements. This compensates for long term and temperature drift. Materials exposed to
patient gases include compatible plastics, aluminum, and stainless steel.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
18 Vela Ventilators
Safety System
The mechanical safety system ensures that the patient can breath spontaneously from room air and
that the patient pressure is limited to a maximum preset value in the event of a ventilator malfunction.
This mechanical system consists of a pressure relief valve and a sub ambient relief valve. In the event
of a ventilator malfunction that results in high pressure, the pressure is limited by a relief valve. The
relief valve consists of a user-adjustable, spring-loaded poppet acting against a seat.
In the event the ventilator fails to deliver a breath, the patient may inspire spontaneously by drawing
room air through the sub ambient relief valve.
Materials exposed to patient gas are aluminum, compatible rubber, and compatible plastics.
Inspiratory Hold Valve
The inspiratory hold valve is an electromechanical solenoid valve. If activated, the inspiratory hold
valve blocks flow between the flow delivery system and the patient. This valve is activate during
inspiratory hold and maximum inspiratory pressure maneuvers. Materials exposed to patient gases are
aluminum and compatible rubber and plastic.
Oxygen Blending System
The optional oxygen blending system is made up of an O2 Inlet Transducer, five solenoid valves, five
flow orifices, an inlet filter, and an accumulator. When a breath is initiated, the turbine draws mixed gas
from the accumulator. Filtered air is drawn into the accumulator through the filter. Oxygen is supplied
to the accumulator through the solenoids and orifices. The controller opens and closes the valves as
required to supply the correct amount of oxygen to satisfy the O2 setting and the flow demand. The
signal from the O2 inlet pressure transducer is used to compensated delivered O2 for O2 inlet pressure
variations. Surfaces exposed to patient gas are constructed from compatible plastics, plated steel, and
There is also an optional oxygen inlet port, which allows for low-flow titration of oxygen into the gas
output of this device.
Electronic Overview
The Vela ventilator electronic system is comprised of several subsystems, each containing numerous
components. These subsystems are the GUI System, the Power System, the Main Controller System,
and the Exhalation and Flow Delivery systems. Individual subsystems are discussed in detail.
User interface module (UIM)
The UIM consists of a 10.4-inch, 800x600 active matrix LCD with an analog resistive touch screen
overlay, a back light inverter, a set of membrane key panels, an optical encoder, and a Control PCB.
Software and the touch screen provide a set of context sensitive soft keys. The membrane panel
provides a set of hard (permanent) keys for dedicated functions. Selecting the function with a soft key
and adjusting the setting using the optical encoder changes a parameter. The parameter is accepted or
canceled by pressing the appropriate membrane key.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Service Manual Theory of Operation 19
(3 & 4)
(1 & 2)
RS232 (MIB)
Figure 1 -- User Interface Design Module Block Diagram
The UIM performs all ventilator control functions, gas calculations, monitoring and user interface
functions. The UIM uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI) via the active matrix SVGA LCD and resistive
touch screen to provide system and patient information to the user and to allow the user to modify
ventilator settings. The Monitor MCU handles all user interface requirements, including updating the
active matrix liquid crystal display (LCD), monitoring the membrane keypad, analog resistive touch
screen, and optical encoder for activity. The Monitor MCU also performs all the input/output functions of
the UIM, including RS-232, printer, video output, and IEEE 1073 Medical Information Bus (MIB).
Communication between the Control and Monitor MCU’s is accomplished via an 8 bit dual port SRAM.
Liquid Crystal Display
The liquid crystal display (LCD) provides graphical and digital feedback to the clinician. The panel is a
10.4” SVGA, 800x600 pixel, active matrix LCD. The LCD is used to implement the graphical user
interface (GUI). It provides all of the adjustable controls and alarms, as well as displays waveforms,
loops, digital monitors and alarm status in real time.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
20 Vela Ventilators
Touch Screen
The touch screen is a 10.4” analog resistive overlay on a piece of glass, which is placed over an LCD
screen. The touch screen and the LCD together provide a set of software configurable soft keys. The
software enables the keys to be context sensitive. The touch screen has a resolution of 1024x1024.
Physically, the touch screen consists of two opposing transparent resistive layers separated by
insulating spacers. Touching the screen brings the two opposing layers into electrical contact. The Y
coordinate is determined by applying a voltage from top to bottom on the top resistive layer. This
creates a voltage gradient across this layer. The point of contact forms a voltage divider, which is read
by the analog-to-digital converter. The X coordinate is determined by applying a voltage from left to
right on the bottom resistive layer. Again this creates a voltage gradient and the point of contact forms a
divider, which is read with an analog-to-digital converter.
