Vertex Standard VXR-1000 (UHF) Service Manual

Cross-band Repeater
VXR-1000 (UHF)
Service Manual
©2009 VERTEX STANDARD CO., LTD. Printed in Japan.
4-8-8 Nakameguro, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8644, Japan
US Headquarters
10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.
Unit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall Close Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.
Unit 5, 20/F., Seaview Centre, 139-141 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Normanby Business Park, Unit 14/45 Normanby Road Notting Hill 3168, Victoria, Australia
The VXR-1000 Series is designed to provide extended handheld coverage by repeating transmissions in both directions through an existing high power mobile radio.
Reliability is assured by a highly integrated surface mount circuit design and a aluminum extrusion chassis. Important channel frequency data is stored in EEPROM, and is easily programmable by dealers using a personal computer and the Vertex VPL-1 Programming Cable and CE-22 Software.
Please take a few minutes to read this manual carefully. The information presented here will allow you to derive maximum performance from your VXR-1000. After reading it, keep the manual handy for quick reference, in case questions arise later on.
We’re glad you joined the VERTEX STANDARD team. Call on us any time, because our business is communications. Let us help you get your message across.


Operating Manual Reprint ........................ 2
Specifications ............................................... 4
Exploded View & Miscellaneous Parts........
Block Diagram .............................................. 26
Installations .................................................. 5
Interconnection with
Vertex VX- Series Transceiver ........ 7
VXR-1000 Trunking Interface Manual .......
CE-22 Programming Software ..................14
Circuit Description ...................................... 27
Alignment ...................................................... 29
Repeater Cloning.......................................... 32
Board Unit (Schematics, Layouts & Parts)
Main Unit ............................................................... 33

Operating Manual Reprint

Front Panel Rear Panel
Microphone Jack
Connect the microphone plug to this jack.
CHANNEL Selector Knob
This knob selects the operating channel.
PRI Indicator
When on, “PRI” indicates that the unit is at priority count zero and will repeat all trans­missions.
TX Indicator
When on, “TX” indicates that the repeater is transmitting to the handheld.
COR Indicator
This lamp blinks red when the VXR-1000 is receiving a signal from a handheld, and glows red while the VXR-1000 is receiving a sub­audible tone from the handheld.
MBL Indicator
This lamp blinks red when the Mobile is re­ceiving signal from repeater or base, and glows red while the Mobile is transmitting to the repeater or base.
PWR Indicator
This is the main “POWER ON” indicator for the VXR-1000.
This knob adjusts the receiver volume.
EXT SP (External Speaker)
An external loudspeaker may be connected to this 2-contact, 3.5-mm mini-phone jack.
DSUB 9-Pin Accessory Connector
External TX audio line-input, PTT, external RX audio line-output, and other signals may be obtained from this connector for use with accessories.
Pin Assignments
Pin 2 Mobile Transmit Audio Pin 3 Power Supply Control
Pin 4 Mobile PTT Output Pin 5 Vcc (13.8V DC)
Pin 6 Mobile Receive Audio Pin 7 Mobile COR Detect
Mobile Microphone
Pin 8
Antenna Socket
Pin 1
Mobile TX
Pin 9
Microphone PTT
The Antenna socket is a standard 50 BNC antenna connector.
No Channel Data
(Operating Channel is Vacant)
ARTS Out of Range
Error Message
, , and R Indicators
PWR Indicator Blinks
Operating Manual Reprint
JP1004: Controls the output impedance of the
transmit audio line to the mobile radio. Short: low-Z (600 ); open: high-Z (4.7 k) *
JP1005: Controls the maximum drive level of
the transmit audio output to the mo­bile. Short: low level output (0-100 mV)*; open: high level output (0-5 V).
Polarity of Power supply control. De­fault setting: active high (JP1003: short).
VR1001: Mobile Microphone level VR1002: Mobile RX Audio (External Modula-
tion level)
VR1007:Mobile TX Audio (output level)
* default setting
When the radio is connected to a trunking mo­bile you wish to access the system from your handheld radio, key the handheld briefly then release the PTT key. The radio will attempt to acquire a voice channel on the trunking system by keying the mobile for 200 mS and monitor­ing the “on-air detect” line from the mobile. If the VXR-1000 does not see the radio transmit at all (system is busy), it will send a low tone to the handheld to alert you that the system is busy. The radio will automatically retry every 5 sec­onds and send a “busy” tone to the handheld with each unsuccessful attempt, to indicate progress of the call attempt. If unsuccessful af­ter 30 seconds, the radio will transmit an “inter­cept” tone to alert the handheld that the call at­tempt failed.
The VXR-1000 has a fixed 3 minute time-out tim­er for base to handheld transmissions. If the mobile COR is active for more than 3 minutes it will send a error blip and cease transmission until the mobile COR is inactive.
When the user leaves the vehicle, they activate their mobile radio via its front panel or a sepa­rate switch. When the mobile radio is receiving a signal, the VXR-1000 will begin transmitting on the hand-held’s receive frequency. The user is able to hear and respond to all radio traffic, including other hand-helds on the same frequen­cy. The repeater jumpers and potentiometers are custom-configured for use with the particular mobile radio to which it will be connected. The CE-22 software is used to program the repeater for the required operating parameters.
