MODEL NO. ________________________
SERIAL NO. ________________________
TELEPHONE: (260) 665-7586 -OR- TOLL FREE (800) 348-0868
FAX: (260) 665-1339

We produce several models of heavy duty pipe grab so that our customers may select a
product that satisfies specific requirements. The products identified on the front page
conform to the generalized performance specifications disclosed in this manual. Each
model fulfills our demanding standards for quality, safety and durability.
Vestil Manufacturing Corp. recognizes the critical importance of workplace safety. Each
person who might participate in the assembly, use, operation, or maintenance of the
product must read this manual. Read the entire manual and fully understand the
directions BEFORE assembling, using or maintaining the pipe grab. If you do not
understand an instruction, contact Vestil for clarification. Failure to adhere to the
directions in this manual may result in serious personal injury or even death.
Vestil is not liable for any injury or property damage that occurs as a consequence of
failing to apply the safe operation and maintenance procedures explained in this manual or
that appear on safety warning labels affixed to the product. Failure to exercise good
judgment and common sense may result in property damage, serious personal injury, or
death, and are not the responsibility of Vestil.
This manual applies the hazard identification methods suggested for instruction manuals
by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in ANSI standard Z535.6-2006. In
accordance with ANSI guidelines for hazard warning language, this manual identifies
personal injury risks and situations that could lead to property damage with SIGNAL
WORDS. These signal words announce an associated safety message. The reader must
understand that the signal word chosen to identify a particular safety hazard categorizes the
seriousness of that hazard according to the following convention:
These symbols
identify hazards
that may result in
personal injury
Identifies a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, WILL
result in DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY. Use of
this signal word is limited to the most extreme situations.
Identifies a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, COULD result in DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, COULD result in MINOR or MODERATE injury.
Although Z535.6-2006 approves the use of “CAUTION” without an
accompanying safety alert symbol (black equilateral triangle with
yellow exclamation point) as an alternative to “NOTICE”, this
manual differentiates between hazards that pose a risk of
personal injury and those that create mere property damage
situations. CAUTION appears exclusively in conjunction with
the safety alert symbol to identify injury risks.
Identifies practices not related to personal injury,
such as operation that could damage the table. No safety alert
symbol (equilateral triangle enclosing an exclamation point)
accompanies this signal word.
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Safety Principles 2
Product Introduction 4
Safety Guidelines 5
Use Instructions 11-13
Maintenance & Inspections 14-15
Product Labeling 15
FIG. 1: Labeled Photograph 6
FIG. 2: Exploded Parts Diagram for PG-C/S-045 & PG-C/S-060 7
FIG. 3: Exploded Parts View for Models PG-C-100, PG-S-100 8
FIG. 4: Exploded Parts View for Models PG-C-140 and PG-S-140 9
FIG. 5: Exploded Parts View for Models PG-C-200 and PG-S-200 10
FIG. 3: Product Safety Label Placement 15
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We produce 2 main types of heavy duty pipe grab, the PG-C and PG-S.
PG-C’s are constructed of cast iron; PG-S’s are made of steel. Additionally, we
offer several models of cast iron and steel grabs, which are distinguishable by
lifting capacity. Lifting capacity varies from 450lbs. to 2,000lbs. All models
incorporate 2 pipe guide weldments that engage the top of the pipe load. These
arms provide greater control of the load and the ability to easily release the load.
Vestil Manufacturing Corp. created this manual to acquaint owners and
users of our pipe grabs with safe use and maintenance procedures. Employers
are responsible for instructing employees to use the product properly.
Therefore, employees and any other persons, who might foreseeably use,
install or perform maintenance on the pipe grab, must read and understand
every instruction before using the pipe grab. Persons who use the pipe
grab should have access to the manual at all times, and in particular should
consult the directions before each use. Contact Vestil for answers to any
question you have after reading the manual.
Although Vestil strives to identify hazardous situations that could arise
during the use of its products, this manual cannot address every conceivable
danger. The end-user is responsible for exercising sound judgment at all times.