Membrane Panel
The membrane panel provides a set of permanent dedicated keys, which enable control of ventilator
functions. The membrane panel also provides visual display using embedded light emitting diodes
(LEDs). The membrane panel consists of membrane switches, which are read by the monitor CPU. The
switches form a matrix of rows and columns. A key closure causes an interrupt to the monitor CPU,
which responds by scanning the key matrix to determine which key has been pressed.
Light Emitting Diodes (Leds)
Some of the membrane keys require LED’s to indicate when the key is active. The LED’s are
embedded into the membrane panels.
Optical Encoder
The optical encoder allows settings to be modified. The setting is selected by pressing a soft key on the
LCD and then modified by turning the optical encoder (data dial) to change the value. When the
encoder is rotated two pulse streams are generated, phase A and B. When the encoder is turned
clockwise, phase A leads B by 90 degrees. When the direction is counter clockwise, phase B leads A
by 90 degrees. The electronics uses the phase information to drive an up-down counter, which is read
by the monitor CPU. The optical encoder is not interrupt-driven and therefore must be polled by the
monitor CPU.
Back Light Inverter
The back light inverter converts 5 VDC into the high frequency AC voltage necessary to power the LCD
back light, which is used to illuminate the LCD.
Power System
The Power System conditions and controls electrical energy from the AC line input and the internal
battery. When energy is available from the AC line, the ventilator operates from this source, and also
recharges the internal battery. When AC line power is not available, the power system draws energy
from the internal battery. The power system uses energy efficient DC-to-DC converter technology to
convert energy from the AC line or battery to appropriate voltages and currents to supply power to
ventilator components and systems.
Main Controller System
The Main Controller System is comprised of three Pressure Transducers, an Analog-to-Digital
Converter, two Digital-to-Analog Converters, the Input-Output Processor, Solenoid Valves, and the
Watchdog and Hardware Fault Monitors.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Service Manual Theory of Operation 21
One of the pressure transducers measures the patient circuit pressure. This pressure is an input to the
controller. A differential pressure transducer measures the pressure across the turbine. This pressure is
also an input to the controller. A second differential pressure transducer is used to measure the flow at
the outlet of the exhalation valve. This pressure is also an input to the controller.
Analog to digital converters are used to change the analog pressure signals into measured binary
numeric values for use by the microprocessor in the controller.
Digital to Analog converters are used to change the binary numeric commands generated by the
microprocessor in the controller into analog signals which drive the turbine and exhalation valve.
The Input-Output Processor is a small microcontroller which, under software control, performs several
repetitive tasks such as generating the refresh signals for the display system, cycling the A-to-D
converters through a pattern of measurements from the multiple signal sources, and scanning the
control panel for pressed buttons. Such repetitive tasks are thereby off loaded from the Main Processor.
Solenoid Valves and Valve Drivers (including the Auto Zero valves) are employed on the Circuit
Pressure transducer and on the Turbine Differential Pressure Transducer. These valves allow the
controller software to compensate for long term drift and temperature induced zero shift in the pressure
transducers by periodically rechecking the zero pressure readings. Similar solenoid valves are
employed in the Oxygen Blending System. The valve drivers for the Auto Zero and Blender valves are
The Main Processor is a 386-type CPU which controls all ventilator functions. All user settings for
alarms, controls, ventilation mode, waveform, and monitoried data are stored here and are combined
with measured pressure, flow, and speed data to cause the ventilator to function. The algorithms,
formulae, and control functions which define ventilator behavior are contained in the software program
executed by the CPU.
The Watchdog Timer and Hardware Fault
Monitors shut down the ventilator if a malfunciton is detected. The Watchdog Timer consists of two
timers and a PAL containing a state machine. The Main Controller CPU must communicate with a state
machine at intervals within a time window set by the two timers. The CPU must obtain a key from the
PAL and send the correct address and data response back to the state machine at each interval. If the
response is incorrect, or comes at an invalid time, the Watchdog shuts down the CPU and forces the
ventilator hardware to a safe state. The Hardware Fault Monitors check the status of the power supplies
to the ventilator electornics. If any is out of the safe operationg range, the ventilator will shut down and
cannot be made to operate until the fault is corrected.
Exhalation System
The electrical portion of the exhalation system is comprised of the Exhalation Valve Driver Circuitry.
The driver converts the low voltage signal output by a D-to-A converter into a controlled constant
current which energizes the linear solenoid positioner in the exhalation valve.
Flow Delivery System
The electrical portion of the flow delivery system is comprised of a 3 Phase Brushless Motor Driver, and
an Optical Speed Transducer.