When the VXR-1000 detects that the mobile is transmitting, it will continue to monitor the “on­air detect” line until the transmitter remains keyed for at least 250 mS to determine if the ra­dio is merely handshaking or retrying. After successful acquisition of a voice channel, it will continue to hold the mobile’s PTT active for 2 seconds and transmit a “go-ahead” blip to the handheld. You may then key their handheld to speak on the voice channel. If you do not key up within the 2-second period, the radio will un­key the mobile and send the “intercept” tone, as before.


Frequency Range: 450 - 470 MHz
Number of Channels: 16 Channels Channel Spacing: 12.5/25 kHz Supply Voltage: 13.8V DC, negative ground Ambient Temperature Range: 30 °C to +60 °C Frequency Stability: ±2.5 ppm RF Input-Output Impedance: 50 Audio Output Impedance:8 Case Size (WHD): 111 × 25.4 × 136 mm (4.4” × 1” × 5.4”) Weight: 400 g (0.9 lb.)
Circuit Type: Double Conversion Superheterodyne
Sensitivity: EIA 12dB SINAD 0.35 µV 20 dB Quieting: 0.45 µV Squelch Threshold: 0.2 µV to 2 µV Adjacent Channel Selectivity: 60 dB Intermodulation Rejection: 60 dB Spurious and Image Rejection: 60 dB Conducted Spurious Emissions: 57 dBm Audio Output: 1 W into 8 w/<5% THD Hum and Noise: 40 dB
Power Output: 5.0/2.5/1.0/0.5 W
Modulation: 16K0F3E /11K0F3E Maximum Deviation: ±5 kHz/2.5 kHz Conducted Spurious Emissions: 60 dBc FM Hum and Noise: −40 dB
Specifications may be subject to change without notice or obligation.


The VXR-1000 must only be installed in vehi­cles having a negative ground electrical system. Mount the transceiver where the Indicators, con­trols, and microphone are easily accessible, us­ing the supplied mounting bracket. The VXR­1000 may be installed in any position, but should not be positioned near a heating vent nor any­where where it might interfere with driving (ei­ther visually or mechanically).
VXR-1000 Installation
Choose a mounting location with sufficient
clearance for the VXR-1000, plus space for ventilation around the cooling fan and above and below the VXR-1000. Using the mount­ing bracket as a template for the mounting holes, use a 4.8 mm (3/16") bit to drill the mounting holes, and secure the mounting bracket with the supplied screws, washers, and nuts (see diagram).
Position the VXR-1000 in the bracket so that
the holes in the side are aligned with those in the bracket, and bolt the VXR-1000 into place using the supplied short screws and flat washers.
VXR-1000 Connections
The VXR-1000 provides a convenient rear-pan­el Accessory Connector for easy connections to your transceiver. The connections to this jack are in accordance with a standard adopted by many commercial radio. However, we recommend that you verify the connections to any cable you already own by comparison to the pictorial be­low.
VXR-1000 Connections
Pin 1: GND
Signal Ground
Pin 2: Mobile Transmit Audio
Receive audio output from the VXR-1000, passed to the MIC jack of the mobile transceiver. Output impedance can be changed via jumper JP1004.
open: 4.7 k, short: 600 (default: open). Output level can be changed via jumper JP1005 (range) and VR1007 (value).
open: -15 ~ +7 dBm, short: -40 ~ -15 dBm (default: short). Frequency response (pre-emphasis on/off) can be changed via CE-22 software (default: off).
Pin 3: Power Supply Control
The polarity of the “Power Supply Control” line can be changed via jumpers JP1001/1002/1003. high: 3 ~ 16 V
Pin 4: Mobile PTT Output
This pin controls the mobile transceiver’s TX/RX status. This pin is an open-collector, “active-low” circuit. When this pin closes to ground, the mobile transceiver is switched into the TRANSMIT mode. Maximum current: <20 mA.
Pin 5: Vcc (13.8 V)
This pin is the DC power supply connection for the VXR-1000. Maximum current: 2A.
Pin 6: Mobile Receive Audio
Receiver audio input to the VXR-1000 from the mobile transceiver.
VXR-1000 turns on when
this pin connects to ground.
VXR-1000 turns off when
this pin connects to ground.
VXR-1000 turns off when
this pin is “high” level.
VXR-1000 turn on when this
pin is “high” level.
Input impedance: 100 k The input level can be changed via CE-22 (range) and VR1002 (value).
CE-22 EXT MOD level “HIGH”: –18 dBm ~ –2 dBm
CE-22 EXT MOD level “LOW”: –36 dBm ~ –18 dBm Frequency response (de-emphasis on/off) can be changed via CE-22 (default: off).
Pin 7: Mobile COR Detect
Squelch control input (including the effect of a CTCSS
or DCS detected tone) or audio mute line, also known as a “BUSY” line.