Thank you for purchasing a Heavy Duty Pipe Grab (“pipe
grab” or simply “the grab”) made by Vestil Manufacturing
Corporation (“Vestil” or “Manufacturer”). Each pipe grab is a
durable, high-quality product that combines safety features and
superior lifting capabilities. Despite ease of use, all personnel
must familiarize themselves with the safe operation instructions
provided in this manual.
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Read the entire manual before attaching the pipe grab to a lifting device or using it for the first
time. Refer to the manual for safe use and maintenance procedures (p. 12-13). If questions
remain after you finish reading the manual, contact Vestil for answers. DO NOT attempt to resolve
any problems with the pipe grab unless you are certain that it will be safe to use afterwards, but
you must NEVER modify the product in any way without the express written approval of Vestil.
• Electrocution Risk: DO NOT contact live electrical wires with the pipe grab or the load!
• Consult the safety messages included in the manual for the crane, trolley, hoist, and any other device
used in conjunction with the pipe grab.
• The pipe grab DOES NOT have a latch for holding the grab in an open or closed position. To open
the grab, lift one of both of the pipe guide weldments. DO NOT lift either arm while using the grab to
lift and/or move material.
• ALWAYS inspect the coil hook before each use according inspection procedures described in ASME
B30.20. B30.20 also recommends frequent and periodic inspections. A brief synopsis of the
inspection recommendations appears p. 12 of this manual.
• Properly maintain the pipe grab according to the maintenance procedures on p. 12-13. These
procedures were developed to supplement suggested maintenance practices of the ASME (B30.20).
• The pipe grab must ALWAYS be attached to a safety hook (e.g. a chain or rope hoist that has a
safety hook attached to the end of the chain or rope) or to a connection that includes safety features
for preventing accidental/unintended detachment from the hoist. DO NOT use the pipe grab on a
hook that might release the grab. DO NOT connect the grab to a safety hook that does not function
properly or that is damaged.
• DO NOT grab a load that has any debris or surface contamination on it. Remove debris, including
but not limited to oil, grease, dirt, or other material, that might affect the quality of the connection
between the grab and the load.
• Clear all debris, including fluids, from the path of travel if the job requires moving the load to a new
location (as opposed to picking up the load and setting in down in the same position). Clear all such
debris BEFORE picking up the load! If moisture is present in the path of travel, absorb the liquid
before using the grab to reposition the load.
• Make sure that no person is in the travel path of the load.
• Verify the placement and legibility all safety warning labels as shown in FIG. 3 on p. 12. If any labels
become damaged or unreadable, contact Vestil for replacement(s). DO NOT use the hook UNLESS
all labels are attached and readable.
• DO NOT attempt to lift an unbalanced load. Always use enough grabs to balance the load before
attempting to lift and/or move the load.
• DO NOT sit on the load or apply any weight/pressure to a load grasped by the pipe grab.
• DO NOT attempt to lift material that weighs more than the rated load of the grab. ALWAYS make
sure that the load weighs no more than the rated load of the pipe grab.
• DO NOT lift a load higher than necessary. (See “Use Instructions” on p. 8-10).
• DO NOT raise the load over your feet or any other part of your body. DO NOT use the pipe grab to
lift material over people!
• DO NOT use the pipe grab to lift any apparatus that is used to support people, such as a platform or
• Always orient yourself so that the load is visible to you. You are less likely to be injured by the load if
it remains within sight at all times. Standing to one side of the load next to the pipe grab will allow
you to stabilize the load as you move it to the desired location. You should hold onto the hoist
(safety) hook with one hand and to the load with the other hand if the lifting device is manually
operated, or to the hoist hook with one hand if the lifting device is electronic/motor-driven.
• DO NOT leave a suspended load unattended. Always use the pipe grab to move a load to its desired
location, then set the load down and properly immobilize it; then disengage the grab from the load
BEFORE leaving the work area. An unattended, suspended load creates a risk of injury to yourself
and others.
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