The 3 Phase Brushless DC Motor Driver converts the low voltage signal output by a D-to-A converter
into three controlled currents which energize the three motor phases and cause the motor to create a
torque, resulting in motor rotation. The torque generated is a function of current, and therefore of the
control voltage from the D-to-A converter. The speed of rotation is monitored by the optical Speed
Transducer. The transducer outputs a train of pulses with a frequency proportional to the rotational
speed of the motor. This pulse train is a control feedback input to the controller.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
22 Vela Ventilators
Oxygen Blending System
The electrical portion of the optional oxygen blending system is made up of a safety solenoid, a
pressure regulator set to 40 PSI, an O2 Inlet Transducer, five Solenoid Valves, one Nebulizer solenoid,
and the driver circuitry for the solenoid valves.
The Oxygen Inlet Pressure Transducer measures the incoming gas pressure so that O2 delivery can be
compensated for inlet pressure fluctuations.
The Solenoid Valves are energized and deenergized under software control by the Main controller to
supply the correct amount of oxygen to satisfy the current O2 setting and current gas flow demand.
The driver circuitry translates the binary logic signals presented by the controller to larger voltage and
currents suitable for energizing the Solenoid Valves.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Chapter 3 Disassembly & Assembly
General Instructions and Warnings
When performing the procedures in this chapter, refer to the Vela wiring and tubing diagrams.
Reference copies of these are located in Appendix B of this manual. Ensure that you follow these safety
warnings and precautions:
Figure 3.1 Battery Disconnect Molex Connector
Always disconnect the main power cable before removing the instrument cover and disconnect the
battery once the top cover and battery tray have been removed to prevent injury and/or damage to the
VELA Ventilator System (see figure 3.1).
The Vela contains ESD susceptible components. Ensure you are properly grounded before performing
any service or maintenance procedures and store ESD susceptible electrical components in an antistatic bag to prevent damage to the component.
When the batteries are disconnected, the system will automatically re-set the battery status memory and will
initiate an 18-hour re-charge cycle upon re-connect. During this period, the red DC status light will remain on.
If the DC status light remains lit after the initial charging period has expired, contact VIASYS tech support as
described in Appendix A for a replacement battery.
Do not cut the main harness tie wraps since the entire harness is regarded as one component.
The terms left and right refer to a view from the front of the unit looking towards the rear.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
24 Vela Ventilators
Required Tools
Long & short Philips screwdrivers
Flat bladed screwdriver
¼” Nut Dirver
5/16” Nut Driver
7/8” Nut Driver
11/32” Nut Driver
Digital Volt Meter
Tack puller or Needle nosed pliers
Diagonal cutters
1” and ¾” open ended wrenches
Disassembly and Reassembly Procedures
To perform a complete disassembly of the unit, follow all of the steps in each removal section, in the
order presented in this chapter. To reassemble the unit, follow all of the steps in each installation
section, starting with the last component and finishing with the power cable installation instructions.
Power Cable
Figure 3.2 Power Cable Connector with Guard
1. Remove the (2)Phillips pan-head screws in the top portion of the power cable guard at the rear of
the unit (see figure 3.2)
2. Remove the guard and unplug the power cable.
1. Plug the power cable into the rear of the unit.
2. Install the power cable guard with the (2) Phillips pan-head screws in the top portion.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Service Manual Disassembly & Reassembly Procedures 25
Top Cover Part number 15893
1. Remove the power cable.
2. Remove the (3) Phillips pan-head screws in the upper rear of the front panel (if present).
3. Remove the (4) Phillips pan-head screws in the back panel.
4. Remove the (3) screws from the bottom of each side of the ventilator (if present).
The configuration of the screws securing the cover will depend on the model of Vela that you are working with.
5. When all screws have been removed, slide the top cover towards the rear of the unit and lift off.
The SVGA output ribbon cable lies directly beneath the top cover assembly running from the front of the Vela to
the rear. It can be damaged if care is not taken when removing the cover. Make sure that the cover clears this
cable before sliding it back.
1. Install the top cover by sliding it toward the front of the unit, over the side rails, and snap into place.
2. Install the (4) Phillips pan-head screws in the back panel.
3. Do not re-install the (3) Phillips pan-head screws in the upper rear of the front panel if present.
They have been removed from later versions of the Vela.
4. Install the power cable.
Cover mounting screws
on rear of instrument
Figure 3.3 Cover Assembly from the rear
L1534 Revision B December 2004
26 Vela Ventilators
Battery Tray Part Number 10633
1. Remove the power cable and top cover.
2. Remove the (4) Phillips pan-head screws in the battery tray.
3. Lift the battery tray out of the unit.
4. Disconnect the batteries from the white Molex DC power connector (see figure 3.4
Figure 3.4 Large white Molex battery disconnect
To release connector, push in locking tabs
To attach push until locking tabs engage.
When the batteries are disconnected, the system will automatically re-set the battery status memory and will
initiate an 18-hour re-charge cycle upon re-connect. During this period, the red DC status light will remain on.
If the DC status light remains lit after the initial charging period has expired, contact VIASYS tech support as
described in Appendix A for a replacement battery.