When this pin is at “high” level (mobile radio Squelch open), the VXR-1000 is commanded into the T
Squelch open: 3 V, Squelch closed: 0 V. Squelch open: >3 V, Squelch closed: 0 V.
This input level can be switched between “Squelch
open” and “Squelch closed” when this pin is at “high”
level via CE-22. Impedance: 1 MΩ. The Squelch Threshold level can be changed by ad­justment of VR1003.
Pin 8: Mobile Microphone Audio
Mobile microphone audio input. This is the same au­dio which is being sent to the mobile radio’s Mic Amp circuit (i.e. the microphone’s audio is “split” between the mobile radio and the VXR-1000) Input impedance: 100 k The input level to the mobile transceiver can be changed via CE-22 (range) and VR1001 (value).
CE-22 EXT MIC level “HIGH”: –18 dBm ~ 0 dBm
CE-22 EXT MIC level “LOW”: –44 dBm ~ –18 dBm
Pin 9: Mobile TX detect/Mobile Microphone PTT
Mobile Tx/Rx control input.
This input function can be switched between “Mobile MIC PTT” input and “Mobile Tx Detect” line input via CE-22.
This input level can be switched between “Tx” and “Rx” when this pin is at “high” level via CE-22. Input impedance: 10 kΩ. Note:, When the VXR-1000 is used in a Trunking sys­tem, the “Mobile TX Detect” input signal must be re­ceived from the mobile transceiver when connected to the Trunking system (the VXR-1000 checks this pin’s level to confirm successful connection to the trunking system). When this pin is at “high” level (>3 V), the VXR-1000 is commanded into the TRANSMIT mode. When a successful “handshake” occurs with the Trunk­ing system, this line goes “low” and the VXR-1000 is released into the RECEIVE mode.

Interconnection with Vertex VX- Series Transceivers

This document outlines the interconnections and hardware settings required for interface of the Ver­tex VXR-1000 Compact Mobile Repeater to the Vertex VX- series of mobile transceivers.
1. Interconnections to Mobile Transceivers
The chart below shows the interconnections between J1004 on the VXR-1000 and the correspond­ing interface jacks on the compatible mobile transceivers.
V XR-1000 D SUP 9-pi n A ccessor y Con n ector FTL -7011 VX-2000 VX-3000
Pin 1 GND Pin 8 of J2006 GND Pin 5 of J1003 GND Pin 5 of J1004 GND
Pin 2 Mobile Transmit Audio Pin 4 of J2006 MIC IN Pin 3 of J1003 M OD IN Pin 3 of J1004 EXM
Pin 3 Power Supply Control Pin 12 of J2006 13.8V SW ED Pin 8 of J1003 +5V Pin 8 of J1004 13 SW D
Pi n 4 M ob il e PTT Outp u t Pin 1 o f J2006 PTT Pi n 7 of J10 03 PTT Pi n 7 o f J1004 PTT
Pin 5 Vcc (13.8 V) Pin 9 of J2006 13.8V TP1003 13.8V 13.8 V IN 13.8V
Pin 6 Mobile Receive Audio Pin 3 of J2001 DET IN Pin 2 of J1003 DISC OUT Pin 2 of J1004 LINE
Pi n 7 M ob i l e C OR De tect (N ote 1)
Pi n 8 M o bi l e M i crop ho ne Au d i o N o Co nn ecti on
Pi n 9 M ob i l e T X detect /M o bi l e M ic. PTT ( Note 2) Pi n 5 o f J20 05 RX/ TX TP1013 TX 9V N o Co nn ecti on
Sh i el d GN D GN D
Pi n 1 of J2001
(or Base of Q2005)
Pin 1 of J1003
(or Base of Q1008)
No Connection
Pin 1 of J1004 SQ
N o Co nn ecti on
Note 1: The Mobile COR Detect line may be
connected, inside the mobile trans­ceiver, to either pointshown (e.g. for the VX-2000, either to Pin 1 of J1003 (SQ) or to the Base of Q1008 )AF MUTE). See Section 6 of this document for information regarding the Mobile COR Detect connection in the VX-
Note 2: When the mobile transceiver is not
used in a trunking environment, the “Mobile TX Detect” function is not used.
Interconnection with Vertex VX- Series Transceivers
2. FTL-7011
2-1: VXR-1000 Internal Jumpers
JP1002 Open JP1003 Jumper
VXR-1000 OUTPUT: JP1004 Open
JP1005 Jumper
2-2: CE-22 “Common Data” (F2) Settings
Use the “CE22 /P” option when starting the CE-22 Software.
PTT1 State: High (set to “Low” if con-
necting to the MUTE connection at the base of Q2005)
PTT2 State: Low (if no connection is
made to Pin 9 of J1004,
set to “High”) Pre-Emphasis: Off De-Emphasis: On EXT MOD Level: Low EXT MOD Level: Low
3. VX-2000
3-1: VX-2000 Internal Jumpers
These jumpers configure the interconnec­tions made via the D-sub 9-pin connector on the rear of the VX-2000.
JP1002 Open JP1003 Jumper JP1004 Jumper JP1005 Open
3-3: CE-22 “Common Data” (F2) Settings
Use the “CE22 /P” option when starting the CE-22 Software.
PTT1 State: High PTT2 State: High Pre-emphasis: Off De-Emphasis: On EXT MIC Level: Low EXT MOD Level: Low
4. VX-3000
4-1: VX-3000 Internal Jumpers
These jumpers configure the interconnec­tions made via the D-sub 9-pin connector on the rear of the VX-3000. Note that the connections for the VX-3000L (Low-Band) are different from those for the VX-3000U.
VX-3000L JP1002 Open
JP1003 Jumper JP1004 Open JP1005 Jumper JP1009 Open JP1010 Jumper
VX-3000U JP1003 Open (RXD)
JP1004 Jumper (EXRA) JP1005 Open (TXD) JP1006 Jumper (EXM) JP1009 Open
JP1010 Jumper Connect a 10 k resistor between Pin 1 and Pin 8 at J1004 of the VX-3000; this is a pull­up resistor for the Squelch line.
3-2: VXR-1000 Internal Jumpers
JP1002 Open JP1003 Jumper
VXR-1000 OUTPUT: JP1004 Open
JP1005 Jumper
4-2: VX-3000 Software Settings in CE-19 for
These settings must be set appropriately within CE19 in order for the VXR-1000 to work correctly with the VX-3000.
Interconnection with Vertex VX- Series Transceivers
Set to (Mic & Option)
Set to (Enabled)
4-3: VXR-1000 Internal Jumpers
JP1002 Open JP1003 Jumper
VXR-1000 OUTPUT: JP1004 Open
JP1005 Jumper
4-4: CE-22 “Common Data” (F2) Settings
Use the “CE22 /P” option when starting the CE-22 Software.
PTT1 State: Low PTT2 State: Low
(set to “High” when con-
necting to Pin 9 of J1004) Pre-emphasis: Off De-emphasis: On EXT MIC Level: Low EXT MOD Level: Low
5-1: VXR-1000 Deviation Setting
On the connected mobile transceiver, re­ceive a signal from an external signal source with 1 kHz modulation frequency and de­viation level of ±3.0 kHz (±1.5 kHz for the “Narrow” mode).
This signal, when passed from the connect­ed mobile transceiver to the VXR-1000, should produced a transmitted signal from the VXR-1000 with 1 kHz deviation at not less than ±3.0 kHz (±1.5 kHz for the “Nar­row” mode).
If the deviation level from the VXR-1000 is not correct, adjust VR1002 (inside the VXR-
1000) for an output deviation of ±3.0 kHz (±1.5 kHz in the “Narrow” mode).
5-2: VXR-1000 Receiver Output Level Setting
When the VXR-1000 receives a signal from an external signal source (on the uplink fre­quency used by the portable transceiver) modulated at 1 kHz at a level of ±3.0 kHz (±1.5 kHz in the “Narrow” mode”), the out­put passed to the connected mobile trans­ceiver should produce a transmitted output signal from the mobile at a level of ±3.0 kHz (±1.5 kHz in the “Narrow” mode”).
If the output level to the mobile does not produce correct deviation from the mobile, adjust VR1007 (inside the VXR-1000) so that the transmitted output from the mobile is modulated at a level of ±3.0 kHz (±1.5 kHz in the “Narrow” mode”).
6. Trunking System configuration
All trunking parameters depend on the con­figuration of the individual trunking system in which the connected mobile transceiver is used. Please consult the CE22 program­ming instructions, and the separate “VX­1000R Trunking Interface Manual,” for in­formation about the software and other set­tings for the VXR-1000 when integrated into a trunking environment.
7. Miscellaneous
In order to improve the audio muting per­formance of the VX-3000, a minor circuit change was adopted from Production Lot #03 (VX-3000L/U) and 04 (VX-3000V), and this change was reflected in CE-19 software version 1.16. This change affects the connec­tion point for the Squelch (Mobile COR De­tect) line, and the connection point is iden­tified as “AF MUTE• in the various documen­tation for the VX-3000.
The configuration version can be identified by looking for the presence of a jumper con­nection at jumper pad JP1002 in the VX­3000U, or JP1016 in the VX-3000L. The con­nections for the Mobile COR Detect line should be made as follows:
Interconnection with Vertex VX- Series Transceivers
If JP1002 is not jumpered, connect this line to Pin 8 of Q1043. If JP1002 is jumpered, connect the Mobile COR Detect line to JP1002.
If JP1016 is not jumpered, connect this line to Pin 8 of Q1043. If JP1016 is jumpered, connect the Mobile COR Detect line to JP1016.

VXR-1000 Trunking Interface Manual

This document outlines the interconnections and hardware settings required for interface of the Vertex VXR-1000 Compact Mobile Repeater to the Vertex VX- series of mobile transceivers in a trunked environment (using the Vertex VX­Trunk System).
The illustration below outlines the basic configu­ration of a VX-Trunk system, using the VXR-1000 as a range extender for a portable transceiver.