1. Connect the white Molex DC power connector.
2. Ensure the Molex connector is pushed down into the unit behind the muffler tubes and install the
battery tray. The tray is correctly installed when the wires run towards the rear of the unit.
3. Secure the battery tray to the left & right panels with (4) Phillips pan-head screws.
4. Install the top cover and re-connect the power cable and the power cable guard.
Battery Tray Parts List
Item Part number Description QtyUM
1 21363 Tray, battery 1 Ea
2 52000-00190 Grommet 11/16 id 0 Ea
3 21543 Battery 12v, 2.7 Ahr, ni-mh 4 Ea
4 15719 Cable assy, battery tray 1 Ea
5 20742 Bracket, capacitor 2 Ea
6 21068 Foam pad, capacitor bracket 2 Ea
7 64084 Capacitor elect 0.1f 63vdc 1 Ea
8 04383 Washer, lock int #6 4 Ea
9 07212 Nut, 6-32 x .093 depth 8 Ea
10 05038 Tie, strap 4 Ea
11 08231 Mounting bracket, cable tie 2 Ea
12 07803 Cable tie 2 Ea
14 09349x Tape, adh-2s,2" x .045" 0 Ft
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Service Manual Disassembly & Reassembly Procedures 27
Figure 3.5 Battery Tray and large capacitor assembly
L1534 Revision B December 2004
28 Vela Ventilators
The PCMCIA card is located inside the unit. It contains the Vela software.
Card release
Figure 3.6 PCMCIA Card in place
1. Remove the power cable, top cover, and battery tray.
2. Push in the button under the card to release. (see figure 3.6)
3. Gently slide the card out of its socket.
1. Slide the card into the socket in the direction of the arrow printed on the card.
2. Click card into place.
3. Install the battery tray, top cover, and power cable.
Left Panel
The left panel is structural only and has no components attached to it.
1. Remove the power cable, top cover, and battery tray.
2. Remove the (2) Phillips countersink screws at the rear of the panel.
3. Remove the (1) Phillips countersink screw in the upper front of the panel.
4. Lift out the left panel.
1. Slide the front of the left panel behind the lip on the front panel and align the back of the panel with
the rear panel edge.
2. Install the (2) Phillips countersink screws in the rear of the right panel.
3. Install the (1) Phillips countersink screw in the upper front of the right panel.
4. Install the battery tray, top cover, and power cable.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
Service Manual Disassembly & Reassembly Procedures 29
Right Panel Containing the Power PCB P/N 15894
The internal battery fuse is located on the power PCB. Call Viasys if this fuse needs replacing.
1. Remove the power cable, top cover, and battery tray.
2. Remove the (2) Phillips countersink screws from the right side of the rear panel.
3. Remove the (1) Phillips countersink screw in the upper front of the right panel.
4. Remove the (1) Phillips pan-head screw in the lower center of the right panel.
5. Gently lift out the panel and the power PCB. Lay the panel flat and make the following
Ref on Pwr
J1 26-pin ribbon cable to J2 on main PCB P/N 15494
J2 3-pin to fan assembly
J5 14-pin to J5 on main PCB (in main harness)
J6 10-pin to P2 on turbine motor driver PCB
J7 small 2-pin to main power switch
J300 large 2-pin to battery DC power (in main harness)
J400 4-pin quick disconnect to SVGA PCB
P1-L/N AC line in to power (black-power, white-neutral) P/N 15890
to ground lug (ground)
Connector Desc Connection made
Cable Assy
Do NOT remove the connector from J4 of the power PCB.
Make the following connections to the Power PCB.
Ref on Pwr
J1 26-pin ribbon cable from J2 on main PCB P/N 15494
J2 3-pin from fan assembly
J5 14-pin from J5 on main PCB (in main harness)
J6 10-pin from P2 on turbine motor driver PCB
J7 small 2-pin from main power switch
J300 large 2-pin from battery DC power (in main harness)
J400 4-pin quick disconnect from SVGA PCB
P1-L/N AC line in to power (black-power, white-neutral) P/N 15890
from ground lug (ground)
Connector Desc Connection made
Ensure that the power cables are correctly connected to prevent injury and/or damage to the unit.
Cable Assy
L1534 Revision B December 2004
30 Vela Ventilators
Ensure that J5 is pinned properly since an incorrect connection could damage the power PCB.
6. Slide the right panel into the front panel, ensuring that it rests on the bottom rail.
7. Install the (1) Phillips pan-head screw in the lower center of the panel.
8. Install the (1) Phillips countersink screw in the upper front of the panel.
9. Install the (2) Phillips countersink screws in the side of the rear panel.
10. Install the battery tray, top cover, and power cable.
The Vela right panel assembly with the power board attached is supplied as a single complete assembly part
number 15894. Do not attempt to disassemble or to replace individual components.
L1534 Revision B December 2004
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