2-1-2: VXR-1000 Interconnections to FTL-7011
VXR-1000 DSUP 9-pin Accessory Connector
Pin 1: GND Pin 8 of J2006
Pin 2: Mobile Transmit Audio Pin 4 of J2006
Pin 3: Power Supply Control Pin 12 of J2006
Pin 4: Mobile PTT Output Pin 1 of J2006
Pin 5: Vcc (13.8 V) Pin 9 of J2006
Pin 6: Mobile Receive Audio Pin 3 of J2001
Pin 7: Mobile COR Detect Pin 1 of J2001
Pin 8: Mobile Microphone Audio No Connection
Pin 9: Mobile TX detect/Mobile Mic. PTT No Connection
2-2: Interconnections to VX-2000/Configuration
2-2-1: VXR-1000 Internal Jumpers
JP1004 Open JP1005 Jumpered
2-2-2: VX-2000 Internal Jumpers
JP1002 Jumpered JP1003 Open JP1004 Open JP1005 Open JP1007 Open JP1008 Open JP1009 Open
Portable Transceiver: Must have a DTMF En-
coder installed.
Mobile Transceiver: Must be configured for
operation within VX­Trunk System. Compat­ible models include FTL­7011, VX-2000, and VX-
3000. Please refer to the VX-Trunk System docu­mentation for configura­tion details for the mo­bile transceiver.
2-1: Interconnections to FTL-7011/Configuration
2-1-1: VXR-1000 Internal Jumpers
JP1004 Open JP1005 Jumpered
Connect a jumper from Pin 3 of J1003 to the shared side ofJP1009/Pin 4 of J1007.
Remove R1010
Connect a jumper from Pin 7 of J1003 to the shared side of JP1008/Pin 1 of J1007.
Connect a jumper between Pin 4 of J1003 and Pin 6 of the connector of the VTM-20 Trunking Controller board.
2-2-3: VXR-1000 Interconnections to VX-2000
The chart below describes the individual wire functions for the cable connected be­tween the D-Sub 9-pin connectors on the VXR-1000 (J1004) and VX-2000 (J1003).
VXR-1000 DSUP 9-pin Accessory Connector
Pin 1: GND Pin 5 of J1003
Pin 2: Mobile Transmit Audio Pin 3 of J1003
Pin 3: Power Supply Control Pin 8 of J1003
Pin 4: Mobile PTT Output Pin 7 of J21003
Pin 5: Vcc (13.8 V)
Pin 6: Mobile Receive Audio Pin 2 of J1003
Pin 7: Mobile COR Detect Pin 4 of J1003
Pin 8: Mobile Microphone Audio No Connection
Pin 9: Mobile TX detect/Mobile Mic. PTT No Connection
Switched 13.8V
DC output from
the Power Switch
VXR-1000 Trunking Interface Manual
2-3: Interconnections to VX-3000/Configuration
2-3-1: VXR-1000 Internal Jumpers
*JP1004 Open *JP1005 Jumpered
2-3-2: VX-3000 Internal Jumpers
*JP1003 Open *JP1004 Jumpered *JP1005 Open *JP1006 Open *JP1007 Open *JP1008 Open
* Connect a jumper between the shared side
of JP1005/JP1006 and Pin 7 of J1003.
* Connect a jumper between the shared side
of JP1007/JP1008 and Pin 2 of J1005.
2-3-3: VXR-1000 Interconnections to VX-3000
The chart below describes the individual wire functions for the cable connected be­tween the D-Sub 9-pin connectors on the VXR-1000 (J1004) and VX-3000 (J1004).
VXR-1000 DSUP 9-pin Accessory Connector
Pin 1: GND Pin 5 of J1004
Pin 2: Mobile Transmit Audio Pin 3 of J1004
Pin 3: Power Supply Control Pin 8 of J1004
Pi n 4 : Mob ile PTT Outp ut Pin 7 o f J 210 04
Pin 5: Vcc (13.8 V)
Pin 6: Mobile Receive Audio Pin 2 of J1004
Pin 7: Mobile COR Detect Pin 4 of J1004
Pi n 8 : Mob i le Mi cr op ho ne A ud i o No C o nnectio n
Pin 9: Mobile TX detect/Mobile Mic. PTT No Connection
Switched 13.8V
DC output from
the Power Switch
For operation in a VX-Trunk II environment, note the following setup tips regarding the VXR-1000 (set via the CE-22 software):
The VXR-1000's "Pri Timer" option must be
set to a non-zero value by CE-22).
In CE-22, set the TRUNKING mode to OFF (for VX-Trunk II only; for other Trunking systems like LTR, this parameter must be set to ON).
Set PTT1 to HIGH.Other parameters such as Master/Slave and
Sub_Audio may be set via CE-22 per the cus­tomer's operating requirements.
4-1: Making a Call from the Portable
1. Press the portable's PTT key for longer than
the "Sampling Time" of the VXR-1000, so as to ensure that the VXR-1000 receives the por­table's signal, then press "3 *" while transmit­ting to connect to the VX-Trunk II system.
2. When the "3 *" is completed, immediately re-
lease the portable's PTT key, so as to return the portable to the receive mode.
3. If the VX-Trunk system receives the connec-
tion command, a double "beep" will be heard from the portable's speaker.
4. Press the portable's PTT key for longer than
the "Sampling Time" of the VXR-1000, so as to ensure that the VXR-1000 receives the por­table's signal, and enter the other unit's 5-digit subscriber number via the portable's DTMF pad. Now release the portable's PTT key to return the portable to the receive mode.
5. When the subscriber number is successfully
received by the VX-Trunk II system, and a connection thereby initiated, the VX-Trunk II system will respond, and a double "beep" will be heard from the speaker of the portable.
4-2: Receiving a Call at the Portable
1. When the mobile connected to the VXR-1000
receives a connection request from the VX­Trunk II system, it relays a "connection tone" to the portable. When this happens, press the PTT key on the portable.
2. Hold in the PTT key on the portable longer
than the "Sampling Time" programmed for the VXR-1000, then press the DTMF "*" key. After pressing the "*" key, release the PTT key on the portable.
3. When the VX-Trunk II system receives the "*"
response from the portable, it will respond, and a double "beep" will be heard from the speaker of the portable.
4-3: Terminating a Call from the Portable
1. Press the portable's PTT key.
Hold the portable's PTT key for longer than the "Sampling Time" of the VXR-1000, then press the "#" key. The call will now be terminated, and you may release the portable's PTT key.
VXR-1000 Trunking Interface Manual
The VX-Trunk II system operates in a full du­plex mode.
In this environment, while a call is in progress, the connected mobile passes the received au­dio through to the VXR-1000 for re-transmis­sion to the portable. In order for the portable to be able to "capture" the VXR-1000 to make a transmission back to the other party, the VXR-1000 must be set, via the CE-22 software, for a "Priority Timer" setting (Pri Timer) which is not zero. A very short time will allow quick
interruption, but the incoming message from the VXR-1000 to the portable may sound "choppy" due to the frequent interrupts.
When the portable transmits longer than the "Priority Timer" setting, the VXR-1000 will in­terrupt its transmission, and the VXR-1000 will instantly switch to the "receive" mode on the portable's transmitting frequency.
5-2: VXR-1000 Local Microphone
In order to facilitate the above sampling fea­ture, it is not possible to use a "Local" mic (a DTMF microphone attached to the VXR-1000) for access to the VX-Trunk II system.

CE-22 Program Software

The Vertex CE-22 program is a software package which controls the VXR-1000's "Clone Edit" feature. This manual outlines the installation and use of the CE-22 software when used with the VXR-1000.
1. CE-22 Installation and Operating Modes
The Vertex CE-22 program is an integrated software package designed to work with IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatible computers. In order for CE-22 to run properly, your computer must run DOS v3.0 (or a later ver­sion).
1-1: CE-22 Installation
There is no installation software included with your distribution diskette.
Use standard DOS procedures to install the software on your hard drive.
For example, let us create a directory named "Vertex" into which we shall install the CE­22 software. First, make a copy of the distri­bution diskette, then use the archive copy for the installation from (floppy) Drive A:
c:\ mkdir vertex [ENTER] c:\ cd\vertex [ENTER] c:\vertex copy a:*.* [ENTER]
The files on the archive floppy disk will now be copied to your hard drive into the new "vertex" directory.
1-2: Starting CE-22
Before starting the CE-22 program, connect the VPL-1 Cloning Cable between your computer's COM port and the VXR-1000's MIC jack.
Connecting the VPL-1 cable automatically initiates the "CLONE" (programming) mode, and the PWR LED will blink while the CLONE mode is active.
If your computer has more than one COM port, you may select the COM port to be used via the "Common Data" window (ac­cessed by pressing F2 after CE-22 is start­ed). Either COM1 or COM2 may be utilized.
The CE-22 program will now start. After five seconds in an initial Program Identification screen, the software will automatically switch to the main Channel Editing Screen.
1-3: Startup Options
Two mode options for CE-22 are available.
The standard ce22 command allows all nor­mally-required channel data entry parame­ters to be entered and/or edited. Addi­tionally, the COM port line in the "Common Data" window may also be changed. How­ever, other "Common Data" parameters can­not be changed, although they are visible in the window.
The alternative ce22 /p option allows edit­ing of the other parameters in the "Common Data" window. While changes to these pa­rameters are not normally required, major system changes may necessitate modifica­tion of one or more "Common Data" items. If this is the case, type ce22 /p [ENTER] in­stead of (only) ce22 [ENTER] when starting the program.
2. Sending/Downloading Data from the VXR-1000
2-1: Reading Data from VXR-1000
When you start up CE-22, it is often useful to download the current channel information from the VXR-1000 for archive purposes.
To do this, press F5. The current data will be read by the computer, and the data will appear on the screen. If you wish to save this data to disk, press F4 and assign a file name into which the archive data will be saved.
2-2: Loading Data to VXR-1000
When all channel data has been successful­ly set up, press F6 to send the channel data to the VXR-1000.
To start CE-22, be sure your computer screen is displaying the DOS prompt. The procedure thereafter is: c:\ ce22 [ENTER]
2-3: Saving Data to Disk
Channel programming data may be saved to your computer's hard drive, or to a flop-
CE-22 Program Software
py diskette, by use of the F4 command. You will be prompted to define a file name to be used. Standard DOS file name specifications should be used (e.g. no more than eight characters in the file name).
If you wish to create a separate sub-directo­ry (so as to store files for different custom­ers in different sub-directories, for example), press [Tab], then press [F3], to activate the [Mk Dir] (Make Directory) function. You can then type in the name you wish to use for this sub-directory, then continue with the file storage process.
2-4: Printing Hard Copy
To print a copy of the currently-displayed channel data file, press [F7] when all pro­gramming steps have been completed. This allows you to attach a copy of the program­ming information to the programming work order, for the convenience of the customer.
3. Programming Navigation/ Use of SPACE Key
When CE-22 is initially started with a new VXR-1000, only CHANNEL 1 will be show­ing.
Use the UP and DOWN keys to navigate to different channel numbers. Use the LEFT and RIGHT keys to navigate between the various columns of a particular channel pro­gramming line. Beginning in Section 4 of this manual, we will only discuss a single line of channel programming data, as each line of channel programming data is identical (except for the fact that CHANNEL 1's data cannot be hidden).
3-1: Hiding/Un-hiding Channel Data using
The SPACE bar is used in many program­ming steps to activate or de-activate a par­ticular function.
If the cursor is on the channel number col­umn, however, pressing the SPACE bar will toggle between hiding of that channel num­ber's data and re-activating that channel number's data. CHANNEL 1's data, how­ever, cannot be hidden.
A channel number on which data has been hidden will display "-- --" in place of the field entries. On the VXR-1000, if you select a "hidden" channel, three indicators will blink to alert you to this fact.
If you make a change to the programming of a "hidden" channel at a later time, the channel will automatically be re-activated (removed from "hidden" status). You will need to return to the Rx Freq field in order to re-hide it.
3-2: Primary Use for SPACE Bar
In many programming steps, such as CTC­SS or DCS tone/code entry, an initial press of the SPACE bar will activate the parame­ter (turn it on) or de-activate the parameter (turn it off). In each such step, you will be prompted in the upper-right-hand window as to additional steps to be taken to secure the final value for the parameter you are currently setting.
In programming steps where a numerical value is required, press the [Space] bar to increase the value, or [Back Space] to de­crease the value.
4. Channel Frequency Programming
4-1: Rx Freq.
(Edit Receive (or Simplex) Frequency)
Use the 0 - 9 keys to enter the desired chan­nel frequency directly, and press [ENTER]. The frequency entered will be adjusted au­tomatically if it does not conform to the "CHANNEL STEP" parameter, and will be adjusted to the nearest "valid" step; the fre­quency will also appear in the Tx Freq. field (next step) automatically, to simplify entry if the current channel is to be used on Sim­plex. You do not need to enter all eight dig­its of the frequency; empty digits to the right will be set to "0" when you press [ENTER]. Pressing [.] ("period") after several digits forces those digits to be "MHz" digits. If you press [.] before entering any digits, only the "kHz" digits will be changed.
Pressing only the SPACE bar, without en­tering any frequency digits, toggles the data for the entire channel between "hidden" and
CE-22 Program Software
"active" status (except for CHANNEL 1, which cannot be hidden).
Hidden channels will show "-- --" in place of the various field entries, and they are not available for operation. However, they are still stored in "hidden" form for possible re­call later.
Note: Any entries or changes made to the Rx Freq. field will also be applied to the Tx Freq. field, so you may need to edit that field after making any changes here.
4-2: Tx Freq. (Edit Transmit Frequency)
Use the 0 - 9 keys to enter the desired chan­nel frequency directly, and press [ENTER]. The frequency entered will be adjusted au­tomatically if it does not conform to the "CHANNEL STEP" parameter, and will be adjusted to the nearest "valid" step. You do not need to enter all eight digits of the fre­quency; empty digits to the right will be set to "0" when you press [ENTER]. Pressing [.] ("period") after several digits forces those digits to be "MHz" digits. If you press [.] before entering any digits, only the "kHz" digits will be changed.
Note: The Transmit Frequency is automati­cally copied from the Receive Frequency's column, so any changes you have made to the Tx Freq. field will be LOST if the Rx Freq. field is modified. Therefore, you should set the Rx Freq. field data first, then edit the Tx Freq. field.
5. CTCSS/DCS Decoders and Encoders
5-1: CTCSS Decoder
(Toggles CTCSS Decoder ON/OFF, Sets CTCSS Freq.)
Press the SPACE bar to toggle the CTCSS Decoder ON or OFF, or press [ENTER] to display the TONE SELECT window, from which you may select a CTCSS frequency using the Arrow keys; press [ENTER] again to accept the selected tone, or press [ESC] to cancel.
If you know the CTCSS frequency you want (the precise value), you can enter it directly using the 0 - 9 keys and the [.] ("period") key.
When the desired CTCSS frequency is dis-
played, press [ENTER] to accept this value. If you keyed in an invalid frequency (not among the "standard" CTCSS tone list), the TONE SELECT window will appear, with the nearest valid CTCSS frequency pre-se­lected.
Turning CTCSS ON turns DCS OFF (since both cannot be ON). CTCSS cannot be se­lected for use if ARTS is enabled (ARTS uses DCS only).
5-2: DCS Decoder
(Toggles DCS Decoder ON/OFF, Sets DCS Code #)
Press the SPACE bar to toggle the DCS De­coder ON or OFF, or press [ENTER] to dis­play the CODE SELECT window, from which you may select a DCS code using the Arrow keys; press [ENTER] again to accept the selected code, or press [ESC] to cancel.
If you know the three-digit DCS code you want, you can enter it directly using the 0 ­9 keys. When the desired DCS code is dis­played, press [ENTER] to accept this value.
If you keyed in an invalid code number (not among the "standard" DCS code list), the CODE SELECT window will appear, with the nearest valid DCS code number pre-se­lected.
Turning the DCS Decoder ON turns CTC­SS OFF (since both cannot be ON). DCS En­code and Decode are both required for ARTS operation.
5-3: CTCSS Encoder
(Toggles CTCSS Encoder ON/OFF, Sets CTCSS Freq.)
Press the SPACE bar to toggle the CTCSS Encoder ON or OFF, or press [ENTER] to display the TONE SELECT window, from which you may select a CTCSS frequency using the Arrow keys; press [ENTER] again to accept the selected tone, or press [ESC] to cancel.
If you know the CTCSS frequency you want (the precise value), you can enter it directly using the 0 - 9 keys and the [.] ("period") key.
When the desired CTCSS frequency is dis­played, press [ENTER] to accept this value. If you keyed in an invalid frequency (not
CE-22 Program Software
among the "standard" CTCSS tone list), the TONE SELECT window will appear, with the nearest valid CTCSS frequency pre-se­lected.
Turning CTCSS ON turns DCS OFF (since both cannot be ON). CTCSS cannot be se­lected for use if ARTS is enabled (ARTS uses DCS only).
Note: Turning on the CTCSS Encoder auto­matically turns off the DCS Encoder, if it was on.
5-4: DCS Encoder
(Toggles DCS Encoder ON/OFF, Sets DCS Code #)
Press the SPACE bar to toggle the DCS En­coder ON or OFF, or press [ENTER] to dis­play the CODE SELECT window, if you are not viewing it already); press [ENTER] again to accept the selected code, or press [ESC] to cancel.
If you know the three-digit DCS code you want, you can enter it directly using the 0 ­9 keys. When the desired DCS code is dis­played, press [ENTER] to accept this value.
If you keyed in an invalid code number (not among the "standard" DCS code list), the CODE SELECT window will appear, with the nearest valid DCS code number pre-se­lected.
Turning the DCS Encoder ON turns CTCSS OFF (since both cannot be ON). DCS Encode and Decode are both required for ARTS operation.
6. ARTS (Automatic Range Transpon-
der System) Operation
The ARTS feature causes the VXR-1000 to "shake hands" electronically with the user's ARTS-compatible portable transceiver. If the portable fails to shake hands with the VXR-1000 in two successive handshake cy­cles, the PWR lamp will begin blinking, so as to indicate "Out of Range" status for the portable.
ARTS operation requires that DCS Encode and Decode be engaged. It will not function using CTCSS nor carrier-only squelch. The
portable radio's ARTS Mode must be in complement in order for ARTS to function correctly.
6-1: ARTS Mode
ARTS operates in one of four modes, de­scribed below:
OFF: ARTS is not active on this channel. No
handshaking is performed.
RX: The VXR-1000 receives handshake sig-
nals from the portable, but does not send handshake signals itself. If an out­of-range condition occurs, the VXR­1000 will indicate "Out-of-Range" lo­cally, but the portable user will not receive an "Out-of-Range" warning.
TX: The VXR-1000 sends out handshake
signals, but does not act on handshake signals received. If an out-of-range condition occurs, the portable user will receive an "Out-of-Range" warning (if the portable is properly programmed), but the VXR-1000 will not indicate an out-of-range condition locally.
TRX:Both the TX and RX functions de-
scribed above are active.
Press the SPACE bar to select the desired ARTS Mode.
6-2: ARTS Int (Interval)
The ARTS Interval is the amount of time be­tween ARTS handshake transmissions is­sued by the VXR-1000. Two selections are available: 25 seconds or 55 seconds. The portable radio's ARTS Interval setting must match that of the VXR-1000 in order for ARTS to function correctly.
Press the SPACE bar to select the desired ARTS Interval.
7. DCS Type (Normal/Inverted)
7-1: DCS Type
This command is effective only when DCS is chosen for squelch control.
A = "Normal" DCS B = "Inverted" (complement) DCS
Press the SPACE bar to select the desired DCS Type.
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